Socially Shared Metacognitive
Regulation in Asynchronous CSCL in
Functions, Evolution and Participation
a Tuike Iiskala, b Simone
Volet, c Erno
Lehtinen, & d Marja Vauras
a, c, d Department of
Teacher Education & Centre for Learning Research, University of Turku,
FIN-20014, Finland
b School of
Education, Murdoch University, 6150 Murdoch, Australia
Article received
12 January 2015 / revised 23 March 2015 /
accepted 5 May 2015 / available online 20 May 2015
significance of socially shared metacognitive regulation
(SSMR) in
collaborative learning is gaining momentum. To date, however,
there is still a
paucity of research of how SSMR is manifested in asynchronous
collaborative learning (CSCL), and hardly any systematic
investigation of SSMR’s
functions and evolution across different phases of complex
learning activities. Furthermore, how individual students
influence group regulatory
effort is not well known and even less how they participate in
SSMR over the
entire collaborative learning process. The multi-method,
in-depth case study
presented in this article addresses these gaps by scrutinizing
participation of a small group of students in SSMR in
asynchronous computer
supported collaborative inquiry learning. The networked
discussion, consisting
of 640 notes, was used as baseline data. The sets of notes,
which formed nine
SSMR threads, were identified and their functions analyzed.
Several analytical
methods, including social network analysis, were used to
investigate various
aspects of individual participation. The findings show that
some SSMR threads
lasted over an extended period, and they sometimes intertwined
or overlapped.
Furthermore, SSMR threads were found to play different
functions, mainly
inhibiting the perceived inappropriate direction of the
ongoing cognitive
process. Finally, SSMR was found in all phases of the process
– but with some variation.
The use of different
analytical methods was critical as this provided a variety of
insights into students’ participation in SSMR. The value of
using multiple, rigorous
analytical methods to understand SSMR’s significance over the
entire course of an
asynchronous CSCL activity is discussed.
Socially shared metacognitive regulation;
Collaborative processes; Asynchronous CSCL; Inquiry learning;
1. Introduction
Over the last decade, there has
been growing shift in the
study of learning as a socially and culturally embedded
(individual or
collaborative) activity (Salomon & Perkins, 1998). This
has led many
researchers to argue that a focus on individual regulation of
learning is insufficient
for understanding learning that takes place in social contexts
and, in particular,
collaborative learning environments (e.g. Efklides, 2008; Grau
Whitebread, 2012; Hogan, 2001; Järvelä & Hadwin, 2013;
Molenaar & Chiu,
2014). On the grounds that collaborative learning environments
bring together
“multiple self-regulated agents [who] socially regulate each
other’s learning”
(Volet, Summers, & Thurman, 2009a, p. 129) and at times
engage in genuinely
shared regulatory processes (Salonen, Vauras, & Efklides,
2005), research
on social regulation in collaborative learning needs to
integrate interpersonal
processes and individual cognition (Greeno, 2006; Vauras &
Volet, 2013).
This approach is critical since, according to Winne, Hadwin
and Perry (2013),
the quality of learning in collaborative settings is not only
dependent on
individuals’ distributed regulation but also on the co- and
shared regulation
that emerges in situated interactions.
This paper contributes to and
extends the growing literature
on the significance of social regulation in collaborative
learning by
presenting the findings of an in-depth, micro-level and
exploratory study of the socially shared metacognitive
regulation of one small
group of students engaged in an asynchronous,
computer-supported collaborative
inquiry learning process. Although research on
computer-supported collaborative
learning (CSCL) is extensive, there is still a paucity of
empirical studies on the manifestations, functions, and
evolution of socially
shared metacognitive regulation processes as they unfold over
the duration of
collaborative inquiry learning. It is argued that this insight
is essential to understanding
fully the significance of socially shared metacognitive
regulation in
collaborative learning and the role of individual
contributions in the process.
This dual focus on group-level, socially shared regulatory
processes and
individual-level contributions to the group regulatory effort,
required a
combination of qualitative and social network analytical
1.1 Socially
metacognitive regulation (SSMR)
Socially shared metacognitive
regulation (SSMR thereafter)
refers to participants’ goal-directed, consensual, egalitarian
complementary regulation of joint cognitive processes in the
collaborative learning
context (see Iiskala, Vauras, & Lehtinen, 2004; Iiskala,
Vauras, Lehtinen,
& Salonen, 2011). This definition focuses on the
regulation aspects of
metacognition (i.e. see Brown, 1987, on regulation of
cognition; see Brown
& DeLoache, 1983, on metacognitive skills) geared towards
achieving goals
(see Wertsch, 1977). This can refer to activities such as
identifying task requirements
and expectations (e.g. what has to be done); planning (e.g.
time allocation);
keeping track of the process and mindfully changing it if
needed; monitoring comprehension
(e.g. questioning the direction of the cognitive process) or
evaluating the
quality of the task outcome (see Veenman & Beishuizen,
2004). Hence, in
SSMR, students jointly regulate their ongoing cognitive
learning process
towards the common goal. In contrast, knowledge
co-construction involving processing
the content knowledge (e.g. gathering additional information
or establishing concepts’
scientific meaning) and task co-production involving
generating the tangible outcome
(e.g. justifying the features of the outcome such as ‘content
knowledge x’
causes ‘content knowledge y’ and, hence, they are connected to
each other) are
not conceptualized as metacognitive regulation but rather
cognitive activity
(see Khosa & Volet, 2014).
Research on SSMR originates
from the metacognition research
tradition which focuses on regulation of cognition, whereas
research on
self-regulation and self-regulated learning is further
concerned with behavior
and motivation regulation (see Dinsmore, Alexander, &
Loughlin, 2008).
Overall, the literature on regulatory processes displays a
instability in the use of terms that originate from different
traditions (Dinsmore et al., 2008). Hence, the term SSMR makes
the focus on
cognition regulation quite explicit. SSMR provides a solid
conceptual basis on
which to gain insights into how collaborating dyads or groups
regulate their
cognitive activity and, at a fine-grained level, their
understanding of the
specific requirements of tasks and content knowledge. While
the concept of SSMR
is solidly grounded in the metacognition tradition, the
research focus is on
the regulation component of metacognition, in other words, the
function of regulating the cognitive activity (see Brown,
Bransford, Ferrara,
& Campione, 1983; Flavell & Miller, 1998) and,
therefore, on the
procedural component of metacognition (Veenman, 2011). In
turn, the term
‘socially shared’ seeks to capture collective, mutually shared
regulation that unfolds on the social plane when a group
engages in
co-constructing knowledge and understanding of the task and
its content. In
their comprehensive review of different forms of regulation,
Winne and
colleagues (2013) and Hadwin, Järvelä and Miller (2011)
defined co- and
socially shared regulation by describing the regulation of
collaborative study
processes in general, but they did not elaborate on
micro-level, unfolding
metacognitive regulation processes involved in problem solving
and knowledge
construction in real time.
To date, empirical SSMR studies
are still scarce as compared
to the comprehensive research on metacognitive regulation in
learning. Studying social regulation in collaborative learning
where the core unit of analysis is the
group’s learning process rather than solely individual’s
learning process –presents
important conceptual and
methodological challenges. A number of researchers have
proposed that, in the
context of collaborative learning, metacognitive regulation
can be best
understood as both an individual and a social process, in
which participants’
metacognitive regulatory activities are interdependent and
often shared (e.g.
Efklides, 2008; Hadwin et al., 2011; Iiskala et al., 2004;
Volet, Vauras, &
Salonen, 2009b). As a consequence, conceptualizations of
regulation during collaborative learning – and derived analytical
approaches in empirical work –
must consider self- and socially-regulated
systems as operating concurrently (Volet et al., 2009b; Winne
et al., 2013).
1.2 SSMR
face-to-face collaborative learning
SSMR manifestations in
face-to-face collaborative learning
have identified tasks and contexts across age groups. This
includes, for
example, studies of face-to-face mathematical problem-solving
processes in
high-achieving primary school student dyads (Vauras, Iiskala,
Kinnunen, & Lehtinen, 2003; Iiskala et al., 2004, 2011;
Volet, Vauras,
Khosa, & Iiskala, 2013), young children working in
naturalistic educational
settings (Whitebread, Bingham, Grau, Pino Pasternak, &
Sangster, 2007;
Whitebread et al., 2009), veterinary science students’ working
on authentic
clinical cases (Volet et al., 2009a; Summers & Volet,
2010; Volet et al.,
2013), elementary school student triads’ collaborative
learning in different
instructional design environments (Molenaar, 2011) and primary
school students’
collaborative activities in science classes (Grau &
Whitebread, 2012).
SSMR has been found to play
different functions in the flow
of collaborative learning processes. For example, a study of
mathematical problem-solving processes of high-achieving dyads
revealed that
SSMR either facilitated (through confirming or activating) the
appropriate direction in the dyads’ cognitive activities or,
inhibited (by slowing down, changing or stopping) the
perceived inappropriate
direction of activities (Iiskala et al., 2011). Therefore,
SSMR’s functions either
promote the continuation of appropriate cognitive learning
processes or, conversely,
prevent the ongoing cognitive process from moving in an
adverse direction.
SSMR’s overall function, therefore, is to ensure that the
group cognitive activity
develops in the appropriate direction. As a result, the
quality of the ongoing
cognitive process is constantly monitored and controlled (e.g.
Whitebread et
al., 2009). Understanding SSMR functions at the micro level,
therefore, is
essential to gaining greater insight into SSMR’s significance
in collaborative
One under-researched aspect of
SSMR in face-to-face collaborative
learning is its evolution over an extended period and across
phases of problem
solving or inquiry learning processes. Systematic
investigations of the
emergence are rare, as are studies of the subsequent evolution
over, and the metacognitive
regulation of, time and through different phases of
collaborative learning
processes (see Azevedo, 2014; Molenaar & Järvelä, 2014).
For example, Grau
and Whitebread’s study (2012) revealed that individual
self-regulated behavior
increased within the groups during the process but the number
of shared
regulation episodes varied across sessions. Rogat and
Linnenbrink-Garcia (2011)
also found no evidence of a systematic change in regulation
quality within
small groups of sixth-grade students. Lajoie and Lu’s (2012)
findings for
medical students indicated that the timing of metacognitive
activities varied
so that engagement in these activities early in the problem
solving process led
to a greater percentage of executive processes in latter
sessions, especially
in teams supported by technology, as compared to
non-technology supported
teams. Rogat and Linnenbrink-Garcia (2011) also suggested that
such as planning and monitoring, mutually influence each other
and overlap; for
example, students monitor the group’s understanding of the
task directions and
plan enactment. These studies’ findings provide preliminary
support for the
importance of better understanding SSMR manifestations and
functions in the
context of evolving cognitive learning processes.
1.3 SSMR
asynchronous CSCL
Empirical studies of SSMR in
asynchronous CSCL environments
are still scarce. Research conducted in CSCL environments have
tended to adopt
a more general view of socially shared regulation of
motivation and learning
strategies, paying limited attention to the detailed
metacognitive regulatory
processes taking place in real time during the course of
learning activities
but, at the same time, incorporating other forms of
regulation. For example,
Järvelä and Hadwin (2013) located their approach within the
learning tradition, which takes into consideration motivation
and emotions
regulation. Network mediated asynchronous communication is a
challenging environment for groups to engage in SSMR because
the multiple
verbal and non-verbal channels of reciprocal interaction
available in face-to-face
situations are limited. However, CSCL environments provide
learners with some
new tools, such as structuring supports, mirroring and
metacognitive tools, as
well as guiding steps that can support reciprocal regulation
of learning
processes (Soller, Martinez-Monés, Jermann, &
Muehlenbrock, 2005; see also
Järvelä & Hadwin, 2013).
A major advantage of studying
SSMR in asynchronous CSCL is
that part of the individuals and the group’s metacognitive
thinking become
‘visible’ through computer-based traces of interactions. This
means students
can return to previous thinking and follow earlier trains of
thoughts. Hence, some
researchers (e.g. Hurme, Palonen, & Järvelä, 2006) have
explored how
engagement in joint discussion metacognition can vary between
participants in
secondary school dyadic activities. They found dyads that
monitored and evaluated
their ongoing discussion achieved a more optimal position in
the communication
network than other dyads. Prinsen, Volman and Terwel’s (2007)
study of
primary-school classes, also conducted in an asynchronous CSCL
revealed evidence of mutual engagement in discussing,
monitoring, and
evaluating group processes and in instructing fellow students,
but limited time
was spent regulating the cognitive activities’ direction (6%).
The authors
interpreted their findings in terms of the task’s
well-structured nature.
Since SSMR of difficult
learning or problem solving can be
highly demanding, some students can reasonably be expected to
engage more than
others do in the social regulation of group cognitive process.
This was
illustrated in Palonen and Hakkarainen’s (2000) study, in
which they re-analyzed
previous data from 11 to 12- year-old students’
computer-supported learning, using
social network analysis (SNA). Interestingly, the findings
obtained with SNA
revealed that average- and high-achieving female students
dominated social interactions
in CSCL environments and took on the main responsibility for
collaborative knowledge
building. This contradicted the researchers’ original
qualitative content
analysis, which found that the culture of inquiry was rather
homogenous across
students. SNA, therefore, appears particularly well suited to
exploring the
presence of relationships patterns among interacting units
(see Wasserman &
Faust, 1994). This type of investigation has been successfully
applied beyond
single participants to collective-level analysis in elementary
and secondary
schools (Toikkanen & Lipponen, 2011).
These researches show that
in-depth explorations of
within-group differences in SSMR contributions benefit from a
combination of analytical
methods. For Toikkanen and Lipponen (2011), combining SNA and
analysis can potentially provide more accurate results and a
foundation for interpretation.
1.4 SSMR
asynchronous CSCL inquiry over time and across phases: A
case study
Group inquiry learning provides
a useful research setting to study
SSMR in asynchronous CSCL because this is a challenging,
research-like approach
with the goal of processing and deepening explanatory
knowledge, rather than
merely acquiring factual knowledge (e.g. Hakkarainen, 2003;
Scardamalia &
Bereiter, 1994). A number of studies have shown that inquiry
stimulates students’ active engagement in learning processes
that require
metacognition to monitor understanding (e.g. Khosa &
Volet, 2014; White
& Frederiksen, 1998).
pedagogically well planned and technology-supported inquiry
environments, even young students are able to engage in
constructive peer
interaction and knowledge building processes that go beyond
the typical
cognitive demands of regular school learning (e.g.
Hakkarainen, 2003; Zhang,
Scardamalia, Reeve, & Messina, 2009). Hence, some prior
research implies
that joint engagement in demanding, asynchronous CSCL inquiry
can trigger SSMR.
1.5 Research
and expectations
The first aim of the present
study was to explore the
manifestation and functions of socially shared metacognitive
regulation (SSMR)
in an asynchronous CSCL environment of a small group’s inquiry
in science
learning. The second aim was to examine the SSMR’s evolution
through different
phases of the group’s asynchronous CSCL inquiry process. The
third aim was to
determine how individual group members participate in SSMR
during asynchronous
CSCL inquiry and how specific individuals’ contributions
influence the group’s
regulatory effort.
Since the study was exploratory
in nature, no predictions
could be made about the SSMR’s manifestation and functions in
an asynchronous
CSCL environment of inquiry learning. In light of the high
cognitive demand
imposed by inquiry learning on school-aged students, evidence
of SSMR was
expected throughout all phases. However, the SSMR’s functions
in different phases
could not be predicted. Regarding how individual group members
would participate
in SSMR and how specific individuals’ contributions would
influence the group’s
regulatory effort, since individuals are self-regulating
agents and
asynchronous exchange allows time for reflection, some members
were expected to
play a pivotal regulatory role in initiating and sustaining
the process. Alternatively,
they could inhibit the current direction of the group’s
cognitive process. The investigation’s
exploratory nature at the individual level (third aim) led to
the use of a
combination of several methods of analysis.
2. Method
2.1 Participants
This case study focused on a
small group of four 12-year-old
girls (Iina, Piia, Sonja and Julia). The girls were attending
an urban Finnish
primary school with high standards and a good reputation. The
class from which
the small group was selected, had a language enriched
curriculum, and an
entrance examination was used to select students for program
admission. Because
of the school’s high criteria for admission, the students
could be described as
above average in their overall academic skills. However, the
students had only
some experience of CSCL and inquiry learning, and, from this
point of view,
their usual learning context could be described as
traditional. The students’
parents gave written consent for them to take part in the
study, and the
students themselves were willing to participate.
The small group studied was
formed at the beginning of the
process under the teacher’s guidance, based on the students’
similar interests
in the topic of inquiry chosen for the science-based activity.
These four
students were also disposed to working together.
2.2 Collaboration
The theoretical ideas
underpinning the learning process as a
collaborative inquiry, as proposed by Hakkarainen (2003) (see
also Brown &
Campione, 1994, 1996; Brown et al., 1993; Hakkarainen &
Sintonen, 2002;
Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1994, 2006), formed the conceptual
basis of the
present study’s collaborative inquiry environment. In this
study, the
collaborative inquiry process was applied to the scientific
exploration of the
universe. The teacher introduced the subject at the process’s
beginning, after
which each small group was responsible for collecting further
information from other sources, such as textbooks, experts and
the Internet,
and working together to develop meaning out of this material.
Each group worked
during the process on complex, ill-defined questions that they
had set for
themselves at the process’s beginning.
The whole process involved five
phases: I – Setting
up the research question; II – Constructing
a hypothesis; III – Developing
a work plan; IV – Searching
for and processing knowledge; V – Summarizing
findings and concluding (see the
Appendix for a full description). At the beginning of each
phase, the students
were reminded to collaborate with each other and to regulate
their group’s
learning process.
At the activity’s beginning,
students were introduced, in a
face-to-face situation, to the expectations for the
collaborative inquiry
process. They were informed that they needed to work like
scientists, and then the
process’s different phases were presented. In addition, the
students were
encouraged to make their thinking visible to each other by
sharing their ideas
and jointly regulating the group inquiry process. At the start
of each phase,
the researcher presented the current phase’s aim to the entire
class, once
again in a face-to-face environment. After that, in each
phase, the students
collaborated within their small groups in the asynchronous
CSCL environment
WorkMates (for detailed information about WorkMates, see
Nurmela, Lehtinen,
& Palonen, 1999). Although the students had access to
WorkMates at all
times and, hence, the chance to write notes outside their
science class, they
collaborated mainly during the time specified by their teacher
during class. Some
discussions were close to synchronous (chat-like) discussions,
whereas, in
other cases, longer time lags appeared between notes. All the
students were
acquainted with the WorkMates environment, as they had used it
a few times
beforehand. In WorkMates, students can send written notes to
each other, and
they can reply to one another’s notes. All the notes sent
during a particular
phase are visible on the computer screen, and students can
also return to
previous phases’ notes. Data for this study were the four
group members’
discussions in this asynchronous CSCL environment.
2.3 Data
To address the aim of exploring
students’ SSMR engagement,
the analysis unit was a thread,
is, a sequence of interconnected notes. When a student posted
a message to the
public space where other students in the small group could see
it and react,
this was counted as a note. A sequence of interconnected notes
was classified
as an SSMR thread if students, through their notes,
demonstrated evidence that
they were jointly regulating the progress of their inquiry
learning process
towards their common goal (e.g. Student 1: “We want to address
the task’s goal
but we don’t yet have enough knowledge of this issue
because…”, Student 2
(reacting to Student 1’s note): “Hmm, let’s think about this
issue more in
detail. So far, we have evidence that … but we still don’t
have knowledge
about…”, Student 3 (reacting to Student 1’s and/or Student 2’s
note(s)): “So,
let’s try to fill in these gaps before concluding. First, we
have to find out …
Next, we have to…” The interaction continues in further
notes). Hence, small
group’s learning process was identified through the students’
regulatory acts,
whenever a minimum of two students were involved in the
process, and the
students’ reciprocal notes were interdependent, together
affecting the course
of the ongoing cognitive process.
Furthermore, although each
thread had to involve a minimum of
two notes, no upper limit was set to the number of notes
included. Consistent
with Iiskala and colleagues (2004), each note’s meaning,
whether it was a part
of an SSMR thread or not, was thus dependent on the flow of
other preceding or
subsequent notes, which means these notes were interconnected.
Each note
included in an SSMR thread had to be a reaction to some
previous note(s) or had
to be followed by a note(s) reacting to it. The notes in the
SSMR thread did
not necessarily follow each other immediately, but other notes
could appear in
between or in parallel that were unconnected to the SSMR
Each SSMR thread was analyzed
in terms of its overall
facilitative regulatory function
the development of the overall inquiry learning process, as
adapted from Iiskala
and colleagues (2011). Hence, depending on the group’s
appropriateness of their cognitive process’s direction, the
SSMR’s specific
function was either to ‘Continue’ or ‘Inhibit’ their evolving
cognitive process.
Both functions sought to achieve a better performance and
understanding of the
task. A Continue SSMR thread captured situations when the
group confirmed that
the direction of their current thinking was appropriate or
they activated
further cognitive processes in the same direction. For
example, the students
identified gaps in their group’s thinking and, on this basis,
planned to maintain
their current direction, as this would bring them closer to
their common goal. In
contrast, an Inhibit SSMR thread captured situations when the
group slowed
down, changed or stopped its cognitive process’s direction
because the students
perceived it as inappropriate and decided to re-think their
approach. For
example, some interconnected notes revealed how the students
jointly interrupted
their current train of thought and re-oriented this thinking.
If a student’s
cognitive note (e.g. a proposal) triggered an SSMR thread, the
first regulatory
note reacting to it was analyzed as the thread’s starting
point. The end was
signalled by the note that ended the SSMR process, and the
thread displayed its
executive function of continuing or inhibiting the direction
of the group’s
thinking process.
2.4 Inter-coder
Determining a thread is
complex, and, as argued by Strijbos
and Stahl (2007), represents an interpretation of the
discussion’s structure.
Inter-coding, therefore, was a necessary part of the analysis.
It was conducted
in two steps.
First, after the principal
coder had reviewed all the notes and
identified the SSMR threads, the other coder, a scholar with
experience in learning research, independently analyzed the
threads in the
context of all notes. The second coder’s task was to assess
whether or not, in
his opinion, the threads identified by the principal coder
represented SSMR.
The second coder could also suggest adding or removing note(s)
to a thread, and
propose new threads. This researcher was also asked to define
the threads’ function
according to the coding scheme. Only a few disagreements arose
between the two
coders, and these were resolved in discussions. If the
disagreement was whether
or not the proposed thread represented SSMR, the thread was
abandoned. This happened in only two instances. In addition,
one thread, whose
function was originally defined as ‘activation’ by the
principal coder, was,
after a discussion, re-classified as ‘stop’. All other SSMR
threads were agreed
upon by both coders. Overall, this means that eight of 11
threads were accepted
as such, two threads were removed and one thread’s function
was re-classified.
Hence, all nine threads illustrated in the present article
were recognized as
SSMR threads and their function were fully accepted by both
coders. The inter-coder
agreement was 82% in the identification of SSMR threads, and
89% in classifying
these threads according to their function.
Second, related to SNA and
research aim 3, the inter-coder
agreement was calculated on the basis of how notes outside the
SSMR threads
were connected with each other. After the principal coder had
finished the
coding process, two phases of the inquiry learning process
(i.e. ‘Setting up
the research question’ and ‘Developing a work plan’) were
randomly selected,
and 33% (n = 189) of all 566 notes outside the threads were
coded by the
second, trained coder. The coders agreed on 233 of 263
connections, so an
agreement of 89% (Cohen’s κ = .88) was reached, which can be
substantial (see Landis & Koch, 1977, p. 165). All
disagreements were
resolved by negotiation, and, conservatively, only connections
that both coders
had agreed on before the negotiation were used in analysis.
3. Results
3.1 SSMR
and functions in an asynchronous CSCL environment of a small
group’s inquiry
A general overview of the
findings is provided first. Table 1
summarizes the main features of the nine SSMR threads,
including their function
and behavioral indicators, the phase of the inquiry process in
which they were
located, and the number of notes and participants.
Summary of SSMR threads
Thread |
Function |
Phase |
Number of notes |
Number of
students |
Names of
students |
A |
Inhibit/ Stop |
Setting up
the research question |
5 |
3 |
Piia, Sonja |
B |
Inhibit/ Stop |
Setting up
the research question |
2 |
2 |
Sonja |
C |
Continue/ Confirm |
Setting up
the research question |
8 |
3 |
Piia, Sonja |
D |
Inhibit/ Slow |
a hypothesis |
15 |
4 |
Piia, Sonja, Julia |
E |
Inhibit/ Slow |
a hypothesis |
3 |
2 |
Julia |
F |
Continue/ Activate |
a hypothesis/ Developing
a work
plan |
14 |
4 |
Sonja, Piia, Julia |
G |
Inhibit/ Slow |
for and
processing knowledge/ Summarizing
findings and concluding |
10 |
3 |
Sonja, Julia |
H |
Inhibit/ Change |
findings and concluding |
8 |
3 |
Sonja, Julia |
I |
Continue/ Activate |
findings and concluding |
9 |
4 |
Piia, Sonja, Julia |
As shown in Table 1, both
specific SSMR functions (Continue
or Inhibit the current direction of the cognitive process),
and all five
behavioral indicators of these functions (Confirm, Activate,
Slow down, Change
and Stop) were found in the data. SSMR threads that continued
or inhibited the
cognitive process’s direction were found across all phases of
the inquiry
learning process, but the majority (six out of nine) of the
threads functioned
to inhibit the process’s perceived inappropriate or overly
rushed direction
(Stop, Slow or Change). Most of the threads (seven out of
nine) were contained
within one phase, and two of the threads spread over two
phases. Only three of
the nine threads displayed the participation of all four
students, but only two
threads had only two students contributing. Table 1 presents
the threads in
groups of three (A, B, C / D, E, F / G, H, I) because each set
of three
included threads that were connected to each other. This will
be discussed
below (in section 3.2), when addressing the second research
Figure 1 presents a
comprehensive and dynamic visual display
of all the data for this small group, over the evolution of
its asynchronous
CSCL inquiry process. This figure captures the emergence of
the nine SSMR
threads (A–I) and their
respective functions
in the inquiry process’s different phases and among all
written notes. The
figure also shows how each individual contributed to SSMR
threads and other
non-SSMR activities. Therefore, the figure identifies the four
girls, each phase
of the inquiry process, the number of lessons, all the written
notes with
symbols and the timeline (as hour:min). For example, in Iina’s
row, a symbol
‘●’ features at 9:31, located in lessons 3–4
of the ‘Setting up the research question’ phase, which means
that Iina wrote
one note at that time. However, this note is not a part of any
SSMR threads
because no arrow (→) links this note to other notes. As
illustrated in the
figure, all notes that are part of an SSMR thread are linked
by arrows, which show
the progression of the girls’ thoughts throughout the thread.
Moreover, the
letter (A–I) illustrates to
which SSMR thread
that note belongs. For instance, five notes appear in SSMR
thread A
(inhibit/stop), two from Iina, one from Sonja and two from
Piia. Furthermore,
the notes generated during the same phase of the inquiry
process are assigned the
same symbol. For example, the symbol ‘●’ is used to represent
the ‘Setting up
the research question’ phase. Moreover, the girls could also
return to some
topic (e.g. setting up the research question) later during the
inquiry process
(e.g. Sonja wrote a note regarding setting up a research
question during the
‘Constructing a hypothesis’ phase, which the symbol ‘●’
indicates in lessons 7–8 at
11:14). Altogether, 74 out of 640 notes
(12%) were classified as belonging to SSMR threads. All nine
SSMR threads (A–I) shown in
Figure 1 are also qualitatively
illustrated at the micro level (see section 3.2).
In summary, as illustrated in
Figure 1, SSMR in the small
group’s asynchronous CSCL inquiry learning process was
manifested as follows:
SSMR threads
mainly at the start and the end of the overall inquiry
learning process, with
intensive and quiet periods where no SSMR took place. This
stresses the
importance of looking at what students are doing at the
process’s different
phases and what may trigger SSMR.
Some SSMR threads
overlapped or intertwined (A, B, C / D, E, F / G, H, I), which
may have played
an important role in the evolution of the overall inquiry
learning process.
Because of the
asynchronous nature of the CSCL process, some SSMR threads
took place over an
extended period, and other notes that were not part of the
SSMR thread could be
found in between SSMR notes. This highlights the importance of
studying SSMR
manifestations over a long period when dealing with
asynchronous CSCL process.
3.2 Evolution
SSMR across different phases of the group’s asynchronous
CSCL inquiry learning
As shown in Table 1 and
illustrated by Figure 1, the SSMR’s distribution
varied across phases of the inquiry learning process. SSMR
threads were found
especially in the first two phases, ‘Setting up the research
question’ and ‘Constructing
a hypothesis’, and then when ‘Summarizing the findings and
concluding’, with
limited SSMR during ‘Developing a work plan’ and ‘Searching
for and processing
knowledge’. The SSMR threads found in each phase are presented
in turn, with a
narrative describing their behavioral indicators and their
functions in the
inquiry process.
3.2.1 Phase I: Setting up the
research question
Three inter-related threads (A,
B and C) were found in this
stage, illustrating the function of inhibiting the perceived
undesirable direction
of the group’s current cognition process and, alternatively,
the function of
continuing in a promising direction. Figure 2 illustrates how
the three SSMR
threads interact.
Both threads A and B illustrate
the specific SSMR functions
that inhibit current
thinking directions. In these threads, the girls realize that
the research
questions they had in mind would not address the overall aim
of their inquiry
process. In thread A, three of the girls (Iina, Sonja and
Piia) think about a
potential research question to address the project’s aim,
taking into account
their prior knowledge. The SSMR thread stops,
with the group concluding that the theme is too complex. This
means that, through
SSMR, the girls stopped developing their initial question and,
rejected their related thinking for this question. In thread
B, two of the
girls (Iina and Sonja) consider ambivalently why it is
possibly not judicious
to pursue their second proposed idea as a research question.
The thread leads
them to stop (a
behavioral indication
of inhibiting SSMR functions). In contrast to threads A and B,
thread C reveals
how the girls, through SSMR, confirmed
their new question’s feasibility (a behavioral indication of
continuing SSMR
functions) and, thus, continued to pursue their current
thinking direction. Interestingly,
thread C’s starting point was the same as for threads A and B,
namely, that a
potential research question was scrutinized. The third
research question was
eventually adopted through SSMR in thread C. Three of the
girls (Sonja, Iina
and Piia) were involved in this last thread, which unveils how
they regulated
the suitability of their new theme against the research aim
and how they
scrutinized possibilities for upcoming efforts.
Figure 2. Inhibition
function of stop (A and B) and Continue function of confirm
(C) of SSMR threads
in ‘Setting up the research question’. (see pdf)
As illustrated in Figure 2, threads A, B and C followed each other
consecutively, but partly
overlapped as well, each thread playing a specific function in
the evolving
inquiry learning process. Threads A and B demonstrate how the
girls discarded
some of their ideas by regulating their respective usefulness,
while thread C
revealed how the group moved forward with another idea. Thus,
the group stopped
or confirmed the direction of their ongoing thinking process
through SSMR. In
summary, the analysis of the three SSMR threads showed that,
in the first phase
of the asynchronous CSCL inquiry process that sought to define
the research
question, some SSMR threads’ function was to inhibit (stop as
the behavioral
indicator) the direction of their cognitive process, since
they perceived this as
going in an unwanted direction. Another SSMR thread enabled
the group to
continue (confirm) their line of thought.
3.2.2 Phases II and III:
Constructing a hypothesis and
Developing a work plan
Three inter-related threads (D,
E and F) were found in these
two phases, once again illustrating both continuing and
inhibiting functions in
the girls’ current cognitive process. Consistent with the
evolving inquiry
process, after setting up its research question, the small
group proceeded to
construct a hypothesis to address that question. The question
itself, which had
been confirmed in the previous phase, was subsequently
elaborated as follows: ‘How
can it be concluded that an asteroid will hit the earth, and
what will then
happen to the earth?’ Some sub-questions were also generated:
‘Where does an
asteroid come from?, ‘Will the whole earth be destroyed?’,
‘How can the hit be
prevented?’ and ‘When will the hit be projected to happen?’
Figure 3 illustrates
the three SSMR threads (D, E and F) found during the phases of
‘Constructing a
hypothesis’ and ‘Developing a work plan’.
Both threads D and E are
illustrations of SSMR inhibiting undesirable
directions of the group’s cognitive process (slowing down as
the behavioral
indicator), in this case, due to the group realizing their
ideas’ limitations.
In these two SSMR threads, both taking place in the phase of
constructing the
hypothesis, the girls question their inquiry process. These
particular SSMR threads
captures a slow down
in the group’s
thinking process, rather than a change in their thoughts’
overall direction,
since their hypothesis remains the same. By stating their
uncertainty and
slowing down their thinking process the students became aware
of their ideas’
inadequacies and the unresolved issues, thus they realized the
importance of
not rushing and making decisions in a hurry. In thread D, the
girls’ notes show
that, although they were aware that a reliable hypothesis
could not be
constructed, they were nevertheless unable to revise their
line of thought. All
four girls participated in this SSMR thread, which highlights
its importance.
Subsequently, thread D focused on some aspects of the
hypothesis, whereas
thread E briefly brought to light difficulties, while
considering the
hypothesis, with how to construct a situation at a general
level. In thread E,
the regulation process was shared by only two of the girls
(Julia and Piia).
Thus, these threads had to be analyzed separately.
In turn, thread F illustrates
another behavioral indicator of
SSMR’s continuing function, namely, the activation
of other ideas while pursuing a single line of thought. This
thread spreads
over the phases of
‘Constructing a
hypothesis’ and ‘Developing a work plan’. In this thread, the
girls identified
gaps in their thinking by an ongoing regulation of the kind of
knowledge they
thought was needed. The notes show how the knowledge they
thought was required
was co-constructed through SSMR. In
this thread, the girls demonstrated their ability to regulate
their cognitive
process jointly towards a common goal and to co-construct a
shared awareness of
the knowledge they needed and the sources they could access.
Finally, thread F
led the girls to organize their plan’s implementation, with a
division of labor
based on identified gaps in their knowledge. All four girls
participated in
this thread, which was pivotal for their subsequent work plan
and for searching
for and processing knowledge, as illustrated in Figure 1, but
which involved
minimal SSMR.
Figure 3. Inhibition
function of slow (D and E) and Continue function of activate
(F) of SSMR
threads in ‘Constructing a hypothesis’ and ‘Developing a work
plan’. (see pdf)
A key feature of SSMR threads
D, E and F is that they were
closely intertwined. In thread D, which features the group
slowing down their
thinking process (slow down as a behavioral indicator of the
process being
somewhat inhibited), the girls questioned their hypothesis and
hesitantly pursued
the development of this hypothesis. Partly coinciding with
thread D, the girls
disclosed in thread E that they were uncertain about how to
proceed and thus
slowed down and reconsidered their options. In contrast,
thread F illustrates
how the group was eventually able to move forward by
activating the ideas they
had reconsidered and found suitable in threads D and E. Taken
in combination,
these SSMR threads illustrate how the group regulated the
progress of their
inquiry process and eventually agreed on what knowledge they
needed. This provided
evidence that previous threads could influence subsequent
threads, an aspect of
SSMR that may be characteristic of asynchronous CSCL processes
in which
students can go back to previous discussions. Furthermore,
this influence became
visible only through analysis of CSCL processes over an
extended period.
3.2.3 Phases IV and V:
Searching for and processing knowledge
and Summarizing findings and concluding
After developing a work plan,
the group moved to the final
phases of its CSCL inquiry process, namely ‘Searching for and
knowledge’ and, finally, ‘Summarizing the findings and
concluding’. Three SSMR
threads (G, H and I) identified in these phases are shown in
Figure 4.
In the course of searching for
and processing knowledge and
summarizing findings and concluding, one SSMR thread (G)
appeared to slow
down the group’s inquiry learning
process substantially. In thread G, the group discussed if the
exact time of
the asteroid hit could be determined and whether this
information should be
provided when summarizing the findings and concluding. The
thread shows that
the group’s SSMR of this issue prevented overly hasty
decisions (slowing down
as the behavioral indicator of inhibiting function) over an
extended period and
across several phases of the inquiry process. Notably, thread
G, which slowed
down the process of searching for and processing knowledge, as
well as summarizing
the findings and concluding, took place over a much longer
period than threads
D and E (discussed in section 3.2.2). Their respective
function was also to
inhibit undesirable or hastily selected directions in the
group’s cognitive
process, but they were contained in a single phase. All of the
girls, except
Piia, participated in this extended SSMR thread.
In addition, SSMR thread H
appeared during the ‘Summarizing
findings and concluding’ phase, which led to a change in the group’s course
of action (another behavioral indicator of inhibiting
functions). In this
thread, the group regulated their searching for, and
processing of, knowledge
in relation to the research question. The students became
aware of a mismatch:
the knowledge they had activated did not answer the research
question. As a
consequence, the group changed its research question so that
this would
correspond better to the knowledge they had gathered during
the phase of ‘Searching
for and processing knowledge’. Thread H shows quite explicitly
how the girls changed
their previous research question to a new one by consensual
regulation. Sonja,
Julia and Iina were all actively involved in this discussion.
The final SSMR
thread (I) functioned to move the inquiry process forward (a
function), with all the girls jointly engaged in shared
regulation of their
idea, activating
all three concepts (i.e.
an asteroid, a meteorite and a meteoroid) that were needed to
explain their
summary findings and conclusion. Piia’s first note (10:39)
appeared to have
been discounted when the other three girls changed the
research question.
However, her second note (10:44), where she repeated the
thought in her first
note by clarifying what she meant, showed that she was closely
monitoring the
group’s cognitive process. As she was not satisfied with the
other girls’
changes in the research question (thread H), she posted a new
note starting a
new thread during which the group eventually agreed to include
the difference
between the three different concepts in their findings and
Figure 4. Inhibition
functions of slow (G) and change (H) and Continue function of
activate (I) of
SSMR threads in ‘Searching for and processing knowledge’ and
findings and concluding’. (see pdf)
A most interesting
characteristic of threads G, H and I, was
their deep intertwined nature. During the phase of ‘Searching
for and
processing knowledge’, only one SSMR thread (G) appeared. In
that thread, the girls
regulated the issue of whether having the exact time was
important, as well as if
this would be reliable. However, at that time, they had not
yet realized that
their inquiry would not address their research questions.
Thus, because of
insufficient regulation while ‘Searching for and processing
knowledge’, need
for regulation emerged later (threads H and I), at the time
the findings were
summarized and a conclusion was drawn. Hence, together,
threads G and H
demonstrate how insufficient regulation in one phase can
necessitate making up for
lost time in a latter phase. Threads H and I also displayed
interconnections, with Piia’s neglected note in thread H
triggering thread I.
3.3 Individual
members’ participation in SSMR during an asynchronous CSCL
process and the influence of specific individual
contributions on the group’s
regulatory effort
3.3.1 Distribution of
students’ notes contributing to SSMRs
The first analysis was to
determine if the four students’
contributions to the SSMR effort was similar or different.
Although SSMR participation
appeared to vary across students, Iina participated the most
(25 out of 74
notes or 34% of the group’s notes in the SSMR threads),
followed by Julia (22
notes or 30%), Sonja (18 notes or 24%) and, finally, Piia (9
notes or 12%).
Table 2 displays the number
(and percentage) of each
student’s notes in the SSMR threads and, non-SSMR (Other)
interactions and
their totals, within the whole asynchronous CSCL inquiry
process. A cross
tabulation and a Pearson’s chi-square test were performed.
Cramer’s V
correlation was used to test associations (see Siegel &
Castellan, 1988).
The relationship between the number of notes within and
outside SSMR threads
across students was not different, χ2(3, N = 640) = 3.79, V =
.08, ns (see
Table 2). Z-tests with Bonferroni correction also showed that
the differences
in the proportions of notes between the students were not
Frequencies (and
of each student’s notes
Student |
Notes |
Iina |
Piia |
Sonja |
Julia |
Total |
Other |
201 (89)a |
110 (92)a |
132 (88)a |
123 (85)a |
566 (88) |
25 (11)a |
9 (8)a |
18 (12)a |
22 (15)a |
74 (12) |
Total |
226 (100) |
119 (100) |
150 (100) |
145 (100) |
640 (100) |
Note. Other = Notes
SSMR threads. SSMR = Notes that are included in SSMR threads.
Each subscript
denotes a subset of the process phases whose column
proportions do not differ
significantly from each other at the .05 level.
3.3.2 Distribution of
students’ notes in SSMR threads that
functioned to Continue or Inhibit the direction of the
group’s evolving
cognitive process based on perceived appropriateness
Table 3 displays the number
(and percentage) of each
students’ notes contributing to SSMRs that played different
Frequencies (and
of each student’s notes in terms of SSMR functions
(Continue, Inhibit)
Student |
Function |
Iina |
Piia |
Sonja |
Julia |
Total |
Continue |
13 (52)a |
4 (44)a |
9 (50)a |
5 (23)a |
31 (42) |
Inhibit |
12 (48)a |
5 (56)a |
9 (50)a |
17 (77)a |
43 (58) |
Total |
25 (100) |
9 (100) |
18 (100) |
22 (100) |
74 (100) |
Note. Each subscript
denotes a subset of the process phases whose column
proportions do not differ
significantly from each other at the .05 level.
As can be seen, individuals’
participation in SSMR threads
that played a different overall function seemed to vary across
students. Iina,
Piia and Sonja participated with an equal number of notes,
contributing to
SSMRs with the functions of continuing and inhibiting the
direction of the
group’s cognitive process, but Julia contributing three times
as many notes,
contributing more to SSMR inhibiting the group’s process (slow
down, stop or
change) than to SSMR continuing the process. The relationship
between students’
notes in SSMR threads and the function category they
contributed to (Continue,
Inhibit) was however, not statistically significant based on
chi-square test and Cramer’s V correlation, χ2(3, N
= 74) = 4.88, V
= .26, ns. The
non-significance was
confirmed, using z-tests with Bonferroni correction. However,
Julia’s strong
contribution to making the group stop, slow down or change the
direction of
their thinking is noteworthy. It contrasts with Iina’s
contributions to the SSMR,
which were as frequent as Julia’s (respectively 22 and 25
notes out of 74) but
which differed qualitatively in terms of the nature of each
contributions to the group’s regulatory effort.
3.3.3 Distribution of
students’ notes contributing to SSMRs the
inquiry process’s different phases
Table 4 displays the number
(and percentage) of each
student’s notes contributed to SSMRs in different phases.
Table 4
Frequencies (and percentages)
of each student’s notes in
different phases
Student |
Phase |
Iina |
Piia |
Sonja |
Julia |
Total |
Setting up
the research
question |
7 (47) |
3 (20) |
5 (33) |
0 (0) |
15 (100) |
hypothesis |
5 (19) |
5 (19) |
5 (19) |
12 (43) |
27 (100) |
a work plan
3 (60) |
0 (0) |
1 (20) |
1 (20) |
5 (100) |
for and
processing knowledge |
2 (33) |
0 (0) |
1 (17) |
3 (50) |
6 (100) |
findings and concluding |
8 (38) |
1 (4) |
6 (29) |
6 (29) |
21 (100) |
As can be seen, some students
appeared to make a substantial
contribution to SSMR in some phases and less (sometimes none)
in others. For
example, Julia made no contribution to SSMR in the ‘Setting up
the research
question’ phase but played a dominant role in the phases
‘Searching for and
processing knowledge’ (50% of the notes in this phase) and
‘Constructing a
hypothesis’ (43%). Another example is Piia, who contributed to
SSMR almost
exclusively in the first two phases (with no contributions in
Phases III and IV
and one single contribution in Phase V), while Iina
contributed substantially
throughout all phases (respectively, 47% of all notes in Phase
I, 19% in Phase
II, 60% in Phase III, 33% in Phase IV and 38% in Phase V). A
relationship was found in the distribution of students’ notes
by phases (Fisher’s
exact test = 17.17, p
< .10).
A number of observations can be
made based on these findings.
First, they reveal that Piia, who was identified as the group
member who
contributed least to the SSMR effort overall (see section
3.3.2), was in fact
active in the early phases of the inquiry learning process,
and she contributed
as much as Iina and Sonja towards the group’s SSMR of the
construction of their
hypothesis (5 notes each). One may wonder why Piia hardly
contributed to the
group regulatory effort after that and whether the other
girls’ perhaps more
assertive statements may have played a role, in particular,
Julia’s questioning
approach illustrated in SSMR threads D, F, G and H (Figures 3
and 4). Second,
this analysis also shows that Julia, who played such a
dominant role overall in
inhibiting the group cognitive process moving in an unwanted
direction, had in
fact not contributed at all in the first phase of ‘Setting up
the research
question’. Given that the original research question was
eventually modified,
understanding why Julia did not participate in the first phase
may be necessary
in order to understand her subsequent dominance in regulating
the process of
constructing the hypothesis.
3.3.4 Connections between
students across the whole CSCL
inquiry process
SNA was used to explore further
individuals’ contributions to
SSMR, offering a different analytical approach. Consistent
with SNA, each note
was considered in relationship to other notes; that is to say,
each note was
studied for whether it reacted (respondent or, in SNA terms,
‘in-degree’) to
other notes (initiator or, in SNA terms, ‘out-degree’). The
information generated by SNA, therefore, provided useful
information on how
each individual was positioned in reference to her peers
during the joint
regulation process.
Density, centrality and
centralization measures were
established based on these data. Density
is a group level measure that indicates how lively interaction
is among the
students. It measures the average strength of connections
in the network
(Wassermann & Faust, 1994). In the data, six dyad ties
were present (Sonja-Julia,
Sonja-Iina, Iina-Julia, Iina-Piia, Piia-Sonja, Piia-Julia),
which can be divided
into 12 relationships in actor level analysis, distinguishing
between the
initiator and respondent roles. In turn, the actor level
analysis produced 60
connections between students in the SSMR threads, generating a
density value of
5 (60/12) for the connections within the SSMR threads.
While density indicates how
lively the interaction is, centrality is an
individual level
measure for this, showing, who has the most or least contacts
to other students
(see Table 5). Using Scott’s (1991) approach, centrality was
measured with
Freeman’s degree (i.e. number of initiator or out-degree and
respondent or
in-degree notes). The results indicate that each student
initiated and reacted
on average to 15 notes (initiator SD 4.95, respondent SD 4.89)
within the SSMR
threads, with important individual differences. For example,
as shown on the
left hand side of Table 5, Pia was less at the center of the
connections than
other students (see Table 5).
Frequency of
connections between students and number of ties between
pairs of students
within the nine SSMR threads
of connections |
between pairs of students |
Respondent |
Pair |
Initiator |
Iina |
Piia |
Sonja |
Julia |
Total |
Sonja-Julia |
16 |
Iina |
- |
2 |
5 |
8 |
15 |
Sonja-Iina |
15 |
Piia |
3 |
- |
2 |
2 |
7 |
Iina-Julia |
15 |
Sonja |
10 |
3 |
- |
7 |
20 |
Piia-Iina |
5 |
Julia |
7 |
2 |
9 |
- |
18 |
Piia-Sonja |
5 |
Total |
20 |
7 |
16 |
17 |
- |
Piia-Julia |
4 |
Total 60;
M=10 |
This means that Piia was less
verbally active in the joint
regulatory process. This finding is consistent with the
differences tested with
Pearson’s chi-square tests (see sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.3),
which were
significant at the p<.10 level. Furthermore, Sonja’s notes
appeared to be
the most frequently reacted to by others in the group.
However, although Sonja
did not generate as many notes (18) as Iina and Julia
(respectively, 25 and 22)
(see section 3.3.1), SNA indicates that her notes produced the
most reactions,
which implies an important role in the SSMR process.
Finally, centralization
is a group level measure of how equally interaction is divided
among the
participants. The measure of centralization indicates how
tightly connections
are organized within this small group (see Scott, 1991;
Wassermann & Faust,
1994) – the higher the
percentage, the greater the difference between students. In a
valued graph, the
percentage can go over 100%. The results indicate that this
small group was
only very little centralized within the SSMR process
(initiator 22.2%,
respondent 22.2%), that is, the students’ interactivity levels
did not differ
very much.
The six dyad ties between the
four students (ignoring person
initiator and respondent roles) also were computed and
compared. As shown on
the right hand side of Table 5, the dyad ties that did not
include Piia were
always stronger (15, 15, 16) and those involving Piia were
always weaker,
regardless of who was the other partner (5, 5, 4).
4. Discussion
The aim of the present study
was to explore socially shared
metacognitive regulation (SSMR) in a small group of students’
inquiry process in an asynchronous CSCL environment. Although
a substantial
body of empirical research exists on asynchronous CSCL,
in-depth micro-level
studies of SSMR are still scarce. This study’s main
contribution is a novel
micro-level analysis of SSMR processes and the demonstration
of this
methodology’s use in a case study. Previous studies have dealt
with these
processes mainly on a theoretical or a much more generalized
empirical level. This
study provides evidence that SSMR manifestations are not only
found in
face-to-face collaborative learning environment but also in
asynchronous CSCL
environment (see also Hurme, Merenluoto, & Järvelä, 2009;
Volet et al.,
2013), which is important since previous research pointed to
the challenge of
developing analytical methods that can be used reliably and
validly across
different contexts, such as CSCL environments (Beers,
Boshuizen, Kirschner,
& Gijselaers, 2007). This study’s findings are consistent
with other
studies (e.g. Grau & Whitebread, 2012; Hurme et al., 2009;
Molenaar, 2011;
Whitebread at al., 2007; Volet et al., 2009a), which have
documented the
emergence of SSMR in a range of collaborative learning
contexts. However,
as revealed in this study, SSMR
manifestations can look different in computer-supported
environments, when compared to face-to-face contexts in which
SSMR takes place
in real-time. In the asynchronous environment studied, we
found evidence of
SSMR threads that lasted over an extended period and notes
within threads that did
not follow each other immediately but were interspersed with
non-SSMR notes and
sometimes intertwined with other threads. This kind of non-linearity can be found in
face-to-face discussions as
well (Iiskala et al., 2004, 2011), but, in an asynchronous
environment, this
kind of longitudinal regulation is much more dominant.
The present study also examined
each SSMR thread’s function
in the flow of cognitive process. Similar to what has been
reported in
face-to-face collaborative learning contexts (e.g. Iiskala et
al., 2011),
evidence was found that SSMR can play different functions.
Some appeared to
continue (i.e. activate, confirm) the current direction of the
inquiry learning
process, whereas others appeared to inhibit (i.e. slow,
change, stop) its
current direction, more specifically inhibiting its perceived
ineffective or overly
hasty progression. While these findings somewhat mirror the
SSMR manifestations
found in face-to-face mathematical word-problem solving by
student dyads (Iiskala et al., 2011), the dominant functions
differed. In
Iiskala and colleagues’ (2011) study, the most common SSMR
function was to
confirm the direction of the cognitive flow (i.e. continuation
of the
problem-solving process). In contrast, substantial evidence
appeared in the
present study of inhibitive SSMR functions, mainly slowing
down, stopping or
changing the inquiry process’s direction when this was
perceived as inappropriate
or rushed at that point in time. Hence, the findings of this
in-depth case
analysis indicate that, in an asynchronous CSCL environment,
small groups can
regulate of their cognitive activity’s direction so that
processes are reassessed. In this study, limited evidence
surfaced that the
group was using SSMR to develop an appropriate way to proceed
towards their
common goal. One reason for this could be that,
in computer-supported
environments, small groups have the possibility of deepening
their knowledge through
long discussions (e.g. Zhang, Scardamalia, Lamon, Messina,
& Reeve, 2007). In
the present study, however, both short and relatively long
SSMR threads were
identified. When threads contained only a few notes, as is
often the case in
CSCL, the discussions soon ended (see Lipponen, Rahikainen,
Lallimo, &
Hakkarainen, 2003). This implies, that in short threads, SSMR
is not sustained
over long periods. Notably, although SSMR threads can be
short, consisting of
only a few notes, the discussions (e.g. on cognitive topics)
in which SSMR intervenes
can be longer. This means, that SSMR, for example, can change
the direction of
the group’s thinking process even during a rather short SSMR
thread. In
addition, although SSMR might be visible for only short
periods, cognitive
implementation based on SSMR can last longer. Furthermore, the distinct
findings in face-to-face and
asynchronous CSCL environments could be due to the nature of
the students’ tasks.
In Iiskala and colleagues’ (2011) study, the problems had a
single correct
answer, although not always achieved by straightforward
calculations, which could lead the students to decide to check
whether or not their
solutions to the problems were correct. This was not the case
in the present
study because the problems were more multidimensional and
Ill-defined questions could be one of the reasons the small
group in the present
study spent more time regulating their inquiry learning
process (12% of all
notes) than has been reported in other studies also conducted
in asynchronous
CSCL environments. For example, Prinsen and colleagues (2007)
reported that
only 6% of students’ time was spent on regulation, and they
speculated that the
tasks’ well-structured nature could be the cause. Although
ill-defined questions
and multidimensional tasks can create opportunities for SSMR
in collaborative
inquiry learning, the possibility of alternative explanations
of variations in SSMR
functions will have to be investigated more systematically,
for example,
changing the group size (e.g. dyad vs. small group).
One under-examined issue in
previous research is how SSMR
evolves over the duration of an extended collaborative
learning activity. In
the present study conducted in an asynchronous CSCL
environment, SSMR was found
in all phases of the process, but with some variation in the
number of threads
across phases, as well as the number of notes within threads.
For example,
fewer notes appeared within SSMR threads in the phase of
developing a work plan
than during constructing a hypothesis and summarizing findings
and concluding.
Hence, different phases triggered students to regulate the
process to a
different extent. This is consistent with Lajoie and Lu
(2012), who found that
the frequency of regulation varied with the learning process’s
different phases.
Furthermore, in
asynchronous collaboration, the present study found that SSMR
threads were
either contained in one phase or developed and evolved over
several phases.
These findings suggest that, although SSMR can emerge across a
range of
collaborative learning contexts, its manifestation over time
can look different,
depending on the mode of collaborative learning (CSCL vs.
face-to-face). This
indicates that simply extrapolating the findings from
face-to-face environments
to virtual learning environments is not possible.
Differences in SSMR engagement
across phases could also be
related to variations in each phase’s level of difficulty. For
developing a work plan could be easier than constructing a
hypothesis or
summarizing findings and concluding, since planning is a
generic activity that
may not require as much content knowledge. This interpretation
is consistent
with other studies (e.g. Efklides, Papadaki, Papantoniou,
& Kiosseoglou,
1998; Iiskala et al., 2004, 2011; Prins, Veenman &
Elshout, 2006), which
revealed that metacognition is more likely to appear when
tasks are reasonably
difficult. This may also help explain research findings (e.g.
Khosa & Volet,
2014) pointing to a relationship between SSMR and construction
of high-level
content knowledge. Hence, in order to foster productive SSMR
in school learning
activities, an optimal difficulty level of tasks may be
important, that is,
sufficiently challenging but within the students’ zone of
proximal development
(see Vygotsky, 1978).
One original contribution of
the present research was to
investigate students’ participation in SSMR using different
analytical methods.
This approach proved valuable as it provided complementary
insights into group
members’ SSMR participation. For example, no individual
differences appeared in
the number of SSMR notes themselves. However, SNA revealed
that group members
reacted the most frequently to one particular student’s notes.
Our findings
concur with Palonen and Hakkarainen’s (2000) study, in which
SNA revealed information
on students’ participation in CSCL not revealed through other
analyses. Hence,
examining who has the largest number of notes in SSMR threads
appears to be
important, but so is pinpointing whose notes caused the other
students to react
the most. This finding suggests that SSMR is somewhat similar
to the notion of
distributed expertise (see Brown et al., 1993), in which
members of a community
of practice are recognized as critically interdependent, their
expertise is
shared between members and meaning negotiated within the
group. Another
interesting finding in the present study was that one student
had fewer
connections within the SSMR threads than her three fellow
students did, even
though all four were above average students in terms of their
cognitive skills.
The range of individual and contextual aspects that have an
impact on SSMR participation
needs to be better understood.
The present study also
highlighted the different roles students
play in different SSMR threads. The finding that one student
played a dominant
role in the SSMR threads that slowed down, changed or stopped
the inquiry
process’s direction, and a minor role in the threads that
continued the
process, suggests that some students make different
contributions from a
metacognitive point of view. This supports the reasonable
assumption that trying
to inhibit the cognitive process’s flow because those involved
perceive that it
is overly hasty or that it is going in an inappropriate
direction is more
demanding metacognitively than confirming the group activity
continues. Previous
CSCL research (e.g. Prinsen et al., 2007) also suggested that
characteristics and position among classmates might affect
their participation
in asynchronous CSCL. Therefore, how individual differences,
and possibly
individual position within groups, play out in regard to more
or less demanding
contributions to SSMR will need to be examined in future
Other individual differences
emerged, in this study, focused
on in which phases students participated most and in which
they participated
less or not at all. These findings highlight that analyzing
individuals’ total
SSMR engagement during inquiry learning processes – as if these are single
entities – is insufficient. Scrutinizing
how each individual’s SSMR engagement
evolves in different phases is also important – similar to
analyses undertaken
at the group level. Variations in individuals’ participation
across phases, or
in specific tasks carried out in different phases, should
generate new insights
into the emergence of SSMR, including the role of group
dynamics. Studying
students’ contributions at different phases of problem-solving
or inquiry
processes may also reveal whether and how high-quality
collaboration is
sustained. This understanding is vital, since Rogat and
(2011) found that high-quality regulation is characterized by
high-quality interactions. Similarly, based on their study of
learning, Toikkanen and Lipponen (2011) suggested that
students’ participation
needs to be distributed among many students.
One additional aspect to keep
in mind when studying SSMR is
that, sometimes, all group members and, at other times, only a
sub-group is
involved. How this aspect relates to the quality of the group
process and
outcome will need to be examined further. Summers and Volet’s
(2010) study
provides support for this suggestion as they found evidence,
in their most
successful group, that half of all the contributions of every
single group
member reflected high-level engagement. The qualitative
examples presented in
the present study showed how a student’s suggestion was
ignored by the other
students in the first instance but was taken into
consideration later and
eventually became the starting point of a new SSMR thread.
This is in line with
Molenaar’s (2011) study, which reported ‘ignored metacognitive
activities’ that
represented situations in which other group members ignored a
peer’s input.
These findings provide support for the assumption that SSMR is
more than simply
the sum of individuals’ metacognitive regulation and, thus,
cannot be reduced
to each individual’s level. Instead, as in all social systems
(see Salomon
& Globerson, 1989; Vauras, Salonen, & Kinnunen, 2008),
including small
groups, the reactions and subsequent interactions between
participants play a crucial
The present study also provided
support for the importance of
using more than one method to analyze SSMR data, not only
because different
methods provide complementary insights but also because they
researchers from drawing conclusions from insufficient
information. The use of
SNA in this study created new insights into SSMR by revealing
that, although
all students participated in SSMR to some degree, the
distribution of their
participation was unequal and appeared to vary according to
the method of
analysis. However, SNA centralization percentages showed that
the small group studied
was minimally centralized, and only around some students,
which was consistent
with the results of the cross tabulation, which did not show
any individual
differences. Calls for the use of multi-method designs when
metacognitive skills (Veenman, 2005) and computer-based
learning environments
(Azevedo, 2005) have been issued, and these methodological
approaches need to
pursue vigorously. The use of multi-method designs and
alternative analytical
methods is particularly critical when studying SSMR in CSCL
since the
additional information provided by nonverbal indicators in
face-to-face SSMR is
unavailable. This was particularly important in the present
study, which relied
on an in-depth analysis of a single case. As an example, SNA
is typically used in
the analysis of members’ connections, providing critical
insights into the
nature of individual contributions, more specifically,
individual positioning
within interactions. As Toikkanen and Lipponen (2011) have
suggested, the
combination of qualitative analysis and SNA provides more
accurate information
about students’ participation and, thus, a stronger foundation
When technology is introduced
in classrooms, it does not just
add a new element in the existing pedagogical practice and
environment, but has
larger consequences (Salomon, 1994). Information and
communication technology,
such as an environment supporting computer-mediated
collaboration, can be seen
as an affordance for new forms of interaction and,
simultaneously, as a challenge
or constraint for conventional forms of pedagogical
communication, and this can
result in intended and un-intended consequences (Kirschner,
Strijbos, Kreins,
& Beers, 2004; Suthers, 2006). In this article, we were
able to deal with only
some of these, but a more in depth analysis is needed in
future studies of the
multifarious consequences of information and communication
technology in the
regulation of social interaction. Furthermore, in the present
study, it was not
possible to test how well the analysis method could be used in
situations because only one group was under scrutiny.
Moreover, during the
working process, direct face-to-face discussions could not be
avoided among the
participants. Therefore, it was not possible to control what
kind of regulation
happened in these discussions. In addition, when the entire
analysis is based
on written notes, little information is available about
students’ actual
metacognitive experiences, which have proved to be important
parts of SSMR
processes in face-to-face situations (Iiskala et al., 2011).
Finally, while the study of a
single group limits the
generalization that can be made from the findings, a number of
directions for
future research emerged. For example, follow-up studies with
multiple groups
will need to incorporate more versatile indices (e.g.
Toikkanen & Lipponen,
2011) in order to reveal group characteristics, as well as
similarities and
differences between small groups. Another research direction
is to explore
further the nature of, and relationship between, consecutive
and concurrent
SSMR threads in asynchronous CSCL. Calls have been made for
sequential analyses
(Molenaar & Järvelä, 2014) and analyses of individual
participation across
and within episodes or threads (Panadero & Järvelä, in
press), which will
provide further insights into SSMR. These analyses need also
to focus on the
entire flow of problem-solving or inquiry learning process,
rather than
analyses of single, isolated examples of SSMR, extracted from
the process. By
scrutinizing a small group’s SSMR during their entire inquiry
learning process,
the present study has made a unique contribution by revealing
the distinct
impact of SSMR on particular phases and showing the ways in
which some SSMR
functions are more frequent than others are in specific
In asynchronous CSCL, SSMR
manifests in threads of varied
length, which can intertwine or overlap and affect the
evolution of the learning
Intensive periods of SSMR and
periods of limited SSMR take
place in asynchronous CSCL.
In asynchronous CSCL, SSMR has
different functions, with a
dominance of SSMR functions that inhibit the process’s
perceived inappropriate
Combining analytical methods,
including SNA, provides vital
complementary insights into how students influence group
regulatory efforts.
Scrutinizing the entire CSCL
process is essential to revealing
the relationship between SSMR threads.
We wish to thank the
participating teacher and students who unfortunately must
remain anonymous. We
also wish to thank senior researcher Tuire Palonen for her
help with social
network analysis, statistician Eero Laakkonen for his advice
regarding the
quantitative analyses and graphic designer Sirpa Lehti for
preparing Figures 1,
2, 3 and 4. The research was supported by Grant No. 274117
from the Council of
Cultural and Social Science Research, Academy of Finland,
awarded to the fourth
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Description of the
process (adapted from Hakkarainen, 2003)
Order of
phase in CSCLa |
Phase |
Lessons |
face-to-face/ CSCLb |
Content |
Creating the
context |
1–2 |
Introduction |
instructions for the process -
Watching the
documentary video of the universe -
interests based on the video and previous
knowledge/experiences -
small groups |
I |
Setting up
the research
question |
3–4 |
Introduction CSCL |
instructions for the explanation-seeking research
questions -
Setting up
of small group’s research questions |
II |
a hypothesis |
5–8 |
Introduction CSCL |
instructions for constructing hypothesis/es -
small group’s hypothesis for research questions |
Developing a work plan |
9–10 |
Introduction CSCL |
instructions for making a work plan -
Making small
group’s work plan |
IV |
Searching for
and processing knowledge |
11–15 |
Introduction CSCL |
instructions for inquiring -
Searching in
small group for knowledge and processing it |
V |
findings and concluding |
16–20 |
Introduction CSCL |
instructions for summarizing the findings and making
conclusions -
small group’s findings and drawing conclusions |
discussion |
21–22 |
Listening to
students outside the small group comment on the
summarized findings and conclusions of the small group
and the small group’s students reactions to the other
students’ comments |
a Phases I–V were analyzed. b Introductions
were face-to-face
and not analyzed; SSMR was analyzed only during CSCL. c
The two last
lessons (21–22) were not analyzed because, in
this phase, all students in
the class connected to each other independently and, thus, the
focus was not
only on the selected small group’s process but also on
individual students.