Investigating and
stimulating primary teachers’ attitudes towards science:
Summary of a large-scale research project
Juliette Walma van der Molena, Sandra van
aUniversity of Twente, the Netherlands
* Both authors contributed equally
Article received 13 May 2013 /
revised 19 September
2013 / accepted 19 September 2013 / available online 20
December 2013
to the attitudes of primary teachers towards science is of
fundamental importance to research on primary science
education. The current article describes a large-scale
research project that aimed to overcome three main
shortcomings in attitude research, i.e. lack of a strong
theoretical concept of attitude, methodological flaws in
attitude research, and ineffective interventions. The
research project included (a) the development of a new
theoretical framework for teachers’ attitudes towards
(teaching) science, (b) a new validated survey instrument
(the DAS) to measure the different underlying components of
primary teachers’ attitudes toward teaching science, and (c)
an in-service professional development training course based
on the previously developed theoretical framework. The
framework of attitude consists of three dimensions:
cognitive beliefs, affect, and perceived control, each
consisting of several subcomponents. By means of the survey
instrument we investigated the effects of the attitude
focussed training course. The course aimed to improve
attitude by creating awareness about teachers’ own
attitudes, stimulating their scientific attitudes and
curiosity, and training inquiry and thinking skills. The
course refrained from providing recipe-like example lessons,
materials, or methods. Using a pre-post,
experimental-control design we showed that the course
significantly improved the affective and perceived control
dimension of attitude. Teachers enjoyed teaching science
more, showed increased self-efficacy, and felt less
dependent on external factors. This project shows that
genuine attitude improvements of primary teachers can be
accomplished by attitude focussed professional development.
Keywords:Science education; Attitude
towards science; Professional development; Inquiry based
ISSN 2295-3159
author: Sandra van Aalderen-Smeets, PO Box 217, 7500 AE,
Enschede, the Netherlands,
1. Introduction
The study on attitude towards science has
received considerable attention over the last decades (Osborne,
Simon, & Collins, 2003; Osborne & Dillon, 2008). In our
society, we are increasingly dependent on science and technology
in all kinds of ways. Despite this, a large section of the
population has little scientific or technical knowledge and
attitudes towards science and technology are not very positive.
Although this lack of interest often only really manifests
itself when young people make their choice of subjects at
secondary school, most pupils have already formed stereotypical
images of and negative attitudes about science and technology
before the age of 14 (Osborne & Dillon, 2008; Tai, Qi Liu,
Maltese, & Fan, 2006; Turner & Ireson, 2010).
research (e.g., Jarvis & Pell, 2004) shows that this
negative image of science subjects is also found among primary
school teachers. Many primary teachers feel insufficiently
capable of providing education in the field of science. They
find it difficult to deal with pupils’ questions in this area
and prefer to fall back on standard textbooks or highly
structured materials or exercises. When this type of practice is
the norm, it is no wonder that pupils’ attitudes with regard to
science and technology are difficult to change for the better.
schools and their teachers therefore play a crucial role in
determining the attitudes and images of students towards science
and improving primary teachers’ attitudes towards science is one
of the major challenges in today’s science education (Haney,
Czerniak, & Lumpe, 1996; Osborne, Simon & Collins, 2003;
Osborne & Dillon, 2008). Research has shown that
(pre-service) primary teachers’ scientific literacy is low, that
their attitudes towards science are mostly negative, and that
primary teachers share a number of characteristics that impede
the stimulation of science learning and of positive attitudes
towards science among their pupils (Harlen & Holroyd, 1997;
Jarvis & Pell, 2004; Tosun, 2000; Yates & Goodrum,
development should therefore pay explicit attention to improving
the attitude of (pre-service) primary teachers towards science
(Haney, Czerniak, & Lumpe, 1996). However, although primary
teachers’ attitudes toward science have been investigated
widely, scientific progress in this field has been slow. In our
view, there are three important and in part related reasons for
this poor development. First, until recently the theoretical
conceptualization of the construct of primary teachers’
attitudes towards science was poorly articulated, both in research and in educational change
projects (Barmby, Kind, & Jones, 2008; Bennett et al.,
2001; Coulson, 1992; Osborne et al., 2003; Pajares, 1992).
Many studies provided incomplete definitions (or no
definition at all) for the construct of attitude, failed to
explicate the components of attitude that they measured, or
did not distinguish between attitudes towards science and
other related concepts (e.g., opinions or motivation).
second reason for the slow scientific progress in research on
primary teachers’ attitudes towards science is the lack of
reliable and valid attitude measuring instruments that
accommodate to necessary theoretical and statistical standards
(Gardner, 1995; Reid, 2006). A recent review of the literature
points at important flaws in the methodology of a majority of
studies, such as weak psychometric properties and failure to
pilot-test, validate, and evaluate the instrument according to
current psychometric standards (van Aalderen-Smeets & Walma
van der Molen, 2012).
third reason for slow progress in primary teachers’ attitude
development may be found in the interventions that are directed
at teachers’ professional development. Most professional
development projects that aim to improve science education in
primary school focus on improving classroom didactics and
provide a collection of standardized, recipe-like science
lessons. Although this might improve the knowledge of teachers
regarding science content or
pedagogical content knowledge, it does not automatically lead to
improvements in their attitudes toward
2. Recent research
remedy these shortcomings in research and in the professional
development of primary teachers’ attitudes towards science, we
established a large-scale project over the past three years that
included (a) the development of a new theoretical framework for
teachers’ attitudes towards (teaching) science, (b) a new
validated survey instrument to measure the different underlying
components of primary teachers’ attitudes towards teaching
science, and (c) an in-service professional development training
course that was based on the previously developed theoretical
framework. The project was based on the contention that only
when teachers possess a positive attitude towards teaching
science and towards inquiry-based learning, they will be
motivated and able to seek and use science content in their
lessons, to use inquiry-based learning in class, and to affect
pupils’ scientific attitudes and their attitudes towards science
in a positive manner. The present article presents an overview
of the results of this integrated project.
2.1 Theoretical
development of a new attitude framework implied disentangling
the construct of primary teachers’ attitudes towards science. As
described elaborately in the theoretical article that resulted
from this project (van Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der
Molen, 2012), we aimed to explicate and structure the range of
underlying components or dimensions of primary teachers’
attitudes towards science. The framework was based on an
extensive review of previously used concept definitions of the
construct of primary teachers’ attitudes towards science and we
related these components to general psychological attitude
theories, such as the Tripartite Model of attitudes (e.g., Eagly
& Chaiken, 1993) and The Theory of Planned Behaviour (e.g.,
Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). This resulted in a framework of
attitude consisting of the following three main dimensions:
cognitive beliefs, affect, and perceived control. Cognitive
beliefs refer to teachers’ beliefs and opinions about (a) the
relevance of science and science education, (b) beliefs about
the relative difficulty of teaching science, and (c) gender
stereotypical beliefs regarding science and science teaching.
The second dimension of affect contains the independent
subcomponents of (a) enjoying (teaching) science and (b) anxiety
related to (teaching) science. The third dimension, perceived
control, refers to the amount of control teachers perceive to
have over (teaching) science and it consists of (a)
self-efficacy (an internal sense of control, such as the
perceived capacity to teach science) and (b) perceived
dependency on context factors (beliefs about the extent to which
a teacher is dependent on external factors to teach science,
such as the availability of teaching-methods or materials,
enough time, or other resources). The outcomes of our review of
concepts suggested that, in addition to internal beliefs and
feelings associated with self-efficacy, the beliefs and feelings
that teachers have about external (i.e., contextual) factors are
closely related to teachers’ sense of being in control. In our
view, the perception of teachers regarding their dependency on
context factors (e.g., their belief that they can teach science
only if their school ensures the availability of the proper
materials and sufficient preparation time) is an indispensable
component of a complete theoretical framework of primary
teachers’ attitudes toward science. The development of the
theoretical framework provided a new theoretical basis for
measuring primary teachers’ attitudes towards science and for
interventions aiming to improve their attitude, two issues that
were pursued in the studies described below.
2.2 Validated
survey instrument
Based on the theoretical
exercise described above, we developed a new measurement
instrument: the Dimensions of Attitudes towards Science
questionnaire (DAS). After construction of the first version of
the DAS, we investigated its validity and reliability by means
of a qualitative in-depth focus group study and a quantitative
survey study (Asma, Walma van der Molen, & van
Aalderen-Smeets, 2011; van Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der
Molen, 2013a). Using the theoretical framework as a basis for
the development of a new attitude instrument ensured that the
complete range of relevant attitude dimensions and
sub-components was incorporated in the instrument. In addition
to the subscales that correspond to the components of the
theoretical framework of attitude, scales measuring teachers’
views on science and their intended science teaching behaviour
were included in the questionnaire.
pilot-tested DAS questionnaire was distributed digitally to
in-service and pre-service teachers. A total of 556 respondents
returned a complete questionnaire (80% female, mean age 31
years). The DAS instrument was evaluated at multiple levels;
i.e. the validity of the overall structure of the instrument was
investigated by confirmatory factor analysis, the internal
consistency of the subscales was determined by Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient, and to assess the discriminating ability of each
item, we looked at the standard deviations of each item and
their response-range. Our results supported the validity,
reliability, and discriminating ability of the DAS instrument.
The resulting factor structure corresponded to the underlying
theoretical model. The obtained seven-factor solution confirmed
the hypothesis that the DAS questionnaire is measuring the seven
underlying sub-components of the attitude framework.
Furthermore, the results of the internal consistency analyses
showed high internal consistency in all seven subscales. Also,
regression analyses showed that scores on the subscales of
Affect and Perceived Control were predictive of the scores on
Intended Behaviour, indicating predictive validity. Finally, all
items in the revised DAS instrument showed large response
variation, indicating a strong ability to discriminate between
respondents displaying different beliefs, feelings, and thoughts
toward teaching science. These results show that the DAS
instrument is a valid, reliable, and comprehensive survey tool,
which is able to measure a complex and difficult motivational
concept (for a complete description of the instrument, see: van
Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der Molen, 2013a).
DAS instrument thus proves to be a promising instrument within
the field of science education and teacher training at primary
school level. It can be utilized as a research instrument for
effect studies of training courses and other interventions
aiming to professionalize primary teachers. Furthermore, it can
serve as a diagnostic tool for adapting training courses and
interventions to the individual needs of pre- and in-service
teachers. And finally, it can be used as a coaching tool for
making primary teachers aware of their own view of science and
their (changed) attitudes toward teaching science. By means of
these different uses, the DAS instrument could become a highly
valuable instrument for making progress within the field of
science education in primary schools.
2.3 Professional
in-service training course was also based on the different
underlying components in our theoretical framework and consisted
of six 3-hour meetings spread over six months (Walma van der
Molen, van Aalderen-Smeets & Groot Koerkamp, 2011). The
course focused on creating awareness about teachers’ attitudes
towards teaching science, awareness about their views on
science, and awareness about their attitude towards
inquiry-based methods of learning. These attitudes were
reflected upon and challenged by means of assignments,
exercises, questioning, information transfer, and research
activities like experiments. In addition, each of these course
elements was accompanied by activities that stimulated teachers’
own curiosity, inquisitiveness, critical thinking, reflection
and metacognition, and higher-order thinking. Most importantly,
the training course refrained from providing recipe-like example
lessons, pre-structured materials, or predefined methods. During
the meetings, teachers engaged in coursework that prepared them
for take-home assignments. During the final meeting,
participants presented a science and inquiry-based project that
they had developed and carried out with their pupils (see
Appendix for a general
overview of the core elements of the course).
test the effectiveness of our course, we used a pre-post test,
experimental-control group design to asses changes in teachers’
attitudes toward teaching science over time (experimental group
n = 49, control group n = 45). The experimental group
participated in the training course, while the control group did
not receive any formal training. However, the control group did
consist of teachers that reported to be interested in science
education. We used our ‘Dimensions of Attitude toward Science’
(DAS) instrument to measure quantitative changes in teachers’
attitudes towards teaching science. In addition, we used
qualitative, open-
out of three attitude components showed significant improvements
(see Table 1), indicating that the training course had a
positive effect on attitude towards teaching science (van
Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der Molen, 2013b). Participants
in the course gained a more positive attitude in the affective
and perceived control dimension of attitude, compared to the
control group. This means they enjoyed science teaching more,
showed increased self-efficacy, and felt less dependent on
recipe-like, standardized methods, top down instruction, and the
availability of pre-organized projects and materials.
Participating teachers in the training course did show a
significant improvement on the remaining attitude components
(less anxiety when teaching science, believing science teaching
is more relevant, and less stereotypical beliefs), but this
improvement was not significantly different from changes in the
control group, even though the changes in the control itself
were not significant, see Table 1. This could be due to the
relatively high interest in science and engagement with science
of the control group, i.e., because they engaged in science
related teaching and activities in between the pre- and
post-test, they improved their attitudes slightly. On the
open-ended questions, teachers indicated that, after
participation in the course, they found science to be less
complex and to use inquiry-based methods of teaching more often
in both science-related lessons and in other school subjects. In
addition, teachers’ responses showed enhancement in their
scientific attitude, i.e., they became more curious, more
critical, and more explorative. Furthermore, teachers’
perceptions and expectations of their pupils changed; teachers
reported to be surprised by the excellent achievement of some
pupils during science lessons (for a more detailed report about
this effect study, see van Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der
Molen, 2013b).
Table 1.
toward teaching science; comparison of attitude scores between
trained and control group on pre and post-test. Mean
difference scores of the trained and control group are
presented in the left columns. The right columns present the
results of an ANOVA analysis for each component of
professional attitude (significant effects are printed in
Trained group |
Control group |
MDiff |
SD |
MDiff |
SD |
F value (1, 104) |
p |
Eta |
Cognition |
Relevance |
.24a |
.59 |
.08 |
.64 |
1.9 |
.17 |
.02 |
Gender |
-.27a |
.82 |
-.06 |
.87 |
1.6 |
.21 |
.01 |
Affect |
Enjoyment |
.53a |
.80 |
.14 |
.90 |
5.6 |
.02b |
.05 |
Anxiety |
-.39a |
.77 |
-.15 |
.95 |
2.1 |
.16 |
.02 |
Perceived Control |
Self-efficacy |
.40a |
.55 |
.11 |
.51 |
7.6 |
.01b |
.07 |
dependency |
-.98a |
1.10 |
.09 |
.98 |
27.8 (1,102) |
.01b |
.21 |
MDiff = Mean difference
score (T2-T1), SD = Standard deviation,
a Significant improvement within group (paired T-test
between pre-test and post-test within group)
b Significant
difference between improvements of trained and control group
(ANOVA interaction effect)
This study indicates that focusing explicitly on
primary teachers’ attitudes in a training course does improve
the beliefs, feelings, and perceived control primary teachers
have regarding science education and inquiry based methods of
3. Future
large-scale research project provides valid tools and new
approaches for improving and assessing primary teachers’
attitude towards (teaching) science and opens the door for
several future directions in attitude research. The attitude
effects reported here are short-term effects based on
self-reports. Further research is needed to investigate the
long-term effects of teachers’ attitude change and changes in
their actual teaching. Furthermore, more research is needed on
the effects of improved teacher attitudes on their pupils’ or
students’ attitude toward science and their career choices in
their future school career. The results presented here are not
only relevant for primary education. The gained knowledge about
improving attitudes towards science can be applied in
interventions, professional development, and research aiming to
improve secondary school students’ attitudes towards science as
well. In addition, the approach taken in this research project,
i.e., building a theoretical framework, then constructing a
valid instrument, and testing the effects of a new intervention,
may be followed for other lines of research, such as research on
attitudes towards inquiry based learning or on attitudes towards
the use of digital media in education. The framework presented
in this article is an essential new step toward a convergence of
the research in this field. Only when researchers are aware of
the complexity of the construct of teachers’ attitudes toward
science, when explicit and substantiated decisions have been
made regarding which components and objects should be measured,
and when methodologically sound instruments and interventions
are used, can scientific progress be achieved in research on
teachers’ attitudes. Future research is needed to investigate
the various aspects of the proposed framework, including the
relationships between the components and the weights of the
various components and sub-attributes in predicting behavioural
intention. The investigation of these aspects is a prerequisite
for gaining further insight into the dynamics of primary
teachers’ attitudes toward science and for the development of
interventions that are better suited to improve specific aspects
of teachers’ attitudes.
development of primary teachers in science education should pay
explicit attention to attitude improvements.
research should be based on a theoretical model, such as the
framework of attitude towards science.
teachers feel more in control over science teaching when they
have gone through the inquiry process themselves.
teachers’ attitudes towards teaching science can be improved by
stimulating their own curiosity, scientific attitudes and
thinking skills.
theoretical and methodological attitude research should be on
the frontline of research in science learning.
Contract grant sponsor: Platform
Beta Technology in The Netherlands.
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Schematic overview of the Science
education-training course for primary teachers (Walma van der
Molen, van Aalderen-Smeets & Groot Koerkamp, 2011).
Content elements |
Take-home assignments |
Attitude towards (teaching) science |
Scientific attitudes |
Scientific skills |
Personal development |
In Class |
1 |
Creating awareness about view of science Introduction onAttitude toward science |
Stimulating teachers’ curiosity and
amazement about everyday items |
Keeping a Diary of Amazement |
Identifying and challenging pupils views
about and perceptions of science |
Linking meeting 1 to 2: from amazement
and curiosity to formulating research questions |
2 |
Challenging cognitive beliefs about the
relevance of science and stereotypical gender beliefs
regarding science |
Stimulating curiosity, inquisitiveness and
question asking, dealing with scientific uncertainty and
ambiguity |
Formulating research questions and
hypotheses |
Evaluating a science education method or
related medium (website, TV) with attitudinal criteria |
How manyDifficult questionscan you
think of? |
Linking meeting 2 to 3: from research
questions to research design and enjoying science |
3 |
Challenging the affective component of
attitude, i.e. enjoyment and anxiety |
Stimulating a critical attitude |
Choosing research method and design, and
conducting research in the classroom |
Self-observation: Searching for
opportunities to integrate science in your existing
lessons |
Conducting research in the classroom; from
research question to experiment |
Linking meeting 3 to 4: not only
hands-on but minds-on; stimulating academic thinking
skills |
4 |
Being persistent, creative and original |
Creative and higher order thinking skills;
developing aThinking lesson |
Improving an existing science method |
Stimulating creative thinking in children |
Linking meeting 4 to 5: independence of
context factors and being in control of science
teaching |
5 |
Stimulating self-efficacy and perceived
control |
Using different perspectives to solve
problems |
Stimulating reflective and metacognitive
thinking skills |
Developing and teaching a science lesson |
Linking meeting 5 to 6: from feeling in
control to actually teaching science |
6 |
Summary of training course Participant’s presentations of visual
reports on science lessons |
Note that this figure provides a schematic
overview. Several additional attitudinal elements are interwoven
in the course. Also spontaneous questions and comments from the
participants that came up during the course were explained in
terms of attitude or related to attitude toward science and
scientific attitude. The first four columns are aimed at the
personal development of the teacher. The In Class, Take
home assignments are
explicitly aimed at the interaction with pupils.