Does Personalisation
Promote Learners’ Attention?
An Eye-Tracking Study
Steffi Zander, Maria Reichelt, Stefanie Wetzel, Frauke Kämmerer, Sven Bertel
Weimar, Germany
Article received 29
Marc 2015 / revised 6 May 2015 / accepted 24 June 2015
/ available online 5 November 2015
The personalisation principle is a design
recommendation and states that multimedia presentations
using personalised language promote learning better than
those using formal language (e.g., using ‘your’ instead of
‘the’). It is often assumed that this design
recommendation affects motivation and therefore allocation
of attention. To gain further insight into the processes
underlying personalisation effects we conducted an eye
tracking experiment with 37 German university students who
were presented with either personalised or formal learning
materials. We examined group differences in attention
allocation parameters (fixation rate, mean fixation
duration, transition count, reading depth). The
eye-tracking data was combined with self-reports
concerning motivation, cognitive load, and learning
outcomes. Eye-tracking data revealed a higher reading depth for the main picture
areas of interest in the personalised condition. Additionally, participants found the
personalised version more appealing and inviting. For learning outcomes, there was a positive
effect of personalisation. However, after Bonferroni
correction effects and therefore the pattern expected did
not reach significance. The results are discussed in
regard to their importance for methodological and practical implications for instructional
Keywords: multimedia learning; personalisation effect;
motivation and learning; eye-tracking; mixed-methods
Corresponding author: Dr. Steffi Zander, Faculty
of Art and Design, Chair of Instructional Design.
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7, 99423 Weimar. Germany. Phone:
+49(0)3643 / 58 32 29, Fax: +49(0)3643 / 58 32 48, Email:
Effects in Multimedia Learning
Learning of
multimedia content can be affected by modest changes to
the wording of learning materials. For example, learning
is promoted by personalising formal texts, that is, by
changing ‘the’ to ‘your’, ‘one’ to ‘you’, and then
including direct comments to learners. This approach is
known as the personalisation
principle, which assumes that multimedia
presentations using personalised language promote learning
better than those that use formal language. Further, based
on empirical findings (cf. Moreno & Mayer, 2000,
2004), even modest changes create personalisation effects.
Several studies have revealed personalised language
effects, mostly for transfer and retention, but also for
motivation (interest and intrinsic motivation) and for
perceived cognitive load (difficulty and invested mental
effort). However, results of existing studies are not
consistent with regard to motivation and cognitive load.
One reason for this is that the variables underlying
personalisation effects do not allow for reasoning based
on simple causal chains (Ginns,
Martin, & Marsh, 2013).
The following chapter reflect the existing theoretical
framework of the personalisation principle.
Theoretical Framework
personalisation effects are well documented, it remains
unclear which processes are
responsible for the beneficial effects on learning
outcomes. These effects have mainly been investigated
using subjective measures at the end of learning phases,
whereas objective process-oriented measures have largely
been overlooked. In the field of multimedia learning,
several theoretical approaches have been proposed to
explain personalisation effects (Reichelt,
Kämmerer, Niegemann, & Zander, 2014). These include social agency theory
2005; Mayer, 2009), the effect of stronger
familiarity (Moreno
& Mayer, 2000a) and
the self-reference
effect (Rogers,
Kuiper, & Kirker, 1977).
Overall, the assumptions within these approaches can be
subsumed into two basic underlying processes: (1)
facilitation of cognitive processing and (2) focusing of
cognitive processing driven by a personalised language
style. ‘Facilitation’ and `focusing´ here refer to the
notion that personalised messages act as a social cue. In
a cognitive view, the cue activates other internal cues
that enable learners to more easily connect new
information to internal structures of the self, via
self-referencing processes (Rogers et al., 1977). In a
motivational-emotional view, this social cue causes a
feeling of social presence or familiarity (Mayer, 2005,
2009; Mayer & Moreno, 2000). In turn, these
processes result in a higher intrinsic motivation,
situational interest and in decreased perceived cognitive
load during learning (Moreno & Mayer, 2000); they also
facilitate the encoding, organisation, and elaboration of
relevant information (Moreno & Mayer, 2000; Rogers et
al. 1977), ultimately leading to improved learning
In our current study
personalisation effects were investigated using an
objective, process-oriented measure (eye-tracking
analysis) to test whether the positive effects of a
personalised language style can be traced back to
differences in the allocation of attention resources and
therefore to deeper and more focused processing (due to
personalised language style). Differences in allocation of
attentional resources were measured by eye-tracking
parameters including fixation duration, fixation count,
and transitions between different sources of information
(e.g. text and images).
Current Studies
Previous research confirming
the personalisation principle shows that people learn
better from multimedia presentations when words are
presented in a personalised language style rather than a
formal style (Mayer, 2009). However,
not all studies have demonstrated an effect of
personalisation on motivation, cognitive load, and
learning outcomes (for an overview see Ginns et al.,
2013). Table 1 gives an
overview of research into the personalisation principle,
listing authors and results for
several dependent variables. The
studies reported in Table 1 investigated learning outcomes
mainly as a result of language style, revealing positive
effect of personalised language on transfer performance
(except Kurt, 2011) and retention (except Kurt, 2011;
Mayer et al., 2004; Reichelt et al., 2014; Schworm &
Stiller, 2012). Together, these findings support the
concept of focused processing being driven by personalised
messages. The other two variables of interest, motivation
(interest) and cognitive load (perceived difficulty of the
material and subjective mental effort), have been applied
only in select studies. Consequently, no empirically
proven pattern has been revealed concerning the assumption
that these variables facilitate processing.
Furthermore, in their meta-analysis of
these inconsistent findings, Ginns
et al. (2013) showed a diversity of effects and reported
several variables with the potential to moderate the effect of personalised language on
motivation, retention, and transfer performance. As a
consequence, these authors suggested using more
fine-grained methods to analyse the effect. For example,
only the study of Reichelt et al. (2014) was a
mixed-methods-study combining experiments with
think-aloud method to examine the personalization effect
(see Table 1, column 3). However, Ginns et al. (2013) as
well as Reichelt et al. (2014) emphasize the potential
of a multi-methods-design to gain more information on
underlying processes why personalization effects occur.
Research Gaps
The overview of measurements applied in
personalisation studies (Table 1) shows that study results are based mainly on subjective self-report of learners.
To date, self-report instruments are the only method that has been used to test the personalisation
principle. The
application of alternate methods is desirable (Ginns et
al., 2013) and a potentially useful approach would be to
measure the allocation of attentional resources (using
eye-tracking methods) during multimedia presentations as
this is seen to reveal information regarding the focusing
approach. Indeed, this method has already shown that eye movements are an indicator of depth
and/or direction of information processing in multimedia
learning, according to manipulations of visual or
audio-visual characteristics of the learning material. For example,
Koning, Björn B., Tabbers, Rikers, and Paas (2010) investigated
cognitive processing during learning of animations
containing visual cues, while Johnson and Mayer (2012)
examined the processing of spatially contiguous and
non-contiguous textual and pictorial information. These
findings, together with those of Moreno & Mayer (2000), suggest
that effective processing across text and pictures might
also be promoted by using a personalised style (as a
social cue), thus promoting focused information
processing. Therefore, eye-tracking methodology was
applied in the present study to analyse whether
personalisation affects the allocation of attentional
resources and thus provides support for the
personalisation principle.
Aims and Research Questions of the Study
The literature
review showed that the effect of personalized language on
attentional processes were not considered so far.
Therefore, to fill the research gaps identified above, our eye-tracking
study aimed to investigate (1) the impact of personalised
language on motivation, cognitive load and learning
outcomes, and their possible relation to (2) the processes
of allocation of visual attention resources as an
indicator of deeper and more focused information
processing (driven by personalised messages). We therefore examined the following research questions: (1) Does personalised learning material
promote learning processes better than formal text
versions (in terms of motivation, cognitive load, and
learning outcomes)? (2) Which attention processes underlie
the personalisation
effect? Based on the literature review (e.g., Ginns et
al., 2013; Kartal, 2010; Mayer et al., 2004), we
hypothesised that a personalised language style increases
learners’ intrinsic motivation, reduces cognitive load,
and improves their learning outcomes (Hypothesis 1). Based
on current theoretical models (Reichelt et al., 2014,
Keller, 2009), we further assumed that learners who
received a personalised version of a multimedia
presentation would allocate their attention resources with
more focus on the relevant areas of the learning material
than would learners who received a formal version. This
difference should be reflected in (a) increased fixation
counts (as a parameter for task difficulty), increased
duration of fixations (as a parameter for the amount of
effort to process complicated texts, Rayner & Pollatsek, 1989), and a
higher number of transitions between text and pictorial
information (as a parameter for the process of connecting and integrating
information, Holsanova, Holmberg, & Holmqvist, 2009) in the
relevant areas for learners who receive personalised
presentations (Hypothesis 2).
Table 1
Overview of results for key personalisation
author and year of publication |
transfer |
retention |
interest |
intrinsic motivation |
mental effort |
cognitive load |
task difficulty |
friendliness |
helpfulness |
+1 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
-2 |
03 |
0 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
0 |
+ |
0 |
0 |
- |
+ |
0 |
+ |
+ |
0 |
0 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
1 (+) means that the effect of personalization
on this variable (e.g., transfer) was positive
2 (-) means that the effect of personalization
on this variable (e.g., transfer) was negative (in favour
of formal texts)
3(0) means that were no differences between
formal and personalized condition
Eye-Tracking Study: Methods and Materials
Participants and Design
Participants were 37 college students (mean age = 25.03, SD = 3.436; male
= 21) at
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University of Erfurt in Germany. The
participants received either a personalised (n = 19) or a
formal (n = 18) version of a computer-based program about
typical weather phenomena.
To test the influence of domain specific
prior knowledge, we used a Kruskal-Wallis
test. The test
showed a non-significant result (χ2 = 0.001, p
= 0.975); therefore, we assumed an equal distribution of prior knowledge in the experimental groups can be assumed.
Learning Material
The multimedia
learning material consisted of a combination of static
pictures and on-screen text, presented on seven slides and
with a total duration of approximately 10 minutes. In
accordance with Mayer (2009), we used various techniques
for creating a personalised style. Personalisation of the
formal text was achieved by replacing impersonal articles
with possessive pronouns and third person constructions
with second person constructions. Only the text was
personalised. Table 2 shows examples of this manipulation.
Table 2
Examples of Personalized and Formal Text
Formal Style |
Personalized Style |
The task is… The picture shows a
tropical storm… |
Your task is… You can see a picture of a
tropical storm… |
The pre-test
phase consisted of a task description in either
formal or personalized language style, a questionnaire
on learners’ initial
motivational state (QCM, dimension situational interest, Rheinberg,
Vollmeyer, and Burns, 2001), and a prior knowledge test. After this, the
eye-tracker was adjusted and the learning phase began. After completing the learning phase,
participants rated (1) how inviting and personally
appealing they perceived the language style (for
manipulation check), (2) their intrinsic motivation based on
the questionnaire by Isen
and Reeve (2005),
and (3) their perceived cognitive load (as a measure of
perceived difficulty, Koch,
Seufert, and Brünken, 2008). Ratings were provided on
a 7-point-Likert scale (“I disagree” to “I agree”). (4)
Following this, participants gave responses on the retention and transfer
test (learning outcome).
The investigations
were conducted in a computer laboratory at
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. To capture the eye movements
of the participants, we used an SR
Research EyeLink II head-mounted eye tracker. The
participants were placed 55 – 60 cm in front of a 24-inch
monitor. Fixations, saccades and blinks were recorded at
250 Hz for the dominant eye of each participant. A linear
drift correction (to the screen centre) was implemented
after presentation of each stimulus screen. A second
calibration was completed before presentation of the
learning material (using a 9-point calibration).
Data Analyses
For gaze data
analysis, we measured fixation rate, overall fixation
duration, and average fixation duration for pre-defined
areas of interest on the stimulus screens. To divide the screen into
areas of interest (AOIs), we used analysis based on the expected findings regarding personalisation effects (hypotheses based method, see Figure 1).
Moreover, to verify
the resulting AOIs cluster analysis (data driven method, see Figure 2) was
used. Figure 2 shows an example
screenshot for the
formal style (right) and the personalised style (left).
Both approaches revealed similar partitions of the
stimulus screens. However, we decided to analyse our gaze
data based on the predefined AOIs (Figure 1) because
the granularity level of the cluster analysis was too
Figure 2. Screenshots of the extracted AOIs
developed by cluster analysis. (see pdf)
Additionally, we
considered fixation transitions between pairs of AOIs
(i.e. a fixation on one AOI followed by a fixation on
another AOI, irrespective of transition direction). AOI
locations and extent were set based on pre-defined
hypotheses (e.g. encompassing all text or an entire
diagram). Locations and extent were verified for each
stimulus screen according to a post-hoc cluster analysis
based on the DBSCAN algorithm (with 4 gaze samples minimum
per cluster and 35 pixels maximum distance between gaze
samples) and by visual inspection of heat maps; less than
5% of fixations were found to lie outside of the AOIs.
In the first
analysis step, we examined the data concerning fixations
and transitions for the AOIs. To accomplish this we
analysed fixations and transitions for the picture and
text for both the personalized and formal stimulus groups
(Figure 1, aoi_text and aoi_picture).
For subsequent steps of the analysis, the main text and
picture AOIs were further subdivided into smaller AOIs;
this process was hypothesis-driven.
We used Mann-Whitney
U tests for the statistical analysis because prior testing
(Shapiro-Wilk test) revealed that data were not normally
distributed. Effect size is reported using r. Overall we
analysed 19 dependent variables (see Table 3 and Table 4)
which increases the type I error. Therefore we used
Bonferroni correction to calculate a new alpha level. We
will describe the results considering both alpha levels,
namely the corrected (α = 0.002) and the uncorrected (α =
Comparisons of the
participant perceptions of the two language styles (formal
and personalised) revealed that participants found the
personalised presentation more appealing (U = 101, z =
-2.207, p = 0.034, r = -0.363)
and inviting (U
= 82.5, z = -2.780, p = 0.006, r = -0.457) than
the formal presentation. However, the results are
not statistically significant after Bonferroni correction.
Hypothesis 1:
Personalized Language, Motivation, and Learning Outcomes
Table 3 provides an
overview of medians for each variable test in Hypothesis
Although, the descriptive data show a trend towards the
expected effect in favour of the personalised version, the results for the motivational variables
showed no significant difference between learners who
viewed a personalised text compared with those who viewed
a formal version. This non-significant effect was found
for both situational interest (U = 138, z = -1.008, p = 0.313, r = -0.166) and
intrinsic motivation (U = 142, z = -0.883, p = 0.377, r = -0.145).
Further, the
descriptive analysis confirms the assumption that learners
who viewed personalised learning material estimated their
cognitive load to be lower than did those who learned with
a formal version. However, there were also no significant differences
between ratings for learners’ cognitive load (U = 150.5, z = -0.625, p = 0.532, r = -0.103) for
formal and personalised presentations.
The trend in descriptive data was also reflected in the learning outcome variables.
There were differences (α = 0.1, uncorrected) in learners’
retention of personalised vs. formal presentation
materials (U =
119, z =
-1.654, p
= 0.098, r
= -0.271), such that participants who viewed a
personalised computer-based program showed superior retention compared to
those who viewed a formal version. Again, after applying
Bonferroni correction the results are not significant. For
the transfer test, the differences were not significant (U = 168.5, z = -0.082, p = 0.935, r = -0.013).
Table 3
Medians for all variables for formal and
personalised conditions (hypothesis 1)
and Measures |
Formal |
Personalised |
Check |
Perceived personal appeal of language style
Perceived inviting character of language
style |
15.11 14.08 |
22.68 23.66 |
Initial motivation (before)
Intrinsic motivation (after) |
17.17 17.39 |
20.74 20.53 |
Load (based
on perceived difficulty) |
20.14 |
17.92 |
Transfer |
16.11 18.86 |
21.74 19.13 |
Hypothesis 2:
Eye-Tracking Analysis
Table 4 shows all
median data for gaze analysis for both personalised and
formal presentation styles. In the first instance the
results over all screens are reported. Afterwards, data
for single screen 3 are presented to accentuate the
findings on a more fine-grained level.
The eye-tracking
analyses revealed several group differences (formal vs.
personalisation) in fixation rate and reading depth. The
fixation rate was higher in the personalised condition
than in the formal condition whereas average fixation
duration on the main text AOIs was greater in the formal
condition than in the personalised condition. Lower
fixation rates indicate greater task difficulty (Minoru
Nakayama, Koji Takahashi, & Yasutaka Shimizu, 2002) while greater average fixation duration
indicates more effortful cognitive processing (Rayner
& Pollatsek, 1989)
that is necessary for more complicated texts. Thus, these
values indicate that the personalized text was easier to
understand and more easily processed by the learners.
However, none of the observed differences reached
significance, neither using the uncorrected alpha level of
0.05 (there were marginal differences at the 10% level),
nor the corrected alpha level of 0.002. For the picture
aspect of the stimuli, results were that participants
demonstrated greater reading depth for the main picture
AOIs in the personalised condition than in the formal
condition. Reading depth is defined as the accumulated
time spent looking at the AOI divided by the AOI area in
cm2. This measure indicates how much of the
text has been read or how much of a picture has been
examined (Holmqvist
et al., 2011). The higher
value in the personalised condition suggests more
intensive observation of the picture than in the formal
condition. This is supported by the descriptive finding
that the number of transitions between text and picture
AOIs tends to be greater for the personalised learning
material. A greater number of transitions between AOIs
with semantic relations indicates better connection and
integration of the presented information (Holsanova
et al., 2009).
The assumptions are
moreover fostered by combining these results with data on
retention. Therefore, each screen analysis was inspected
to verify the findings. Comparisons of personalised vs.
formal presentations for the individual screens in
corresponding pairs revealed similar patterns of
differences for the fixation rate on legends, average
fixation durations on text AOIs, reading depth on
pictures, and transitions between several map components.
Many of these differences were statistically significant
at the 0.1 alpha level but not at the corrected 0.002
alpha level. For example, reading depth for the picture on
screen 3 (Figure 2) was higher for
personalised than for formal learning material. Further,
the average fixation duration on text AOIs differed
between personalised and formal presentations. Both
differences reached significance at the 10% level. The
situation is again comparable when comparing AOIs created
by subdividing the main picture AOI into legend and
picture proper. In this case, there were greater numbers
of transitions between the legend and picture proper and a
higher fixation rate on the legend in the personalised
condition than in the formal condition. Results for the
individual screen 3 support the findings for the combined
screen analysis, indicating that learners who viewed the
personalised learning materials paid more attention to the
pictorial material than did those who viewed the formal
learning materials. This finding is supported by the
retention results and by the finding that learning time
for screen 3 differed between formal and personalised
presentations, with greater learning time for the
personalised presentation on a descriptive level. As an
additional measure this finding indicates a deeper
processing of information under the personalised
condition. Those results have to be interpreted and
discussed with caution.
Table 4
Medians and statistical results for gaze
data for two conditions, formal and personalised
(hypothesis 2)
data parameters |
(Median) |
(Median) |
U |
z |
p |
r |
Data (All Screens Combined) |
rate |
3.73 |
4.03 |
123 |
-1.66 |
0.099 |
-0.27 |
fixation duration (ms) on text AOI |
176.01 |
158.44 |
123 |
-1.66 |
0.099 |
-0.27 |
fixation duration (ms) on picture AOI |
44.53 |
42.38 |
163 |
-0.497 |
0.633 |
-0.08 |
depth (s/cm2)
on text AOI |
150.72 |
156.67 |
160 |
-0.585 |
0.573 |
-0.09 |
depth (s/cm2)
on picture AOI |
24.11 |
31.37 |
109 |
-2.076 |
0.038 |
-0.34 |
(per s) between text and picture AOI |
0.102 |
0.118 |
148 |
-0.936 |
0.361 |
-0.15 |
Gaze Data (Screen 3) |
depth (s/cm2)
on text AOI |
135.376 |
141.820 |
138 |
-1.228 |
0.228 |
-0.20 |
depth (s/cm2)
on picture AOI |
25.98 |
38.68 |
122 |
-1.696 |
0.093 |
-0.28 |
fixation duration (ms) on text AOI |
178.90 |
168.00 |
121 |
-1.725 |
0.087 |
-0.28 |
fixation duration (ms) on picture AOI |
46.08 |
46.86 |
151 |
-0.848 |
0.409 |
-0.14 |
rate on legend (aoi_legend) |
0.23 |
0.27 |
119 |
-1.783 |
0.077 |
-0.29 |
between legend and picture proper (aoi_legend
& aoi_map) |
0.04 |
0.09 |
100.5 |
-2.324 |
0.019 |
-0.38 |
The presented study
aimed to investigate whether the effect of personalised
language style on learning outcomes can be associated with
motivational and cognitive load issues and differences in
the pattern of attention allocation based on gaze pattern
On a descriptive
level, our findings confirm the assumption that
personalisation affects learners’ motivation and their
perceived cognitive load; however, the results were
non-significant. For learning outcomes, there was a
positive effect of personalisation for retention but not
for transfer. These somewhat inconsistent findings are in
accordance with previous studies (e.g. Ginns et al.,
2013). The inconsistency in findings makes it necessary to
further investigate underlying processes. Therefore, we
conducted more detailed examinations of the allocation of
attention resources and other explanatory variables. For
the former, the eye-tracking data show the expected
pattern of results with a greater number of transitions
between main AOIs in the textual and pictorial
information, along with higher fixation duration on the
main picture AOIs. These results provide evidence that
Mayer’s (2009) proposition that people engage in more
focused processing of personalised learning material than
of formal material. Unexpectedly, in our study, this
result was found only for pictorial information but did
not extend to textual information. Learners of
personalised material may pay attention not only to the
text but also to the picture, which in turn is reflected
in a higher transition count between text and picture and
higher fixation count and duration. This assertion is
supported by the data for individual screen 3, which
revealed a difference with regard to learning time spent
on the screen, with longer learning time for the
personalised presentation than for the formal
presentation. Why do these findings occur and what
limitations should be considered when interpreting the
Overall, the results
of our study confirm that the combination of methods was a
fruitful approach for clarifying a very complex set of
interacting variables. To add to this approach, we suggest
that, in future studies, gaze data should be combined with
retrospective interviews (Van Gog et al. 2005, cued
retrospective reporting) while learners view the gaze
distributions. This would make it possible to obtain more
fine-grained information concerning motivation and
cognitive load from reflections about the learning
process. In the same vein, measuring learning outcomes
after each screen presentation should provide a better
match between gaze behaviour and learning results. Future
research could also include the analysis of the sample for
any relevant differences, particularly with regard to
their educational disciplines. Such differences may act as
moderator variables (Ginns et al., 2013; Reichelt et al.,
As main limitation,
the sample size should be discussed. The sample was small,
suggesting a lack of explanatory power, especially with
regard to data on learning outcomes, motivation and
cognitive load. However, a small sample size is typically
for eye-tracking studies (Goldberg & Wichansky, 2003)
and it is justified by the individual surveys. To give
generalized statements regarding motivation and learning,
a larger sample size is needed. Hence, our investigation
should be replicated with more participants to increase
the power.
Although our
findings suggest support for personalisation theory, the
data should be interpreted with caution. In particular,
the data on learning outcomes, especially for transfer,
frequently did not reach statistically significant levels.
Several limitations may be responsible for these
inconsistencies in our results. To begin with, because our
hypotheses included learning material as a whole, we did
not focus on pictorial information. To measure learning
outcomes with regard to the pictorial information would
have required the implementation of explicit pictorial
tasks. Future studies should contain more detailed
pictorial analyses.
Moreover, with
regard to procedures and physical aspects of the study,
our eye tracker was head mounted and had to be
re-calibrated after every screen presentation. Both of
these circumstances may have affected the availability of
attention resources for learning and understanding. For
example, participants had to concentrate on sitting still
and were subject to interruptions of the learning process
during the re-calibrations. Future studies should apply
less intrusive methods of recording gaze data.
Another possible
limitation is linked to the time required for learning.
One important and unanswered question is whether the personalisation effect (for fixation,
transition, learning outcome) can vanish
if the learning
time (duration of presentation) increases.
This question should be tested in future
studies to determine the practical implications for
instructional design and especially for the improvement
of design principles in multimedia learning
measures can be applied to study the effects of
personalisation of learning material on learning outcomes.
The combination of
eye movement data and self-report reveals that
personalised learning material may be processed more
deeply than formal material.
Eye-tracking data
suggest that people engage in more focused processing of
personalised learning material than formal learning
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