The doctorate as an
original contribution to
knowledge: Considering relationships between originality,
creativity, and
Ana Baptistaa, Liezel Frickb, Karri Holleyc, Marvi Remmikd, Jakob Tesche, Gerlese Âkerlindf
Mary University of
London, UK
University, South
of Alabama, USA
of Tartu, Estonia
for Research
Information and Quality Assurance, Germany
National University
and University of Canberra, Australia
received 31 January 2015 / revised 17 July 2015 / accepted 3
August 2015 /
available online 12 October 2015
This article explores
the meaning of originality in doctoral studies and its
relationship with
creativity and innovation. Doctoral theses are expected to
provide an original
contribution to knowledge in their field all over the world.
originality is not well defined. Using the literature on
concepts of
originality as a foundation, this article shows that originality
is not a
concept commonly understood. Creativity introduces a focus on
the production of
knowledge, which is not just novel but also meaningful.
Innovation is becoming
of increasing importance in doctoral theses with the societal
shift to
knowledge-based economies and introduces the requirement of
immediate relevance
for economic purposes in doctoral education. While the three
elements appear to
be substantial building blocks of the potential contribution
doctoral work can
make in the 21st century, it is unclear the extent to
which doctoral
theses fulfil these expectations. The article discusses this
problem with a
focus on implications for doctoral education.
Keywords: doctoral
education; originality; creativity; innovation
author: Ana Baptista, Learning Development, Student
Services Directorate, Mile
End Library - Queen Mary University of London, Mile
End Road, London E1 4NS.
Phone: +44 (0)20 7882 2838, email, DOI:
of the doctoral thesis as an original contribution to knowledge
traditionally signalled a high level of intellectual output
within the academic
discipline. While considered an essential component of doctoral
education, the
nature of originality is typically ill-defined. Commonly
associated with the
production of new knowledge, originality is increasingly seen as
inherent to
creativity and innovation (European Universities Association,
2010). However,
how the three concepts of originality, creativity and innovation
operate within
the doctoral education process, independently and collectively,
is unclear. In
addition, questions remain over how and whether originality,
creativity, and
innovation may be facilitated in doctoral programs, even though
these concepts
are commonly found in policy documents and literature on
doctoral education.
and Gibbons (2001) suggest the production of knowledge within
knowledge society values creativity, application and
flexibility, a process
that is enhanced in the doctoral environment (Walsh, Anders
& Hancock,
2013). Doctoral students form a key component of such knowledge
production and
are therefore directly influenced by how such notions –
originality, creativity and innovation – are defined and
influence each other.
article therefore explores the meaning of originality in
doctoral studies and the
relationship with innovation and creativity. The aim is to
provide insights
into the nature of originality in doctoral education for 21st
century knowledge societies.
2. Originality
debate about the originality of doctorates dates back to the 19th
century (Mommsen, 1876). While originality has been a long-held
requirement of
doctorates, the publication of doctoral theses introduced in the
century helped to reduce fraud and enabled the assessment of
originality by
relevant disciplinary communities. For example, since the first
UK doctorate
was awarded in 1917, the degree has required “an output that
original research as defined by the academic community into
which the candidate
wishes to be admitted” (QAA, 2011, p.12). This requirement
places thesis
examiners in a powerful brokerage position with responsibility
to enact a
judgement of originality on behalf of their respective academic
although the assessment of appropriate degrees of originality
substantially amongst examiners (Clarke & Lunt, 2014;
Denicolo, 2003;
Johnston, 1997).
a century, the quality of originality has been considered
essential to the
doctoral thesis (European Universities Association, 2007, 2010;
Qualifications Framework Advisory Board, 2007; Hornbostel, 2009;
Association of
American Universities 1998, in Lovitts, 2005; New Zealand
Qualifications Authority,
2001; UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, 2011) in
order to
achieve what is commonly now referred to as ‘doctorateness’
(Wellington, 2013).
The Council for Doctoral Education of the European Universities
(EUA), as one example, recommends as the first principle of
doctoral education
that “the core component of doctoral training is the advancement
of knowledge
through original research” (2010, p.2).
beyond a surface-level assessment of originality requires
attention to the
development of original thought and original work (Clarke &
Lunt, 2014).
For the former, new knowledge might be generated as a result of
the doctoral
thesis, or existing knowledge might be applied to result in a
understanding. For the latter, developing a musical score or a
painting can
indicate original work. Not only are doctoral students required
to assess and
categorise existing bodies of knowledge through this process,
but they also
draw conclusions regarding knowledge and make decisions about
(Simpkins, 1987, cf. Lovitts, 2007). Originality may be evident
in the study’s
design, the knowledge synthesis, the implications, or the way in
which the
research is presented (Wellington, 2010).
assessment emphasises the nuanced ways in which the outcome of
might be achieved. Applying existing methods to new data could
result in
incremental additions to the knowledge base, while the
application of new
methods, new questions, or new ideas could generate more
substantial shifts in
knowledge (Lovitts, 2005). This variability underscores the
emphasis on
significance in doctoral research. Whilst significance is not
inherently a
component of originality (Johnston, 1997), it is important to
note that
original research within the context of doctoral education is
expected to
provide knowledge of significance to the field of study (Tinkler
& Jackson,
varying perspectives on originality show that it does not have a
definition, nor does it manifest in the same way in all doctoral
work. Originality
is not only related to an outcome or product, but also to the
overall process
of producing an outcome. A doctoral student cannot achieve a
product without
undergoing a process that stimulates the creation of that
product. What is
deemed original may vary between disciplines, programmes and
even individual
projects. The originality of a dissertation can be expressed in
a number of
ways, and the kind of originality that is recognised and
appreciated has
traditionally been dependent on discipline (Guetzkov, Lamont
& Mallard,
2004; Lamont, 2009; Lovitts, 2007).
influences the assessment of originality. For example, Clarke
Lunt (2014) suggest that originality in science, technology,
engineering and
mathematics disciplines is defined by publishability, whilst in
humanities and social sciences it is related to intellectual
Guetzkow and colleagues (2004) argue that natural sciences
define originality
“as the production of new findings and new theories”, while
social sciences and
humanities define it “much more broadly: as using a new
approach, theory,
method, or data; studying a new topic, doing research in an
understudied area;
or producing new findings” (p.190). Disciplinary implications
are evident for
PhD students’ perceptions and expectations about the PhD as
process and
product, and also for the way students learn how to do research,
consequently what it means to be original.
rarely de-contextualised, and numerous factors influence the way
individual frames a question and chooses the path to answer that
Disciplines consist of old and emerging specialisms (Kekäle,
2000), and how
these different bodies of knowledge are defined and arranged
determines the
output (Bailin, 1985). Knowledge defined as old or emergent may
intertwine to
create a process or product that may be called original.
Delamont, Atkinson and
Parry (2000, p.174) state that: “The originality of postgraduate
research is
always defined in terms of the essential tension between
accepted prior
knowledge and new discoveries or ideas”. Disciplinary influences
are evident in
cultural norms including the research process (such as group
projects or those
led by a supervisor), the form of the thesis (such as monograph
article-based), and the long-term impact on the field (such as
publication and citation impacts).
Thus, a
definition of originality in doctoral degrees assumes different
nuances in
different contexts. Numerous issues should be considered in
originality in doctoral education:
The interplay
between old and new, i.e. that
originality inevitably builds on existing knowledge and
practices in some way;
variation in originality;
The existence of
degrees of originality, and
the need for originality to be accompanied by significance;
The need to address
originality in doctoral
process as well as product, with associated implications for
research training.
Bennich-Björkman (1997) and Beghetto (2013) agree that
originality can be
defined as something that is new or novel, but originality does
not necessarily
have to be applicable or relevant. Herein lies the difference
originality and creativity, as described below.
3. Creativity
with the expectation of originality, doctoral research is
strongly associated
with creativity, commonly as a way in which students engage in
the research
process. For example, the Australian Qualifications Framework
(2013) specifies
that doctoral graduates are required to demonstrate “the
application of
knowledge and skills with initiative and creativity”. Thus
creativity implies
that a contribution (such as a doctoral thesis) needs to be both
(original) and relevant (according to Bennich-Björkman, 1997) or
(according to Beghetto, 2013). Beghetto (2013) defines
creativity as anything
deemed as both original and task-appropriate within a particular
socio-cultural-historical context – such as an academic
genealogy of creativity can be traced back to the Greek word
‘krainein’, which
means to fulfil. People who fulfil their potential, who express
an inherent
drive or capacity, can be seen as creative (Evans & Deehan,
1988). Pope
(2005, p.11) consequently defines creativity as “the capability
to make, do or
become something fresh and valuable with respect to others as
well as
ourselves”, which involves “a grappling deep within the self and
within one’s
relations with others: an attempt to wrest from the complexities
and contradictions
we have internalised”. This definition goes beyond creativity in
the thesis
production and process, to creativity of the person, i.e., the
graduate themselves. This
creativity as including the full realisation and expression of a
potential (Lovitts, 2008; MacKinnon, 1970) – thus ‘becoming
doctorate’, a
responsible and independent scholar (Barnacle, 2005). Assessing
requires attention to the intellectual context, including Big C
creativity, or
that which brings about knowledge new to the human race, and Pro
C creativity,
which occurs within a professional workspace (Kaufman &
Beghetto, 2007).
The disciplinary context adds another important variable,
underscored by the
key elements of motivation, independence, and intellectual
(Jurisevic, 2011).
classification scheme (see Table 1) offers further insights into
relationship between originality and creativity.
Table 1
Classification of research
contributions (adapted from Bennich-Björkman, 1997, p.25)
Is the contribution novel? |
Yes |
No |
the contribution relevant? |
Yes |
Creative |
Cumulative |
No |
Original |
Replication |
relationship between originality and creativity, according to
is defined through novelty and relevance. In principle,
relevance may be
determined at individual, societal or economic levels (Steinberg
& Lubart,
1999), but in the case of the doctorate, most commonly refers to
the judgment
of the disciplinary community in which the doctorate is
produced. While
creative work is expected to be relevant as well as novel,
originality is
expected only to be novel. By taking the focus off of immediate
relevance, the
pure concept of originality recalls blue skies research and an
emphasis on the
pursuit of knowledge for its own sake. This view of originality
thus seems
appropriate to the time when the expectation of original
research was first
introduced into the doctorate, with the rise of the modern
university in the
late 19th century.
addition to counterposing creativity and originality,
classification attempts to define knowledge production that is
not original. Cumulative
research is characterised as being highly relevant, in the sense
of being
valuable or useful to disciplinary communities, but not novel.
This focus on
relevance positions cumulative research as a valuable
contribution to
knowledge, but neither original nor creative. Replication of
research is
positioned as neither novel nor relevant, but is nonetheless an
aspect of knowledge development that increases the reliability
of research
findings and thus trust in the outcomes – small studies may be
replicated on a
larger scale or with another sample, for instance. Disciplinary
matter, as cumulative research and replicative studies are not
uncommon in many
natural science doctorates. Thus, the ‘in practice’ definition
of originality
in doctoral theses may be made as much on pragmatic grounds as
on conceptual
product of a creative endeavour demonstrates an original and
contribution that has purpose and can be judged by some sort of
criteria (Sternberg & Lubart, 1999). A process-product
distinction exists between
creativity and originality, with the idea of a creative process
underpinning an
original product or outcome. This distinction has implications
for the design
of doctoral education, suggesting that originality in research
outcomes may
best be achieved by encouraging creative processes during the
candidature, such
as a creative learning environment or peer collaborations. The
notion of fit
for purpose that our discussion has highlighted as a key aspect
of creativity
raises questions such as fit for whom or what? Such questions
open the door to
innovation being one of the drivers of research in the 21st
that also needs to be considered in the contributions doctoral
work is expected
to make.
4. Innovation
become an increasing expectation of doctoral studies as part of
the global
post World War II economic shift from industrial and
manufacturing based
economies to technological and knowledge based economies
(Delanty, 2001;
Marginson & Considine, 2000; Rolfe, 2013). By definition,
innovation involves
the process of transforming an invention into practical
application, and is
most commonly associated with private industry (Marsh, 2010). As
the production
of knowledge has come to be of increasing importance to national
university research is expected to better serve the needs of
industry, through
innovation in science and technology in particular.
‘innovation’ is most often found in economic discourses on
production processes
or products (Marsh, 2010). Governmental higher education
policies place an emphasis
on stronger links between industry and universities, and
development of
knowledge that can be exploited for economic benefit (Delanty,
2001; Henkel,
2000), bringing the concept of innovation firmly into the 21st
century doctoral education. The Lisbon Declaration on the
purpose of Europe’s
universities (2007) strongly links university research with
emphasising the importance of universities’ “capacity for
promoting cultural,
social and technological innovation” (p.1) and that “to meet the
challenges of
the twenty-first century (...) [requires] technological and
social innovation
which will solve problems as they arise and ensure economic
success” (p.2).
Thus, innovation as part of doctoral research privileges the
production of
knowledge that is economically useful, either in terms of
advances or societal use. Technological innovation is typically
linked to
marketable technologies, for example developing patents. Social
would relate to applied research aimed at improving societal
conditions or
solving societal problems. Examples are abundant in a variety of
ranging from medicine (eg, curbing mother to child transfer of
HIV/Aids) to
education (eg, improving literacy rates).
classical economic theory, innovators are considered creative
entrepreneurs who
successfully acquire monopoly positions with innovative products
or production
processes (Schumpeter, 1912). Innovation is defined as the
application of a novel, and thus original idea, but it must be
an idea with a
potential application: “Innovations of any kind start with some
kind of
creative enterprise, and the enterprise must produce work that
is not just
novel, but useful. Innovation is the channelling of creativity
so as to produce
a creative idea and/or product that people can and wish to use”
Pretz & Kaufman, 2003, p.158).
doctorate is increasingly economically positioned as an
important source of
skilled and innovative knowledge workers, as required by a
knowledge-based economy
with a strong emphasis on research and development. This
position has led to an
exponential growth in the number of PhDs awarded
internationally, especially in
the natural sciences and engineering (Cyranoski, Gilbert,
Ledford, Nayar &
Yahia, 2011), and a shift in expectations of employment post-PhD
away from
academia and towards industry, government and private enterprise
(Auriol, 2010;
Enders, 2005). Innovation has claimed a prominent place in
defining a key
purpose of the 21st century doctorate as preparing
the candidate for
a future career in either academe or industry, and developing
skills for
employability (Wellington, 2013).
extent to which these developments have changed the conditions
under which
knowledge is produced in doctoral theses and science in general
is unclear
(Geiger, 2004). The literature on thesis examiners shows hardly
any expectation
of innovation in doctoral theses in terms of developing
applications for
industry, though engineering is an exception here, where an
application of
existing methods to a problem from engineering practice is
considered original,
just as is the invention of new devices (Lovitts, 2007, p.173).
Similarly, the
conceptualisation of originality in economics, as the
application of existing
methods to a novel problem, is also considered original
(Lovitts, 2007, p.173).
Both disciplines consider practical problem solving as an
5. Implications
for doctoral education
Risk is
intrinsically linked to originality,
creativity and innovation, and is thus an unavoidable element of
education (Frick, Albertyn & Bitzer, 2014). Doctoral
education is
inherently risky given the requirement to produce original
knowledge. The
Lisbon Declaration (2007) argues that universities “should
encourage a culture
of risk-taking (...) in order to produce an institutional milieu
favourable to
creativity, knowledge creation and innovation” (p.3),
reinforcing the idea that
an original contribution requires a certain amount of
risk-taking in choosing a
topic and approach, due to the novelty aspect inherent to
originality. Students need to
have “the courage and
confidence to take risks, to make mistakes, to invent and
reinvent knowledge,
and to pursue critical and lifelong inquiries in the world, with
the world, and
with each other” (Freire, 1970, cited in Lin & Cranton,
2005, p.458).
MacKinnon (1970) agrees that the courage to take risks is an
characteristic of creative endeavours – such as doctoral
studies. However,
balancing risk with originality, creativity and innovation may
challenges for the supervisory relationship and the research
process (Brown,
2010; Latham & Braun, 2009). Therefore, it is important not
only to manage
risk constructively, but also to understand how it manifests
within doctoral
Miller and Schafer (1999) refer to four aspects that need
consideration when
defining risk that could be applied to doctoral education.
Firstly, risk is
closely associated with goals, values and outcomes. Hence, the
importance of
current debates about the purpose of a doctorate in a risk
society full of
uncertainties and changes (Park, 2005, 2007), as well as the
definition of
supervisory and research responsibilities and roles that
characterise doctoral
students and supervisors. Secondly, risk involves interplay
between an
individual’s subjective perception of risk and the perceptions
of the larger
community. Different students and different supervisors may
interpret risk
differently, which may influence how they negotiate their
relationship and
study focus. Thirdly, individual characteristics determine the
extent of
possible risk. For instance, a study may be less risky if the
doctoral student
has particular research and/or subject expertise. Finally,
context determines
“who can take what risks and how” (Hood, Jones, Pidgeon, Turner,
Gibson &
Bevan-Davies, 1992, p.136). For example, certain projects may
become less risky
if expert supervision and other resources are readily available.
conceptualisation of risk reflects significant forces that
relate to elements
in the context, relationships in the supervisory process, and
characteristics of doctoral students. These forces are reflected
in the broader
literature on doctoral education, which highlights several
factors that may
affect the overall success of a doctorate, including: (i)
characteristics of
the doctoral candidate themselves; (ii) nature of the doctoral
experienced; and (iii) institutional, departmental, disciplinary
and external
cultures. Each of these factors is explored in more detail
characteristics can strongly impact on the originality of their
For instance, doctoral education requires that students at times
independently in an uncertain environment. Within this
environment, healthy
program cultures encourage risk-taking by students within the
context of the
field. The interpretation of risk is a process fraught with
complications, particularly in terms of the expert-apprentice
still prevalent between the supervisor and student. However,
students who have
been socialised in an undergraduate academic culture or a
environment that promote novel ways of knowing will have a
stronger foundation
for originality.
addition to student characteristics, doctoral supervision is one
of the most important
influences on research student outcomes (Latona & Browne,
2001; Seagram,
Gould & Pyke, 1998). Evans (2004) conceptualizes the role of
the supervisor
as that of risk manager and risk mitigator, acting as an
intermediary between
the demands of society, the discipline(s) involved, the
institution and the
doctoral candidate. Frick, Albertyn and Bitzer (2014) report
various strategies
that supervisors use at different stages during the doctorate to
students and mitigate risk, including formulating clear
determining and developing student capability, independence,
thinking skills, problem solving skills, integrative thinking
creativity, and expectations during the student selection phase;
wide reading, critical debate, benchmarking, time for incubation
of ideas, and
challenging students during conceptualisation of the study;
developing academic
writing and methodological skills through incorporating expert
supporting networking, colloquia, regular contact,
co-supervision and mentoring practices; and promoting peer
review and writing
for publication during the doctorate. They encourage further
research that
explores ways of balancing rather than controlling risk, while
encouraging innovation
in the doctoral education process. Increased awareness of risk
could lead
supervisors to contain risk in a responsible manner. Of course,
it is not only
the student who assumes the risk in terms of research, but also
the supervisor.
disciplinary and external cultures influence how faculty and
students engage with a doctoral curriculum. Backhouse (2009),
Frick (2012) and
Holligan (2005) point to cultural factors (including
bureaucratic institutional
systems, ethics and funding policies) as determinants of the
extent to which
risk-taking is possible in doctoral studies. For instance, a
danger of the
current emphasis on doctoral throughput in the minimum allocated
time is that
it may lead to avoiding the risk of choosing a complex and less
problem. Not all research that may be considered original
requires lengthy
periods of time, but nor can all research be contained within
minimum, finite
time periods. Ultimately, the process of doctoral education is
influenced by the
various cultures in which such work takes place. In particular,
how such
cultures define novel knowledge outcomes is highly relevant.
to doctoral education that might encourage originality are
making it difficult to design an educational agenda for the
future when there
are so many uncertainties and unpredictable changes embedded in
(research) education and supervision, and when concepts that
characterise this
challenging high-level process overlap and seem somewhat
blurred. But perhaps
operating in a state of uncertainty, unpredictability and
blurred boundaries is
what the future of higher education is all about.
6. Conclusions:
insights into the nature of originality in
doctoral research
We can
see from this examination of originality, creativity and
innovation the extent
to which all three concepts are often defined with reference to
each other.
Clearly, these concepts share a focus on novelty in research.
Where the
concepts differ is in the underlying purpose or intention for
seeking novelty –
with creativity it is disciplinary relevance or value, with
innovation it is
useful economic outcomes, whilst with originality it is more
blue skies
knowledge seeking – but all three of these concepts may
influence the way in
which the potential contribution of doctoral work is seen. But
originality may be free of instrumental connotations, a
doctorate is not.
Doctoral theses are expected to make not just an original but
also significant
contribution to the field, the implication being that there is
little value in
originality if it is not also significant. However, the
determination of
significance is context-dependent. What would be considered
significant in the
19th century would likely be different to the 21st
and in one discipline or sub-specialisation different to
another, for instance.
be argued that creativity and innovation all incorporate
originality, in the
form of novelty in research. Hence, it may be possible to have
without creativity or innovation, but not vice versa. Meanwhile,
all three
concepts can contribute to the development of the doctoral
contribution in
overlapping but different ways. Conceptually, the links between
these concepts
can be displayed as follows:
Figure 1. The
relationship between
originality, creativity and innovation. (see pdf)
Figure 1 we show that originality, creativity and innovation are
elements that can all contribute to the doctoral contribution,
but that the
emphasis shifts depending on the concept. As doctorateness seems
to be a
multi-faceted concept itself (Wellington, 2013) this fluid
emphasis may be
useful to allow for (trans)disciplinary, programme and
individual differences
in what it means to be doctorate.
the current economic and socio-political climate, the question
of whether
doctoral studies can or should be safe-guarded from instrumental
for applied relevance must be considered. Doctoral theses call
not just for
originality, but originality that advances the field in a
substantial way. Just
as the internal characteristics of the field change over a
period of time, so
does the external context which helps give shape to (and
ultimately, contribute
to a definition of) knowledge production. While this demand need
not include
the focus on economic benefits or relevance attached to
innovation or
creativity, it still places constraints on the type of
originality considered
appropriate for a doctoral thesis.
to developing originality as part of doctoral education need to
considered. Although expectations of originality in doctoral
work seem
ubiquitous, there is little literature on design of curricula or
processes for supporting the development of originality. As
described above,
the concept remains vague to examiners and supervisors (Clarke
& Lunt,
2014; Lovitts, 2007). Meanwhile, a common assumption seems to
exist that the
process of engaging in doctoral research will in and of itself
lead to
originality, as if through some magical process: “The goal of
education is to cultivate the research mindset, to nurture
flexibility of
thought, creativity and intellectual autonomy through an
original, concrete
research project. It is the practice of research that creates
this mindset”
(European Universities Association, 2010, p.2). The unanswered
question from
this statement is how the practice of research cultivates these
attributes, and
in what ways doctoral education might intentionally foster these
vague notions for ensuring the development of such a central
expectation of
doctoral education seem inappropriate in the context of the 21st
century focus on higher education efficiency, accountability and
assurance. Considering the ways in which doctoral education can
originality requires attention to the doctoral curriculum, i.e.
process, as
well as the thesis outcomes, i.e. product.
7. Outlook
exploring the nature of originality, this article has linked
conceptualisations of novelty as applied to doctoral theses,
showing that while
originality appears to be the basic requirement, other
expectations such as
creativity and innovation, and associated criteria of usefulness
and economic
advancement have recently appeared on the agenda. This
association suggests a
new differentiation in the requirements for doctoral theses.
However, the
relation between these concepts is not yet fully clear. The
question remains as
to whether the differentiation of requirements for a doctoral
thesis is just a
mirror of changes affecting research and knowledge creation in
general, or
whether there are more nuanced issues to consider related to
doctoral education
As the
doctorate is seen as the initial process in becoming a
researcher, changing
requirements for the doctorate will most likely affect the way
creation operates in the future. Higher education has
experienced these changes
before. As one example, the publication of doctoral theses is
now commonplace,
and many institutions offer open public access to theses
produced by doctoral
graduates. Another example involves the development of the group
for certain disciplines. These so-called ‘capstone projects’ not
only encourage
students to work collaboratively, but they often involve
external stakeholders.
The challenge of defining original research has implications for
the nature of
doctoral training, and specifically for the internal function of
and for the relation between academic disciplines and society.
Future research
should examine the extent to which these new requirements are
part of
institutional guidelines, supervisors’ expectations and doctoral
identity conceptualisations.
An even
more fundamental question is about the determination or
assessment of
originality. A troubling reality underscores the consideration
of originality in
doctoral education – to what extent have doctoral theses ever
been shown to
fulfil the requirement of an original and significant
contribution to
knowledge, apart from via the subjective judgments of examiners?
With theses by
publication becoming more widespread, new pathways for
replicapability of originality and in depth analysis emerge, for
example through
the application of bibliometric tools and content analysis of
citations. However,
the question of which stakeholders should be involved in this
assessment and
what bibliometric indicators might be utilised are unresolved
almost unquestioned theme in the extant literature is that
originality arises
out of the doctoral training process, be it an intensive
relationship or more structured doctoral training conditions.
This assumption
is particularly noteworthy given that no valid database exists
that can be used
to demonstrate whether a doctoral thesis can be considered
original, much less
which experiences contribute to a doctoral student being able to
perform such
work. Future research should take steps towards unpacking the
between doctoral training conditions and outcomes, in the sense
of fulfilling
the requirement of originality. The following questions offer
ideas for future
What are doctoral
program designers’ conceptualisations
of originality?
How do these relate
to conceptualisations of
originality by supervisors, examiners and students?
Which requirements
can be achieved through
better training, and which are dependent on individual
characteristics of
doctoral students, such as propensity for risk-taking?
country and international comparisons could be valuable here;
although the
doctorate shares commonalities in the international context, the
degree to
which the doctorate is organised as a training process varies
from country to
article has considered how originality builds on existing
knowledge and
practices by stimulating an interplay between old and new. How
should doctoral
curricula and the supervisory relationship explicitly develop
originality skills? It is incorrect to assume that all doctoral
supervisors and
those who design curricula at doctoral level at all higher
institutions possess originality skills themselves.
Additionally, formal
structures at contextual and institutional levels, where
doctoral education and
supervision take place, as well as in national contexts
stimulate both the
definition of originality as well as the attitude towards
research and
tackle these questions, the research agenda for the future
should open spaces
for discussions about the place of originality in the
supervisory relationship,
curricula design, and the cultural environment that an
institution and even a
research group has to offer. Disciplines should strengthen
dialogues about the
requirements for a doctoral thesis in their field, and research
should supply
these discussions with evidence based knowledge. Simultaneously,
a critical
approach to the different discourses at different levels should
be reviewed in
the light of the most relevant and updated literature. These
interactions between practices, perceptions and research may be
a way of
improving the overall experience students and supervisors will
have in doctoral
In exploring the nature
of originality, this article
has linked different conceptualisations of novelty as applied to
theses, showing that while originality appears to be the basic
other expectations such as creativity and innovation, and
associated criteria of
usefulness and economic advancement have recently appeared on
the agenda.
The challenge of
defining original research has
implications for the nature of doctoral training, and
specifically for the
internal function of disciplines and for the relation between
disciplines and society.
Further research must be
carried out in order to
shed light on possibly diverse ways of determining or assessing
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