the antecedents of learning-related emotions and their relations
achievement outcomes
Alexandra C. Niculescua,
Dirk Tempelaara, Amber Dailey-Hebertb,
Mien Segersa,
Wim Gijselaersa,
a Maastricht
University, Netherlands
b Park
University, United States
Article received 2 December 2014/
revised 6 February 2015 /
accepted 9 February 2015 / available online 24 March 2015
Recent work
suggests that learning-related
emotions (LREs) play a crucial role in performance especially in
the first year
of university, a period of transition for most students;
however, additional
research is needed to show how these emotions emerge. We
developed a framework
which links a course-contextualized antecedent – academic
control in Pekrun’s
(2006) Control Value Theory of Achievement Emotions – with
generic antecedents –
adaptive and maladaptive cognitions and behaviors from Martin’s
Motivation and Engagement Wheel framework – to explain a
classical problem: the
emergence of LREs in a transition period. Using a large sample
(N = 3451) of
first year university students, our study explores these two
antecedents to
better understand how four LREs (enjoyment, anxiety, boredom and
emerge in a mathematics and statistics course. Through the use
path-modelling, we found that academic control has a strong
effect on all four
LREs – with the strongest impact observed for learning
hopelessness and
secondary, for learning anxiety. Academic control, on its turn,
builds on
contributions from adaptive and mal-adaptive cognitions.
Furthermore, adaptive
cognitions have an impact on learning enjoyment (positive) and
on boredom
(negative). Surprisingly though, the maladaptive behaviors
impact positively learning
enjoyment and negatively learning anxiety. Following this, we
performance outcomes in the course and found again academic
control as the main
predictor, followed by learning hopelessness. Overall, this
study brings
evidence that adaptive and maladaptive cognitions and behaviours
act as
important antecedents of academic control, the main predictor of
LREs and course
performance outcomes.
Keywords: Learning-related
emotions; Academic control; Adaptive and non-adaptive cognitions
and behaviors;
Academic achievement; First year of university.
first year experience of
university is known as a transition period (Baker & Syrik,
1999; Tinto,
1997), when students are confronted with novel situations over
which they have
low control, yet still hold high expectations for success (Perry,
Hladkyj, Pekrun,
Clifton, & Chipperfield, 2005).
These conditions typically
create negative emotional reactions towards learning in academic
situations (Stupnisky,
Perry, Hall, &
Guay, 2012),
which can lead to voluntary
withdrawal at the course level (Ruthig et al., 2007) and overall
performance across all courses taken at the university (Hall,
Perry, Ruthig, Hladkyj,
& Chipperfield, 2006).
Such emotions, known as
achievement related emotions, can have serious consequences on
how students
perform within a course (Pekrun,
Goetz, Frenzel,
Barchfeld, & Perry, 2011).
This is particularly true
for mathematics and statistics courses, in which students
experience high
levels of negative emotions, especially in in learning- or
situations (Dettmers
et al., 2011; Goetz
et al., 2012).
Within these courses,
negative emotions emerge from beliefs about a low capacity to
outcomes (Frenzel,
Pekrun, & Goetz,
2007; Pekrun, 2000),
referred to as appraisals of
control (Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, & Perry, 2002). At the same
time, students
come into these courses holding generic predispositions towards
learning at
university, such as adaptive and maladaptive cognitions and
behaviours, which
will also influence their experiences within a course (Martin,
we know that emotions
experienced in learning- or homework-related situation are
important for performance (Leone
& Richards, 1989;
Verma, Sharma, & Larson, 2002),
additional research is
needed in the first year of university to help us understand how
these emotions
emerge and how they can be influenced (Putwain, Sander, &
Larkin, 2013).
Such information can inform the design of educational
interventions to create “emotionally
sound” (Astleitner,
learning environments which
can potentially improve academic achievement.
present study focuses on
two different antecedents of achievement learning-related
emotions: 1) the
course contextualized antecedents (appraisal of control) and, 2)
the generic
antecedents towards learning at university (adaptive and
maladaptive cognitions
and behaviours). Both antecedents need to be integrated, as they
complementary in providing information about the emergence of
emotions in a
course setting. Direct antecedents are necessary for explaining
the emergence
of distinct emotions at a course level and distal antecedents
can explain the
individual differences that arise in the emergence of these
emotions. Finally,
relations and implications for academic achievement are further
the past twenty years we
have seen a growing interest in, and increased research that
explores the role
of achievement emotions across various educational contexts and
settings. Such research investigates different functions of
academic emotions
within a course, such as their effects on self-regulation (Artino
Jr. & Jones II,
learning engagement (Ainley
& Ainley, 2011),
learning choices (Tempelaar,
Rienties, Gijselaers, & Giesbers, 2012)
and achievement (Dettmers et al.,
2011; Goetz, Frenzel,
Pekrun, & Hall, 2006; Goetz et al., 2012). The
transition required in the
first year of university involves several challenges which may
perceived competition and pressure to perform – both demanding
self-reliance and autonomy (Perry, Hladkyj, Pekrun, &
Pelletier, 2001). Since
students are expected to engage in more individual self-study,
the importance
of achievement emotions in individual learning- or homework-
related situations
(as compared to the classroom setting, for example) is
particularly important.
These emotions are referred to in the literature as achievement
learning-related emotions (Pekrun, 2000). At the same time, a
investigation of students’ experiences is necessary to clarify
learning-related emotions (LREs) emerge at the course level.
emotions are
defined as “emotions that are directly linked to achievement
activities and
outcomes” (Pekrun
et al., 2011, p. 37).
In the Control-Value Theory
of Achievement Emotions (CVTAE;
Pekrun, 2006),
emotional experiences have a
situational context, meaning that they can be experienced in
different academic
situations within a course: 1) being in class, 2) taking tests
and exams and,
3) studying outside of class (while learning or when preparing
homework). Of
particular interest are the emotions experienced in
learning-related situations
as students seem to experience the most unpleasant emotions when
compared with
other academic situations, such as learning in the classroom (Leone
& Richards, 1989).
Indeed, according to the
CVTAE, first year university students experience a variety of
emotions, whether the emotions are positive or negative.
– related emotions and their course contextualized antecedents
to the Control-Value
Theory of Achievement Emotions (CVTAE; Pekrun, 2006), discrete
emotions (LREs) arise from the appraisal of achievement
activities and
outcomes. Emotions that result from such appraisals can
indirectly influence
achievement outcomes. There are two dimensions of appraisals:
control and
value. The appraisal of control refers to a student’s belief
about whether
he/she has control over learning activities/outcomes; the
appraisal of value
describes the subjective value attributed to these
activities/outcomes. These
appraisals are considered direct antecedents of LREs and are
acquired at the
course level (Pekrun, 2006).
appraisals describe
the perceived controllability of one’s own competency towards
activities and outcomes; as a general rule, low and high levels
of control
appraisals influence emotions differently (Pekrun, 2000). For
instance, low
control leads to an increased level in negative emotions (e.g.,
anxiety) and a more elevated level of control favours a
heightened experience
of positive emotions (such as learning enjoyment). Empirical
evidence shows
that the appraisal of control longitudinally relates to emotions
et al., 2001; Perry et
al., 2005),
as well as to subsequent
academic achievement in the first year of university (Hall
et al., 2006; Ruthig et
al., 2008; Stupnisky
et al., 2012).
For instance, Perry et al.
(2001) found that students who reported higher levels of primary
control also
felt less bored (-.48) and less anxious (-.35) towards the
course, and obtained
higher final grades (.27). Similar relations are shown by Hall
et al. (2006):
correlations between primary control and several emotions
(anger, regret,
happiness and pride) are in the range of -.27 to .24; primary
control relates
positively to the final course grade (.21) as well as to
cumulative GPA (.25).
Overall, this correlational evidence suggests relations between
control, emotions and performance which are of moderate size
(Cohen, 1992).
There are also documented gender differences in the beliefs
students hold towards
their abilities to perform in mathematics (female students tend
to generally
believe they are not very good at mathematics), with
implications on how the
two genders feel about this subject (Robinson &
2002; Frenzel et al.,
2007). Finally, the
implications of studying course specific antecedents of LREs is
relevant when
explaining the development of emotions over time and,
indirectly, for
understanding their consequences on achievement.
antecedents of learning-related emotions
are also more general
expectancies and predispositions towards learning at university
already hold when entering a course, which can be considered
antecedents of LREs and achievement. Students enter a new course
background characteristics (intelligence, personality, high
school GPA etc.)
but also possessing a set of adaptive and impeding cognitions,
and adaptive and
impeding behaviors, towards learning in the new setting of
university (Martin,
2007). Therefore, we applied the ‘motivation and engagement
wheel’ framework of
Martin (2007, 2009) as a model for distal antecedents of
emotions (LREs). The motivation and engagement wheel breaks down
all motivation
and engagement concepts into four categories: adaptive
cognitions, adaptive
behaviors, impeding cognitions, and maladaptive behaviors. These
categories each consist of two or three sub-dimensions. For
cognitions, the dimensions consist of self-belief, valuing
school, and learning
focus. Student’s confidence to do well in university, their
belief that
learning will be useful and relevant, and their interest in
learning new
topics/developing new skills, all contribute to various academic
outcomes (Martin,
Furthermore, the adaptive
behavioral dimensions include persistence, planning, and task
management. To
date, a study of Martin and Marsh (2006) shows that
self-efficacy, control,
planning, low anxiety, and persistence predict enjoyment and
participation. Conversely, the impeding or deactivating
antipodes of the
cognitions (that obstruct learning rather than enhance it)
include anxiety,
failure avoidance and uncertain control. The maladaptive
behaviors are twofold:
self-handicapping and disengagement. In turn, self-handicapping
(as a
disruptive behaviour) can predict negative academic outcomes
(Martin, Marsh,
& Debus, 2001). Although the experience of the adaptive and
cognitions and behaviors can differ on average for female and
male students (Liem
& Martin, 2012),
the concepts operating in
this motivation and engagement wheel represent generic
orientations that are
relatively stable over contexts (Martin, 2009). For this reason,
in Pekrun’s
Theory, such generic orientations can be integrated as distal
antecedents of
LREs. Although it may appear that some of the concepts (e.g.
persistency and control) from the “motivation and engagement
wheel” are closely
related to the appraisal of control in the CVTAE, it is
important to ensure
clarity (distinction) between them: while the distal antecedents
are more
trait-type of constructs, the direct antecedent (appraisal of
control) is a
subject specific type of appraisal. Overall, the motivation and
concepts play an important role in students’ cognitive
appraisals, in their
emotions during learning, and in achievement outcomes (Martin
& Marsh,
2006; Martin, 2011). Figure 1 summarizes the conceptual model
used in our
1. The conceptual framework of
the study (see pdf)
sum-up, the added value of
integrating both direct and distal antecedents into one
framework is to
explain: 1) the emergence of distinct emotions through direct
antecedents, and
2) through distal antecedents, the individual differences that
arise in
learning emotions when students enroll in a course.
– related emotions and academic performance
other settings have been
extensively studied, such as the exam situation, few studies
have investigated
situations outside the class (Putwain, Larkin, & Sander,
2013; Schutz &
Pekrun, 2006; Trautwein
et al., 2009).
Recent research discusses
students’ emotional experiences during individual learning
activities such as
mathematics homework (Dettmers
et al., 2011; Goetz
et al., 2012) in
which the assignments are
considered “emotionally charged activities” (Dettmers
et al., 2011, p. 25).
In the homework situation
students seem to experience the most unpleasant emotions when
compared with
other academic situations (Leone
& Richards, 1989;
Verma, Sharma, & Larson, 2002).
Furthermore, learning –
related emotions (LREs) are of particular interest, as they
demonstrate a
strong relationship with achievement outcomes. While it is
already known that
positive emotions have a positive impact on academic performance
et al., 2011; Pekrun
et al., 2002),
by focusing on the
experience of unpleasant emotions during homework, Dettmers et
al. (2011)
demonstrates how elevated anxiety and boredom levels shape
effort and
disengagement in study, to predict negative achievement in
Considering the transition represented by the first year of
university, more
evidence is needed – particularly in this period – about
students’ emotional
experiences in learning situations. To our best knowledge, only
few studies (Putwain,
Sander, et al.,
have addressed this issue in the first
year of university context. To our best knowledge, we found only
one study
(Tempelaar et al., 2012) which investigates how these emotions
emerge and
influence learning outcomes in the setting of an undergraduate
mathematics or statistics course. The present study builds
further on the
Tempelaar et al. (2012) work to look how distinct LREs emerge
from course
contextualized and generic antecedents and further, how they
achievement outcomes in a first year university mathematics and
questions and hypotheses
have asked the following research questions:
RQ1. What role do distal
and direct antecedents play in the development of LREs?
RQ2. To what extent can the
direct and distal antecedents together explain student
performance at the
course level?
we hypothesize:
The distal antecedents will have effects on both control
appraisals and LREs,
with differential roles for adaptive and maladaptive distal
The direct antecedents, control appraisals, will have an effect
on LREs. This
effect will be different for positive versus negative (or
neutral) LREs. The
control appraisals will influence positively enjoyment and
negatively anxiety,
boredom and hopelessness.
Distal antecedents, direct antecedents and LREs all explain
student performance
in the course.
hypotheses are graphically depicted in the Figure 2,
demonstrating the a priori
structural model. To facilitate the reading of this conceptual
model, all three
negative emotions are taken together, as well as the two
adaptive cognitions
and behaviours, and the two maladaptive ones.
2. The hypothesized structural model
(see pdf)
hypothesized structural model expresses that adaptive cognitions
behaviours, academic control, positive emotion, and performance
are all
hypothesized to be positively related, whereas maladaptive
cognitions and
behaviours and negative emotions are hypothesized to be
positively related
amongst them, but negatively related with the first subset of
variables. Not
explicit in this conceptual model is that distal antecedents are
represented by
second order factors of the motivation and engagement
instrument, however
allowing for path estimates being different from factor
2.1. Sample
participants were 3451 freshmen (19 years old on average, 62.5%
male) enrolled
over four consecutive academic years (10/11, 11/12, 12/13,
13/14) in a Business
and Economics program at a European University. Most students
had an
international background, a vast majority (77.4%) holding an
education diploma and one third of the sample had been
previously educated in
the field of mathematics (mathematical major specialization).
setting was a compulsory introduction course to mathematics and
scheduled in the first term of the academic year. It had a
duration of eight
weeks out of which, seven weeks were scheduled for education and
the last week
was reserved for exams.
2.2. Procedure
week two of the course students completed an online
questionnaire concerning
their adaptive and maladaptive cognitions and behaviors towards
learning at
university in general. In week four participants completed
another online
questionnaire, this time about their control appraisals and LREs
regarding the
specific subject of the course. The timing was chosen to capture
experience with the learning activities.
weeks three, five and seven of the course, voluntary mathematics
and statistics
quizzes were planned which, if performed successfully, added a
bonus score to
the final course grade. Every week, students were expected to
prepare homework
assignments which, if solved, granted students bonus points. In
week eight of
the course, students participated in the written exam. All
students included in
this study provided informed consent for the data collected by
means of online
questionnaires and for use of their study results.
2.3. Measures and variables
measured Learning-related emotions through four scales:
Enjoyment, Anxiety,
Boredom and Hopelessness, of the Achievement Emotions
Questionnaire (AEQ;
Pekrun et al., 2011). The Enjoyment scale (10 items, e.g. “I
enjoy accruing new
knowledge”), Anxiety scale (11 items, e.g. “I get tense and
nervous while
studying”), Boredom scale (11 items, e.g. “The material bores me
to death”) and
Hopelessness scale (11 items, e.g. “I feel hopeless when I think
studying”) were slightly re-phrased to match the specific
situation of our
course. For reasons of consistency in our research, all items
were answered on
a 7-point Likert scale (1 = ‘completely disagree’ and 7 =
‘completely agree’).
appraisals were measured with the Academic Control Scale (ACS)
of Perry et
al. (2001).
Academic control as
described by Perry et al. is a domain, course-specific measure
of college
students’ beliefs. The scale is composed of eight items, each
answered on a
7-point scale (1 = ‘strongly disagree’ and 7 = ‘strongly
agree’), e.g. “I have
a great deal of control over my academic performance in this
and maladaptive cognitions and behaviors were measured with the
Motivation and
Engagement Scale (MES; Martin, 2007). The MES consists of four
scales and
eleven subscales subsumed under the four scales. The Adaptive
Cognition scale
is composed of three sub-scales: Self-Belief (e.g. “If I try
hard, I believe I
can do my university work well”), Valuing School (e.g. “Learning
at university
is important for me”) and Learning Focus (e.g. “I feel very
pleased with myself
when I really understand what I’m taught at the university”).
The second scale,
Adaptive Behavior contains the following subscales: Persistence
(e.g. “If I
can’t understand my university work at first, I keep going over
until I do”),
Planning (e.g. “If I start an assignment I plan out how I am
going to do it”)
and Study Management (e.g. “When I study, I usually study in
places where I can
concentrate”). The third sub-scale, Maladaptive (Impeding)
Cognition includes
the Anxiety (e.g. “When exams and assignments are coming up, I
worry a lot”),
Failure Avoidance (e.g. “Often the main reason I work at
university is because
I don’t want to disappoint others”) and Uncertain Control (e.g.
“I am often
unsure how I can avoid doing poorly at university”) sub-scales.
Maladaptive Behavior includes the Self-Handicapping (e.g.
“Sometimes I don’t
study very hard before exams so I have an excuse if I don’t do
as well as I
hoped”) and Disengagement (e.g. “I often feel like giving up at
Achievement was measured with a performance portfolio consisting
of three
separate parts: MathPerformance, StatsPerformance and
BonusPerformance. First,
the two performance outcomes MathPerformance and
StatsPerformance were assessed
in a final written exam which covered a mathematics component
and a statistics
component, graded separately. Second, the BonusPerformance
represented the sum
of bonus scored in quizzes and homework. Quizzes, although
optional, were
available for both mathematics and statistics in an online
format. Some further
bonus could be achieved by doing weekly homework, containing
assignments for
mathematics and statistics. Finally, the three separate parts
were summed in
the QMPerformance which represented the total score for the
accounted for any potential influences coming from gender
(Female and Male) and
level of introductory mathematics education (distinguishing
between two tracks,
MathMajor and MathMinor) as control variables.
2.4. Statistical analyses
As a
preliminary step in the analysis, the four cohorts were checked
upon invariance
of mean levels and correlation structures. Next, beyond
descriptive analyses,
this study applies structural equation modeling. Models were
estimated with
LISREL (version 8.8) using maximum likelihood (ML) estimation.
To prevent
capitalization on chance, rather conservative model building
rules were
adapted: p-values of 1% or less were required as a cutoff value
significance for the adoption of any structural path; correlated
traits were
only allowed for variables measured by the same instrument. As
model for the motivation and engagement constructs, a second
order confirmatory
factor model was postulated, with second the order factors
Adaptive Cognitions,
Adaptive Behaviors, Impeding Cognitions, and Maladaptive
Behaviors (see Martin,
2007). We identified both second order and first order latent
factors for
motivation and engagement variables, and in order to derive a
model, we based the relationships with LRE’s and control
appraisal on the
second order factors. However, we allowed for differentiated
effects of first
order factors, by testing
if first
order factors would add predictive power to the already included
second order
report the Chi-square and degrees of freedom values, the
Comparative Fit Index
(CFI), the Non-Normed Fit Index (NNFI, also known as TLI) and
the Root Mean
Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) as indicators of goodness
of fit. Hu and
Bentler (1999) suggested for CFI/TLI values larger than .90 for
a satisfactory
fit and for RMSEA values should not exceed .08 and preferably be
.06 or lower.
Preliminary analysis
checked the assumptions of normality through SPSS 22. Values of
skewness and
kurtosis were in the expected range of chance fluctuations in
that statistic
for all scales. To make the performance measures equivalent over
cohorts, we
transformed exam scores into cohort specific z-scores. These
variables were used in all subsequent analyses. We provide
statistics and reliabilities (Table 1) – as well as measures for
between gender and prior education track. All analyses were
based on a subset
of students for which background characteristics, LREs variables
performance data were all available (3355 of the 3451 students,
Table 1.
Means (M),
standard deviations (SD), Cronbach’s alpha and test statistics
for gender and
prior mathematics education differences: t-value and Cohen
M |
SD |
α |
Gender difference |
Math prior education |
t –value |
d–value |
t –value |
d–value |
Adaptive Cognitions: |
Self-Belief |
5.82 |
0.73 |
0.73 |
1.08 |
0.04 |
2.86** |
0.10 |
Valuing School |
5.84 |
0.67 |
0.67 |
-5.15 *** |
-0.18 |
1.65 |
0.06 |
Learning Focus |
5.95 |
0.73 |
0.80 |
-9.65*** |
-0.34 |
-0.14 |
0.00 |
Adaptive Behaviors: |
Planning |
4.79 |
0.99 |
0.73 |
-9.73*** |
-0.34 |
0.15 |
0.01 |
Study Management |
5.56 |
0.89 |
0.74 |
-9.04*** |
-0.32 |
-2.66* |
-0.09 |
Persistence |
5.34 |
0.85 |
0.78 |
-6.79*** |
-0.24 |
1.00 |
0.04 |
Impeding Cognitions: |
Anxiety |
4.50 |
1.27 |
0.83 |
-16.12*** |
-0.57 |
-6.07*** |
-0.21 |
Failure Avoidance |
2.57 |
1.19 |
0.83 |
0.90 |
0.03 |
-1.45 |
-0.05 |
Uncertain Control |
3.45 |
1.18 |
0.80 |
-5.418*** |
-0.19 |
-4.58*** |
-0.16 |
Maladaptive Behaviors: |
Self-handicapping |
2.43 |
1.08 |
0.81 |
5.68*** |
0.32 |
-0.45 |
-0.02 |
Disengagement |
1.97 |
0.90 |
0.74 |
7.09*** |
0.25 |
1.20 |
0.04 |
Academic Control |
5.26 |
0.89 |
0.82 |
3.868*** |
0.14 |
13.68*** |
0.48 |
Learning-related Emotions |
Anxiety |
3.85 |
1.11 |
0.91 |
-11.41*** |
-0.40 |
-15.13*** |
-0.53 |
Boredom |
2.94 |
1.13 |
0.93 |
7.65*** |
0.27 |
-4.44*** |
-0.16 |
Hopelessness |
3.01 |
1.22 |
0.94 |
-7.18*** |
-0.25 |
-17.08*** |
-0.60 |
Enjoyment |
4.11 |
0.92 |
0.85 |
-0.55 |
-0.02 |
10.40*** |
0.37 |
Performance outcomes |
Math performance |
-1.03 |
-0.04 |
20.47*** |
0.72 |
Stats performance |
1.68 |
0.06 |
11.87*** |
.042 |
Bonus performance |
-6.70*** |
-0.24 |
11.73*** |
0.41 |
QM performance |
-1.00 |
-0.04 |
18.41*** |
0.65 |
Note: performance scores
are normalized scores; concerning gender differences, a negative
represents female
students; a
positive score in the differences in previous math education
represents math major.
Bivariate correlations
correlations are reported in Table 2.
Due to the large number of manifest variables, the
correlation table
contains scale values rather than individual item values for the
survey data
based on the AEQ, ACS and MES instruments. The four performance
measures are
manifest variables too.
Correlations of scales of the AEQ, ASC,
and MES instruments (1-16) and
performance measures (17-20)
signs of the bivariate correlations express the divide into
adaptive and
maladaptive constructs. Adaptive cognitions and behaviours are
correlated to 1) Academic Control, 2) the positive LRE of
Enjoyment, and to 3)
performance measures. Correlations with performance measures are
however weak,
and not fully consistent for Study Management. Correlations
between Academic
Control and Enjoyment versus performance measures are stronger,
consistently positive. A reverse pattern exists for the
maladaptive cognitions
and behaviours: positively correlated to negative LREs,
negatively correlated
to Academic Control, Enjoyment and performance measures.
However, within the
motivation and engagement variables, Anxiety is unique in that
it acts as a
maladaptive cognition dimension in relation to LREs and
performance. Yet,
it correlates weakly with other
maladaptive MES variables, as well as with the adaptive
constructs (Learning
Focus, Study Management, and Planning) but to a lesser degree.
Structural models
structural equation models were estimated for each of the four
constructs, each of them having identical relationships between
the motivation
and engagement latent constructs, and the latent constructs
based on LREs and
Academic Control. Figure 3 contains the diagram of the
structural part of the
structural equation model (leaving out the measurement parts of
the LRE,
academic control and motivation and engagement constructs for
reasons of
readability), having only the mathematics score in the exam as
construct. It is relevant to mention that structural models for
the other
performance constructs deviate only in terms of the equation
predicting the
performance constructs, and these equations are provided at the
end of this
section, in Table 3. All regression paths are expressed as
standardized betas.
Structural models were estimated in two multi-group
specifications: on the
basis of gender, and on the basis of prior mathematics track in
high school.
Both result in a rejection of invariant latent means, fully in
line with the
outcomes of the descriptive analyses: differences in mean scales
between female
and male students, and between students educated in the math
major, versus math
minor track, also show up as significant differences in latent
means. However,
at the stringent .01 significance level, no rejection of the
hypothesis of
invariant estimates in the variance-covariance structure was
found: the
structural relations appear to be the same for the subgroups.
Fit indices of
both two-group models were nearly identical, with χ2 = 26,424
and 25,946
respectively, and identical measures for df = 9,030, CFI = .98,
NNFI = .98,
RMSEA = .39, 95% CI RMSEA = (.38, .39), for the structural
models including the
mathematics score as performance measure.
Figure 3.
Path diagram of structural
part with standardized estimates
H1 we expected that the distal antecedents will have effects on
both control
appraisals and LREs. In agreement with the CVTAE (Pekrun, 2006),
Control plays a central role in the antecedent-consequence
relationship of
adaptive and mal-adaptive cognitions and behaviours, and LREs.
Academic Control
is a pure cognitive construct: it builds on contributions from
adaptive and
maladaptive cognitions, excluding any behavioural influence.
cognitions as a whole have a strong negative impact on Academic
Control. This
is explained by the fact that impeding cognition is most
strongly reflected by
Uncertain Control (.76). At the same time, that effect is
attenuated by the two
paths of Anxiety (.56) and Failure Avoidance (.68), which
constitute the first
order factor of impeding cognition. Since behaviours, both of
adaptive and
maladaptive type, do not contribute to Academic Control, the
between behaviours and emotions are only direct ones. The paths
from adaptive cognitions are fully in line with the hypotheses:
positive impact
on Enjoyment (.13), negative impact on Boredom (-.24). However,
the maladaptive
behaviours do play a rather remarkable role. Although bivariate
relations are
all in the hypothesised direction (positive with negative
emotions, negative
with the positive emotion), within the full structural model,
the additional
impact of maladaptive behaviours on LREs is positive for
Enjoyment (.40),
whilst its impact on Anxiety is negative (-.20). This is the
resultant of a
multiple relationship with colinearity amongst maladaptive
cognitions and
behaviours: for given levels of academic control and maladaptive
the additional effect of maladaptive behaviours is adverse to
the bivariate effect.
Gender differences may also contribute to these adverse effects:
male students
score much higher than female students on maladaptive
behaviours, but at the
same time demonstrate less emotion of anxiety and hopelessness.
H2 we assumed that control appraisals will influence positively
enjoyment and
negatively anxiety, boredom and hopelessness. As hypothesized
and already shown
in the bivariate relations analysis, Academic Control has indeed
a strong
effect on the four LREs. These effects are positive for
Enjoyment and negative
for all other three emotions. The strongest effect is observed
for Hopelessness
(-.65). Then, Enjoyment and Academic Control and Boredom and
Academic Control
respectively, relate rather weaker (.32, -.24). The relation
between Academic
Control and Anxiety (-.54) is rather strong and has a negative
direction: the
students in our sample are on average high in Academic Control
(M=5.26) which
might result on a rather lower level of Anxiety (M=3.85).
In H3
we specified that the distal antecedents, direct antecedents and
LREs all
explain student performance in the course. We notice a
consistent and dominant
role of Academic Control on performance. Then, a secondary role
Hopelessness, with a crucial exception: for the bonus score
(which is composed
of the digital homework and quizzes). This result is very
plausible: for
students high in Hopelessness, it is rational to allocate
relative high levels
of time and effort to learning in the digital tool, given its
scaffolding. Since the share of the bonus is much smaller in the
overall score
than the share of Math and Stats exam scores, in the overall
score the negative
impact of Hopelessness is back. A remarkable role is played by
Enjoyment: it
impacts performance, as expected, positively for Math;
nevertheless, it impacts
performance negatively in Stats. Again, this finding can be
regarded as very
plausible, due to the different nature of mathematics and
statistics education.
Students who like mathematics a lot tend to prefer it over
statistics. Evidence
for this claim is indirect: t-test for independent groups
indicates that
students from the ‘math major’ track score different in
Enjoyment, Hopelessness
and Anxiety, from students from the ‘math minor’ track. European
‘math major’
tracks focus on mathematics only, not on stats, and very often
contain less
statistics subjects than the ‘math minor’ track. Since Enjoyment
has opposite
impact on Math and Stats Performance, it is no surprise that it
drops out as
explanatory variable in the total score, QM I Performance.
Self-Handicapping enters as explanatory variable in one
performance category:
Bonus. Again, this is very plausible: it requires discipline to
do all the
homework, so students high in Self-Handicapping will
underperform. Since Bonus
has only a small share in the total score, it is not visible for
performance. For a more detailed overview of each’s variable
contribution in
each of the four performance outcomes, the relations between
these variables
are provided in the equations below (coefficients for each
independent variable
are expressed in standardized betas):
= 0.32*AcademicControl + 0.06*Enjoyment – 0.10*Hopelessness
= 0.27*AcademicControl –
– 0.13*Hopelessness
= 0.24*AcademicControl +
– 0.16*SelfHandicapping
= 0.33*AcademicControl –
work suggests that learning-related emotions (LREs) play a
crucial role in
performance especially in the first year of university, a period
of transition
for most students; however, additional research is needed to
show how these
emotions emerge. To explain this classical problem, we developed
a framework
which links two types of antecedents of LREs: 1) the
academic control in the Control Value Theory of Achievement
Emotions (Pekrun,
2006) as a direct antecedent and 2) the generic adaptive and
cognitions and behaviors from the Motivation and Engagement
Wheel framework
(Martin, 2007) as distal antecedents. We used this framework to
learning achievements in a mathematics and statistics course.
main findings of this study bring forth the emergence of four
distinct LREs (Enjoyment,
Anxiety, Boredom and Hopelessness) and the fact that they
standalone from
students’ individual performance. Such findings are reassuring:
although LREs
are important, they are not blocking students to perform
academically. More
importantly, the relations between LREs and performance are
rather weak when
taking into account their antecedents. Especially, in the
mediational model
comprising Academic Control, LREs and performance, we see that
Academic Control
plays a central role in the development of the four LREs
investigated in our
study as well as for what regards the performance outcomes in
the course. The
direct relationship between appraisals and performance strongly
dominates the
indirect relationship through LREs. Next, Academic Control has a
strong effect
on all of the four LREs with the strongest impact observed for
Hopelessness and
secondary, for Anxiety. The model explaining the four LREs is
again of
mediational type. Beyond the indirect effect through the control
there are direct effects from the four second order motivation
and engagement
factors to the LREs. In this part of the model, direct and
indirect effects
rather well balance in size.
Control, on one hand, builds on contributions from adaptive and
mal-adaptive cognitions
solely, where the main impact is explained by the Uncertain
Control dimension
of impending cognitions. On the other hand, adaptive cognitions
have a positive
impact on Enjoyment and a negative one on Boredom. Where
impeding cognitions
confirm the hypotheses of positive relationship with the
negative emotions,
surprisingly though, the maladaptive behaviours impact the LREs
positively for
Enjoyment and negatively for Anxiety. It seems that amongst
students scoring
high on maladaptive behaviour (amongst them an
over-representation of male
students), there exists a dislike of the learning activities
(increased levels
of Boredom), but not of the learning content: high Enjoyment,
low Anxiety. With
respect to the implications on performance outcomes, the most
consistent role
is played by Academic Control; this is followed by Hopelessness
(with the
exception played for Bonus as detailed earlier). At last, an
important role is
also played by Enjoyment: it has opposite impact for Math
(positive) and Stats
(negative) performance.
findings are consistent with earlier research on the central
role of control
appraisals in the emergence of achievement emotions (Pekrun
et al., 2002;
Perry et al., 2001) as well predicting performance at the course
level (Hall et
al., 2006). This study also provides support for the positive
relations between
impeding cognitions and negative emotions (Martin & Marsh,
Conversely, it extends such evidence by showing maladaptive
behaviours influencing
positively Enjoyment and negatively Anxiety. We therefore extend
on the Control
Value Theory of Achievement Emotions (Pekrun, 2006) by
integrating the distal
antecedents of emotions from the Motivation and Engagement Wheel
(Martin, 2007). Most notably, to the knowledge of the authors,
the study is the
first of its kind in using an integrated framework to ultimately
achievement outcomes in the first year at university. We have
provided a new
approach to understand students’ emotional experiences when they
first enter a
university study. In this respect, the two theories are
complementary: on one
side our results are an empirical validation of the CVTAE; on
the other side,
the concepts operating in the MES could provide practical
solutions on how to
facilitate educational change in the classroom by using the
influence these
variables have in the experience of emotions.
Additional findings
not the main focus of this study, we find interesting gender
patterns and
effects of prior education. They are described separately.
First, in our
descriptive analysis, we find gender patterns that match earlier
research (Martin,
Females score significantly higher on all adaptive dimensions,
with one
exception: Self-Belief, where no significant difference is
found. Statistical
significance of gender differences is however inflated by the
large sample
size; effect sizes are in the .2 to .4 range, therefore, small
in size. With
regard to the maladaptive dimension, we find the same pattern as
described by
Martin (2007): maladaptivity expresses itself stronger in the
form of impeding
cognitions in females, but in the form of maladaptive behaviours
in males. The
gender effect in Anxiety is not only significant, but also
medium in size,
again in line with previous research (Preckel,
Goetz, Pekrun, & Kleine, 2008). This divide
between the cognitive and behavioural aspects of maladaptivity
repeats itself
in the LREs. It is in Boredom, the behavioural aspect of neutral
emotions (see Pekrun
et al., 2002),
that males score higher than females, and in the cognitive
aspects of the
negative LREs, Anxiety and Hopelessness, that females score
higher. The last
gender effect refers to Academic Control, where male students
score higher than
female students, in line with outcomes of self- concept research
et al., 2007).
second effect we investigated refers to prior education: having
been educated
in high school in an advanced, rather than a basic mathematics
track. The
impact on the generic dimensions of motivation and engagement
are quite small,
as to be expected. Students from the advanced track are higher
in Self-Belief,
but lower in Study-Management and Anxiety; effect sizes are
however very small.
These findings contrast the impact of prior education on the
LREs and Academic
Control: the largest effect size, .6, is observed for
Hopelessness; in rest we
find medium size effects. These effects point in the direction
that students
from the advanced track are higher in Enjoyment and Academic
Control and lower
in Anxiety, Hopelessness, and Boredom.
a large sample, our study proposed a framework linking control
appraisals (as
direct predecessor) with motivation and engagement concepts (as
predecessors) in an attempt to better explain the emerge and
consequences of
LREs in a first year undergraduate mathematics and statistics
course. However,
we point out two limitations.
of all, our LREs measures (assessed through self-reports) rely
heavily on
retrospective beliefs about emotions, which make them subject to
the same
biases as the self-appraisals (Robinson
& Clore, 2002). At the same
time, self-reports still remain the most reliable measure (Zeidner,
and, for that reason - the most extensively used approach, which
is able to
capture in a non-invasive manner students’ emotional experiences
in an
educational setting.
while in the present study we tried to answer how emotions
emerge in an
introductory course, an important question for future studies
remains: how
students’ emotions change over different courses in the first
year at
university. Future work should employ the use of a longitudinal
design, over a
period of time and different course subject which could cover
ideally an entire
year of study.
Recommendations for further research
general recommendations should be outlined. First, our results
showed that
amongst students scoring high on maladaptive behaviour, there is
a dislike of
the learning activities (increased levels of Boredom), but not
of the learning
content: high Enjoyment, low Anxiety. We propose that they solve
this tension
by designing their own learning trajectories, participating at a
lower level in
homework and quizzes (as evident from the role of
Self-handicapping in
explaining the bonus performance), and prepare independently for
the exam.
mentioned earlier that the evidence gained in our study could
inform the design of educational interventions to improve
academic achievement
while, at the same time, support building emotionally sound
environments. In this respect, a first aspect to consider would
be that any
educational interventions in the classroom should foster
students’ sense of
competency towards the specific learning activities required in
a mathematics
and statistics course. If such progress is acquired, then
reinforcing – by
means of feedback – the certainty of control over the activities
and outcomes
in which students engage is key. Increasing students enjoyment
and decreasing
their hopelessness seems intuitive, still these measures should
be regarded in
context together with the factors from which they emerge, the
behaviours. If emotions are more difficult, and less desirable,
to influence
directly, addressing students maladaptive behaviours could be a
can be concluded from our study that next to personal factors
that bring their
contribution (especially in the development of Academic
Control), it is the
contextual experience in a course that shapes students’
emotional experiences
and performance. Besides all other known factors, emotions seem
to play a
central role in any learning process as an input and as a major
outcome next to academic performance (Pekrun,
Frenzel, Goetz, & Perry, 2007). Therefore,
learning about the factors that play a role in how these
emotions develop – and
how, in turn, they further influence academic outcomes – is
crucial. Good
education should also care about how students feel and not only
how well they
can perform academically.
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strongest learning hopelessness
cognitions impact
both learning enjoyment and boredom
impact learning enjoyment and anxiety
outcomes are
mainly predicted by academic control and learning hopelessness
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