Using New Models to Analyze Complex
Regularities of the World: Commentary on Musso et al. (2013)
Petri Nokelainena, Tomi Silanderb
a University of Tampere, Finland
b Xerox Research Centre Europe, France
This commentary
to the recent article by Musso et al. (2013) discusses issues
related to model fitting, comparison of classification
accuracy of generative and discriminative models, and two (or
more) cultures of data modeling. We start by questioning the
extremely high classification accuracy with an empirical data
from a complex domain. There is a risk that we model perfect
nonsense perfectly. Our second concern is related to the
relevance of comparing multilayer perceptron neural networks
and linear discriminant analysis classification accuracy
indices. We find this problematic, as it is like comparing
apples and oranges. It would have been easier to interpret the
model and the variable (group) importance’s if the authors
would have compared MLP to some discriminative classifier,
such as group lasso logistic regression. Finally, we conclude
our commentary with a discussion about the predictive
properties of the adopted data modeling approach.
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks; Commentary;
Model-fit; Generative and Discriminative Models; Algorithmic
Data Modeling
Statistical methods are constantly developed, not
only within statistics, but also in other disciplines, such
as, physics, economics, bioinformatics, linguistics, and
computer science. We therefore are very sympathetic to the
attempts to promote new methods for analyzing educational
data. However, also in this research field, for years there
has been an emphasis on the predictive modeling, for example,
to learn structures from the data (Nokelainen, Silander,
Ruohotie, & Tirri, 2007; Tirri, Nokelainen, &
Komulainen, 2013) and to predict class membership (Nokelainen
& Ruohotie, 2009; Nokelainen,
Tirri, Campbell, & Walberg, 2007; Villaverde, Godoy, & Amandi, 2006). The
recent boom of data analytics has further increased the
efforts in this front. One methodological rationale behind
this development is that predictiveness guards against
over-fitting and serves as a natural criterion for the quality
of the model. Classical statistical literature was not
emphasizing this aspect, since models were kept relatively
simple to avoid over-fitting and to keep the calculations
reasonable. In addition, much of the theory concerned
asymptotic behavior in which case over-fitting is usually not
an issue.
Increased computing power now allows more
complicated models, such as Bayesian, fuzzy and neural
networks, to be used. While the increased flexibility brings
benefits, there are also possibilities to make new kind of
errors in the analysis. Since we share the enthusiasm to
promote new methods, we also feel that is of utmost importance
to perform the analyses with these new methods using extremely
high methodological standards. In this respect, we find some
of the procedures followed in the recent article by Musso,
Kyndt, Cascallar and Dochy (2013) problematic. Before
discussing about these issues in detail, we wish to indicate
that we agree with Edelsbrunner and Schneider’s (2013)
previous commentary on this article where they state that
there are other data analysis techniques with similar
properties than ANNs, but without the drawbacks.
Our first concern is the reported 100%
classification accuracy in such a complex domain, and the lack
of thorough discussion of this issue. Multilayer perceptron
(MLP) neural networks are universal function approximators
(Lek & Guegan, 1999). With enough twisting of the
parameters, one can use them to implement any classification
rule (Schittenkopf,
Deco, & Brauer, 1997). Consequently, the networks could in theory
also be designed to explain the version of the dataset in
which the GPA scores would be randomly assigned to the
students. What knowledge does such a model (that can explain
anything) extract from the real world?
One persuasive answer does indeed lie in
prediction. Only the regularities help one to generalize
beyond the training sample, that is, to predict. But here one
needs to be very careful. To do this right, the data must
first be split into two parts and then the model must be built
using only the first part. The testing should be done with the
second part of the data – the part that was not used in the
model building process at all. The big question is: Can we
trust us to be able to refrain from “cheating” (using the test
data)? In order to avoid this, it would be best to gather the
test data after building the model, or to separate it from the
training data in the very beginning, and give it to somebody
else who will then, after the model has been built, test the
accuracy of the model – once and for all!
The paper by Musso and her colleagues (2013)
practically acknowledges that such a discipline was not
rigorously followed. The network structure and learning
parameters were adjusted to maximize the accuracy in test
data. Many models were tested to achieve this. Even the
division of the data into training and test samples was
manipulated in order to “… maximize the training sample while
preserving the appearance of all detected patterns in the
testing sample …” (Musso et al., 2013, 60).
Now, one cannot totally exclude the possibility
that the authors actually promote this methodology as a sound
one. Take a maximally flexible model family, find the most
parsimonious model that fits 100% to the data, and then
analyze the model. But if that were the case, why torture
oneself with the tedious manual work to find 100% fit (yes
fit, not generalization) to the test data? It would be easier
to just fit to the whole data set – but that would break the
illusion of prediction.
We find that the authors’ decision to compare the
model to the other models sets a very good example that should
more often be followed in the educational research. Such
comparisons are widely used in machine learning (e.g., Demšar,
2006). However, comparing the multilayer perceptron and the
discriminant analysis raises some questions. Behind the linear
discriminant analysis is a linear discriminant model that
defines a joint probability distribution for the whole
19-variate (18 independent variables + GPA class) data vector.
Such joint probability distributions can be used for
classification, since the conditional probability P(GPA-class
| predictors) is proportional to the joint distribution
P(GPA-class & predictors). These kinds of classifiers are
usually called generative classifiers (e.g., Xue &
Titterington, 2008), since they are based on the models that
can be used to sample the whole (19-variate) data vectors.
MLPs are not generative classifiers, but so
called discriminative classifiers. They are built to directly
estimate the conditional distribution P(GPA-class |
predictors) without modeling the relationships among the
predictors. (Reading the paper sometimes makes you feel that
the authors claim otherwise.) While the linear
discriminant model DA1 used in the Musso et al. (2013) paper
has about 2*18 + 18*18 = 360 parameters, the neural network
model has 18*15*2 = 540 parameters. The difference in number
of parameters is not huge, but all the parameters of the MLP
are used for modeling the conditional distribution, while the
parameters in the linear discriminant model also take care of
modeling the relationships between variables.
Since the linear discriminant is also a
predictive classifier, one cannot but wonder why the confusion
matrices for linear discriminants were not reported. Those
numbers surely would have fitted to the same space without any
problem. On the other hand, it is plausible that any
differences found are due to the other classifier being
generative and the other one discriminative. It would have
been much more meaningful to compare the MLP to some
discriminative classifier such as a logistic regression, or
better yet, some sparse version of it such as the group lasso
with interaction terms (Meier, van de Geer, & Bühlmann,
2008) that would make interpreting the model and the variable
(group) importances much easier. Furthermore, the Musso et al.
(2013) paper is very unclear about how the variable
importances have been calculated. The attempt to follow the
references only lead to the statements like “this has been
implemented in software X” or to an unpublished technical
report by one of the authors.
According to Breiman (2001b), there are two
statistical modeling cultures. The Data Modeling Culture
assumes that the data are generated by a given stochastic data
model (such as linear or logistic regression). The Algorithmic
Modeling Culture treats the data mechanism as unknown, using,
for example, decision trees and neural networks. Although the
first of these two cultures, focusing on data models, is still
dominating, many fields outside statistics are rapidly
adopting a wide variety of tools.
Neural networks are often considered as black-box
models that do not offer a good explanation and understanding
of the domain (Correa, Bielza, & Pamies-Teixeira, 2009).
Consequently, such models are sometimes hastily deemed as
unsuitable for much of the science. We would like to take the
opportunity to say a word for such black-box models along the
lines expressed by a statistician, Leo Breiman (1928-2005).
World may not be a simple place. While among the simple
theories there are those who most closely approximate the
complex reality, it is a priori possible that none of those
simple theories, even the best of them, approximate the
situation well. If the model does not predict well, one can
argue that it has not captured the regularities of the world,
so what insight would understanding and interpreting such a
model offer us. (Breiman, 2001b.) Most of the statistical
community would agree that only if the model is reasonably
good (and we mean generalization, not just fit to the sample),
interpretation makes sense.
Edelsbrunner and Schneider (2013) indicate in
their commentary on this article that whenever possible, more
theory-driven data modeling techniques should be preferred.
However, if we limit ourselves to the models that can be
easily interpreted, we may end up discarding models that truly
capture important regularities of the domain.
There are two different strategies then to
extract true knowledge from the world. The first one is a
classical one in which we try to find a well predicting model
among the easily interpretable ones. This is the path that
should always be attempted. Unfortunately, we suspect that it
was not seriously pursued in the article by Musso et al.
(2013). It is also possible to try to build a well predicting
model, even if it is not that easy to interpret, and then put
more effort to squeeze out the knowledge from the model. One
could argue that this is what happens, when you ask a doctor
why she made the diagnosis she did. The answer will (only) be
some approximation of the real reason. Still doctors are
considered useful.
We have an educated guess, that such a procedure
is behind the independent variable importance measures
featured in the article. Naturally, such procedures should be
carefully documented in order to understand what kind of
information we have managed to extract from the model. The
article leaves the impression of the claim that artificial
neural networks were somehow especially good for inferring how
different complex patterns of variables affect the outcome.
However, the presented results list only univariate importance
of variables. How could that possibly tell us anything
relevant about complex patterns?
Neural networks are by no means the only
black-box models that can be successful in the prediction.
Many ensemble learning based or motivated methods, for
instance random decision forests (Breiman, 2001a) and Bayesian
additive regression trees (Chipman, George, & McCulloch,
2010), are among such models. Ensemble methods have reached
very high classification accuracies by using several (or
growing a forest of) decision trees on the same data instead
of a single-tree predictor.
Ever increasing data sizes (e.g., Massive Open
Online Courses, MOOCs, may have 100 000 students with all
their data gathered automatically to the digital form) and
increasing computer power may well shift focus from small,
simple and understandable models, to the big, complex
black-box models. But hopefully some of that computing power
can also be used to extract understandable (even if not always
very close to truth) approximations of the true complex
regularities of the world.
Key points
Breiman, L. (2001a). Random Forests. Machine Learning, 45, 5–32.
Breiman, L. (2001b). Statistical Modeling: The
Two Cultures. Statistical
Science, 16(3),
199–231. doi:10.1214/ss/1009213726
Chipman, H. A., George, E. I., & McCulloch,
R. E. (2010). BART: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. The Annals of Applied
Statistics, 4(1),
266–298. doi:10.1214/09-aoas285
Demšar, J. (2006). Statistical comparison of
classifiers over multiple data sets. Journal of Machine
Learning Research, 7, 1–30.
Correa, M., Bielza, C., & Pamies-Teixeira, J.
(2009). Comparison of Bayesian networks and artificial neural
networks for quality detection in a machining process. Expert Systems with
Applications, 36,
7270–7279. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2008.09.024
Lek, S., & Guegan, J. F. (1999). Artificial
neural networks as a tool in ecological modelling, an
introduction. Ecological
Modelling, 120, 65–73.
L., van de Geer, S., & Bühlmann, P. (2008). The group lasso for logistic regression. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society: Series B, 70(Part 1), 53-71.
Musso, M. F., Kyndt, E., Cascallar, E. C., &
Dochy, F. (2013). Predicting general academic performance and
identifying differential contribution of participating
variables using artificial neural networks. Frontline Learning
Research, 1, 42-71. doi:10.14786/flr.v1i1.13
Nokelainen, P., Silander, T., Ruohotie, P., &
Tirri, H. (2007). Investigating the Number of Non-linear and
Multi-modal Relationships between Observed Variables Measuring
a Growth-oriented Atmosphere. Quality & Quantity,
41(6), 869-890.
P., & Ruohotie, P. (2009). Non-linear
Modeling of Growth Prerequisites in a Finnish Polytechnic
Institution of Higher Education. Journal
of Workplace Learning, 21(1), 36-57. doi:10.1108/13665620910924907
P., Tirri, K., Campbell, J. R., & Walberg, H. (2007).
Factors that Contribute or Hinder Academic Productivity:
Comparing two groups of most and least successful Olympians. Educational Research and
Evaluation, 13(6),
483-500. doi:10.1080/13803610701785931
C., Deco, G., & Brauer, W. (1997). Two Strategies to Avoid
Overfitting in Feedforward Networks. Neural Networks, 10(3), 505-516. doi:10.1016/s0893-6080(96)00086-x
Schneider, M., & Edelsbrunner, P. (2013).
Modelling for Prediction vs. Modelling for Understanding:
Commentary on Musso et al. (2013). Frontline Learning
Research, 1(2),
99-101. doi:10.14786/flr.v1i2.74
Tirri, K.,
Nokelainen, P., & Komulainen, E. (2013). Multiple
Intelligences: Can they be measured? Psychological Test and
Assessment Modeling, 55(4), 438-461. doi:10.1007/978-94-6091-758-5_1
Villaverde, J. E., Godoy, D., & Amandi, A.
(2006). Learning styles’ recognition in e-learning
environments with feed-forward neural networks. Journal of Computer
Assisted Learning, 22, 197–206.
Xue, J-H., & Titterington, D. M. (2008).
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Comparison of Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes”. Neural Processing Letters,
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