Drivers and Interpretations of Doctoral
Education Today: National
Lesley Andresa[1], Søren S. E. Bengtsenb,
Liliana del Pilar Gallego Castañoc,
Barbara Crossouardd, Jeffrey M. Keefere, Kirsi
University of British Columbia, Canada
Aarhus University, Denmark
University of Caldas, Colombia
University of Sussex, UK
e New
York University, USA
University of Oulu and University of Helsinki, Finland
Article received 17 May 2015 / revised
17 May 2015 / accepted 16 June 2015 / available online 14
August 2015
In the last decade, doctoral education has
undergone a sea change with several global trends increasingly
apparent. Drivers of change include massification and
professionalization of doctoral education and the introduction
of quality assurance systems. The impact of these drivers, and
the forms that they take, however, are dependent on doctoral
education within a given national context. This paper is
frontline in that it contributes to the literature on doctoral
education by examining the ways in which these global trends
and drivers are being taken up in policies and practices by
various countries. We do so by comparing recent changes in
each of the following countries: Canada, Colombia, Denmark,
Finland, the UK, and the USA. Each country case is based on
national education policies, policy reports on doctoral
education (e.g., OECD and EU policy texts), and related
materials. We use the same global drivers to examine
educational policies of each country. However, depending each
national context, these drivers are framed in considerably
different ways. This raises questions about (1) their
comparability at a global level and (2) the universality of
the PhD. Also we find that this global-local nexus reveals
unresolved tensions within the national doctoral educational
Keywords: doctoral education, higher
education policy, massification, professionalization, quality
Corresponding author: Lesley Andres, 2125 Main Mall,
University of British Columbia | Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Phone
+1 604 822 8943, Fax +1 604 822 4244, email, DOI:
Globally, research and researchers
are viewed increasingly as critical to social and economic
competitiveness and societal health (e.g., UK Council for
Science and Technology, 2007; European Commission, 2014). It
follows that over the past quarter of a century, the education
of future researchers, principally through doctoral education,
has become increasingly valued. As doctoral education
shifts from the periphery (e.g., available to a small elite) to
a more mainstream trajectory of the total educational
experience, it is undergoing a sea change. Several global trends
and related drivers of such changes can be identified. The forms
that the drivers take, however, and their impacts, are dependent
on the specific contexts of doctoral education in a given
national context. Our paper contributes to the literature on
doctoral education by examining the ways in which these global
trends and drivers are being taken up in policies and practices
by various countries. Depending on priorities, path
dependencies, and openness to change, global trends play
out in different ways in given countries. However, countries are
also influenced by wider historical, economic, and cultural
geopositioning. In this paper, we highlight how drivers and
trends have manifested themselves in individual countries. In a
six country comparative case study – approach - Canada,
Colombia, Denmark, Finland, the UK, and the USA – we address the
following question: What recent changes related to doctoral
education in relation to the three drivers and trends identified
above can be identified in each country? To address this
question, document based cases of doctoral education in each
country are presented below. Particular attention has been paid
to the identification of the most recent policy changes in
doctoral education and the ways in which the changes are taken
up. Drawing on our analysis of each context, we conclude by
proposing future research agendas for examining doctoral
The case countries were selected because
they present different cultural geopositionings and traditions
of doctoral education, ranging from the more structured and
course work based model of the USA to the less structured model
in Nordic countries. Also, the cases present variation in terms
of the extent to which the higher education system in a given
country is teaching-oriented, – for example, Colombia as a
highly teaching-oriented system and Finland more research
oriented – their emphasis on performance based management (e.g.,
the UK and USA presenting highly performance-based systems,
Denmark, Finland and Canada being at the middle and Colombia
being at the other end), and whether a country’s higher
education system is in the process of developing (Colombia),
recently developed (Finland and Denmark) or well developed
(Canada, USA & UK) (Shin, 2010; Shin & Jung, 2014). First, we begin with
an overview of the key drivers, followed by country specific
Global Drivers of Doctoral Education
Core global drivers affecting doctoral
education have been identified in the research literature (e.g.,
Kehm, 2006) and in various policy reports (OECD, 2010; 2014; Department for
Education and Skills, 2003). These trends include massification of
doctoral education,
professionalization of doctoral education and careers,
and the development of various quality assurance systems.
of Doctoral Education
Worldwide, the number of doctoral
students and the number of doctoral degree holders has increased
significantly. Since 2000, the proportion of those who have
earned doctoral degrees has risen by 38% from 154,000 new
graduates in 2000 to 213,000 new doctoral graduates in 2009 in OECD countries
(Auriol, Misu & Freeman, 2013; OECD, 2014). On average in
2009, 1.6% of young people, compared to 1% in 2000, in OECD
countries have earned doctoral degrees (OECD, 2014). Although
graduation rates for women in 2012 (1.5%) at the doctoral level
are still somewhat lower than those of men (1.7%), in several
countries the expected proportion of women who are expected to
graduate is larger based on increased number of women currently undertaking
the doctoral studies (OECD, 2014). Massification of doctoral
education has also increased researcher mobility. In 2010,
worldwide about 3.6 million students were enrolled as
international students in tertiary education (Auriol, Misu,
& Freeman, 2013) and it is assumed that this number will
continue to grow (Moguerou & Di Pietrogiacomo, 2008; &
Rizen & Marconi, 2011). In addition to a highly educated
work force, rapid increases in the number of doctoral degree
holders have resulted in an unequal balance across disciplines. For instance, the
number of doctoral degree holders in the majority of OECD
countries is significantly higher is natural sciences than in
humanities (OECD, 2014). Also, there is considerable variation
in gender representation of doctoral degree holders across
countries; as such, these figures mask substantial differences
in the gender balance across different disciplines. At the PhD level, education,
health, and welfare and the humanities continue to be female
dominated; male PhDs are predominant in science, mathematics
and computing, and particularly in engineering, manufacturing,
and construction (OECD, 2012). There is some
evidence that outside of academia, labour markets have not been
able to fully absorb these highly qualified individuals Kehm
(2006). In general, however, high employment rates between 93 to
99% have been reported among individuals possessing doctoral
degrees. In most countries, employment rates of male doctoral
degree holders slightly exceed those of females and male
doctoral degree holders have higher earnings than their female
counterparts (Auriol, Misu, & Freeman, 2013).
of Doctoral Education
Considering the rise in the number of
doctoral degree holders, it is evident that not all will be able
to pursue careers in academia, nor should they be assumed to
desire this. Based on a comparison of OECD countries, doctoral
degree holders in the natural sciences and engineering are more
likely to be engaged in research, while social scientists are
likely to find more opportunities in non-research occupations
(Auriol, Misu, & Freeman, 2013). Given that research skills
are also now seen as being valuable to a broad range of
employment sectors, a current driver is therefore the perceived
need to better prepare doctoral students to work outside of
academia through emphasizing more strongly the acquisition of
“generic skills” in doctoral education (EUA, 2009; 2010; Fiske,
2011; Gilbert, Balatti, Turner & Whitehouse, 2004; OECD,
2012). Doctoral degree holders are considered to have the
potential to contribute to economic growth, advancement, and
diffusion of knowledge and technologies, and to solve societal
and environmental problems (Auriol, Schaaper & Felix, 2012).
Research, particularly in engineering, sciences, and medicine,
is expected to result in innovations that will increase national
competitiveness. Also, researchers are expected to participate
in turning scientific discoveries into patents and innovations.
Hence, fostering an entrepreneurial culture by instilling the
skills and attitudes needed for creative enterprises is
suggested to be a central part of 21st century
researcher competence (OECD, 2010). This is driven by (1) an
increased number of doctoral students, (2) an agenda to create
“free flow of knowledge,” (3) accountability demands, such as
reducing the time spent earning the degree, and (4) the goal of
lowering levels of attrition among doctoral students. For
instance, in Europe the Berlin Communiqué, 2003 and Bucharest
Communiqué, 2012 have espoused professionalization of doctoral
education including emphasising learning generic skills Yet, a
comparison of 19 OECD countries shows that government policies
typically emphasise general researcher development,
employability of researchers in academia, and improving research
work rather than explicitly transferable skills in doctoral
education (OECD, 2012). Somewhat paradoxically, this agenda sits
alongside a perceived need to develop more comparable and
structured doctoral programs, which suggests increasing
standardisation and routination of programs of study.
In knowledge-based economies, knowledge
production has become a commoditized and strategic resource
(Fernandez-Zubieta & Guy, 2010; Kehm, 2006). The impact of
global competition has resulted in a greater emphasis on
evaluating the quality of research
(Adras 2011). Frequent evaluation is seen as a means to
meet the demands of greater transparency to the public and
accountability of research organizations (Edler, Georhiou, Blind
& Uyrra 2012). Many western countries have adopted higher
education policies such as systematic benchmarking and research
evaluation of universities, including doctoral education, as a
means of quality assurance (e.g. Buela-Casal, Gutierrez-Matinez,
Bermudez-Sanchez & Vadillo-Munzo 2007). Principal methods
used in quality assurance are peer review, high volume
bibliometric data (Geuna & Martin 2003), or a combination of
these methods (e.g., informed peer review). Quality assurance
has resulted in the burgeoning of global ranking schemes that
have contributed to the intensification of institutional
hierarchies. Also, the role of strategic alliances and
competitive advantages – among market areas, countries,
universities, and even individuals – has become an increasingly
important asset in research. As knowledge producers, doctoral
students are recognized as increasingly important societal and
economic assets. A downside of this is that practices such as
poaching highly qualified people who travel abroad from
developing countries to earn doctoral credentials is on the
increase (Auriol, Schaaper & Felix, 2012; OECD, 2014).
Research Design
The paper focuses on the exploration of
global drivers of doctoral education and their local
manifestation by using a comparative case study strategy (Yin,
2012). Each country case is based on national education
policies, policy reports on doctoral education (e.g., OECD and
EU policy texts), and related materials. Based on similarities
and differences in terms of recent changes in the area of
doctoral education in each country (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005),
changes related to massification, professionalization and
quality assurance were most frequently reported. Accordingly,
our comparison focuses on addressing these three trends.
Country Cases
Each country invoked different
ways in which trends have unfolded. Hence, each country case was
analysed according to its most predominant trends. To provide
readers a systematic overview, we conclude this analysis by
summarising the findings in Table 1.
In recent years, it has been recognized
that Canada needs more individuals educated at the PhD level.
According to the Conference Board of Canada (2014), “highly
skilled people [i.e., PhD graduates] are key to the creation,
commercialization, and diffusion of innovation” (p. 1). Yet,
since 1998, Canada has earned a “D” in the multi-country
rankings of PhD graduates. In 2010, Canada was ranked 15th
out of 16 in terms of numbers of graduated PhDs. This suggests
the need toward, rather than away from massification of
doctoral programs and graduates. However, coordinated efforts to
change the course of PhD education are difficult because of
Canada’s decentralized education system. In terms of PhD
studies, responsibility for education – including higher
education – rests with the provinces,. The primary influence of
the federal government on increasing the number of PhD graduates
is through the awarding of doctoral scholarships. Regarding PhD
funding, rather than providing moderate scholarships to many
students, currently the trend is to award a select few with
“winner take all” super-scholarships (Frank, 1999; Tamburri,
2013) The federal government has moved away from a more
equitable playing field to one of promoting academic “stars”
housed in institutions of “excellence,” which seems to be at
odds with the goal of increasing the number of PhD graduates.
Other types of funding, for example, by the universities
themselves (e.g., through teaching assistantships) and faculty
research grants, are not guaranteed and are disproportionally
available across disciplines. Hence, some students may spend
their entire doctoral careers with little or no financial
Several drivers for the need to
re-imagine the PhD can be found in both policy documents and in
the academic literature, including lengthy time to completion,
limited or uneven funding opportunities, disappointing
completion rates, allegedly antiquated forms of assessment
(i.e., the traditional doctoral dissertation), oversupply in
some disciplines, demand for skilled workers – highly qualified
personnel (HQP) – in a knowledge society, and a poor employment
outlook within academia (Elgar, 2003; Institute for the Public
Life of Arts and Ideas, 2013, Tamburri, 2013). However, the
demand for highly qualified personnel could be argued to be
the strongest driver of change. The policy headlights appear to
be aimed most strongly on changes that will produce labour
market-ready workers – in other words, professionalisation of
the PhD – who will be employed outside of the tenure track
framework. However, the discourse around preparation for the
labour force and related “skill” acquisition is rather is messy
and often contradictory. Labour market-ready skills can include
critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication
skills. Others believe that internships, professional
development programs, partnerships with businesses and industry
external to the university are needed to expand the skill
repertoires of PhD students. One recent report that emerged out
of a re-imagining exercise, provided the following criticism:
“Rather than simply supplementing the student experience with
additional opportunities, doctoral programs need to re-think
their pedagogical aims and methods at the most fundamental
level” (UBC Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, 2014). However,
the absence of national quality
assurance mechanisms beyond implicit checks and balances
within and among universities (e.g., comprehensive examinations,
examination of the dissertation by external assessors) create
challenges for re-imagining exercises.
In terms of massification of the
PhD within the Canadian context, it is paradoxical that (1) more
PhD graduates are required; (2) scholarships are awarded to a
small proportion of PhD students; and (3) there appears to be a
glut of PhDs in terms of employability within academia. Hence,
the re-imagining process will be a long and contentious process
in Canada. Time will tell whether re-imagining the PhD as
just-in-time training for the workforce can in any way
successfully supplant previous educational ideals such as
Newman’s notion of education as an end in itself or Humboldt’s
conceptualization of Bildung
– that is, cultivation of the entire individual.
In the 1990s, with the introduction of
Law 30 (General Law of Education, 1994), Colombia experienced
the second highest increase of Latin American countries, at
150%, in university (undergraduate and graduate) attendance.
However, this increase lagged behind the mean achieved by OECD
countries in the same period of time; only 6% of the population
in Colombia continued their studies and entered to PhD programs.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the need to
promote doctoral studies was identified and one of the first
attempts of the government to ameliorate the problem took place
in 1968 with the creation of the National Institute to Promote
Science and Technology (COLCIENCIAS). Additionally, to encourage
high quality assurance
of future PhD candidates from that time onward, the National
Ministry of Education (República de Colombia, Ministerio de
Educación Nacional, 2010) invested large amounts of money to
train Colombian doctoral students abroad. However, as in other
countries, such a mobility policy generated considerable “brain
drain” and most students remained in their host countries
because of better professional opportunities.
Massification of doctoral programs has
occurred in many developed countries. However, this was not the
case in Colombia as national
doctorate programs only began to appear some decades ago. Thus,
between 1986 and 1990, only nine programs were in existence;
between 1997 and 2001 this increased to 14 doctoral programs
(National Council of Acreditation CNA, 2010). During that time
only 2% of university professors held doctoral degrees. In the
year 2001 for instance, only 26 individuals had completed
doctoral degrees in Colombian universities; that is, a very low
rate of only four graduates per 1,000,000 people. The World Bank
(2003) predicted that globalization and economic growth policies
would positively affect growth, professionalization, and the
development of tertiary education in Colombia during 2001 and
would lead to a greater number of people graduating with PhDs.
In 2008, around 100 people had graduated from doctoral programs.
Today, there are 92 doctoral programs in Colombia officially
reported by the National Council of Accreditation, CNA (National
System of Innovation in Higher Education; 2008; UNESCO-IBE, 2011),
with more in natural sciences and mathematics, social sciences,
education, and humanities than in engineering, health sciences,
and economics (Jaramillo, 2009). Of these, 52% of doctoral
programs are offered by private institutions.
Hence, doctoral studies are still
available only for a small elite and the low availability of
doctoral programs in some areas has led some professionals to
choose a doctorate not with the goal of mastering an area
related to their own field, but only in order to gain access to
good jobs. Additionally, there is a lack of employment
opportunities after graduation because funds provided by
government for financing state universities and the opening of
places for full-time faculty are not enough to meet national
To assure the quality of programs, the
government has adopted strategies such as creating and designing
regulations (curricular, administrative and academic) and
regulatory institutions (CESU, SNIES, CNDM, CNA, ICFES, among
others). However, with so many institutions assigned to assure
quality, overlap of functions has the potential to interfere
negatively with the flow and development of doctoral programs
which differ a great deal from one another (Brunner, 2001). All of the work
undertaken regarding Colombian doctorate education has led to
gradual and positive academic development. However, tensions
regarding the
existing dichotomy between promoting the creation of more
doctorates while not addressing the parallel necessity of
creating opportunities for employment of alumni exist. The other
tension has to do with giving more importance to the regulation
of programs rather than for the preparation of academic
communities to develop new ways to teach and conduct research.
In response to the rapid increase in
doctoral students at Danish universities during the 1990s,
Denmark created its first graduate schools in 1996. The
University Act of 2007 required the establishment of graduate
schools at all Danish universities. The purpose of mandatory
graduate schools was to enhance the quality of doctoral
education, including optimizing completion rates and
standardizing doctoral education across universities (Danish
Ministry of Higher Education and Science, 2014). With the
Finance Act of 2005 and the Globalization Agreement of 2006, the
Danish government decided to double the annual enrollment rate
of doctoral students from 1,200 in 2003 to 2,400 in 2010. Since
then, universities have maintained high enrollment rates and
today around 2,400 doctoral students are enrolled annually
(Danish Ministry of Higher Education & Science 2015a).
The development of doctoral education in
Denmark is part of a wider European trend of more closely
aligning research and doctoral education at the local
universities with national and international “policy making and
regulation through qualifications framework, benchmarking and
evaluation” (Fortes, Kehm, & Mayekiso, 2014, p. 100).
Together with most of the Nordic countries, doctoral education
in Denmark has been reformed recently “involving a clear trend
towards programmed teaching (a more heavy reliance on generic
PhD courses for example,) and all of the countries are
participating in the Bologna process for the creation of EHEA,
The European Higher Education Area” (Gudmundsson, 2008, p. 86),
which is a body “meant to ensure more comparable, compatible,
and coherent systems of higher education in Europe” (European
Higher Education Area, 2015). As Fortes, Kehm and Mayekiso
(2014) point out, the tendency towards increase in “quality
assurance at the European level should not be underestimated”
(p.100) in terms of the fact that policy making at the European
level highly influences and informs national policies on
doctoral education in Denmark. Fortes, Kehm and Mayekiso
highlight that despite the fact that the locus of doctoral
education and its curricular content is a national issue, the
European Commission “acts as a true policy entrepreneur” (p.
100) by specifying agendas and encouraging regulation at the
European level. In Denmark, the Ministry urges universities to
ensure that their doctoral programs promote interdisciplinary
training and the development of transferrable skills, thus
meeting the needs of the wider employment market (Gudmundsson,
2008, p. 77). However, at the same time the Ministry states that
“[o]verregulation of doctoral programs should be avoided” as
doctoral education is seen as “a source for human capital for
research but is also an extremely important part of the research
itself” (p. 77).
The Danish Ministry of Higher Education
and Science foregrounds the importance of the European
Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the discourse of lifelong
learning with the aim to align the quality and level of doctoral
education internationally (Danish
Ministry of Higher Education & Science 2015b). With the EQF,
it is possible to compare educational systems, increase mobility
across borders, and more fully to internationalize Danish
universities. This can be said to increase competition among
universities, which is seen in the benchmarking systems and the
global ranking systems in relation to which the Danish
universities navigate. The EQF’s effect on doctoral education in
Denmark has been to promote formalised generic skills and
competences within research, development, and teaching at
universities. The goals advanced by the Ministry focus on
“better quality and better cohesion in higher education; even
more quality and relevance in research; increased use and
dissemination of knowledge and technology; improve[ment] of
internationalisation of higher education, research and
innovation; increased innovation in businesses, public
institutions and higher education, and effective administration
of education support and grants” (European Commission, 2014).
This development points to some potential tensions including a
dual focus on wider employment for the market and development of
deep research skills necessary for academic environments
specifically, together with an increased focus on
internationalization and mobility and while attempting to
build strong research environments at home universities in
Denmark. Also, the dual goal of increasing training programs and
support systems to anchor doctoral education more closely to the
home institutional structure and the wish to enhance
mobility and independence of individual doctoral students
creates another tension.
Massification of doctoral education has been driven by
the needs of a knowledge economy and national innovation policy
and has been promoted systematically by the Ministry of
Education and Culture (MEC) that provides the primary source of
funding for the universities in Finland. Accordingly, between
the 1990s and 2010 the number of doctoral degrees completed
annually tripled. Currently, about 1600 doctoral degrees are
awarded annually. The number of degrees completed yearly is
highest in medicine, natural, and technical sciences. Although
half of doctoral degrees are awarded to women, there are still
some gendered disciplinary differences (Auriol, Misu &
Freeman, 2013; KOTA-National Data Base, 2009; Puhakka &
Rautapuro, 2013). Doctoral education has become more mainstream
and at the same time researcher mobility has become increasingly
important in national doctoral education policy. One result is
an increased number of international doctoral students. To
promote this inflow, the MEC provides financial support to
universities to attract international doctoral students earning
their degrees in Finland. However, the proportion of foreigners
in doctoral training is still relatively low (14.8%). Also, the
outflow of Finnish doctoral students is slightly higher than the
inflow of international doctoral students studying in Finland
(Garam, 2013).
The need to provide a highly skilled
workforce for labour markets and the need to improve the quality
of doctoral education has led to increasing professionalization
of doctoral education (Niemi
et al, 2011; The Graduate School Working Group, 2012). This
resulted in the introduction of more structured forms of
doctoral education, that is, the launching of a doctoral school
system funded by the Academy of Finland (Finnish Ministry of
Education, 1997). However, by 2010 only about 50% of the
doctoral student population studied in these selected doctoral
schools. In 2011, a national graduate school system reform was
implemented that reversed this and as a result, most
universities adopted a single graduate school model to support
systematic doctoral education. Now all doctoral students belong
to a doctoral school in their university and to one of the
university’s doctoral programs. There are no tuition fees, but
funding for doctoral studies is not automatically provided by,
for example, the universities, projects, or foundations for the
doctoral students. As a result, some students receive little or
no financial support. Despite taking a stance towards a more
structured system, doctoral studies are still highly research
intensive rather than course centred (Niemi et al, 2011). To
promote the attractiveness and predictability of researcher
careers, a four stage researcher career model (first stage
being completion of doctoral degree, followed by 2-5 year
post- doctoral fellow that paves the way for becoming an
independent researcher, and finally professorships and
research directorships in the final stage) has been
introduced (Academy of Finland, 2010).
Also, a tenure track system that aims to promote the shift
between stages three and four has been introduced. The
employment rate of the doctoral degree holders is extremely high
97.6% (Treuthardt, &
Nuutinen, 2012) and the majority (about 80%)
work at the universities or research institutions in Finland
(Sainio, 2010; The Graduate School Working Group, 2012). This
may explain why, despite the emphasis on learning
transferable skills in doctoral education policy documents (Academy
of Finland, 2010; OECD, 2012), efforts to ensure and
support work/life relevance have still remained somewhat
minor at universities (Niemi et al, 2011).
The Bologna process and adaptation to the
European Qualifications Framework (EQF) to increase the
potential to promote international mobility and to facilitate
equal participation in European doctoral programs (Berlin
Communiqué, 2003; Bucharest Communiqué, 2012; European
Commission, 2014) has resulted in the enhancement of quality
assurance in Finnish doctoral education (The Graduate School
Working Group, 2012) and engagement in international
benchmarking and global ranking systems. Quality assurance
developments have included setting the target doctoral
completion time at four years of full-time study; however, time
to graduation has remained almost unchanged at six to seven
years (Sainio, 2010), Also, launching
the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council that carries
out audits of quality systems of the universities and
assists universities in thematic and research evaluations,
including doctoral education, is another development.
Even before its inclusion in the Bologna
qualifications framework, UK doctoral education had emerged as
an area of some interest to policy makers. This phenomenon can
be related to the growing significance attached to the knowledge
economy and to doctoral education as a training ground for
professional researchers, both within and outside of the
academy. Although the data presented by the UK’s Higher
Education Statistics Agency (HESA) on students and qualifiers
(Higher Education Statistics Agency (n.d.) suggests that the number of
doctoral graduates in the UK has tripled from 7,000 in 1994-5 to
22,000 in 2012-13, early concerns emerged during this period (e.g. Harris, 1996; National
Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, 1997) about whether doctoral
education was producing the highly skilled knowledge workers
required by the knowledge economy, particularly in science,
technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine, that is, the
so-called STEMM subjects. Doctoral education was considered to
be over-specialised and not providing training in generic skills
relevant to industry and commerce. In addition to questions
about whether its assessment mode (a doctoral thesis judged in a
viva voce examination)
was fair (Morley 2004; Morley et al, 2002) but also appropriate
(Park, 2007), given the wider range of skills acquisition
expected within the doctorate, other concerns included low and
lengthy completion rates, low numbers entering STEMM subjects,
and gender biases in these disciplines (Harris, 1996; Institute
of Employment Research, 2003).
A key concern during this period has
therefore been to intensify quality assurance of doctoral
education. Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, QAA
(2004) introduced national guidelines regarding the frequency of
doctoral supervision meetings, who can be a doctoral supervisor,
the monitoring of student progress (overlapping uncomfortably
with immigration-related monitoring of international students),
and use of completion rates as a quality assurance measure. New
institutional roles and practices (e.g., specialist consultants,
specialized software for institutional monitoring of doctoral
education, and new academic specialisations such as doctoral
pedagogy) have evolved in response to these regulatory demands.
UK doctoral education has also seen a
strong emphasis on researcher training, framed in a discourse of
individual skills and competences. A review by Roberts (2002)
was largely prompted by concerns about the supply of scientists
and engineers and found that the PhD provided “inadequate
training – particularly in the more transferable skills” (p.10).
Having been constituted in 2005 to evaluate the impact of the
“Roberts” funding stream that was then created to support such
training, the Sector Working Group on the Evaluation of Skills
Development of Early Career Researchers, known as the “Rugby
Team” also promulgated the concept of “early career researcher”
(ECR), defined as encompassing the first 10 years of a
researcher’s postgraduate career (Rugby Team, 2006). Their work
also informed the constitution of Vitae, a nationally-funded
body that promotes but also shapes UK researcher training
through instruments such as its “Researcher Development
Framework” (RDF) (Vitae, 2010), a text that continues to reflect
the language of skills and competences. Vitae is now promoting
its RDF to European audiences and more widely, projecting the UK
as a leader in doctoral education provision. Maintaining a high
level of international postgraduate admissions (currently around
one third of the annual intake) is a further important priority
for HEIs (Universities UK, 2014).
UK Research Council support for doctoral
research has also become more focused. Whereas in the past,
applicants from a wide range of universities could apply for
doctoral studentships, these are now awarded through a national
network of “Doctoral Training Centres (DTCs),” accredited by the
Research Councils to award “MRes” degrees (a structured Masters’
degree devoted to research methods). In the social sciences,
there are only 21 DTCs, so many universities (particularly
“newer” universities) are excluded from accessing these
studentships. This raises potential equity questions which
require further research, as does the intensification of a
research “training” agenda that aspires to incorporate a wider
range of skills, but within a timeframe whose boundaries are
more firmly regulated.
With greater numbers pursuing doctorates
than ever before, the notion of a traditional research PhD is
expanding. The federal Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)
reported that there were 52,760 earned research doctorates
(PhDs) awarded from 421 doctoral granting institutions in 2013.
This represents a 3.5% increase from 2012; in 2012 the rate had
increased 4.2% from the previous year. Fifty-eight percent of
earned doctorates were in science and engineering, with the
remainder being in the social sciences, humanities, and
education (National Science Foundation, 2014). With these
increases, fields such as the humanities continue to produce
more doctorates than can be absorbed by available research
careers (June, 2014; Lederman, 2014). Also, these figures mask
the growth of professional or practice doctorates, including the
EdD (education, including educational administration), PsyD
(psychology), or DM (management). This double growth in
doctorates exemplifies a massification of the credential,
typified in disciplinary areas that require individuals to have
doctoral credentials. This suggests an inflation of educational
requirements with questionable value or unjustified educational
costs, commonly without their mapping on to a societal or
personal return on investment.
Although most formal educational
institutions expect their researchers to have earned PhDs, it is
not universally mandated. Disciplinary bodies are beginning to
acknowledge that the status quo of research doctorates solely
for the purpose of preparing learners to continue on to academic
rather non-academic careers is problematic (Neem, 2014). For
example, the American Historical Association is seeking to
broaden career options for those who will not be able to obtain
academic positions; academic positions will eventually be one of
only several potential career opportunities or directions
(Grafton & Grossman, 2011; Jaschik, 2014). The 2014 report
of the Modern Language Association has as its first
recommendation the need to redesign doctoral programs away from
only academic careers. The goal of the MLA is to “align
[careers] with the learning needs and career goals of current
and future students and to bring degree requirements in line
with the ever evolving character of our fields” (MLA Task Force
on Doctoral Study in Modern Language and Literature, 2014, p.
13). This is increasingly addressed by university career
placement offices that help research students find positions
outside academia (Patel, 2015).
Lacking a central oversight body,
doctoral regulations regarding program content, degree
specifics, and university requirements are guided by 37,000
combinations of institutional, disciplinary, state, or national
accreditation criteria (U.S. Department of Education Office of
Postsecondary Education (OPE), n.d.). Related to the number of
disciplinary certification bodies and proprietary information
among programs, it is difficult at best to try to compare data
across programs and degrees to determine successful outcomes,
speak to activities of early career researchers, or even track
career paths (National Science Foundation, n.d.; Sinche, 2014).
With ambiguous quality assurance, it should not be surprising
that there is nearly a 50% rate of doctoral attrition, including
those in a limbo of decade-long ABD (all but dissertation /
defended) student status (Yesko, 2014). Given that less than 30%
of U.S. faculty now work with tenure or are full-time on a
tenure track (MLA Task Force on Doctoral Study in Modern
Language and Literature, 2014), the growing population of casual
and adjunct instructors, specifically those with doctoral
degrees, will further invite investigation over educational
quality. Endemic challenges of fairness in pay and labour
related to the increase of faculty in temporary or contract
positions result in time spent ensuring future teaching
contracts rather than engaging in research or university /
disciplinary service. Given the pragmatic nature of American
doctoral training, current efforts focused on saving money
through defunding education while eliminating full-time
permanent faculty by relying increasingly on contingent labour
point to a challenging future.
From the individual country cases we have
revealed three main issues: (1) what is happening on the ground?
(2) the consequences of an increased formalization of doctoral
education, and (3) the global-local nexus.
is Happening on the Ground?
In keeping with our recognition of the
necessary recontextualisation of any policy narrative, our
comparative study points to the need to examine more fully “what
is happening on the ground” in order to understand more
adequately how the different global trends play out in the
institutional environments in specific countries. Our
comparative analysis demonstrates that the links between global
(international) and local (national, institutional) levels of
doctoral education are not similar across countries. Even though
the countries considered in this paper do subscribe to the same
global trends on the policy level, there are many differences on
the national and institutional levels. This, we argue, makes
comparisons among systems of doctoral education at the global
level difficult and fraught with uncertainties and potential
inequalities. More research should be undertaken into unlocking
the potential for understanding more fully the diverse and
complex nature of doctoral educational practice worldwide. To
fully understand the character and consequences of global trends
within doctoral education, one needs to take into account the
level of integration that always takes place at the local level.
Not only do countries differ when it comes to interpreting and
understanding the meaning and relevance of global drivers such
as massification, professionalization, and quality assurance
within doctoral education, but individual institutions
(universities) also face the task of integrating the global
drivers into their own specific educational contexts and
of Doctoral Education
As seen across the different country
cases, even though there is a tendency to increase the numbers
of doctoral programs, at the same time the aim is to consolidate
them within doctoral “schools” and to enlarge the size of
graduate schools within their institutions – hereby also
increasing the level of formal training expected within doctoral
education. The first issue relates back to the global trends of
massification and quality assurance, while the latter issue is
linked to the global trend of professionalization of doctoral
education. As visible in the country cases, as the number of
doctoral students have increased over the years, this has been
met with the response of structuring doctoral education more
“tightly” organisationally and demanding more formal procedures
for how to develop and evaluate the performance done both by
doctoral students and their supervisors. This has been described
as the development of a generic doctoral curriculum (Green 2009)
and a “transdisciplinary doctorate” (Willetts, Mitcell,
Abeysuriya, & Fam, 2012) which is promoted in order to
ensure educational relevance for the job market and to safeguard
the quality of doctoral education globally. The aim of
foregrounding and developing the generic dimension of the PhD
across disciplines creates tension in relation to the desire to
at the same time strengthen research environments at the
disciplinary level, to maintain the strong disciplinary focus of
the PhD, and to resist its over-regulation (Gudmundsson 2008).
Global-Local Nexus
Despite presenting country cases at the
level of global drivers of doctoral education, we are aware that
even if similarities exist at the level of policy, how these
policies play out at local levels will always involve a process
of recontextualization (Bernstein, 2001). During our discussion
of the meaning of the global drivers seen from individual
national perspectives, it becomes apparent that although some of
the same discourses and semantics are being used across
different countries, the national, or local, meanings vary
greatly. In addition to the shifts which recontextualisation
necessarily involves, other factors which come into play include
the size of the universities, the variation of gender,
ethnicity, and age in student population, and the underlying
political-economic conditions in each country. In a similar
vein, Teichler (2004) has pointed to the fact that “nations and
strategic policies of national governments continue to play a
major role in setting the frames for international
communication, cooperation and mobility as well as for
international competition. Therefore, the frequent use of the
term ‘globalization’ might be based on misunderstandings” (21).
For example, this is specifically seen in the variation across
countries regarding the meaning and management of
“massification.” In some countries, massification seems to imply
that the specific country “opens up the gate” with the simple
aim of increasing the total number of people with PhD
credentials, as in the cases of Colombia, Denmark and Finland.
However, we see in the cases of Canada, USA and the UK that
massification is also about generating hierarchies within the
doctoral system itself – creating a difference between the so
called elite- and super-scholarship holders and the rest, thus
pointing to equity issues within the PhD system, which needs
further scrutinizing. This calls for further research into what
we call the “global-local nexus” of doctoral education. This
nexus can be seen in several of the country cases where goals of
increased internationalization of the doctorate and enhancing
mobility among universities on a global scale stand alongside
goals of strengthening research environments at the home
institutions and the desire to allocate resources to enhance
doctoral learning environments. Also, this affects the very
nature of the PhD degree. Originating as a universal degree with
universal credentials, the increasing focus on
internationalization and mobility paradoxically makes visible
how diverse, complex, and in some cases incomparable, the PhD
degree has become. Promotion
of doctoral student mobility and concommitent alignment of
different research programs and structures of different doctoral
schools have become exceedingly difficult and has the potential
to create many problems and unwanted strain for individual
doctoral students and universities alike. This calls for further
discussion about whether the PhD degree is, still, really a
universal degree or if it has transformed into a culturally and
regionally contextual educational phenomenon. Notwithstanding
these distinctions, national and local priorities are not always
aligned and the breadth of the doctoral experiences covered
here, primarily those involving research doctorates, do not
always transfer to professional doctorates that in some national
contexts may often focus on more local priorities.
The point emerging from this paper is
that understandings of global and local levels of doctoral
education are deeply linked, as global drivers saturate local
doctoral education and supervision practice. More in depth
understandings is needed regarding how this is played out at
local institutional levels and also if and how these local
practices relate back to global and political levels of doctoral
education. More specifically, further research about the
following is required:
a) how global trends,
drivers, and strategies for doctoral education play out in
local national settings and how such global drivers are
integrated locally in specific teaching and learning
environments at specific universities;
b) more awareness and
discussion about the “universality” of the PhD degree. In an
era where mobility regarding doctoral education policy is on
the agenda, more attention should be given to what is actually
possible to transfer across national arenas;
c) what possibilities and
challenges do the infrastructures of graduate schools bring
with them in relation to doctoral education. We need to
examine the everyday workings of graduate schools to learn
more about what forms of organisation are at work within the
broader higher education system.
This paper focused on six national sets
of policies regarding research doctorates. It was beyond the
scope of this paper to address the varied complexities of
doctoral study in other nations. Without attending to all
national and international trends, including those in Australia,
New Zealand, and the Asian and African regions, the scope of
this study is necessarily limited. We hope that our attempt to
initiate these discussions will serve the purpose of
highlighting what can only be thought of as a expanding area of
of recent changes of doctoral education in Canada, Colombia,
Denmark, Finland, UK and USA
Driver Country |
Massification |
Professionalization |
Quality Assurance |
Canada |
· aim to increase
number of PhDs · poor employment
outlook within academia |
· funding for elite
students and institutions · structuring
doctoral fellowships to be in line with economic and
social trends · emphasis on labor
market ready skill acquisition, internships, and
partnerships with industry/business |
Colombia |
· investment in
educating PhDs abroad to increase number of degree
holders · rapid increase in
the number of doctoral programs providing degrees · 150% increase in
number of PhDs |
· launching
doctoral programs · increase in
regulation and regulatory institutions |
· defunding
education · cutting permanent
places for faculty |
Denmark |
· doubling the
annual enrollment of doctoral students |
· emphasizing
learning of generic skills and interdisciplinarity · investing in
developing teaching at the university · harmonizing doctoral degree according to
European standards (i.e. third cycle of Bologna
process) · launching
graduate schools |
· adopting
benchmarking and raking systems |
Finland |
· increase in
number of doctoral degree holders · awarding
universities for attracting international students
completing the PhDs |
· launching
doctoral schools and programs · harmonizing
doctoral degrees according to European standards
(adopting Bologna qualifications) · introducing four
stage researcher career model and tenure track system · launching
international doctoral programs |
· adopting
benchmarking, and international evaluation systems |
UK |
· increase in
number of doctoral students · development of
professional doctorates · development of legislation
and charters to address inequalities related to gender
and race inequalities |
· emphasis on
training: in skills and competences · providing
national funding for generic skills training · more structured
preparation for PhD entry degree · contract
researcher career system |
· awarding national
funding for PhD scholarships through
networks of accredited doctoral training centres · stronger regulation
of a host of doctoral education issues |
· increase in both
professional and research doctorates · aim to increase
number of PhDs amongst African American and Hispanic
leaners |
· introducing
professional doctorate degrees · emphasizing labor
market ready skills also in the training of research
doctorates |
· defunding
education · cutting permanent
faculty · increasing
contingent labor force |
The national, or local, meanings of doctoral
education vary greatly.
We question whether the PhD degree is a universal
degree or if it has transformed into a culturally and
regionally contextual educational phenomenon.
Comparison among systems of doctoral education on
the global level difficult and fraught with uncertainties and
potential inequalities.
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