Learning from errors: A model of individual processes
Tulisa, Gabriele Steuera, Markus
of Augsburg, Germany
Article received
4 May
/ revised 16 October / accepted 2 March / available
online 6 April
Errors bear the
potential to improve knowledge acquisition, provided that
learners are able to
deal with them in an adaptive and reflexive manner. However,
experience a host of different—often impeding or
maladaptive—emotional and motivational
states in the face of academic errors. Research has made few
attempts to
develop a theory that focuses on learning from errors (with
the exceptions of the
theory of impasse-driven learning and the theory of negative
knowledge) and, in
particular, a theoretical framework that focuses on
antecedent motivational
processes. By integrating theories of self-regulated
learning, volition, attributions,
and appraisals, we propose a model that highlights
individual processes that
are characteristic of this specific learning phenomenon.
More precisely, our
theoretical framework aims to explain how emotional,
motivational and
self-regulatory processes—influenced by personal and
contextual conditions—interact
in order to facilitate or impede adaptive dealing with
errors and appropriate metacognitions
and cognitive activities. Our objective is to provide a
framework that allows for
the systematic integration of various aspects that have been
targeted in
previous research and to guide and stimulate future research
on learning from
errors. As a first evidence for validation, we summarise
research findings that
address specific parts of the proposed model.
Keywords: Learning from errors;
motivation; emotion
from errors: A specific
learning phenomenon
order to facilitate learning—the development of knowledge,
metacognitive skills
and autonomy—learners should be challenged with tasks that
refer to skills and
knowledge just beyond their current level of mastery
(Vygotsky, 1978). Errors
are a natural by-product of attempting challenging learning
tasks and they may,
in particular, provide learning opportunities (Van Lehn,
1988). Recent research
findings in educational psychology and contemporary cognitive
psychology (e.g.
Cyr & Anderson, 2014; Van Lehn, Siler, Murray, Yamauchi,
& Baggett,
2003) give reason to revisit ancient wisdoms like “Mistakes
are the stepping
stones for learning” or “You can always learn from your
mistakes”. Based on
empirical findings, the consistent key argument is that errors
explanation and reflection processes in which deficient
concepts are contrasted
with correct concepts in order to establish accurate mental
models (see also Chi,
1996; Kapur, 2008; Oser & Spychiger, 2005; Siegler, 2002).
However, as Van
Lehn et al. (2003) put it, ”a learning opportunity is only an
opportunity to
learn”. Accordingly, empirical
findings consistently point to the importance of metacognitive
support (e.g. Keith
& Frese, 2005; Künsting, Kempf, & Wirth, 2013). For
example, Westermann
and Rummel (2012) found that metacognitive support during
student collaboration
on difficult learning content and discussions of their wrong
solutions lead to
better learning outcomes. In addition to metacognitive
processes, motivational
processes obviously play a
particularly important role for successful learning from
errors. Experiences of
errors and impasses are accompanied by a host of different
emotional and motivational
states which facilitate or impede persistent learning
engagement, the use of appropriate
metacognitions, and cognitive activities. It can be assumed
that poor learners are
characterised by the experience of deactivating emotions
following errors (for
more details see section 2) and an inability to regulate their
motivation and
the respective emotions adaptively. In other words—as with
learning in general (cf.
Kanfer & Ackerman, 1989) but particularly after making
errors—learning from
one’s own errors through (self-) explanation basically
requires motivational
forces in order to persist after setbacks, to correct the
error at hand, and to
reflect on the underlying misconceptions.
Surprisingly, educational
research has paid little attention
to learning from errors. A theoretical framework that
addresses error-related learning
processes in terms
of emotional
experiences, motivational changes, self-regulation,
metacognitive activities, and
cognitions is lacking. In order to explain why some learners
show adaptive
reactions and learning gains after errors while others fail to
do so, such a model
needs to simultaneously explain individual differences with
motivational self-regulatory
processes (inextricably bound to emotions) as well as the
learners’ prerequisites
and conditions (i.e. dispositions, motivational beliefs and
orientations, knowledge,
abilities or skills) in interaction with characteristics of
the learning environment
and the context. We propose a model with perceived errors as
the events that initiate
self-regulation. It systematically integrates personal
determinants, contextual
conditions and situational processes that are specific for
learners dealing
with errors. Within this framework, we integrated components
of previous models
and built on the central assumptions of established theories
(for another
attempt to integrate different motivational theories, but not
adjusted to processes following errors, see De Brabander &
Martens, 2014). In
particular, we included models that contribute to explain
individual processes following
errors—all of them further addressed in the next sections: the
stress/coping model based on primary and secondary appraisals
(Lazarus &
Folkman, 1984), aspects of volition theory (Kuhl, 1985, 2000),
feedback loops
(Carver & Scheier, 1998), self-regulation models
(Boekaerts, 2006; Winne &
Hadwin, 1998) and theories of impasse or error-driven learning
(De Leeuw &
Chi, 2003; Kolodner, 1983, 1997; Minsky, 1997; Oser &
Spychiger, 2005; Van
Lehn, 1988). Findings from studies on error management
(Heimbeck, Frese,
Sonnentag, & Keith, 2003; Keith & Frese, 2005) and
error-related beliefs
or attitudes (Rybowiak, Garst, Frese & Batinic, 1999;
Tulis & Ainley,
2011; Tulis, Steuer & Dresel, subm.) complete our proposed
1. 1 Current
of research
the behaviouristic paradigm, and for a long time in the field
of cognitive
psychology, it was assumed that errors should be avoided
because they would
interfere with correct information and thus hinder the recall
of correct
answers (e.g. Ayers & Reder, 1998). In contrast,
contemporary research provides
empirical evidence for the fundamental role of errors in
learning: Overcoming
impasses through reflection on errors and (self-) explanation
of the underlying
misconceptions has been shown to be important for learning
progress since these
processes help to establish accurate mental models (Kapur
2008; Mathan &
Koedinger, 2005; Oser & Spychiger, 2005; Siegler, 2002;
Van Lehn et al.,
2003). Based on a
comprehensive literature review, we found different approaches
that have been
adopted in educational research to investigate the role of
errors in learning: Alongside
research on classroom error management and error climate (e.g.
Tulis, 2013;
Steuer, Rosentritt-Brunn & Dresel, 2013), individual
responses to errors
have been examined under different perspectives: For instance,
there is a large
body of research on (error) feedback and its impact on
learning and achievement
(for a meta-analysis see Bangert-Drowns, Kulik, Kulik &
Morgan, 1991; for
an overview see Mory, 1996).
However, most of these studies
did not address learning from errors per se. Going deeper into
this issue, a
line of research has investigated students’ error patterns
from a diagnostic
perspective (for mathematics: Clements, 1980; Fiori &
Zuccheri, 2005; Resnick,
1984) and has elaborated on error-types and taxonomies (e.g.
Frese & Zapf,
1994). More recent studies have focused on learning from
examples (Eichelmann, Narciss & Schnaubert, 2013; Große
& Renkl, 2007). For example, Große and
Renkl (2007) found that incorrect solutions lead to enhanced
learning outcomes
if learners have favourable prior knowledge. Including errors
in worked
examples motivated these learners to explain what was wrong
and why, and it
fostered elaborations on the correct solutions. Their results
underpin the
positive relationship between transfer performance and the
generation of
self-explanations when learning with incorrect solutions.
researchers have concentrated on learning from errors with
(intelligent) tutors
(Mathan & Koedinger, 2005; Van Lehn et al., 2003). Mathan
and Koedinger
(2005) focused on learners’ error-detection and
error-correction skills and how
these can be supported. The authors provide evidence that
feedback which allows
students to detect, correct and reflect on their own errors
fosters learning at
a faster rate, conceptual understanding, and (transfer)
performance. Similarly, but in another
setting (i.e. collaborative learning environments), research
on productive
failure has emphasised the benefits of delaying instruction in
order to enable
reflection on incorrect solution attempts by students (Kapur,
2008; Westermann
& Rummel, 2012). Van Lehn and colleagues (2003)
investigated the
conditions of successful learning episodes within their
framework of impasse-driven
learning. In particular, they studied tutorial dialogues
between students and
expert tutors. The results suggest that impasses and errors
are strongly
associated with learning. Reaching impasses and clarifying
errors turned out to
have stronger effects on effective learning than when a tutor
modelled the correct
action. Finally, some
researchers have addressed learners’ attitudes towards making
(Rybowiak et al., 1999) and implemented the positive function
of errors for
learning in a training condition (Gully, Payne, Koles &
Whiteman, 2002; Kanfer
& Ackerman, 1996; Keith & Frese, 2005). In these
studies, the positive
function of errors was prompted to participants while
practising a task and the
participants were encouraged to make errors. However,
error-trainings had
better effects on performance if they were combined with
instructions providing
metacognitive techniques supporting cognitive and emotional
(Keith & Frese, 2005) or if individuals were higher in
ability, higher in
openness to experience, or lower in conscientiousness (Gully
et al., 2002).
summary, there is a growing research interest in the specific
phenomenon “learning
from errors, but a theoretical framework that allows an
integration of these different
perspectives is lacking. In addition to the above-outlined
findings regarding
the individual preconditions and their interaction with
training efforts to
enhance successful learning from errors, learners’ adaptive
reactions to errors—their
antecedents and consequences—have been considered to a minor
degree. Particularly
little attention has been paid to differences in learners’
emotional and motivational
responses to errors and their significance for subsequent
learning processes. In
this regard, we present four different theoretical
perspectives on dealing with
errors in learning contexts in the following sections. Their
assumptions build the basis for our proposed model described
1. 2 Perspectives
individual dealing with errors
first perspective to explain individual differences in
learners’ reactions to
errors can be derived from research on stress and coping (cf.
Boekaerts, 2010).
Lazarus and Folkman (1984) proposed two cognitive appraisal
processes which
determine if a situation is perceived as stressful. First, in
a primary
appraisal process an (error) situation is interpreted along a
continuum ranging
from irrelevant, benign-positive, not harmful to challenging,
threatening or
harmful. The secondary appraisal process further evaluates the
situation and
determines which coping resources are available and whether
the individual can
apply them effectively. Finally, the situation and coping
strategies are
monitored and evaluated, and the primary and secondary
appraisals are modified
if necessary. Numerous studies have shown that appraisal
automatically or conscious and volitional—determine emotional
(Lazarus, 1991). Altogether, appraisal theory appears to
constitute a proper
basis for describing emotional states, motivational changes
and self-regulatory
processes following errors.
second perspective that is strongly related to learners’
reactions to errors stems
from research on reactions to (success and) failure.
Literature review reveals an impressive body of research that
has been proven to
explain differences in individuals’ (affective) reactions to
failure based on
different theoretical foundations (for an overview see Elliot
& Dweck,
2005), such as achievement goal theory (for an overview see
Maehr & Zusho,
2009), or attribution theory (Weiner, 1986). For example,
students with a focus on skill development and individual
improvement do not
necessarily feel threatened by failure when faced with a
difficult task, but
rather perceive setbacks as an opportunity for learning and
mastery (e.g. Dweck
& Leggett, 1988). Causal beliefs of the importance of
effort for success
were found to mediate the relationship between mastery
orientation and retained
positive affect after errors were made (Tulis & Ainley,
2011). In contrast,
performance avoidance goals have been shown to be associated
with increased
negative affect following failure experiences and lower
preference for
difficult tasks (e.g. Elliott & Dweck, 1988). Clifford’s
(1984) theory of
constructive failure also emphasised learners’ differences in
experiences following errors: Students who are focused on the
task rather than on
themselves were less likely to fear failure and to feel
negative emotions.
Rather, they were more likely to invoke positive thoughts and
appraisals of “challenge” (cf. Boekaerts, 1993). Finally,
volition theory
(Kuhl, 1985, 2000) has broached the issue of the interplay
between emotion, motivation,
metacognition, and cognition in the face of failure: Besides
cognitive control—in
terms of metacognitive activities directed towards keeping
attention and effort
on the task—emotion and motivation control (i.e.
self-regulatory processes to
keep negative emotions and other intrusive thoughts at bay
during task
engagement) can be assumed to mediate the effectiveness of
learning from
errors. In the context of learning situations, empirical
studies by Kanfer and
Ackerman (1996) provide evidence that emotion control is most
critical when the
task is likely to appear most daunting to the learner—a likely
situation after
making errors. Important to note is that, although failure and
errors are
interrelated constructs, they are not the same: Errors are
usually defined as
an unintended discrepancy between a current and a desired
state, or as a
deviation from a given standard (e.g. Frese & Zapf, 1994).
implies more than just this perceived discrepancy. In contrast
to errors,
failure experiences constitute a more global miss of a goal
with a greater
focus on the subsequent consequences (cf. Zhao & Olivera,
2006). Above all,
not every error is necessarily interpreted as failure. Whether
an error is
evaluated as failure or not depends on situational aspects
(e.g. social norms)
and personal characteristics of the learner, such as
self-concept of ability.
Bandura (1997), as well as Eccles and her colleagues (e.g.
Eccles & Wigfield,
2002), concluded that efficacy expectations or perceptions of
are a major determinant of a person’s willingness to invest
more effort if the
task becomes challenging—hence, also following errors.
regarding theories on learning from errors in a narrower
sense, a perspective
on dealing with errors stems from organisational psychology
and technology
based learning. Within the field of organisational psychology,
rather economised
working models developed
for empirical studies in the field of workplace learning have
been proposed
(Zhao, 2011; Bauer, Gartmeier, & Harteis, 2012; Van Dyck,
Van Hooft, De
Gilder, & Liesveld, 2010). Researchers have either
primarily focused on
personal characteristics that may facilitate or impede
effective learning from
errors at work (e.g. components of an error specific attitude,
Rybowiak et al.,
1999) or they have focused exclusively on contextual features,
such as the organisational
error climate. As an exception, Oser and colleagues (e.g. Oser
& Spychiger,
2005) introduced the concept of “negative knowledge” (cf.
Minsky, 1997) in the context of academic
learning. It represents knowledge about false facts and
action strategies that labels incorrect concepts as wrong and
helps to prevent the
repetition of errors in similar situations. Similarly,
Kolodner (1983, 1997) emphasised
that individuals use knowledge about formerly experienced
errors in new
situations. Comparably, Van Lehn (1988) suggested that
impasses pave the way
for learning from the subsequent explanation and therefore are
even necessary
for learning processes. However, these theoretical
explanations primarily
consider cognitive processes, and they do
cover emotional, motivational, and self-regulatory processes following errors as antecedents of
successful learning
from errors.
order to bridge this gap, contemporary models of
self-regulated learning which
propose recursive processes including emotional/motivational
functioning as
well as metacognitions and cognitive activities (e.g.
Boekaerts, 1999;
Pintrich, 2000; Schmitz, 2001; Zimmerman, 2008) appear to
constitute a fourth
perspective on differences in learners’ reactions to errors.
More specifically,
we explicate three self-regulation models in the following
which provide a
proper basis for describing motivational and self-regulatory
following errors with different focal points (Boekaerts &
Niemivirta, 2000;
Carver & Scheier, 1998; Winne & Hadwin, 1998).
the “dual processing self-regulation model” (Boekaerts &
Niemivirta, 2000;
Boekaerts, 2006) provides a framework addressing the
importance of affective
experiences and the learners’ competences to regulate their
emotions and motivation
following errors. Two main goal priorities which are pursued
by self-regulative
activities are distinguished: (1) the “mastery/growth pathway”
and (2) the
“well-being pathway”. Learners who want to reach a specific
subgoal in order to
improve skills or gain knowledge (e.g. analyse the causes of
the error at hand)
initiate activities in the mastery/growth pathway because they
value that goal
and feel competent enough to commit energy to its pursuit. On
the other hand,
learners who are primarily concerned with the anticipated
threat to their
self-worth and the negative consequences of errors initiate
activities in the
well-being pathway. Importantly,
it is assumed
that learners can switch to the mastery/growth pathway by
using adaptive
emotional and motivational regulation strategies (Boekaerts,
theoretical model that can be used to explain both learners’
emotional as well
as behavioural changes following errors was introduced by
Carver and Scheier
(1998). The authors have focused on the role of feedback
control processes
during self-regulation. The core construct in their model is a
feedback loop (or a discrepancy-enlarging loop in the case of
an avoidance
situation): If a discrepancy between a current state/situation
(input function)
and a goal/standard (reference value) is detected, adjustments
are made in an
output function in terms of behavioural changes. For example,
a learner may invest
more effort to identify the error causes or she may seek
further information in
the learning material after the perception of an error.
Parallel to this
behaviour-guiding loop, Carver and Scheier (1998) described
the affect-creating
feedback loop which operates automatically and simultaneously.
It is assumed to
monitor the rate of progress of behaviour discrepancy
reduction over time.
Hence, the theoretical model of Carver and Scheier (1998,
2013) provides an
appropriate framework for behavioural reactions as well as the
origins and
functions of emotions that are experienced after errors.
the model suggested by Winne and Hadwin (1998) highlights the
evaluation of potential discrepancies between products and
standards of the
learning process. In their model, the authors describe four
basic phases—task definition, goal setting and planning,
studying tactics, and
adaptations to metacognition (for an overview see also Perry
& Winne,
2006)—in terms of the interaction of personal and contextual
conditions, products
(i.e. learning behaviour and outcomes) compared with standards
(i.e. the
optimal end state of each phase) and the learner’s goals
through metacognitive evaluation
processes All these aspects are types of information that are
used or generated
during learning. A mismatch between products and standards is
assumed to initiate
further learning operations, the use of metacognitive
strategies and/or the revision
of the conditions and standards. The output, or performance,
is the result of
recursive processes that cascade back and forth, altering
standards, operations, and products as needed. Thus, the model
represents a
“recursive, weakly sequenced system” (Winne & Hadwin,
1998, p. 281) and it
primarily addresses cognitive and metacognitive activities.
Therefore, it perfectly augments the proposed theoretical
framework for
learning from errors presented in the next section, which
considers not only emotional
and motivational but also cognitive and metacognitive
processes and learning
summary, most of the theories outlined above focus on
self-regulatory processes
in general, but a sufficiently elaborated model with respect
to perceived errors
as initiating points for self-regulation is lacking. Previous
research was not able to adequately explain individual
differences in error-specific
emotional and motivational
self-regulation. Regarding prior research that aimed to
investigate learning
from errors, it is striking that self-regulatory processes—in
motivational processes—have only been addressed sketchily,
although there is a
common agreement on their importance in the face of setbacks.
A theoretical
perspective for relating personal and contextual conditions
and motivational
(self-regulatory) processes following errors is needed to
explain and
systematically investigate error-related learning phenomena.
Previous empirical
findings suggest that such a model must address three issues:
First, affective
and motivational reactions to errors, as well as cognitive and
reactions specifically adjusted to the error in question have
to be included
(Dresel, Schober, Ziegler, Grassinger, & Steuer, 2013;
Tulis, Grassinger,
& Dresel, 2011). Secondly, such a theory must take into
account critical
characteristics of error-situations and indicate how these
affect the potential contribution of individual dispositions,
abilities or skills and current motivational states to
adaptive learning
behaviour. Finally an integrated framework must consider the
effects of
interactions between personal determinants, contextual
conditions, and
situational processes. Prior research and working models have
tended to focus either
on personal preconditions or the context, depending on the
researcher’s primary
concern. We attempt to overcome these existing shortcomings
and to expand
previous approaches by providing a framework which integrates
proven theories of
self-regulation, volition, motivation, emotion, and cognition.
reactions to and learning
from errors: A process model
purpose of this section is to introduce a framework that
includes the above
presented theoretical perspectives and to provide a model
which can provide an
explanation of individual differences, situational influences
and sequenced
processes following error-experiences as antecedents for
successful learning
from errors (see Figure 1). Learning from errors is an
effortful activity. Our
understanding of learning from errors includes a detailed
analysis of the error
causes in order to identify and explain potential
misconceptions, a
self-evaluation of the underlying knowledge and its
modification, as well as
the correction of the error in question (e.g. Dresel, et al.,
2013). Prior to
these metacognitions and cognitive activities, learners have
to deal with
changes in affect and motivation after the perception of an
discrepancy between a current state and a desired outcome or a
given standard.
specifically, the perception of an error represents the
(“bottom-up”) starting
point in our model (see “Error
of an error” marked with an asterisk in Figure 1) which
induces a sequence
of processes (indicated with bold arrows in Figure 1). Yet
irrespective of the
type of error or its causes, this is assumed to trigger direct
reactions in
terms of affect based on primary appraisals of the situation
(see “Direct reactions
towards errors” in
Figure 1). In line with Lazarus (1991), primary appraisals are
directed towards
the assessment of the relevance of this unintended
incongruence to the learner and subsequent affect acts as a
signal for this personally
relevant deviation from an implicit or explicit standard.
Based on these
primary appraisals, different emotions such as surprise,
frustration, anger or
boredom may be experienced. For example, a self-confident,
high achieving
learner may first experience surprise after error feedback,
whereas a low
achiever may experience frustration at first sight of an
error—in the event that
both learners value the task and aim to master the task. This
first emotional
reaction might be vague, maybe not as easy to categorize as a
specific emotion,
but in any case we would expect an observable change in
arousal. We assume that
primary reactions are followed by
more indirect reactions towards the error at hand (see “Indirect/Secondary reactions towards errors” in
Figure 1)
including secondary appraisals directed at the assessment of
and personal resources to deal with the error (cf. Lazarus,
1991). It is further
assumed that these secondary appraisal processes change or
intensify the
primary emotional reaction and the learners’ subsequent
motivation. Analogous to
top-down processing (i.e. knowledge
or expectations are used to guide processing), further self-
and task related
appraisals, such as causal attributions (Weiner, 1986) are
made. These, in
turn, might evoke attribution-dependent emotions other than
the learner’s
primary emotional states—or the learner’s primary emotional
states might be
intensified. It can be expected that not all types of errors
lead to the same
processes and subsequent learning. For example, in contrast to
mistakes (e.g. slips, caused by attentional problems, or
lapses, caused by
memory failures) only knowledge- and rule-based errors might
bear a potential
for learning (for this taxonomy see Reason, 1990). The nature
of emotional and
motivational changes is likely affected by the type of the
error at hand. Thus,
at this stage of the model, we presume that the error-type has
an impact on the
learners’ secondary appraisals, the subsequent self- and
task-related motivation,
and the respective learning actions.
In the next step (see “Emotional and
motivational regulation”
in Figure 1), these changes in self- and task-related
emotional states—are assumed to trigger emotional and
motivational regulation
processes (cf. Boekaerts, 2003). Depending on personal
characteristics of the
learner, these error-related regulation processes may become
necessary to
maintain learning motivation. For example, over-thinking the
value of the task,
the use of social resources, efficacy self-talk, or cognitive
reappraisal may
help to reassure the learner to proceed with the task despite
setbacks (e.g.
Wolters, 2003). Some learners may be more concerned with
emotion-focused coping
(Lazarus, 1993) to avoid a threat to self-worth and restore
their well-being
(cf. “well-being pathway”, Boekaerts, 2006), others may focus
on strategies to
re-direct attention and learning activities in order to master
the task
(Boekaerts, 2006; Kuhl, 2000). Hence, we assume that learners
actively (i.e.
consciously or automated) use emotional and motivational
regulation strategies
following errors to activate and sustain their cognitive,
metacognitive and
affective functioning (Butler & Winne, 1995; Wolters,
2003). We presume
that adaptive (and effective) emotional and motivational
(Gross, 1998; Schwinger, Steinmayr & Spinath, 2009;
Wolters, 1998) provides
the basis for the use of appropriate metacognitive activities,
cognitive strategies
and learning behaviour to adequately reflect on the underlying
(subsumed under “Learning
process” in
Figure 1). However, the regulation strategies that learners
may use can also be
dysfunctional: The use of maladaptive strategies following
errors, such as
distraction, suppression or rumination (e.g. Gross, 1998;
Knollmann, 2006) may
impede a detailed self-explanation of errors and their
respective correct
counterparts. Furthermore, it can be assumed that—as for the
use of learning
strategies—some regulation strategies may be appropriate for
certain learning
contexts whereas the same strategies might be dysfunctional in
other contexts
(Engelschalk, Steuer & Dresel, 2015). In any case,
inappropriate or failed
regulation strategy use may result in the experience of
negative deactivating
emotions, such as hopelessness or boredom, which are held to
be detrimental for
motivation (e.g. Pekrun, Goetz, Daniels, Stupnisky, &
Perry, 2010). Thus,
emotions are not only assumed to act as a signal after the
perception of a
discrepancy, but they are also assumed to be an indicator of
the learners’
current motivation. Consequently, they guide subsequent
learning behaviour
(e.g. in terms of persistence, attention focus, or information
seeking) and
they serve as a monitoring instrument for goal pursuit (Carver
& Scheier,
1990). Hence, emotions are assumed to moderate learning
processes and we regard
the presence of activating (or epistemic) emotions as a
necessary condition for
persistent task engagement in the face of obstacles and for
learning from errors
in general.
Figure 1. Process
of individual reactions to and learning from errors. (see pdf)
is important to note that individuals’ learning behaviour
following errors, their
emotional and motivational experiences and regulation
strategies, and their subsequent
metacognitions and cognitive activities are all assumed to be
influenced by personal
characteristics as well as contextual features which interact
continuously with
one another throughout the entire learning process. Learners
appraise the learning conditions against the background of
their individual
dispositions, skills and abilities (e.g. prior knowledge or
and their motivational beliefs such as self-concept of ability
or goal orientation
(for an overview see Schunk, Meece & Pintrich, 2013).
Previous findings
indicate that the effectiveness of error encouragement
training might depend on
such individual differences (e.g. Gully et al., 2002).
Contextual conditions
include characteristics of the task (e.g. an enquiry-based
learning task versus
a routine task), the learning context (e.g. practice versus
testing situation),
and the interpersonal aspect of dealing with errors in social
environments which may facilitate or impede learning from
errors (i.e. error
climate). Although located at the starting point in our model,
personal and contextual
conditions impact later processes as well (indicated with
dashed arrows in
Figure 1). Their interaction is affected by previous learning
experiences and
outcomes which are integrated in a broader social and cultural
context. “Learning from
errors” (marked with an asterisk in
Figure 1) takes place in terms of reflection and
processes based on respective metacognitive activities, the
use of appropriate
cognitive strategies, and learning behaviour adapted to the
new situation (see “Learning
process” in Figure 1).
Finally, this should result in the modification of the
underlying knowledge,
improved skills and performance gains (see “Learning
outcome” in Figure 1) which are expected to have
effects on the learners’ personal conditions, and hence on the
of subsequent error-situations (indicated with backwards
directed arrows in
Figure 1).
In order to validate
the proposed processes, different stages/components
of the model and their relations or sequenced effects need
to be analysed: In
particular, (1) the impact and interplay between different
personal and
situational conditions on individual reactions to errors and
the use of error-specific
adaptive regulation strategies, (2) the proposed changes in
motivation and
emotion and their function for further self-regulation and
learning behaviour, (3)
the relevance of metacognitive and cognitive activities for
learning processes, and (4) the necessity of
affective-motivational functioning
to provide a basis for such activities.
evidence and open research
So far we have provided some evidence
for the assumed functions of emotions at the stage pertaining
to direct/primary
and indirect/secondary reactions towards errors, the use of
regulation strategies, and the influence of selected personal
conditions and
contextual factors on individual responses to errors (Dresel,
et al., 2013,
Steuer et al., 2013; Tulis, 2013; Tulis & Ainley, 2011;
Tulis & Dresel,
2013; Tulis & Fulmer, 2013; Tulis et al., 2011; Tulis et
al., subm.). In
the present section we summarise the findings of three studies
with different
foci, namely individual determinants of adaptive dealing with
errors (Study 1),
motivational (self-regulation) processes following errors and
their impact on
subsequent learning behaviour (Study 2), and the dimensions of
error climate
and their impact on students’ responses to errors (Study 3).
Study 1—located in the “Person Í
Situation” part
of Figure 1—focused on individual components that may
facilitate a learner’s
adaptive reaction to errors (Tulis et al., subm.). Previous
studies (e.g.
Dresel et al., 2013; Tulis & Ainley, 2011; Tulis et al.,
2011) have already
demonstrated a positive relationship between students’ (more
motivational orientations (i.e. positive self-concept of
ability, mastery goal
orientation, adaptive error-related beliefs) and
reactions following errors. Based on these results Tulis et
al. (subm.) tested a
tripartite classification of adaptive individual dealing with
errors in terms
of a cognitive, an affective, and a behavioural component.
More specifically, the
authors analysed the distinctiveness of 614 students’
self-reported beliefs
about errors as learning opportunities from students’
reaction tendencies that facilitate persistence and engagement
despite setbacks,
and students’ behavioural reaction tendencies including
activities and error-related learning behaviour (Dresel et
al., 2013). The results—obtained
with confirmatory factor analyses demonstrating a good fit to
the data—provided
evidence for three distinct factors. In addition, the authors
analysed their
relationship to other motivational beliefs, and, whether these
components of
adaptive individual dealing with errors may differ between the
scholastic domains
of mathematics, English and German. Correlational findings
domain-specificity for the three components. Thus,
error-related beliefs, habitualised
affective-motivational and behavioural responses to errors
might be acquired domain-specifically.
Further research is needed before any conclusions can be
drawn, but the results
point to the likelihood that students’ dealing with errors may
not be
differentiated along the verbal and mathematics continuum as,
for instance, the
academic self-concept is (e.g. Marsh, Walker & Debus,
1991). Furthermore, the
findings emphasise the differentiation of personal conditions
in terms of
rather proximal beliefs in addition to less error-specific
motivational beliefs,
such as mastery goal orientation.
Study 2 (Tulis & Dresel, 2013,
August) addressed motivational changes (see “Emotional
and motivational regulation” in Figure 1), undergraduate
students’ motivational
and emotional self-regulation following errors and its effects
on learning
behaviour (see “Learning
process” in
Figure 1) in a computer-based learning setting. Data were
collected during two time
intervals—the same study design was implemented in both
studies with the only
difference that in Study 2a, we additionally conducted
stimulated recall
interviews immediately after the learning session to examine
participants’ use
of various emotional and motivational regulation strategies
following errors whereas
-self-reported regulation strategies were assessed on-task
after error feedback
in Study 2b. Regarding the hypothesised motivational changes
after making
errors measured with on-task state items, we found a
substantial decrease in
students’ motivation. Repeated-measures MANOVAs with the three
components of
adaptive individual dealing with errors (high versus low
levels) as between-subject
factors indicated a stronger decline in task-related
motivation, situational
interest and enjoyment, and perceived competence for students’
low in action
adaptivity, affective motivational adaptivity, and adaptive
beliefs about
errors, respectively. Interview data pointed out a rich
variety of different emotional
and motivational regulation strategies that are used following
errors, ranging
from “proximal goal setting”, and the “use of social
resources” (i.e. asking
someone for help; most reported) to “self consequating” (i.e.
oneself by self-reinforcement for having reached a particular
goal; least
reported). In addition, also maladaptive strategies, such as
“rumination” and “suppression”
were reported in Study 2a. However, when measured on-task
(Study 2b)—immediately
after error feedback—appraisal based strategies, such as
cognitive reappraisal
(i.e., having a positive view on making errors as a natural
part of learning) and
mastery self-talk (i.e., thinking of the potential of errors
for personal
improvement) were more prominent, as was the use of
maladaptive strategies. Thus,
according to our model, a decrease in student motivation
triggered the use of
emotional and motivational regulation strategies, and personal
served as a buffer. Regression analyses further emphasized
differential associations
between these strategies and adaptive learning activities
after error feedback:
Mastery self-talk and reappraisal were found to facilitate an
in-depth analysis
of the error at hand, whereas distraction negatively predicted
the reflection
of the underlying misconceptions. Logistic regression results
positive associations between proximal goal setting and
students’ actual persistence.
In summary, our findings emphasised the importance of
self-regulation for subsequent engagement following errors,
and hence the
proposed function of emotional and motivational regulation
strategies for
subsequent learning processes and learning behaviour.
Furthermore, they provided
first evidence for a differentiation between adaptive and
maladaptive error-related
The findings of Study 3 (Steuer et
al., 2013) are based on a questionnaire-study with 1,116
students from 56 sixth
and seventh grade classrooms. This study focused on contextual
conditions and
it is located in the “Person
Situation” part as
well as related to the dashed arrows of Figure 1 that indicate
the influence of
characteristics of the learning environment on individual
learning behaviour.
Study 3 provided evidence for eight theoretically and
distinguishable subdimensions of error climate and their
impact on students’ individual
dealing with errors. Steuer et al. (2013) further demonstrated
that classroom
error climate has an impact on students’
affective-motivational and action
adaptivity of error reactions, which, in turn, were positively
associated with
students’ self-reported effort. Hence, according to our
proposed model, the results
supported the assumed association between personal conditions
characteristics of the social learning environment as well as
their influences
on individual learning behaviour following errors.
to theory development
and implications for future research
Taken together, our findings
the assumed interplay between personal and contextual
conditions as well as the
importance of functional emotional and motivational
self-regulation for adaptive
dealing with errors. Supported by some preliminary empirical
evidence, the proposed
model provides a more complete understanding of the
motivational processes
following errors in interaction with personal and contextual
conditions. It gives
several indications of how learners’ adaptive reactions to
errors—a necessary
precondition for learning from errors—can be supported.
However, besides
motivational processes, further research is needed to address
the cognitive
processes specifically related to effective learning from
errors (see “Learning
process” in Figure 1). Research
findings on conceptual change, cognitive conflicts, impasse
driven learning and
productive failure may provide the basis for further
investigations using on-task
measurements (e.g. eye-tracking). Another important issue
raised by previous
findings (e.g. Keith & Frese, 2005) concerns metacognitive
part of the proposed framework that needs to be specified in
future research. Finally,
our findings raised some methodological issues for future
research: Retrospective
measurements (even if the time interval is short) might not
offer adequate insights
into actual and transient task-specific regulation processes,
strategies involving cognitive change. Therefore, future
studies should
differentiate between strategies learners tend
to use to regulate their motivation during learning (e.g.
assessed with
questionnaires) and the actual strategy learners use (measured
In summary, our model contributes to
current research on motivation in several ways: (1) it expands
current theories
of self-regulated learning because it highlights perceived
errors as initiating
points for self-regulatory processes, (2) it provides a solid
foundation for
the analysis of motivational processes compatible with almost
all contemporary
theories of motivation, and (3) it
the examination of personal, contextual and situational
conditions and their
interactions as well as their potential impact on
error-related learning
processes. Finally, our proposed model provides a unified
framework specifically adjusted to the
phenomenon of learning
from errors—a
growing but still barely investigated field of educational
research. Previous findings
and future research can be easily integrated into the present
framework in
order to specify the antecedents and processes of effective
learning from
errors. Finally, the major implication for the future research
practice is the process-related
view on learning.
A theoretical
framework specifically adjusted to the
phenomenon of learning
from errors is
Changes in
motivation trigger emotional and
motivational self-regulation processes.
differences are explained by personal and
situational conditions, emotional, motivational,
metacognitive and cognitive
theories of motivation are integrated
in the model.
Antecedents and
processes of successful learning
from errors are specified.
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