The construction and validation of a new scale
for measuring features of constructivist learning
environments in higher education
Dorit Alta
a Kinneret College on the Sea
of Galilee, Israel
received 4 December 2013 / revised 11 February 2014 /
accepted 5 June 2014 / available online 13 June 2014
This study was
aimed at mapping features of constructivist activities in
higher education settings, constructing and validating a new
scale for measuring their presence in lecture face-to-face
based environments (LBE), seminars (SM), and distance learning
environments (DLE). A mix-method approach was implemented in
three phases. The first phase was aimed at qualitatively analysing classroom observational activities as
experienced by students, in order to learn about actual
instantiations of the theoretical constructivist features. The
results foregrounded eight categories: 'knowledge
construction', 'authenticity', 'multiple perspectives', 'prior
knowledge', 'in-depth learning', 'teacher- student
interaction', 'social interaction' and 'cooperative dialogue'.
The second phase was aimed at developing a questionnaire,
based on the descriptions gathered in Phase 1. The third
quantitative phase was used to validate the developed
questionnaire (Constructivist Learning in Higher Education
Settings scale [CLHES]) by using structural equation
modelling. In addition, students' academic self-efficacy had
been chosen as a criterion variable in order to further assess
construct validity of the CLHES. Lastly, a multivariate
analysis of covariance was applied to allow the characterisation of differences between the learning settings in
regard to the CLHES eight factors and academic self-efficacy.
The scales were submitted to 597 undergraduate third-year
college students. According to the main results: construct
validity of the new scale has been confirmed; teacher-student
and student-student interactions were positively connected to
self-efficacy for learning; and SM were perceived as generally
more constructivist when compared with the other learning
environments. Implications of these findings and directions
for future research are discussed.
Keywords: Constructivism; Academic self-efficacy, Higher
practice is continually subjected to renewal needs, due mainly
to the growing proportion of information communication
technology, social changes, globalisation of education, and
the pursuit of quality. The accelerating rate of social change
puts a premium on adaptability to the emerging requirements of
present society such as communication and cooperation skills,
and ability to critically select, acquire, and use knowledge
(Quisumbing, 2005; Wegerif & De Laat, 2011). These types
of renewal needs require developing updated instructional
practices that could integrate knowledge with the personal
transferable skills (Pellegrino & Hilton, 2012). In order
to meet the demands of 21th century learning needs, the creation of
learning environments based on the constructivist pedagogy is
suggested to engage learners in knowledge construction carried
out by social negotiated tasks in real-world contexts while
enhancing students' ability to regulate their learning (de
Kock, Sleegers, & Voeten, 2004).
The constructivist
approach has taken a leading theoretical position and has
become a powerful driving force in the dynamic relationship
between teaching methods and learning processes. However,
despite the growing attention paid to constructivist pedagogic
challenges in the context of learning environments, the
instructional principles of this theory, which are aimed at
directing the nature of educational processes, still need
to be clarified (Gijbels, van de Watering, Dochy, &
van den Bossche, 2006).
during the past two decades, attempts to map instructional
constructivist principles of educational materials and
learning environments have yielded a few results in the field
of university teaching (Fraser, Treagust, Williamson, &
Tobin, 1987; Tenenbaum, Naidu, Jegede, & Austin, 2001).
For example, Tenenbaum et al. (2001) defined and empirically
examined seven key features of constructivist learning
environments: (1) arguments, discussions, debates, (2) conceptual
conflicts and dilemmas, (3) sharing ideas with others, (4)
materials and resources targeted toward solutions, (5)
motivation toward reflections and concept investigation, (6)
meeting students’ needs, and (7) making meaning, real-life
examples. However, Alt (in
press) maintains that this scale could be further elaborated
to include additional perceptions on a wider range of
theoretical dimensions that are important to the current
situation in higher education setting. For example,
understanding the students' prior knowledge (Meyer, 2004); constructing environments for teaching and learning that are decompartmentalised
(Minick, Stone, & Forman, 1993); and engaging students in
a self-regulated learning, in which they can set their own
goals, mediate new meanings from existing knowledge, and form
an awareness of current knowledge structures (Hakkarainen,
Lipponen & Järvelä, 2002). Therefore, constructing a new
scale for measuring a wider range of constructivist features
in university learning environments is central for this study.
Other scales, such as the approaches to study
inventory (ASI) or the approaches to learning and
studying inventory (ALSI) (Entwistle & Ramsden,
1983), and the student process questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F)
(Biggs, Kember, & Leung, 2001), were used to measure
constructivist learning by means of students' approaches to
learning. These studies were based on the assumption that
constructivist learning environments are aimed at fostering a
deep (rather than surface) approach to learning (Lea,
Stephenson, & Troy, 2003; Tiwari et al., 2006). Approaches
to learning refer to how students perceive themselves going
about learning in a specific learning situation, and focus on
how intention and process are combined in students' deep or
surface learning (Biggs et al., 2001). It has been recognised that these approaches to learning are not
characteristics of learners but are determined by a relation
between a learner and a context, and that students adjust
their approaches to learning depending on the requirements of
the task (Evans, 2014). However, the nature of learning tasks
and contexts has changed dramatically in the last decade in
terms of depth and range of curricula and the diversity of
settings (e.g., distance learning), thus the depth of learning
in constructivist environments could currently refer to
diversified requirements of those environments, pertaining to
the process of 'learning to learn', learning to gain an
internal control for learning, and learning how to cooperate
within communities of enquiry (de Kock et al., 2004).
Therefore, assessing constructivist features implementation in
current higher education learning contexts is of importance
and lies at the core of the present study.
Moreover, both teacher and student are assumed to be jointly
responsible for the outcome, the teacher for structuring the
enabling conditions, the learner for engaging them, thus an
approach to learning is described as the nature of the
relationship between student, context, and task (Biggs et al.,
2001). However, the learning approaches scales seem to put
emphasis on the learners, disregarding some significant
theoretical components of learning patterns such as students'
perceptions of the learning context that could affect their
learning engagements (Cano & García-Berbén, 2014). In
order to bridge the gap between theory and empirical study,
this study will assess the relations between three learning
dimensions: students' constructive learning activity
perceptions, teacher-student engagements and students' social
Finally, current studies have suggested that
constructivist learning environments do not always promote
students' deep learning, and point to several factors that
limit the effectiveness of those learning settings (Baeten,
Kyndt, Struyven, & Dochy, 2010; Gijbels, Segers, &
Struyf, 2008; Kyndt, Dochy, & Cascallar, 2014). For
example, Kyndt et al. (2014) maintain that these learning
environments demand too much from the students in terms of
workload and task complexity, in these cases inducing a deep
approach to learning could be difficult. Based upon those
studies, it seems important to detect possible relations
between the learners and their social learning environment
that could encourage them to become self-regulatory and
support their confidence and ability to excel in complex tasks
required for constructivist learning.
Hence, this
mix-method study represents an effort to map features of
constructivist learning environments, construct and validate a
new scale for measuring facets of constructivist learning and
asses their perceived implementation in several higher
education learning contexts. Moreover, since previous studies
have consistently link students' academic self-efficacy
(Bandura, 1997) to learning settings based on the
constructivist theory (Dorman & Adams, 2004; Dorman,
Fisher, & Waldrip, 2006), this psychological outcome has
been chosen as a criterion variable in order to further assess
construct validity of the new scale. This study could detect
effective constructivist practices in university learning
settings and measure their connection to self-efficacy for
learning. Revealing interrelations among several
constructivist practices could provide practical
implementations, informed by the constructivist theory, for
higher education teaching practices. Finally, the potential
differences between various forms of contemporary learning
settings: lecture based environments, seminars and distance
learning environments, and the assessment of the use of
constructivist activities in these settings, will be addressed
in this study. Such comparative examination could demonstrate
how different constructivist activities could be applied in
various settings as well as challenge the positive effect
attributed to constructivist based environments on academic
The constructivist pedagogy
Constructivism is
a view of learning that perceives the individual as an active
and responsible agent in his/her knowledge acquisition process
(Brooks & Brooks, 1999). This view is shared by cognitive
constructivism and social constructivism. However, while
cognitive constructivism is concerned with the individual's
construction of knowledge, social constructivism stresses the
collaborative processes in knowledge building (Windschitl,
2002). These epistemological emphases are exemplified by
Bakhtin (1984, 1986). For Bakhtin (1984), meaning is a product
of dialogues: "truth is not born nor is it to be found inside
the head of an individual person; it is born between people
collectively searching for truth, in the process of their
dialogic interaction" (p. 110).
Several essential
factors of the social constructivist pedagogy are indicated by
theorists and practitioners (Packer & Goicoechea, 2001;
Popkewitz, 1998; Steffe & Gale, 1995). These features may
be grouped around three key tenets of the constructivist
learning environment in line with de Kock et al.'s (2004)
classification: constructive activity, teacher-student
interaction and social activity, as further
described below.
The first tenet
(constructive activity) pertains to the process of 'learning
to learn'. This principle is based on several educational
practices. First is the idea that learning occurs during
sustainable participation in inquiry practices focused on the
advancement of knowledge. This process, consists of a
so-called predict- observe- explain procedure (White &
Gunstone, 1992) where learners hypothesise, test their
hypothesis, explain observations as a way of verifying
hypothesis, and later discuss discrepancies between the
hypothesis and the outcome. In this format, learners’
participation throughout the lesson will be through
predicting, observing and explaining the learning process. In
this process, learners are required to actively make meaning
from information; they cannot be passive consumers of
conceptualisations, analyses and conclusions of others.
However, although university teaching is claimed to have a
special task to support students in adopting ways of thinking
and producing new knowledge anchored in scientific inquiry
practices (Gellin, 2003; Resnick, 1987), Stahl (2011) argues
that students' habits of learning are still overwhelmingly
skewed toward passive acquisition of knowledge from authority
sources rather than from collaborative inquiry activities.
Authenticity is another
dimension of the constructive activity tenet. Authentic
experiences allow the individual to construct mental
structures that are viable in meaningful situations. Since
learning is contextual, knowledge construction should occur in
situations that are real rather than contrived (Dolittle &
Camp, 1999). Situating learning in a real world task ensures
that learning is personally interesting, and provides the
students with opportunities to think at the level of
sophistication they are likely to encounter in the real world
(Erstad, 2011). Lahn (2011) maintains that more attention
should be paid to contextual variables that provide learners
with a wide range of authentic experiences, and scaffolds that
support an effective reorganisation of knowledge, while
conceiving learners as active designers of their learning
Providing multiple
perspectives and representations of a content, is another
dimension of the constructive activity tenet. The
constructivist learning encourages the student to examine a
phenomenon from several points of view (perspectives). When
students are able to examine an experience from multiple
perspectives, their understanding and adaptability are
increased. In this process they are forced to go beyond
everyday ethical contemplation by developing dialogue and
multiple perspectives as well as drawing on available
resources (Lund & Hauge, 2011). This practice provides
students with multiple opportunities to develop a more viable
model of their learning and social experiences (Dolittle &
Camp, 1999).
Another dimension
of the constructive activity first tenet refers to the idea
that content and skills should be understood within the
framework of the learner's prior knowledge (Dochy &
Alexander, 1995). Teachers should be able to ascertain their
students' prior knowledge and teach accordingly. By
understanding the student's mental structures, teachers can
clarify incomplete or erroneous prior knowledge, determine the
method of instruction necessary in a particular topic area,
create effective experiences and plan independent activities,
and assess materials adapted to the student (Meyer, 2004).
Teachers should also create environments for teaching and
learning that are decompartmentalised, by integrating
individual, social and institutional processes, as stressed by
Minick et al. (1993): " cannot develop a viable
socio-cultural conception of human development without looking
carefully at the way these institutions develop, the way they
are linked with one another, and the way human social life is
organised within them" (p.
6). Hence, contrary to the traditional ideology of
teaching and learning, which relies mainly upon learning
opportunities that are the mere “spelled out” transmission of
dominant knowledge, according to the new interdisciplinary
approach, experiences retrieved from the past could offer
mediations to decipher present experience, and lessons learned
from prior inquiry could be turned towards a creative future
(Perret-Clermont & Perret, 2011). This approach is
considered an efficient way to help teachers and learners deal
with acquiring knowledge that grows at exponential proportions
within change processes (Jacobs, 1989).
The second tenet
(teacher-student interaction) is one of the main conceptual
pillars of the constructivist pedagogy. This principle
stresses on the self-regulated learner, and on shifting the
external control over the learning process, as used in
conventional and well- structured learning settings, to the
student's internal control for learning. In these processes,
students should be encouraged to become self-regulatory,
self-mediated, and self-aware (de Kock et al., 2004). Students
are given opportunities to actively engage in self-regulated
learning processes, including setting their own goals,
mediating new meanings from existing knowledge, and forming an
awareness of current knowledge structures (Hakkarainen et al.,
2002). The teacher role is to engage students in a
self-regulated learning, often referred to as meta-cognition
(Brown, 1987), and encourage students to set their own goals
while emphasising collaboration and negotiation. The teacher
should also provide scaffolding during the learning process,
while encouraging and guiding students to reflect on their own
learning processes, rather than acting as a knowledge conduit
(Järvelä, Hurme, & Järvenoja, 2011). King (2002) describes
this learning as a deliberate process during which learners
focus on their performance and think carefully about the
thinking that led to particular actions, what happened and
what they are currently learning from the experience, in order
to better perform in the future.
According to the
final tenet (social activity), learning is a social activity
in which individual learning processes are affected by
personal characteristics as well as by external social
factors, and meaning is constructed from the interaction
between existing knowledge and social situations (Vygotsky,
1978). This principle highlights the cooperative nature of the
learning process aimed at fostering a dialogic thinking
(Schwarz, 2009; Schwarz & de Groot, 2011; Wegerif, 2007).
The dialogic interpretative framework implies that pedagogic
practices should be able to sustain more than one perspective
simultaneously. This pedagogy has been described by Wegerif
and De Laat (2011) in terms of moving learners into the space
of dialogue. This process includes the promotion of
communities of enquiry and dialogue skills through the use of
forums of alternative voices, and the induction of students
into real dialogues across cultural differences. Järvelä et
al. (2011) maintain that successful engagement in such
collaborative and dialogic learning involves core processes of
self-regulated learning, effective use of learning strategies
to participate in collaborative interactions, meta-cognitive
control, and regulation of motivation and emotions.
2.2 Features
of constructivist learning in higher education environments
Although the
conventional lecture form has been consistently associated
with the traditional one-way traffic instruction, based on
objectivist philosophical assumptions, Nave (1991) implies
that several constructivist activities could be implemented in
university lecture based settings. She distinguishes a
conventional lecture from an 'open-text' lecture. In a
conventional lecture, learners simply absorb new materials,
without being allowed to raise questions. In contrast, an
'open-text' lecture allows the teacher to manoeuvre his/her
ways from time to time, present the material from multiple
points of view, and use varied examples which are relevant to
the students' world. During these activities, teachers can
promote dialogic processes in the classroom. Nave (1991)
maintains that this complex and challenging approach
necessitates qualified teachers who have the special skills
required for this 'open-text' instructional design.
Another higher
education environment is the distance learning, defined as a
planned activity that occurs in a different place from the
teacher, far from the designated learning place, using special
techniques for designing online courses (Barak & Dori,
2009). The philosophy of constructivism seems to have crucial
implications for learning and instructional design in distance
learning settings. In the neo-Vygotskian socio-cultural
theory, technology is seen as a facilitator of dialogic spaces
where students can use networks to creative learning (Wegerif
& De Laat, 2011). With the rapid growth of distance
learning courses, it seems worthwhile to examine how distance
learning settings support the use of constructivist
learning environment, based on the constructivist pedagogical
approach, is the research-based seminar. Seminars include
intense study relating to the student's major, typically have
significantly fewer students per professor than normal
courses, and are generally more specific in topic of study.
These settings are conceived as excellent ways by which a
community of learners could be built, interdisciplinary
research-based (i.e. inquiry-based) settings could be
promoted, and student-centred activities, where students
themselves could take a key role in creating the
research/learning link, could be fostered (Lueddeke, 2003).
Despite the many
theoretical appeals of comparing between traditional learning
environments and constructivist based environments, few are
the empirically based studies. For example, Tynjälä (1999)
showed how students in a constructivist learning environment
acquire more diversified knowledge when compared with students
in a traditional teaching setting. However, the potential
differences between various forms of contemporary learning
settings and the assessment of the use of constructivist
activities in these settings are yet to be explored. Such
comparative examination could demonstrate how different constructivist activities could be applied in
various settings.
2.3 Academic
An important psychological outcome addressed in
previous research concerning constructivist teaching and
learning, is academic
self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977, 1986). Studies have stressed
that academic self-efficacy is a positive predictor of
academic achievement (Carroll et al., 2009), and of
self-motivation for academic attainment (Bandura, 1997),
therefore measuring the potential contribution of different
learning environments to this psychological outcome is of
self-efficacy refers to personal judgements of one’s ability
to succeed at an academic task on a designated level or to
attain a specific academic goal (Bandura, 1997; Linnenbrink
& Pintrich, 2002). Accordingly, self-efficacy competence
includes behavioural actions as well as the cognitive skills
necessary for performance in a specific domain, and has been
defined as “an individual’s confidence in their ability to
organise and execute a given course of action to solve a
problem or accomplish a task” (Eccles & Wigfield, 2002, p.
110). According to Bandura (1997), learners with the same
level of cognitive skill development could differ in their
intellectual performances due to the strength of their
perceived self-efficacy.
Previous studies
(Dorman & Adams, 2004; Dorman et al., 2006; Loyens,
Rikers, & Schmidt, 2008; van Dinther, Dochy, & Segers,
2011), link self-efficacy competence to the psychosocial
learning environment that students experience in their schools
and classrooms, and report a consistent contribution of the
constructivist learning environment to students' academic
self-efficacy. Donche, Coertjens, Van Daal, De Maeyer and Van
Petegem (2014) showed how academic self-efficacy has a
positive direct effect on first year university students' deep
learning engagement. Dorman and Adams (2004) suggest that the
potential of the constructivist learning environment in
explaining academic self-efficacy should be recognised.
The present study
This study
attempts at first, mapping features of actual constructivist
learning instantiations in higher education settings, second,
constructing and validating a new scale for measuring those
features, third, assessing the constructivist features
implementation in different higher education settings, and
fourth, measuring their effect on self-efficacy for learning.
This study's main research questions were formulated as:
Q1. To what extent
do students' perceptions of the presence of constructivist
learning practices in their classes contribute to their
academic self-efficacy? Which perceived constructivist
practices are connected to students' academic self-efficacy?
Q2. Which learning
environment sufficiently reflects an assemblage of
constructivist tenets, and promotes academic self-efficacy?
Figure 1.
demonstrates the theoretical structure of the proposed
theoretical framework.
Figure 1. Model 1. The
theoretical structure of the proposed framework.
A mix qualitative
and quantitative research method, applied in three phases, was
used to address the research aims and questions. Creswell
(2007) emphasised the superiority of a mixed-method research
design in exploratory research. This method builds upon the
synergy that exists between the qualitative-quantitative
research continuum thus allowing to reinforce research
construct validity and to expand the understanding of an
explored phenomenon.
3.1 Phase
The first phase
was aimed at gathering and analysing classroom observational
activities as experienced by students, in order to learn about
actual instantiations of the theoretical constructivist
features. This phase used a qualitative methodology to analyse
the gathered materials according to the categorical scheme
suggested by theory, while allowing for additional meaningful
categories identification.
Participants and material gathering procedure
Phase 1 included
62 undergraduate third-year students from one major college in
Israel, (12.5% male students 84.6% female students). Their
distribution with respect to faculties was as follows: Education- 15
students, Criminology – ten students, Sociology – 12 students,
Management – four students, Economy – five students,
Behavioural Sciences – eight students, Political Sciences-
four students, and
Communication - four students.
Participants were
asked to keep observation diaries of their learning activities
in one of the following courses: a seminar (SM), a lecture
based environment course (LBE) or a distance learning
environment course (DLE). Since the following analysis
procedure involved both deductive and inductive category
applications, a prescribed general format of the diary was
given, and three theoretical foci were suggested to assist
observations: learning activity, teacher- student interaction
and social activity. There was also a self-reflection section
in the diary.
Analysis of the study materials
In line with the
deductive approach, a categorical scheme suggested by the
theoretical perspective was defined (see the independent
variable shown in Fig. 1). The inductive approach allowed
identifying additional meaningful categories. According to
Strauss (1987), both these aspects of inquiry are absolutely
essential throughout the analysis. Thus, both logically
derived categories and those that have "serendipitously"
arisen from the data may find their way into the research
(Merton, 1968).
observations were analysed by four raters; all are experts in
the research area of constructive learning. Inter-rater
Cohen's Kappa (k) reliability (Cohen, 1960), which is commonly
assessed in psychological research, was used. The raters were
asked to categorise the students' observation reports
according to the theoretical scheme. The k values
were interpreted as follows: k < 0.20 poor agreement; 0.21
< k < 0.40 fair agreement; 0.41 < k < 0.60
moderate agreement; 0.61 < k < 0.80 good agreement; 0.81
< k < 1.00 very good agreement. Results of 0.61 < k
< 1 were considered acceptable for the purposes of the
current study. The raters were also asked to report on new
identified categories.
3.2 Phase
2: Questionnaire development
This phase was
aimed at developing a questionnaire that could assess
constructivist activities in various educational settings. The
students' descriptions gathered in the qualitative research
(Phase 1), where formulated as short items by three
instructional design experts in the research area of
constructive learning. For example, the following description
of DLE: "Assignments were given during this course on Moodle
(Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
Environment). This allowed me preparing the required work when
I chose to; I could progress at my own pace" was phrased as:
'In this course, the teacher considered my learning pace'
(c12). Each item was given a Likert-type score ranging from 1
= not at all true to 5 = completely true.
Consequently, a 41-item scale was submitted to 78
undergraduate third-year students in order to assess the
clarity of the items. Accordingly, five items were excluded
due to unclear phrasing. The new scale (hereinafter:
Constructivist Learning in Higher Education Settings scale
[CLHES]) included 36 items.
3.3 Phase
This quantitative
phase was used to validate the developed questionnaire by
using structural equation modelling (SEM) (Bentler, 2006;
McDonald & Ho, 2002). In addition, since previous studies
have consistently link students' academic self-efficacy to
constructivist learning settings, this psychological outcome
had been chosen as a criterion variable to further assess
construct validity of the new scale. Additional aim of this
phase was to test the research questions.
The criterion variable: Academic self-efficacy
An eight-item (g1
– g8) scale derived from the Motivated Strategies for Learning
Questionnaire (MSLQ) (Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, &
Mckeachie, 1993) was used to assess perceived academic
competence in the students' learning environments. The MSLQ
was originally designed to measure college undergraduates’
motivation and self-regulated learning perception and learning
strategies. The MSLQ is modular, thus allows using the
sub-scales separately, as has been the case in the present
study, which used only the academic self-efficacy sub-scale.
All items were scored on a 5-point Likert scale with anchors
of 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree.
For example, 'I'm certain I can master the skills being taught
in this course.' (Cronbach's alpha = 0.89).
were submitted to 597 undergraduate third-year students (15.4%
males and 84.6% females) from one major college in Israel, of
whom 37.5% were Jewish students and 62.5% Muslim students,
with a mean age of 24.5 (SD=4.7) years. Based on the report of
the Central Bureau of Statistics (2011) and the Council for
Higher Education (2009) in Israel, the gender and ethnicity
breakdown of Northern Galilee college students, majoring
mainly in social sciences studies, is 20% males and 80%
females of whom 40% Jewish, 55% Muslim, and 5% belonging to
other religions, thus the current study's sample represents,
to some extent, the gender and ethnicity breakdown of regional
colleges located in the Northern Galilee. The distribution of
the participants with respect to course settings (Course
groups) was as follows: 29.1% LBE students (enrolled in three
randomly selected courses), 40.2% seminar course students
(SM), (enrolled in eight randomly selected courses), and 30.7%
DLE students (enrolled in three randomly selected courses).
The sample reflected the faculty enrollment breakdown of the
campus, composed as follows: Education – 63%,
Criminology – 12.8%, Sociology – 7.9%,
Management - 7.5%, Economy – 4.3%,
Behavioural Sciences - 2%,
Political Sciences1.9 - %,
and Communication – 0.6%.
The CLHES was
administered to the participants near the end of their courses
- at the second semester of the third year of studies. The
students were told that the purpose of the study was to
examine their perceptions of the course. Prior to obtaining
participants' consent it was specified that the questionnaires
were anonymous and that no pressure would be applied should
they choose to return the questionnaire unfilled or incomplete
(the overall response rate was 87%; 34 questionnaires were
excluded due to incomplete response). Finally,
participants were assured that no specific identifying
information about the courses would be processed. The scale
items were originally generated in Hebrew, and were translated
into English and back translated by professional editors for
the purpose of this paper.
Phase 1. Qualitative study results
Table 1 presents
the categories and several examples from the students'
reports. In line with the theoretical framework, five
categories have been recognised from the reports: knowledge
construction, authenticity, multiple perspectives, prior
knowledge and teacher- student interaction. An
additional category of in-depth learning has emerged
from the analysis. Moreover, the theoretical category of social
activity has been divided into two distinctive
sub-categories: social interaction and cooperative
dialogue, as further described below:
construction is described as
multiple opportunities given to students to investigate real
problems, raise questions and search for possible explanations
while using various methodological approaches.
learning. This category
pertains to the extent to which students are given
opportunities to deeply explore a certain subject matter,
rather than engaging them in a surface learning.
deals with giving
relevant meaning to the learned concepts and addressing real
life and interesting events which are related to the studied
The multiple
perspectives category refers
to presenting complex ideas from several points of view.
knowledge primarily deals
with connecting the subject materials to other courses'
student interaction refers to the
teacher role which includes guidance toward reflection on
learning processes.
interaction includes a
variety of learning activities with other students, not
necessarily during a lesson.
dialogue refers to
dialogical activities during the lesson in which students can
express opinions and original ideas.
It can be learned
from Table 1 that the pedagogical principles introduced in the
theoretical framework and in the analysis were associated with
various course formats. For
example, the following example shows how authentic real life
examples are integrated in a lecture based course: "This
course, entitled 'Social Roles', deals with the family life
span, especially with men's and women's roles in different
societies, for example, conflict situations within the family.
The examples given in class reflect real situations from our
daily life."
A reversed
description (RV) is a report in which students describe a lack
of a constructive related activity in the learning
environment, for example, the following report exemplifies how
the teacher does not implement dialogical activities during a
lecture based lesson: "When students want to comment on a
specific issue that has been taught in class, the teacher
explains that they have no right to do so, since "much better
scholars than them have investigated the issue". Eventually,
everyone silently obeys the teacher."
Table 1
Categories and
examples from students' reports. Note: seminars (SM),
lecture based environments (LBE), distance learning
environments (DLE), reversed description (RV)
Category |
Examples |
construction |
§ In
this course we have investigated an interesting issue
related to parents' empowerment in educational
processes, with relation to different cultural
needs. This inquiry required interviewing
parents; some of them were
parents of children with special needs.
We also interviewed educational teams in order
to find ways to enrich parental involvement in
schools and communities.(LBE) § I
want to explore how teenagers from different
cultures experience their adolescence period. In
order to find an answer to my question, I have
to interview parents from different ethnic
groups.(SM) § This
course involved a field work. We went to
kindergartens in our city and explored how
different theoretical approaches can be applied
in real situations. The
conclusions of our experiences were later
discussed in the class.(LBE) § Students
have presented their research work in class. They
have described the whole process from the start:
stated their research question, described the
preferred methodology, presented the data
analysis, research findings and conclusions.(SM) |
learning |
§ This
course required preparing a project regarding the
skills of the school counsellor. This was really
an intensive work that included a deep study of
this topic. (SM) § The
teacher shows us Power Point presentations loaded
with complex figures I cannot understand. He moves
from one topic to another, sometimes I really get
confused.(RV) (LBE) § The
main goal [of this course] is the final exam. We
study in order to pass the exam. There was no
enriching beyond the concepts required for the
exam. We could not ask questions during classes in
order to deepen our understanding, since "there is
no time for questions". (RV)(LBE) § Sometimes
I get very interested in a subject raised by the
teacher, at this point, disappointedly, she moves
on to another subject. I feel that the quantity is
much more important for her than the quality.
(RV)(LBE) |
Authenticity |
§ The
teacher uploads assignments to the course website.
These assignments concern current educational
issues. We are also required to search for news
and to find items regarding the studied material.
(DLE) § This
course, entitled 'Social Roles', deals with the
family life span, especially with men's and
women's roles in different societies, for example,
conflict situations within the family. The
examples given in class reflect real situations
from our daily life. (LBE) § One of
the requirements of this course was conducting a
research assignment related to problems which Arab
women are confronted with when leaving their close
environment sphere towards academic studies, and
the obstacles they encounter when they get back to
their villages to work. This is an interesting
issue; I was highly motivated to take part in this
investigation. (SM) § One of
the topics was the history of the Maccabiah [an international Jewish athletic
event]. We have studied the subject
through protocols of interviews with past
athletes, newspapers articles and stories related
to the history of this event.(LBE) |
perspectives |
§ The
subject of this lesson was 'sexual assault'. Each student could
present his or her attitude. Different
perspectives were brought up by the students. One
of them argued that women "bring it upon
themselves" and should dress in a more modest
manner. Others disagreed and argued that religious
girls in their villages, although dressed by the
religious code, were sexually
abused. (LBE) § In
this course we talk about different codes of norms
of several religions: Jewish, Muslim, Christian
and Druze. At first, every student introduced
his/her tradition regarding the dressing code,
then, we asked each other questions regarding for
example, the origin of these codes, and the
obstacles arise within a multicultural society
with relation to these codes. (LBE) § In
this lesson we have discussed the subject of
'egalitarian division of labour within the
family'. Some female students were against the
idea of equal sharing, one of them argued that her
husband is working hard and this is enough labour
for him, and that from her point of view women
should take care for domestic issues only. Other
students strongly opposed this position. Maybe
their different cultures effect their point of
view.(LBE) |
knowledge |
§ The
main topic dealt with the transition to
parenthood. This subject was related first, to my
previous experience as a mother, and second, to
many subjects such as psychology, childhood era,
conflicts in the family, which I have learned
during the past year.(LBE) § In
this lesson we learned about ethics in research.
The teacher showed us videos of the Milgram's
experiment on obedience to authority figures. I
have learned about this experiment in a psychology
related course earlier this year, however, this
moral perspective has broadened my knowledge.
(LBE) § One of
the discussed topics was on unmarried couples who
choose to have a parenting agreement. This issue
raised many important aspects that were related to
several course materials I had previously studied,
such as: parents and parenting, the child's
security and needs. (LBE) |
student interaction |
§ One of
my assignments was to present a theme with
relation to the studied material. The teacher
encouraged me to search for papers, she has given
me a general guidance on how and where to find
scientific materials related to my subject.(LBE) § Assignments
were given during this course on Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment). This allowed me preparing
the required work when I chose to; I could
progress at my own pace. (DLE) § The
teacher knows every single student by his/her
name. She always encourages me. After my class
presentation, she sent me an email in which she
had appreciated my progress and added some
comments on how to improve my learning process.
(SM) § In
this course the assignments are given in a way
which allows me to organise my schedule in a
flexible manner.(DLE) |
interaction |
§ During
this course Arab and Jewish students have
cooperated on multiple occasions. For
example, the Hebrew language is very difficult
for non-native speakers, so in many occasions
during a cooperative in -class or out-class
work, Jewish students helped Arab students
correcting spelling mistakes and improving oral
presentations.(LBE) § I have
kept downloading materials from the website,
nothing else was needed. I was not required to
work with others, frankly, I did not know the students
participating in the course .(RV)(DLE) § The
teacher encourages us to use the forum. She raises
questions and asks us to comment and hold a
debate. However, in practice, it seems that many
students invest their time in answering her
questions, and do not pay any attention to
students' comments.(RV)(DLE) |
dialogue |
§ The
discussed subject was conflict in the family with
relation to the "coming out
of the closet" issue. A female student
shared her private experience in this context with
us. People got excited, students in this class
come from different cultures, some of them
religious, and therefore very different voices
were heard. (LBE) § Although
defined as a lecture based course, discussions
were held in every lesson. For example, the Jewish
ancient law of Halitza was
discussed. According to this law, a Jewish widow
would need to marry her brother-in-law unless he
freed her in a ceremony known as Halitza. Many
students wished to say something about it. Some
argued that this ceremony is no longer valid
even in orthodox communities. Others suggested
that this is another example of an anti-feminist
realty imposed by religion. Through these
dialogues I have become more interested in the
studied material.(LBE) § When
students want to comment on a specific issue that
has been taught in class, the teacher explains
that they have no right to do so, since "much
better scholars than them have investigated the
issue". Eventually, everyone silently obeys the
teacher. (RV)(LBE) |
4.2 Phase 2. Descriptive statistics, internal
consistency and construct validity of the CLHES
Table 2 presents
the CLHES factors, sub-factors, item descriptions (as derived
from Phase 2) and internal consistencies (Cronbach’s alpha).
Items 10, 25, 30 were excluded from the analysis due to low
item loading results (< .30) found in the structural
equation modelling (Fig.2). Each of the eight factors showed a
very high internal consistency.
Table 3 provides
descriptive statistics for the CLHES factors (N = 597). Table
4 displays the Bivariate correlation analysis results
among the CLHES factors and between these factors and the
academic self-efficacy criterion variable. Convergent validity
has been shown by positive statistically significant
correlations between all factor pairings. Meaning, the
measures of the constructivist factors that theoretically are
related to each other are in fact observed to be related to
each other. The generally moderate correlations among the
dimensions suggest that the factors are, to some extent,
independent each from the other. Finally, as can be learned
from Table 4, the correlation coefficients shown between the
CLHES factors and the academic self-efficacy variable are
lower than the among- constructivist- factor coefficients.
Therefore, discriminant validity of the CLHES scale may be
confirmed. These conditions were posited by Campbell &
Fiske (1959) as evidence supporting construct validity.
Table 2
questionnaire: factors, sub-factors, item descriptions and
internal consistencies (Cronbach’s alpha)
and sub-factors |
Item |
alpha |
activity (F1) Knowledge
construction (A1) |
c1. In
this course, I was given opportunities to
investigate real problems |
items) .93 |
During this course, I was given opportunities to
raise questions about complex problems |
During this course, I was given opportunities to
search for possible explanations for real problems |
c4. I
was asked to analyse data regarding a significant
problem I have raised during this course |
During this course, I was asked to draw conclusions
from a research work, in which I have participated |
activity (F1) In-depth
learning (A2) |
c6. In
this course, I have learned skills with which I can
deeply explore a subject of interest to me |
items, item c10 was omitted due to a low loading
result) .87 |
c7. I
could examine in depth a major issue in this course |
c8. In
this course, I have focused on a central subject
which I was required to deeply understand |
c9. In
this course, I have learned how to deeply
investigate a certain subject |
c10. In
this course, we "jump" from one subject to another
without examining any subject in depth* |
activity (F1) Authenticity
(A3) |
This course addressed interesting situations in
reality |
items) .87 |
c17. The
course focused on giving relevant meaning to the
learned concepts |
c18. The
course addressed real life and interesting events |
c19. The
course was rich with real-life examples that
interested me |
c20. The
course did not addressed real life examples* |
activity (F1) Multiple
perspectives (A4) |
c21. In
this course, ideas were presented from several
points of view |
items, item c25 was omitted due to a low loading
result) .81 |
c22. I
have learned about complex real issues in this
course |
c23. I
have realised that the reality is complex and multi
– dimensional, in this course |
c24. In
this course, I had to question and criticise
accepted ideas |
c25. In
this course, ideas were presented from only one
perspective, and were not allowed to be criticised* |
activity (F1) Prior
knowledge (A5) |
This course dealt with subjects I have learned in
other courses |
items, item c30 was omitted due to a low loading
result) .85 |
c27. The
subjects learned in this course were related to
prior knowledge I have gained |
Things I have learned in this course have helped me
understand issues I have learned in other courses |
c29. The
subjects in this course were related to diverse
contents of knowledge |
c30. The
subjects in this course were not related to other
things I have learned in other courses* |
student interaction (F2) |
c11. In
this course, the teacher allowed me to think about
my learning and how to improve it |
items) .91 |
c12. In
this course, the teacher considered my learning pace |
c13. In
this course, I could set myself some learning goals |
c14. In
this course, the teacher encouraged me to think
about my learning and ways to improve it |
c15. In
this course, the teacher made me think about the
advantages and disadvantages of my learning |
activity (F3) Social
interaction (H1) |
This course included a variety of learning
activities with other students |
items) .88 |
c32. I
was given opportunities to learn with other students
in this course |
c33. I
could collaborate with other students in this course |
activity (F3) Cooperative
dialogue (H2) |
Arguments and discussions were held during this
course |
items) .89 |
c35. It
was possible to express original ideas in this
course |
c36. In
this course, I could express my opinion, even when
it was different from other students |
* Reversed items
Table 3
statistics for the CLHES measured factors
Kurtosis |
Skewness |
SD |
Mean |
Factor |
-0.815 |
-0.31 |
1.11 |
3.11 |
construction (A1) |
-0.26 |
-0.54 |
0.99 |
3.41 |
learning (A2) |
0.43 |
-0.76 |
0.86 |
3.59 |
(A3) |
.40 |
-0.54 |
0.79 |
3.41 |
perspectives (A4) |
0.36 |
-0.62 |
0.87 |
3.42 |
knowledge (A5) |
-0.24 |
-0.55 |
0.95 |
3.33 |
student interaction (F2) |
-0.62 |
-0.35 |
1.09 |
3.13 |
interaction (H1) |
0.02 |
-0.63 |
0.99 |
3.48 |
dialogue (H2) |
Table 4
correlation matrix for the eight factors of the CLHES scale and academic self-efficacy
Factors |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
self-efficacy |
1 |
construction (A1) |
.775** |
.557** |
.589** |
.409** |
.589** |
.458** |
.495** |
.336** |
2 |
learning (A2) |
.604** |
.623** |
.497** |
.663** |
.501** |
.465** |
.364** |
3 |
(A3) |
.686** |
.535** |
.623** |
.435** |
.455** |
.309** |
4 |
perspectives (A4) |
.533** |
.628** |
.488** |
.520** |
.302** |
5 |
knowledge (A5) |
.546** |
.423** |
.380** |
.328** |
6 |
student interaction (F2) |
.457** |
.436** |
.385** |
7 |
interaction (H1) |
.595** |
.286** |
8 |
dialogue (H2) |
.291** |
p < .01**
4.3 Phase
Testing the first research question
equation modelling (SEM) was employed to test the first
research question (Q1), and to further assess the construct
validity of the CLHES, using a confirmatory factor analysis.
Data used for the SEM were analysed with the maximum
likelihood method. Three fit indices were computed in order to
evaluate model fit: χ2(df), (p > .05), CFI (> 0.9), and
RMSEA (< 0.08).
The structural
model (Fig. 2) refers to the combined measurement and path
models. The measurement model includes the following factors:
First, the constructive activity (F1) latent variable
accompanied by five latent variables: knowledge
construction (A1) with five observed items (c1 – c5); in-depth
learning (A2) with four observed items (c6 – c9); authenticity
(A3) with five observed items (c16 – c20); multiple
perspectives (A4) with four observed items (c21 – c24);
and prior knowledge (A5) with four observed items (c26
– c29); second, the teacher- student interaction (F2)
latent variable accompanied by five observed variables (c11 –
c15); third, the social activity (F3) latent variable
accompanied by two latent variables: social interaction
(H1) with three observed items (c31 – c33) and cooperative
dialogue (H2) with three observed items (c34 – c36).
The path model was
constructed as follows: three paths were specified between the
latent factors F1 – F3 and the criterion latent variable of
academic self-efficacy (SE) which was accompanied by eight
observed items (g1 – g8).
The goodness of
fit of the data to the model yielded to sufficient fit results
(χ2 = 2079.36, df = 766, p = .000; CFI = .926; RMSEA = .054).
The results showed positive low significant coefficients
between the teacher- student interaction (F2) factor and the
criterion variable of academic self-efficacy (β = .23, p <
.01) and between the social activity (F3) factor and the
criterion variable (β = .22, p < .05). An insignificant
coefficient result was indicated between the constructive
activity (F1) factor and the dependent variable. As shown in
Fig. 2, the CLHES factors together explained 36% of the
academic self-efficacy criterion variable variance.
Testing the second research question
In order to test
the second research question (Q2), a multivariate analysis of
covariance (MANCOVA) with Bonferroni pair-wise comparisons and
Wilks' Lambda criterion was applied to allow the
characterisation of differences between the Course groups
(LBE, SM and DLE) in regard to a linear combination of the
multiple eight dependent factors of the CLHES. In addition, an
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with Bonferroni pair-wise
comparisons was used to assess between- Course group
differences on the academic self-efficacy variable. The
variables of gender (1 = male, 2 = female) and cultural group
(1 = Jewish, 2= Muslim) were entered as covariates to
neutralise any significant confounding effect in the analyses
of variance. Table 5 shows the mean scores, standard
deviations, F values, Wilks' Lambda and partial Eta-squared
statistics of the analyses.
Results indicated
significant differences between the Course groups regarding
the combination of the multiple CLHES factors and separately
on each of them. All the between- group differences were
accompanied by moderate to large effect sizes, when small,
moderate, and large effects are reflected in values of ηp2
equal to .0099, .0588, and .1379, respectively (Cohen, 1969,
pp. 278–280; Richardson , 2011, p. 142).
Figure 2. The structural
model, with standardised parameter estimates (N= 597).
Note: *p < .05 **p < .01 ***p <
.001. (see pdf file)
Table 5
Mean scores, SD,
F values, Wilks' Lambda, partial Eta-squared statistics (ηp2)
and Bonferroni pair-wise comparisons of the three Course
groups (LBE, SM and DLE) on the eight CLHES factors and the
academic self-efficacy variable. The numbers of the
pair-wise comparisons indicate: 1=the lowest mean result, 2=
in between, 3= the highest mean result, identical numbers
indicate insignificant between-group differences.
Groups |
SM |
variables |
M |
SD |
M |
SD |
M |
SD |
F |
ηp2 |
of the CLHES scale Wilks'
Lambda statistic (Main
effect) |
27.90*** |
.277 |
ANOVA Knowledge
construction (A1) |
3.87 |
0.70 |
2.99 |
0.99 |
2.20 |
0.90 |
183.75*** |
.384 |
comparisons |
3 |
2 |
1 |
learning (A2) |
3.98 |
0.65 |
3.35 |
0.90 |
2.68 |
0.97 |
115.10*** |
.281 |
comparisons |
3 |
2 |
1 |
(A3) |
3.95 |
0.66 |
3.40 |
0.74 |
3.27 |
1.00 |
40.56*** |
.121 |
comparisons |
3 |
1 |
1 |
perspectives (A4) |
3.71 |
0.67 |
3.35 |
0.71 |
3.06 |
0.87 |
34.06*** |
.104 |
comparisons |
3 |
2 |
1 |
knowledge (A5) |
3.68 |
0.73 |
3.43 |
0.83 |
3.04 |
0.95 |
24.92*** |
.078 |
comparisons |
3 |
2 |
1 |
student interaction (F2) |
3.72 |
0.79 |
3.32 |
0.83 |
2.83 |
1.01 |
45.06*** |
.133 |
comparisons |
3 |
2 |
1 |
interaction (H1) |
3.38 |
1.04 |
3.41 |
0.94 |
2.49 |
1.04 |
39.40*** |
.118 |
comparisons |
3 |
3 |
1 |
dialogue (H2) |
3.82 |
0.81 |
3.32 |
0.99 |
3.18 |
1.08 |
24.91*** |
.078 |
comparisons |
3 |
1 |
1 |
effect |
Gender |
.020 |
Cultural group |
.067 |
self-efficacy Pair-wise
comparisons |
4.07 |
0.04 |
3.90 |
.05 |
3.76 |
0.05 |
10.69*** |
.035 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
effect |
Gender |
.000 |
Cultural group |
.020 |
Note: p < .05
* p < .01** p < .001***
As presented in
Table 5, salient between- group differences were indicated for
the factors: knowledge
construction (A1) (ηp2 = .384) and in-depth learning
(A2) (ηp2 = .281). On each factor, the lowest mean result was
indicated for the LBE group and the highest for the SM group.
Somewhat lower
effect sizes were found for three factors: teacher-
student interaction (F2) (ηp2 = .133) - the lowest mean
result was indicated for the LBE group and the highest for the
SM group; authenticity (A3) (ηp2 = .121), with a
significant higher score shown for the SM group compared with
the other groups; and social interaction (H1) (ηp2 =
.118) - the lowest mean result was indicated for the LBE group
and the highest results were shown for the SM and DLE groups.
The relatively
lowest effect sizes were found for three factors: multiple
perspectives (A4) (ηp2 = .104), prior knowledge
(A5) (ηp2 = .078), on each factor, the lowest mean result was
indicated for the LBE group and the highest for the SM group;
and cooperative dialogue (H2) (ηp2 = .078) with a
significant higher score indicated for the SM group compared
with the other groups.
Regarding the
academic self-efficacy variable, differences were found
between the three groups, accompanied by a low effect size
(ηp2 = .035) - the highest results were indicated for the SM
and DLE groups and the lowest for the LBE group.
The overarching
goals of this study were to map features of constructivist
learning environments, construct and validate a new scale for
measuring the presence of those features in different higher
education settings, by using a mix-method approach.
5.1 The
qualitative analysis
Consistent with
previous theoretical research (de Kock et al., 2004) this
research revealed three key tenets of the constructivist
learning environment: constructive activity,
teacher-student interaction and social activity.
Regarding the constructive activity tenet, the results
foregrounded five categories: knowledge construction,
authenticity, multiple perspectives, prior knowledge, and
in-depth learning. This research elaborates the body of
literature by adding the sub-category of in-depth learning
which emerged from the content analysis. This facet pertains
to the extent to which students are given opportunities to
deeply explore a certain subject matter, in order to seek a
clearer understanding of the learning materials, in contrast
to surface learning which is confined to rote learning and
memorising facts. Although in-depth learning is not a new
concept, this research has empirically demonstrated its
relation to constructive activities in higher education
Moreover, the
theoretical category of social activity has been
divided into two distinctive facets: cooperative dialogue
and social interaction. Social interaction includes
a variety of learning activities with other students, not
necessarily during a lesson, whereas cooperative dialogue
refers to dialogical activities during the lesson in which
students can express opinions and original ideas.
Another finding
regarding the qualitative research was that some
constructivist pedagogical principles are associated with
lecture based courses. For example, according to the students'
reports, teachers of lecture based courses have used real-life
examples during their lectures. Some students reported on
dialogical activities during lectures in which students could
express opinions and original ideas. These findings were
partially corroborated by the quantitative analysis results
according to which, LBE and DLE were perceived by the students
to be equally consistent with the authenticity and cooperative
dialogue constructivist features. Although, the quantitative
analyses have revealed that LBE are generally less consistent
with other examined constructivist features compared with SM
and DLE formats, these findings may imply that some
constructivist features can be applied in lecture based
environments, in accordance with Nave (1991).
The quantitative analysis phase – perceptions of the
learning environments
The main result of
this phase showed that students perceive SM learning
environments as more constructivist when compared with
perceptions held by other course groups (LBE and DLE). Since
SM settings are conceived as excellent ways by which
constructivist activities could be fostered (Lueddeke, 2003),
this finding could have been expected, and thus could further
validate the new scale.
findings showed that DLE are generally perceived as more
constructivist than LBE, and less constructivist when compared
with SM environments. However, no differences were shown
between DLE and LBE in authenticity and cooperative
dialogue activities. Although technology is seen as a
facilitator of dialogic spaces (Wegerif & De Laat, 2011),
according to this research findings, it may be inferred that
this practice is inadequately applied by teachers. Researchers
(e.g., Östlund, 2008) argue that guaranteeing collaboration
for learning can be difficult to achieve in DLE. In order to
achieve this goal, learners should be encouraged to use the
forum, and teachers should stimulate interaction by creating
assignments in which the learners can be actively engaged in
discussion. Nonetheless, the factor social interaction, which
includes a variety of learning activities with other students,
was similarly applied in DLE and SM, compared with LBE. This
could suggest that students of DLE courses tend to be more
engaged in off-line cooperative activities than during
'on-line' dialogues.
5.3 The
quantitative analysis phase - academic self-efficacy and
perceptions of the learning environments
important findings regard the criterion variable of academic
self-efficacy. This study's empirical model indicates that
stimulating meta-cognitive and reflective aspects of learning,
through teacher-student interaction, could bolster the
students’ confidence in their ability to accomplish a task.
Studies indicate that students who develop strong academic
self-efficacy beliefs are better able to manage their
learning, and consequently are more likely to successfully
complete their education and be better equipped for a variety
of occupational options in today's competitive society
(Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 2001).
Accordingly, this study suggests that educators should be
aware of the importance of pursuing this affective outcome by
motivating the students to think reflectively, regarding the
individuals' learning process. Through this process of
evaluating their own performance as learners, students could
become active participates in their development (King, 2002),
and consequentially, as suggested by this study, more
confident in their ability to execute assignments.
The social
activity factor was found to be the second positive
predictor of academic self-efficacy. This factor deals with
the need to encourage interaction and collaboration among
students. Interaction is perceived to be one of the most
important components of the learning experience, in which
students are given sufficient opportunities to express
themselves and to share their own experiences with others
(Dewey, 1938; Tenenbaum et al., 2001; Vygotsky, 1978). A
recent study shows that effective cooperative learning
communities support knowledge acquisition (Wyatt et al.,
2010). The present research indicates that social interaction
could also benefit academic self-efficacy. A plausible
explanation could be that interactions with others allow the
learners to reflect on their own work and to make independent
use of their results thus being able to perform more
effectively as suggested by Vygotsky (1978) and Bandura
(1986). Moreover, encouraging interaction and collaboration
among students could have provided sufficient opportunities
for students to observe other group members. Such vicarious
experience could be gained in collaborative assignments
provided by the learning environment, and could affect
students' perceptions of their own ability to perform
(Bandura, 1997). Moreover, students who worked together could
have been encouraged to share their views and evaluations of
other students in their group. Having them identify the
strengths of others, rather than their weaknesses, might have
benefited their self-efficacy beliefs (Schunk & Miller,
2002). The present study stresses the importance of
facilitating cooperative tutorial study groups not only in
order to create a well-functioning environment, but also to
nurture self-efficacious learners in higher education studies.
It should be noted
that according to this study's result, both SM and DLE courses
were more positively associated with increased self-efficacy
for learning compared with LBE courses. This result could be
theoretically explained by the firm contribution attributed to
the philosophy of constructivism to learning and instructional
design in distance learning settings and research-based
seminar (Lueddeke, 2003; Wegerif & De Laat, 2011).
Empirically, this result could be explained by the SM and DLE
emphasis on interpersonal interactions compared with the LBE
courses, according to the participants' report.
Lastly, the factor
constructive activity was not found to be significantly
connected to the self-efficacy dependent variable. It could be
inferred that the social interaction dimensions of the
learning environments are more prominent in explaining
self-efficacy for learning. Nonetheless, the positive high
connections found between the three tenets of constructive
activity, teacher-student interaction and social
activity could suggest an indirect connection between
constructive activities and academic self-efficacy through
increased interpersonal interactions.
5.4 Limitations
and directions for future research
First limitation
is that the CLHES scale constructed and validated in this
study could be further elaborated. For example, this scale did
not include characteristics of assessment as components of the
constructivist learning environment. Assessment is considered
part of the fabric of classrooms to which students attach
importance. Assessment tasks that do not match student
learning could lower the confidence of students for
successfully performing academic tasks (Dorman et al., 2006).
Thus further research is needed to examine this mediator
measure with relation to higher education.
Second, future
research should also consider expanding the model tested here
with additional variables that could be related to learning
activities such as, academic motivation psychological
variables. These variables could be related to learning
setting perceptions and academic self-efficacy, therefore
assessing them in conjunction with the present study examined
constructs is of importance and could allow measuring
additional constructivist environments' effects on
psychological constructs.
Third limitation
concerns the cross-sectional nature of the data which can
prevent definitive statements about causality. Definitive
proof of mediation will also require longitudinal data (Cole
& Maxwell, 2003). It should be further acknowledged that
alternate models might explain the relationships in these data
as well as the one tested in this study. In fact, many
relationships in the model are likely reciprocal. For example,
although the analysis implies that the self-efficacy construct
is mainly informed by the teacher-student interaction factor,
it is equally plausible that teachers may become more involved
with self-efficacious students. Despite such possibilities,
the path model could represent a reasonable, theoretically
grounded structure of the relations between the examined
factors. However, researchers should extend this work with
longitudinal paradigms.
Lastly, this study
was conducted in a single country, meaning that the results
cannot necessarily be generalised. Therefore, larger
population studies are needed to validate these
findings, and more research on this topic needs to be
undertaken before the associations between the perceived
learning environment and self-efficacy belief are more clearly
Despite its
limitations, this study underscores the importance of
interpersonal relationships to students' psychological
outcomes, specifically, the significant roles of
teacher-student- and student-student- relationships in
enhancing academic self –efficacy are recognised in this
This research
was supported by a grant from the Maslovaty Foundation for the
Advancement of Education on Morals and Society, founded by Dr.
Nava Maslovaty of blessed memory.
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