Longer bars for bigger numbers? Children’s
usage and understanding of graphical representations of
algebraic problems
Kerry Lee, Kiat Hui Khng, Swee Fong Ng,
Jeremy Ng Lan Kong
National Institute of Education, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore
Article received 7
June 2013 / revised 19 July 2013 / accepted 16 August 2013
/ available online 27 August 2013
In Singapore, primary school students are
taught to use bar diagrams to represent known and unknown
values in algebraic word problems. However, little is known
about students’ understanding of these graphical
representations. We investigated whether students use and
think of the bar diagrams in a concrete or a more abstract
fashion. We also examined whether usage and understanding
varied with grade. Secondary 2 (N = 68, Mage =
13.9 years) and Primary 5 students (N = 110, Mage
= 11.1 years) were administered a production task in which
they drew bar diagrams of algebraic word problems with
operands of varying magnitude. In the validation task, they
were presented with different bar diagrams for the same word
problems and were asked to ascertain, and give explanations
regarding the accuracy of the diagrams. The Küchemann
algebra test was administered to the Secondary 2 students.
Students from both grades drew longer bars to represent
larger numbers. In contrast, findings from the validation
task showed a more abstract appreciation for how the bar
diagrams can be used. Primary 5 students who showed more
abstract appreciations in the validation task were less
likely to use the bar diagrams in a concrete fashion in the
production task. Performance on the Küchemann algebra test
was unrelated to performance on the production task or the
validation task. The findings are discussed in terms of a
production deficit, with students exhibiting a more
sophisticated understanding of bar diagrams than is
demonstrated by their usage.
Keywords: Algebra; Pre-algebra; Graphical representation; Mathematical understanding
Corresponding author: Kerry Lee, National Institute of Education, 1
Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616, Kerry.Lee@nie.edu.sg, T +65 6219 3888, F +65
6896 9845
has performed well in recent international tests of
mathematics (Mullis, Martin,
Gonzalez, & Chrostowski, 2004; OECD, 2010). Perhaps because of this, there has been much
interest in the Singapore mathematics curriculum, with some
schools in other countries having been reported to have
adopted her curriculum (e.g., Hu, 2010). The wisdom of such cross-country adoption
aside, one peculiar feature of the Singapore curriculum is
that algebraic thinking is introduced early. Unlike many
countries where algebra is introduced in the secondary or
high school years, mathematical problems with an algebraic
structure are taught in the senior primary years (Grades 4 –
is recognised widely as an important pillar for both
academic and economic success (National
Council for Teachers of Mathematics, 2000; National Mathematics
Advisory Panel, 2008). Primary school children have been shown
capable of exhibiting algebraic thinking (e.g. Carpenter & Levi,
2000; Carraher, Schliemann,
Brizuela, & Earnest, 2006; Ng & Lee, 2009; Swafford &
Langrall, 2000; Warren & Cooper,
2005; Warren & Cooper,
2009). However, whether this understanding is
similar to that of older students has not been studied
widely. Certainly, algebra can be difficult; even for
college students. Some of the documented difficulties
include intrusion of arithmetic reasoning (e.g. Khng & Lee, 2009; Ng, 2003; Stacey
& MacGregor, 1999), difficulties translating word problems to
equations (e.g. Capraro &
Joffrion, 2006; Duru, 2011; Hefferman &
Koedinger, 1997), problems with the concept of equivalence (e.g. Hunter, 2007; Kieran, 1981; Knuth,
Stephens, McNeil, & Alibali, 2006; Steinberg, Sleeman, & Ktorza, 1991) and poor understanding of the concept of
variables (e.g. Küchemann, 1978).
this study, we focused on an important pedagogical device
for providing children with earlier access to algebraic
problems. In the latter part of Primary 4 (Grade 4, ~10
years old), children in Singapore are introduced to
algebraic or start-unknown word problems. Instead of
symbolic algebra, children are taught a graphical heuristic
in which they draw bar diagrams to represent known and
unknown quantities (Ng & Lee, 2005). We examined children’s usage and
understanding of this heuristic.
1.1 An
early start to learning algebra
graphical heuristic, also called the model method, provides
students with access to problems that would otherwise
require symbolic algebra. Three different types of graphical
models are commonly taught: (a) part-whole, (b) comparison,
and (c) multiplication and division models (Ng & Lee, 2009). To illustrate its operation, take for example
a simple question.
and John have 6 marbles altogether. John has 2 more
marbles than Mary. How many marbles does Mary have?
1 shows the graphical and letter symbolic approach to the
problem. In the
graphical approach, students draw rectangular bars to
represent the number of marbles carried by Mary and John.
The difference between the two quantities is shown by
drawing one bar longer than the other. Because the
quantitative difference is specified in the question, John’s
bar is drawn longer and the quantity represented by the
difference in length -- the difference unit -- is labelled
as 2. With this graphical representation, children typically
proceed with a variety of arithmetic strategies, such as
unwinding or guess-and-check (Nathan &
Koedinger, 2000), to arrive at the solution.
by the Model Method |
Solution by letter-symbolic algebra |
6 – 2 = 4
2 units = 4
1 unit = 2
Mary has 2 marbles. |
Let the number of marbles Mary
has be x. John has x + 2
number of marbles.
x + x + 2 = 6
= 4
x = 2
Mary has 2 marbles. |
1. Model
method and the symbolic algebra approach to the question
“Mary and John have 6 marbles altogether. John has 2 more
marbles than Mary. How many marbles does Mary have?” The bar
labelled “2” in (a) represents the difference unit.
algebraic notations in the form of letter symbols and
related expressions were not introduced till some time into
Grade 6. Although both the model method and symbolic algebra
require students to translate information in a word problem
to an alternative representation, there are some fundamental
differences. Symbolic algebra requires students to work
directly with unknown quantities. An equation comprising
both known and unknown values is formed using forward
operations and the unknown is solved by constructing a
series of equivalent expressions. Students operate on the
equation in a way that maintains symmetric equivalence
across the two sides of the equals sign.
In contrast, the graphical approach can trace its
roots to pedagogical tools used in the early primary school
years. Beginning in lower primary, familiar objects and
pictures (e.g., pictures of bears and dolls) are used to
depict known quantities as an aid to understanding
arithmetic word problems. With the graphical approach, a
standardized representational tool is used to represent both
known and unknown quantities. Of course, unknown quantities
cannot be depicted exactly. Instead, children are taught to
draw a diagram with the unknown quantities depicted by bars
of arbitrary length, which are constrained by the given
quantities and their quantitative relations. Computation of
solution is effected using arithmetic procedures in which
students work only with known quantities. In other words,
the unknown is solved by the direct application of
arithmetic operations on known values (e.g., backward
operations such as unwinding). Unlike symbolic algebra, with
the graphical approach, the equals sign is generally used as
a directive to calculate instead of representing equality (see Khng & Lee,
2009, for more details).
recent works on the use of the model method were motivated
by parents’ and teachers’ concerns that the model method may
confuse students when it comes time for them to learn letter
symbolic algebra, with some concerned that the two
approaches may draw on different cognitive processes (e.g.,
Kwokwc, 2011;
Lim, 2007). The model method is taught system-wide and
has been part of the national curriculum in Singapore for
over a decade. For this reason, it is difficult to evaluate
these claims using standard programme evaluation
methodology. In two recent studies, Lee and his colleagues
used functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques to
examine the cognitive underpinnings of these two approaches (Lee et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2010). The findings showed substantial overlap
between the two approaches, but symbolic algebra activated
more strongly areas associated with attention and working
memory engagement. These findings suggest that symbolic
algebra is more demanding of cognitive resources than the
model method. From a pedagogical viewpoint, introducing the
model method prior to symbolic algebra can thus be
interpreted as being consistent with their respective
cognitive demands.
The model method, letter Symbols, and variables
the cognitive factors that influence children’s success in
algebra, there has been a number of recent studies on both
domain-general and domain-specific correlates of algebraic
performance (e.g., Fuchs et al., 2012; Lee, Ng, Bull, Pe, & Ho, 2011; Tolar, Lederberg, & Fletcher,
2009; Wei, Yuan, Chen, & Zhou, 2012). On the specific influence of using diagrams,
there is a large body of research that examined whether
students learn better when text is accompanied by diagrams (Mayer, 1989, 2002) or
when students generate the diagrams themselves (Meter & Garner,
2005). Of particular relevance are a number of
studies conducted by Koedinger and his colleagues. They
investigated the use of “picture algebra”, a strategy
similar to the model method. They found that by using this
strategy, even students in Grade 6 were successful in
solving algebraic problems that are known to be challenging
for older students (Koedinger & Terao,
2002). The strategy was also found to be effective
for lower achieving pre-algebra students (Booth & Koedinger,
we now have some information on the efficacy of the model
method and some of the contexts in which they are more
likely to be efficacious, an important issue on which we
know little is how students understand or perceive these
graphical representations. Compared to pedagogical practices
in earlier grades in which familiar objects are used to
depict operands in arithmetic in a one-to-one manner, the
model method involves a greater degree of abstraction.
Instead of familiar and discrete objects (e.g., bears or
dolls), bars of different lengths are used. Nonetheless,
given students’ earlier experiences, it is possible that
they retain a concrete way of thinking about the bars, such
that a bar of a certain length is deemed capable of holding,
say, ten bears and ten bears alone. In teaching the model
method, teachers generally ask children to use relatively
longer bars for bigger numbers (Ng & Lee, 2009). More important than absolute length is that,
within a problem, children are taught that the lengths of
the bars should preserve the quantitative relations between
the protagonists. This is especially when more than two
protagonists are involved in a problem.
students understand these graphical representations is
important because when they learn symbolic algebra, a
concept that they should understand is that letter symbols
(e.g., x and y) denote
variables. Although the model method gives children earlier
access to algebraic questions without the use of letter
symbols, the bars that are used to depict quantities play a
similar role as do letter symbols in algebraic equations.
Both serve to depict relations between known and unknown
quantities. If children regard the bar diagrams in a
concrete manner, one potential drawback is that they may
over-generalise and regard x and y as depicting
unknown constants. A related concern was raised by Dede (2004), who argued that the preponderance of
questions that use letter-symbols to represent unknowns
could result in students developing a restricted view of the
roles and functions of variables.
concept of a variable is important in algebra, but it is
also difficult, perhaps because it has different meanings or
usages. Usiskin (1988) argued that variables are used in different
ways: (a) as an unknown or a constant, (b) a pattern
generalizer, (c) an argument or parameter, or (d) an
arbitrary mark on paper. When students are first introduced
to letter symbols, they typically encounter them as unknowns
in solve-for-x
questions, where students are asked to find a solution for
the letter symbols (e.g., x + y = 47, x + 13 = y. What is the
value of x?). As
Dede (2004) argued, one concern is that given the
preponderance of experiences with this usage of letter
symbols, children come to take this as the norm and neglect
to entertain other ways in which variables are used. Indeed,
when asked to simplify
algebraic expressions (e.g., 3x + 5x - 24), children
tended to find a solution for x instead (Philipp, 1992). A similar difficulty was reported by Akgün
and Özdemir (2006). In their study, students presented with x + 2 = 2 + x attempted to
solve for x when
they were told to report all the values that x can assume.
Kuchëmann (1978) investigated students’ understanding of the
use of letter symbols and found most secondary school
students treated them as concrete placeholders or “shorthand
names” (MacGregor &
Stacey, 1997) (e.g., p
in 3p as pears
instead of number of pears). Only a small number of students
displayed an understanding of letters as representing
specific unknowns. An even smaller number considered the
letters to be generalized numbers.
The present study
understand better the utility of teaching the method model,
we focused on students’ understanding of these graphical
representations. Specifically, we investigated whether
students use and think of the bar diagrams in a concrete or
a more abstract fashion. We asked children to perform two
tasks. In the production task, we examined how they drew
model representations for algebraic word problems with
operands of varying quantities. We defined concrete usage as
varying the length of bars across questions in accordance to
the magnitude of operands. Abstract usage was indicated by
the lack of a consistent relation between the length of the
bars and the magnitude of operands. We also manipulated the
sequence in which increases in the magnitude of operands
were presented. Because a sequential increase may overly
focus the children’s attention on changes in magnitude and
attenuate any tendency to adopt a more abstract strategy, we
also presented the increases in a random sequence. In the
validation task, we assessed the same children’s
understanding by asking them to judge and explain whether
several presented graphical representations were drawn
correctly. The representations contained drawings that fall
into either the concrete or abstract pattern as defined
above. Children with more sophisticated understanding were
expected to know that though bars of particular lengths
depict unknown constants within the context of each
question, across questions, the same bars can be used to
depict different quantities. In fact, it is when letter
symbols are considered in this sense that they are
considered variables.
We tested
Primary 5 (Grade 5) children who have not been taught
symbolic algebra and Secondary 2 (Grade 8) children who have
been taught both the model method and symbolic algebra. The
primary school children would have used the model method for
a year, whereas the secondary school children would have
been introduced to symbolic algebra some time during since
Primary 6. In an interview study conducted with ten Primary
5 students, most of the children showed some abstract
understanding of how the bar diagrams should be used (Ng & Lee, 2008). Typical of their responses was statements
suggesting that the absolute size of the bars do not matter.
With their added experience with algebraic problems, we
expected the secondary school children to display more
abstract usage and awareness. To examine how our measures of
children’s understanding were related to other tests of
algebraic understanding, we administered the Küchemann
algebra test (Brown, Hart, &
Kuchemann, 1985) to the secondary school children. This is a
standardized measure that gauges children’s understanding of
variables expressed in the letter symbolic format. It was given only to secondary
school children as the primary school
children have not been exposed to
letter symbols.
2.1 Participants
and design
The experiment was based on a 4 (Magnitude
band: one, tens, hundreds, versus thousands) × 2 (Question
sequence: increasing value versus randomised) × 2 (Grade:
Primary 5 versus Secondary 2) full factorial split-plot
design. Magnitude band served as the only within-subject
variable. A total of 68 Secondary 2 students (Mage
=13.9, SD = 0.45)
and 110 Primary 5 students (Mage =
11.1, SD = 0.60)
from 5 schools (2 Secondary and 3 Primary) of mixed
abilities and social economic status participated in the
study. All schools were government funded, located in the
western region of Singapore, and followed the national
mathematics curriculum. All children participated with
parental consent.
Task and materials
designed a web-based program comprising a production task
followed by a validation task. Participants’ inputs on the
computer interface were logged on a server. In addition, the
Secondary 2 students were administered the Küchemann Algebra
Test (Brown et al., 1985).
2.2.1 Production
children were presented with algebra word problems on the
computer screen and were asked to draw model diagrams for
these problems using the graphical tools provided onscreen.
A computerized interface provided a standardized interface
both for problem administration and data collection. The
children started with an online palette that contained a
variety of specially designed drawing and labelling tools.
The children viewed and worked on one problem at a time.
They were not required to solve the problem, just to draw
the bar diagrams in the same format that they would with pen
and paper. There was no limit to the size of the bars
that could be drawn. Each child completed 12 problems. All
the problems were of the same structure, but varied in the
name of the protagonists and referents (e.g., Mary versus
Jane, marbles versus cupcakes).
specific magnitude band in each problem varied across four
scales: ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. Three problems
were given within each scale. The size of the operand
relating to the difference unit -- our dependent measure of
interest -- in these three problems was drawn from the
smaller, medium, and larger range of each magnitude band;
with one question from each range. In Figure 1a, for
example, we depicted a question with a small difference unit
(“2”) from the magnitude band of “ones”. A question with a
large difference-unit operand (e.g., 7), still from the
magnitude band of ones, would read something like “Mary and
John have 9 marbles altogether. John has 7 more marbles than
Mary…” A
question with a large difference unit (e.g., 70) from the
magnitude band of tens would have been presented as “John
has 70 more marbles than Mary…”
reduce stimuli specific effects, we developed two parallel
sets of problems that were identical in structure and
differed only in specific quantities. In both sets,
questions were administered either in randomized order or in
accordance to the magnitude of the difference-unit operands.
The children’s drawings were recorded by the computer
program, which also logged the pixel length of the bar
diagrams. The pixel length of the difference unit or the
section of the bar that represents the difference between
the two protagonists (see Figure 1a) was used as the
dependent variable. Of particular interest was whether
students varied the length of the difference unit across
magnitude bands. That is, did they draw bars that were much
longer to represent “John has 70 more marbles” as compared
to “John has 7 more marbles”? Because we did not impose an
upper limit on the length of the bar, there was also no
upper cap on the range for the dependent variable. In Table
1, we provided both the confidence intervals and the range
from the observed data.
2.2.2 Validation task
were presented with two sets of 3 questions. For the first
set of validation questions, each question comprised a word
problem followed by two model
diagrams differing in whether proportionality in the length
of the bars was maintained, across questions. In one
diagram, the bars were drawn with longer bars for larger
numbers. In the other, proportionality was not maintained.
In other words, the diagrams differed in whether the bars
were drawn in a more concrete or abstract manner.
Participants were asked to choose
which diagram (one or the other, or both) was correct.
They were also asked to explain their selection by
selecting a response from four multiple choice options
(see Appendix A).
For the
second set of questions, each question contained two word
problems, each accompanied by two diagrams, said to be drawn
by Student A and Student B respectively. The two word
problems in each question
were structurally equivalent,
differing only in the magnitude of the operands. Student
A’s diagrams demonstrated a more abstract usage of the bars:
the size of the bars were identical for operands of
different sizes. Student B’s diagrams demonstrated a more
concrete usage: the size of the bars differed in accordance
to changes in the size of the operands. Participants were asked to indicate if the two students
were correct. A maximum of 9 marks could be
obtained in the validation task (see Appendix A for scoring
criteria) with higher marks indicating a more abstract
understanding of the bar diagrams.
Küchemann Algebra
Küchemann Algebra Test from the Chelsea Diagnostic
Mathematics Tests (Brown et al., 1985) is a standardized measure of how children
interpret letter symbols used in algebra. Up to six
different common interpretations have been identified in the
literature: (i) letter numerically evaluated, (ii) letter
not used or ignored, (iii) letter used as an object or
abbreviation, (iv) letter used as a specific unknown, (v)
letter used as a generalised number, (vi) letter used as a
variable. The test places children on one of four levels of
understanding based on the type and complexity of their
interpretations. For example, a student using any of the
first three interpretations and can only answer very simple
questions is classified as Level 1. A student using the same
interpretations, but who is able to answer more structurally
complex questions is classified as Level 2. Understanding
letter symbols as referring to specific unknowns qualifies
classification at Level 3. This is deemed a basic level of
understanding required for symbolic algebra. Level 4
requires students to demonstrate an understanding of letter
symbols as generalised numbers. Of interest was whether
Secondary 2 students’ attainment on the Küchemann test
correlated with their performance on the production task.
That is, did students with higher scores on the Küchemann
test show less tendency to adjust the length of the bars in
accordance to the magnitude of the operands?
2.3 Procedure
For the computerised tasks, participants from the
same school were tested together in a single group session
in their school computer laboratories. The
Secondary 2 students completed the Küchemann Algebra Test in
an additional session in a classroom.
To examine
whether children’s performances on the production task
differed across the various experimental conditions, we
subjected the data to a 4 (Magnitude band: ones, tens,
hundreds, versus thousands) × 2 (Question sequence:
increasing value versus randomised) × 2 (Grade: Primary 5
versus Secondary 2) repeated measures multivariate analysis
of variance. Pixel length of the difference unit drawn for
questions with smaller, medium, versus larger operands
within each magnitude band served as the dependent measures.
In addition to the main independent variables, we entered
which of the two parallel forms children were administered
to take account of potential differences in performance
across the two forms. Descriptive statistics can be found in
Table 1.
pixel length, standard deviation, and confidence intervals
for the production task
Size of difference unit operand |
Small |
Medium |
Large |
Order of
Magnitude band |
M |
SD |
95% CI |
M |
SD |
95% CI |
M |
SD |
95% CI |
Primary 5 |
(N = 55) |
Ones |
33 |
(19) |
[28, 38] |
51 |
(29) |
[43, 59] |
111 |
(56) |
[95, 127] |
Tens |
44 |
(25) |
[38, 51] |
57 |
(29) |
[49, 65] |
116 |
(59) |
[100, 132] |
Hundreds |
50 |
(28) |
[42, 57] |
60 |
(28) |
[52, 68] |
122 |
(68) |
[103, 140] |
Thousands |
54 |
(35) |
[44, 63] |
59 |
(27) |
[52, 66] |
106 |
(62) |
[89, 123] |
(N = 55) |
Ones |
35 |
(22) |
[29, 41] |
53 |
(34) |
[44, 62] |
74 |
(54) |
[59, 88] |
Tens |
39 |
(22) |
[33, 46] |
54 |
(26) |
[47, 61] |
104 |
(53) |
[89, 118] |
Hundreds |
48 |
(26) |
[41, 55] |
54 |
(23) |
[48, 61] |
101 |
(77) |
[80, 122] |
Thousands |
59 |
(37) |
[49, 69] |
65 |
(35) |
[55, 74] |
123 |
(63) |
[106, 140] |
Secondary 2 |
(N = 36) |
Ones |
36 |
(16) |
[31, 42] |
59 |
(26) |
[50, 67] |
133 |
(57) |
[114, 153] |
Tens |
47 |
(28) |
[38, 56] |
61 |
(25) |
[53, 70] |
124 |
(51) |
[106, 142] |
Hundreds |
53 |
(29) |
[43, 63] |
69 |
(30) |
[58, 79] |
121 |
(53) |
[103, 138] |
Thousands |
59 |
(32) |
[48, 70] |
74 |
(29) |
[64, 84] |
125 |
(48) |
[109, 141] |
(N = 32) |
Ones |
36 |
(18) |
[30, 43] |
59 |
(29) |
[49, 70] |
111 |
(70) |
[85, 136] |
Tens |
52 |
(25) |
[43, 61] |
65 |
(25) |
[56, 74] |
138 |
(73) |
[111, 164] |
Hundreds |
53 |
(24) |
[45, 62] |
72 |
(27) |
[62, 82] |
134 |
(84) |
[103, 164] |
Thousands |
70 |
(38) |
[56, 84] |
81 |
(39) |
[67, 95] |
150 |
(71) |
[125, 176] |
Notes. 1. M and SD refers
to the means and standard deviations of the bars
drawn for the difference unit (DU). 2. 95% CI
refers to the 95% confidence interval. It is
calculated from the sample mean and is used as an
indication of the precision of the estimate.
Typically, the narrower is the range, the more
precise the estimate. 3. Values
for the M,
SD and the
95% CI are rounded to the nearest pixel unit. 4. Values
for the DU range from 5 to 356. |
Length of
the difference unit drawn by the students was affected by
magnitude band, F(9,
150) = 12.85, p < .001, ηp2
= .44. As can be noted in both Table 1 and Figure 2,
children generally drew longer bars for larger operands.
However, this was qualified by an interaction with question
sequence, F(9,
150) = 4.13, p
< .01, ηp2
= .20. Univariate tests showed that the interaction effect
was not significant for either the smaller or medium sized
operands. For these operands, there were significant and
strong linear trends across the four magnitude bands, .39
> ηp2
> .14, regardless of sequence of
presentation. In other words, children uniformly used longer
bars for small and medium sized operands, regardless of
magnitude band. For large operands, a strong linear and
increasing trend across the four magnitude bands was found
when question sequence was randomised, F(1, 80) = 61.93, p < .01, ηp2
= .44. There were no differences in the length of the bars,
across the four magnitude bands, when questions with large
operand sizes were presented as part of a sequence in which
the size of operands was ordered (see Figure 2).
there was a significant main effect associated with grade, F(3, 156) = 4.05,
p < .01, ηp2
= .07, with the older children drawing longer bars, it
did not enter into interaction with other variables. For Secondary 2
students, we also tested the relation between their
performance on the production task and the Küchemann Algebra
Test. As there were only 2 children in the Küchemann Level 1
category, Levels 1 and 2 were combined. Approximately 22% of
the students attained Level 1 – 2, 40% Level 3, and 38%
Level 4. A 4 (magnitude: ones, tens, hundreds, vs.
thousands) × 3 (Küchemann: Level 1 – 2, Level 3 vs. Level 4)
repeated measures analysis of variance showed no significant
interaction between magnitude band and level of algebraic
understanding on the length of the difference unit drawn by
the children. Children with more advanced understanding of
the use of letters in algebra adjusted the length of bars
according to magnitude in a similar manner as did students
with a more basic level of algebraic understanding.
students performed well on the validation task with 62%
scoring the maximum nine marks. One-way analysis of variance
indicated that there were no significant age differences in
performance on the validation task. Amongst
the Secondary 2 students, performances also did not differ
across levels of understanding on the Küchemann Algebra
also examined whether performance on the production task was related to performance on the
validation task. Performance on the production task,
relative to magnitude band, was indexed by a performance
coefficient. This was derived for each individual by fitting
a line of best fit using the length of their bar diagrams
and the four magnitude conditions as the two axes. A larger
performance coefficient indicates a greater propensity to
adjust the length of the bars according to magnitude band.
There was a small but significant correlation between the
performance coefficient and the validation task score but
only for the younger age group (r = - 0.26, p < .007).
Primary 5 students with a higher score on the validation
task were less likely to adjust the length of the bars
according to the magnitude of the operands.
from the production task showed that children drew longer
bars when the magnitude of the operands increased. The only
condition in which children did not do this was when they
were presented with larger numbers, and only when questions
were presented in order of operand magnitude. These findings
suggest that the children used the bars in a concrete
fashion, but their usage is tempered by affordances in the
question set. Recall that we defined concrete usage as
drawing longer bars to denote larger operands, with abstract
usage being indicated by the lack of a consistent relation
between the length of the bars and magnitude of the
operands. Children
are less likely to engage in a concrete fashion when changes
in the magnitude of operands across questions are more
from the validation task point to a different conclusion.
More than half of the children scored full marks and
demonstrated awareness that the absolute size of the bars
were not essential to the accuracy of the model
representations. In contrast to findings from the production
task, this finding shows that the majority of children have
quite sophisticated understanding of how the graphical
representations should be interpreted. Indeed, for the
younger children, there was a significant correlation
between performances on the production and validation tasks.
Those who showed better understanding on the validation task
were more likely to produce models that conformed to our
definition of abstract depiction.
data provide no definitive information on why the children’s
performance on the production task was less sophisticated
than their performance on the validation task. The findings
point to another case of children knowing and understanding
more than what they can do. This is a common phenomenon in
the development of complex skills. In the development of
memory strategies, for example, children tend not to deploy
skills or strategies spontaneously, but are able to do so
successfully when either instructed or are given explicit
prompts (Flavell, 1970; Harnishfeger &
Bjorklund, 1990). Here, both the younger and older children
seem to be producing graphical depictions in a concrete
manner despite having fairly sophisticated understanding.
However, once the manipulation of problem size becomes
apparent, they are able to deploy their knowledge
accordingly. An alternative version of this explanation,
which focuses on the affordances of the production task, is
that the students approached the task with what is most
familiar. In the production task, the children were not
given specific instructions or directives on how the bar
diagrams should be drawn. Although all the children have had
extensive practice with the use of such graphical
representations, it is possible that they drew the bars in a
more concrete manner because this was what they did, and had
to do, with arithmetic problems.
from the validation task suggest that many children have
some appreciation of the fact that the absolute length of
the bars across questions is unimportant. Although this is
just one aspect in understanding the role of variables in
algebraic equations, from a pedagogical viewpoint, it is
comforting to know that the use of the model method is not
overtly associated with erroneous thinking regarding the
nature of what is being represented. What is somewhat
worrisome is that the secondary school children’s
performance on the production task was no different from the
primary school children’s. If the younger children’s
performance resulted from a production deficiency, the older
children, with more experience with such questions, should
have been able to use the heuristic in a more abstract
fashion. Although speculative, one explanation for why this
was not observed is related to the way in which algebra is
taught. In secondary schools, students are taught symbolic
algebra and use letter symbols to represent unknown values.
In some schools at least, there is little discussion of
differences and similarities in using bar diagrams versus
letter symbols to represent known and unknown quantities (Ng, Lee, Ang, &
Khng, 2006). It is perhaps this lack of explicit linkage
that resulted in some lingering confusion, which is
reflected in the children’s performance on the production
task. Nonetheless, given their performance on both the
validation task and the Küchemann test, their performance on
the production task should not be viewed as a major deficit.
One pedagogical approach that may further benefit student is
to emphasize the different situations under which the two
approaches are best suited. Although not specifically
focused on the model method, previous research have shown
that students are more successful when they use more
concrete or grounded representations to solve simple algebra
questions, but are more successful with more abstract,
symbolic representations with more complex problems (Koedinger, Alibali,
& Nathan, 2008; Koedinger &
Nathan, 2004).
from the Küchemann algebra test showed that the majority of
our Secondary 2 students demonstrated a level of
understanding that is deemed sufficient to enable them to
engage in further studies in algebra. One challenging aspect
of the findings is that performance on the Küchemann test
was not related to performances in either the production or
validation tasks. The Küchemann test focuses on how children
interpret letter symbols in algebra. In contrast, our
measures are focused on children’s usage and understanding
of the bar diagrams used to represent algebraic questions.
Although an understanding of the use of letter symbols to
represent unknowns should help children’s performances in
our tasks, one interpretation of the findings is that there
is a lack of transfer between understanding the notion of
variables when represented as letter symbols versus when
represented in the form of bars. An alternative
interpretation is that the two types of tasks map onto
aspects of algebraic understanding that are more disparate
than we anticipated. Further research on linkages between
these aspects of algebra may help bridge the gap between
what is taught in the primary and secondary curricula.
main aim of this study was to understand how Primary and
Secondary school students use and understand the bar
diagrams used for solving algebraic questions. Findings from
the production task showed that children generally drew
longer bars for bigger operands. Although this finding shows
that the children are using the graphical representations in
a more concrete fashion, findings from the validation task
suggest that their understanding is more sophisticated. In
the validation task, both the younger and the older children
demonstrated understanding that the bars can be used in an
abstract manner and the length of the bars need not be tied
to the size of the operands. The mismatch between findings
from the production and validation tasks is interpreted as
evidence of a production deficit. Although it was surprising
that our Primary and Secondary school students performed in
a similar fashion in the production task, when the totality
of findings are
considered, we do not think the evidence points to a major
deficit. Despite the production finding, for the Secondary
students, performances on the production and validation
tasks were not correlated. Furthermore, the great majority
of Secondary school students showed quite sophisticated
understanding on both the validation task and the Küchemann
test. On the other hand, for the Primary students, the
negative correlation between the production and validation
tasks suggests that examining the way these students depict
problems with different operands does provide some
indication of their understanding. Primary school teachers
may wish to use similar sets of questions, presented in a
randomised order, to gain additional insight on students’
facility with algebraic concepts. It should be noted that
what is important is not the length of the bars produced for
each individual question, but the pattern of responses to
changes in the magnitude of operands that provide insight to
children’s understanding. Discussing how bars of the same
length can be used to represent operands of different
magnitudes may also help teachers make explicit the
conceptual connections between the bars and letter symbols
used in algebra.
we were motivated by concerns regarding the role of the
model method in the curriculum, this study is not an
evaluation of the curriculum, nor did we evaluate whether
learning the model method aids in the acquisition of letter
symbolic algebra. Instead, the findings provide some answers
to how children use and understand the model method, which
may assist policy makers and curriculum designers when they
evaluate its role in the curriculum. To that end, we were
encouraged by the sophistication of the children’s responses
in the validation task and view these findings as being
supportive of the way in which algebraic problem solving is
The work was supported by grants from the Centre for
Research in Pedagogy and Practice (#CRP 9/05 KL). Views
expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those
of the National Institute of Education, Singapore. We thank
the students who participated in this study and the school
administrators who provided access and assistance.
Appendix A
Here are some word problems. Student A and
Student B drew the models for these problems. You have to
pick if Student A is correct, or Student B is correct, or if
both are correct. You can do this by checking the box next
to the options.
Mary has some marbles. John has 30 marbles more
than Mary. They have 150 marbles altogether. How many
marbles has Mary?
Student A drew the following
model. |
Student B drew the following
model. |
Who is correct?
o Student A o Student B o Both Students A and B Check the box next to the
reason that best explains your choice. o
Student A is
correct because the numbers are small. Therefore,
the rectangles are short. o
Student B is
correct because the numbers are big. Therefore,
the rectangles are long. o
Students A and B are correct because the size of
the rectangle does not matter.
Students A and B are wrong because the models are
wrongly drawn. |
Note. One mark was awarded if the student chose
“Both Students A and B” and no marks were given for choosing
either “Student A” or “Student B”. One mark was awarded for
choosing the answer “Both Students A and B are correct
because the size of the rectangle does not matter” and no
marks were given for any other responses.
A and Student B drew models for the 2 questions
below. |
Q.1 Mary
has some marbles. John
has 30 marbles more than Mary. They
have 150 marbles altogether. How
many marbles has Mary? |
Q.2 Mary
has some marbles. John
has 300 marbles more than Mary. They
have 1500 marbles altogether. How
many marbles has Mary? |
Student A drew:
Student B drew:
Student A correct?
No |
Student B correct?
No |
Note. One mark was awarded for choosing “Yes” for
both students and no marks were given for any other
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