and learning outcomes of educational
design research for PhD students
dr. Larike H. Bronkhorst[1]
& dr. Renske
A.M. de Kleijn
University, The Netherlands
Article received 10 October
/ revised 2 March / accepted 11 April / available online
17 May
Educational design research (EDR) is described
as a complex research approach. The challenges resulting
from this complexity are typically described as procedural,
whereas EDR might also be challenging for different reasons,
specifically for early career researchers. Yet, challenging
experiences may be noteworthy in the process of learning to
do research and becoming a researcher. To explore this issue
further, we engaged in a collaborative self-study, and
conducted a narrative cross-case analysis of two PhD
candidates’ experiences of engaging in EDR, focusing on
challenges and learning outcomes. We find indications that
the challenges of EDR might be related to EDR’s relatively
new and minority position in educational sciences and the
role a (early career) researcher needs to assume in EDR.
Retrospectively, the challenges appear closely related to
learning outcomes, which are described in terms of a more
profound understanding of research (quality) and of oneself
as a researcher. As such, insights gained by self-study of
research practices provide a complementary perspective to
existing literature on EDR and becoming a researcher.
Keywords: educational design research; PhD learning;
doctoral education; self-study
[1] Corresponding author: Heidelberglaan 1,
3584 CS Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, email: DOI:
design research is described as a challenging research
approach (e.g. Collins, Joseph, & Bielaczyc, 2004). Different aspects
of this complexity are discussed in literature, typically
tracing the origin of this complexity back to the multiple
aims of educational design research, namely contributing to
the general understanding of teaching and learning and
creating a viable contextualized design to solve a local
problem (Anderson & Shattuck, 2012). Some stress how
educational design research might be especially challenging
for early career researchers (Herrington, McKenney, Reeves, & Oliver, 2007),
defined as researchers with up to ten years of experience
(Andres, Bengtsen, Castaño, Crossouard, Keefer, & Pyhältö,
2015), including PhD students. The challenges of educational
design research for early career researchers are described as
procedural, whereas case studies (e.g. Akkerman, Bronkhorst,
& Zitter, 2013) and experience suggest that educational
design research might also be challenging for different reasons.
While some studies suggest that such challenges can lead to PhD
students experiencing dissonance (e.g. Wisker, Robinson,
Trafford, Creighton, & Warns, 2003), others suggest that
while challenges can be burdensome for PhD students, they can
also be experienced as empowering (Stubb, Pyhältö, & Lonka,
2011), benefitting the learning process involved in becoming a
researcher (Hall & Burns, 2009).
early career researchers with experience in educational design
research, we conducted a self-study exploring PhD candidates’
experiences with educational design research in terms of the
challenges as well as the learning outcomes. Self-study is an
unconventional and relatively unknown method, gaining
popularity in research on teacher education (Zwart, Smit,
& Admiraal, 2015) as a powerful way of providing insights
complementary to those gained from other research methods (Bullough
& Pinnegar, 2001; Loughran,
2007). As such, this article can be appreciated as a
potentially thought-provoking example of using self-study
methodology for studying researcher practices, illustrating
the methodology’s potential and pitfalls to
critically analyse early career researchers’ developing
research practices.
1.1 Educational
research (EDR)
The origin of educational design
research (EDR) is often traced back to the works of Brown
(1992). Different authors use different terms, including
design research, design-based research (or the abbreviation
DBR) and design experiments; also, the specific methods used
in EDR studies differ (Engeström, 2011a; Reeves, Herrington,
& Oliver, 2005). Barab and Squire (2004, p.2) typify EDR
as “a series of approaches, with the intent of producing new
theories, artifacts, and practices that account for and
potentially impact learning and teaching in naturalistic
settings”. In their review of the last decade of EDR research,
Anderson and Shattuck (2012) characterize EDR as research situated
in a real educational context, concentrating on testing a
significant intervention, in collaboration with
practitioner(s), informed by theories and an assessment of the
local context as well as practices in other contexts.
Accordingly, EDR uses mixed methods, involves multiple
iterations to perfect the design, and requires a collaborative
partnership between researcher(s) and practitioner(s), as it
focuses on theory development and overcoming a problem
in local practice, typically culminating in design principles.
EDR is generally acclaimed as it is
assumed to have the potential to enhance theoretical knowledge
development while also having public educational value (van
den Akker, 1999) and therefore resonates with wider calls for
increasing the relevance and impact of educational research
(Anderson & Shattuck, 2012). Baptista, Frick, Holley,
Remmik, Tesch, and Åkerlind (2015) describe how these calls
for relevance are also being voiced in relation to research
conducted as part of PhD dissertations, where the usefulness
of the knowledge gained by the research is increasingly
considered. Increasing attention to and application of EDR is
demonstrated by the special issues devoted to this topic by
leading educational research journals, including Journal of the Learning
Sciences (Barab & Squire, 2004), Educational Researcher
(Kelly, 2003) and Educational
Psychologist (Sandoval & Bell, 2004).
More and more, EDR is not only
applauded, but also critically assessed (Svihla, 2014).
Several authors have pointed at potential weaknesses in EDR
methodology (Dede, 2004; Shavelson, Phillips, Towne, &
Feuer, 2003), questioning EDR’s potential to draw causal
claims in natural settings and EDR’s tendency to generalize
small scale studies (Kelly, 2004). Akkerman, Bronkhorst, and
Zitter (2013) maintain that pursuing concurrent goals in EDR
requires immediate and sometimes intuitive actions and
decisions, as accepted systems of quality assurance are
lacking. Barab and Squire (2004) highlight how EDR
requires researchers to carefully balance insider and outsider
perspectives: “If a researcher is intimately involved in the
conceptualization, design, development, implementation, and
re-searching of a pedagogical approach, then ensuring that
researchers can make credible and trustworthy assertions is a
challenge” (p.10). Additionally, several scholars have addressed
the challenges of analysis in EDR, given the large amounts of
data that are usually collected (Collins, Joseph, &
Bielaczyc, 2004; Kelly, 2004).
Herrington, McKenney, Reeves, and
Oliver (2007) have argued that specifically for beginning
researchers, EDR might be too challenging. For one, the
longitudinal nature of most design studies might extend the
four-year period in which most PhD students are expected to
complete their studies (Evans, 2010). But even if the data
collection itself can be completed, the richness of the data
collected might extend the time and especially the skill
needed for analysis. These challenges are presented and
interpreted as procedural and thereby manageable, as can be
deduced from Anderson and Shattuck’s (2012) solution in terms
of multi-year multi-actor research agendas. Such solutions
help advance EDR, but fail to appreciate the experience of
engaging in EDR and its challenges for early career
researchers. For instance, a case study of EDR conducted by a
PhD candidate stresses the consequences in terms of feelings
of insecurity and misfit of a seemingly procedural
challenge—namely assuring quality in EDR studies (Akkerman et
al., 2013). Recently, Castelló, Kobayaski, McGinn, Pechar, Vekkaila,
and Wisker (2015) have called attention to feelings of
misfit as a PhD student, as they impact present and future
professional aspirations and can lead students to abandoning the
field of learning and instruction. Others have also cautioned
against the consequences of feelings of dissonance as a PhD
student (Wisker et al., 2003).
1.2 Learning
do research
In contrast, Lee and Roth (2003)
argue that the learning potential of research actually lies in
working through the challenges engaging in research is likely
to generate. Others have also hinted at the learning potential
of challenging circumstances for learning to do research,
especially for early career researchers (e.g. Haigh, 2012;
Hopwood, 2010). In such cases, learning is conceptualized as
participation (González-Ocampo et al., 2015) and
learning outcomes are studied in terms of becoming a researcher, emphasizing not
only the technical, but also the personal nature of learning
to do research (Barnacle, 2005). “Transitioning […] to the
role of researcher is not as simple as acquiring a new set of
skills and expanding one’s knowledge of scholarship” (Hall
& Burns, 2009, p.53). Departing from this
conceptualization, the biographical or narrative process of
learning is usually studied, as well as the open-ended and
potentially transformative outcomes for researcher identity of
engaging in research (e.g. Lee & Roth, 2003). Such studies
are in line with widespread calls for more in-depth,
longitudinal research to explore what it means to become a
researcher (Hall & Burns, 2009; Stubb et al., 2011).
In terms of specific learning
outcomes, Herrington and colleagues (2007) also report
potential learning outcomes of conducting EDR specifically for
PhD students. Most importantly, PhD students can learn to see
practitioners as partners in research instead of beneficiaries
of the outcomes of their research, thereby potentially
increasing the impact of educational research on educational
practice. Moreover, PhD students might benefit from learning
about the ways in which EDR differs from other research
methods. Also stressing the importance of awareness of the
implications of methodological decisions made during research,
Newbury (2002, p.156, emphasis added) states that “[p]erhaps
most important is research students’ exposure to alternative
approaches”. Similarly,
Pallas (2001) emphasizes how preparing doctoral students for
an essentially unpredictable future entails acquainting them
with epistemological diversity as consumers (i.e. reading
research grounded in diverse epistemologies) as well as
producers (i.e. engaging in research with diverse
Summarizing, despite the fact that
the challenges and learning potential of engaging in EDR for
early career researchers are acknowledged, there is still a
great deal to explore about the actual experience of engaging
in EDR. In this study, we explore what challenges and
learning outcomes PhD students experience when engaging in
EDR, as such insight could not only support early career
researchers and their supervisors in making their EDR studies
successful, but also provide an in-depth insider perspective,
informing a wider audience about what it means to become an
(educational design) researcher.
2.1 Context
the study
Cognizant of the differences in
early career researcher education across countries (Andres,
Bengtsen, Castaño, Crossouard, Keefer, & Pyhältö, 2015),
we detail the specific characteristics of PhD trajectories in
educational and learning sciences in the Netherlands, where
this study was conducted. First of all, PhD trajectories are
jobs; PhD candidates do not pay tuition, but are paid for
doing research. As such, the phrase ‘PhD student’ is not used
in Dutch, as candidates are not seen as students, although
they are supervised by at least one full professor and one
so-called ‘daily supervisor’ – usually an assistant or
associate professor. Additionally, the PhD dissertation
consists of four semi-independent articles, written in English
and preferably published internationally. Hence, although
coursework is included in this trajectory, it usually does not
extend throughout the trajectory, as the focus of the
four-year trajectory is the research project. Consequently, a
completed (research) Master’s degree is a prerequisite to
enter a four-year PhD trajectory.
2.2 Self-study
Given the
exploratory and interpretative research aim, and conceptualizing
PhD learning as participation, we chose to conduct a
collaborative self-study, also referred to as auto-ethnography
(e.g. Holt, 2003). Self-study is typified as a methodology for
studying professional practices that stems from a desire “to be
more fully informed about the nature of a knowledge of practice”
(Loughran, 2007, p.14). In the field of learning and
instruction, self-study is an approach mainly used in research
on teacher education and teaching (Zwart, Smit, & Admiraal,
2015). Self-study has become recognized as a powerful
methodology to promote critical reflective attitudes, understand
the relationship between theory and practice more profoundly,
and develop knowledge from an insider perspective (Loughran,
2007; Petrarca & Bullock, 2014; Williams & Ritter,
2010). The increasing use of self-study, reflected in the
creation of the self-study journal Studying Teacher Education,
can be understood in the light of current debates on
methodology—more specifically, debates on how to take into
account the contextualization of human thinking and acting, and
the importance of both outsider and insider understanding in
research on teacher education (e.g., Hamilton, Smith, &
Worthington, 2008) and in educational research in general (e.g.,
Maxwell, 2004a).
2.3 Participants
The authors of this paper are the
two participants in this self-study. For clarity, we use
pseudonyms and refer to them in the third person, and only use
‘we’ to refer to ourselves as authors of this article. At the
time of the study, both participants were in the penultimate
year of their PhD trajectory. They had started their PhD
trajectories at the same university department in 2008, having
completed the same research Master’s degree in two consecutive
cohorts. The full professors who supervised their PhD research
differed, but the PhD candidates had the same daily
Mary was 25 years old at the time of
data collection. In her EDR study, she originally aimed to
design a tool to support the goal-relatedness of the Master’s
thesis supervision by conducting group discussion meetings and
individual interviews with five supervisors with a locally
good reputation (see also de Kleijn, Meijer, Brekelmans, &
Pilot, 2015). Erica was 28 years old. She studied how student
teachers’ meaning-oriented learning and deliberate practice
could be fostered by collaboratively re-designing two
year-long courses in the teacher education program with two
pairs of teacher educators, based on design principles
developed in prior research[2]
(see also Bronkhorst, Meijer, Koster, & Vermunt, 2011;
Bronkhorst, Meijer, Koster, Akkerman, & Vermunt, 2013).
Mary and Erica informally discussed their progress in their
EDR studies and it seemed that they had quite different
experiences, which they found striking given their similar
background. This triggered the desire for a more systematic
exploration of their experiences in EDR by means of a
collaborative self-study.
2.4 Interviews
We assumed that a probing interview
might help in the explication of challenges and learning
outcomes, as self-narratives have been shown to be a powerful
methodology for self-studies (Haigh, 2012). Such interviews
require well established interview skills and can benefit from
the interviewer and interviewee being acquainted (Lichtman,
2006). Therefore, the interviews were conducted by their daily
supervisor, Christine, as she knew both Mary and Erica and had
extensive experience in conducting qualitative research in
general and open interviews specifically.
Christine was asked to conduct
individual in-depth interviews with the PhD candidates
revolving around broadly defined topics: (1) the EDR research
that they had conducted; (2) the challenges they had
experienced in their research and how they had dealt with
these; and (3) the learning outcomes in the process of
becoming a researcher that they attributed to engaging in EDR.
These themes were to be addressed longitudinally (i.e. in
terms of their development over time).
As a potential learning outcome of
engaging in EDR concerns a different relationship with
participants (Herrington et al., 2007), Mary and Erica had
interviewed the participants in their EDR studies upon
completing their studies. Selected fragments concerning the
EDR participants’ perception of the PhD candidates from these
interview were provided to Christine, to inform her about the
participants’ perspectives. Christine designed an open
interview structure (see Table 1) adhering to this input and
these guiding principles. She explicitly used her knowledge of
the PhD candidates to have them explicate more. Both
interviews lasted about an hour and a half and were fully
Table 1.
Interview themes and example
Interview themes |
Example questions |
Engaging in EDR |
Can you explain your reasoning for
designing the study the way you did? Would you (still) call it (design)
research and why? |
Challenges experienced |
I can recall that this was challenging,
at times. Can you tell me some more about that? How did you deal with this challenge? Was
this a conscious choice? |
Becoming a researcher |
How would you describe yourself as a
researcher? What did you learn by engaging in EDR? |
Additional probes used for all themes |
Would you do/have done it differently in
the future/past? Can you give an example? |
2.5 Analysis
A cross-case analysis of experiences
of engaging in EDR was performed. This was preceded by a
within-case, narrative, connective analysis (Maxwell, 2004b)
of each PhD candidate individually. First, drawing on critical
incident technique (Meijer, de Graaf, & Meirink, 2010), in
both interviews fragments were selected where challenges
and/or (learning) outcomes were substantially discussed. We
verified our selections by scrutinizing the transcripts for
words that indicated emotions (e.g. ‘doubt’), struggles (e.g.
‘difficult’) and/or words that indicated changes (e.g.
‘different’) or time differences (e.g. ‘now’). Secondly, we
traced each of these key experiences backwards and forwards:
in the transcripts, we identified the processes by which they
came about and how they subsequently developed, as well as
factors or individuals that had influenced their origin,
development or outcome. In order to triangulate the findings
from these interviews with the PhD candidates, the interviews
with the participants of both PhD candidates’ EDR studies were
also scrutinized for confirming and disconfirming evidence.
Thirdly, we compared and discussed our individual findings
from the previous steps until a consensus on the relevant
themes and their relationships was reached. The quality of
this last step was enhanced by a ‘peer-debriefing’ (Guba,
1981), in which a colleague, unfamiliar with the study, read
the data and analysis and critically questioned the initial
Based on these steps, we created two
descriptions which are presented chronologically in the
results section in order to increase legibility and
understanding for readers. These descriptions are based on and
contain illustrative quotes from the interview transcripts of
the interviews with the PhD candidates and of the data from
their participants. We used these descriptions for the
cross-case analysis. The cross-case analysis was sensitized by
our theoretical framework, focusing on developing views on EDR
methods and quality, the role of a researcher in EDR, and the
process of becoming a researcher.
3.1 Mary
Although an EDR study had been
included in Mary’s research plan from the start, she kept
postponing it. Her hesitation mainly resulted from the lack of
guidelines, protocols or general conventions Mary found in the
literature on EDR. She herself considered reliability, in
terms of reproducibility, a key quality criterion for
scientific research, for which clear and shared conventions
were necessary. She generally preferred to be in control of
what she was doing:
“This is what makes me insecure
and creates chaos in my head. Because there are no
guidelines to hold on to and ‘everything goes’. And that I
find very difficult. I obviously need boundaries and
Additionally, at that time she
thought research was about answering questions and proving or
demonstrating theories.
Yet, when an EDR study was no longer
necessary for completing her thesis, she made the conscious
decision to engage in EDR. She knew that EDR was well outside
her comfort zone and thus would be fairly challenging for her,
but she wanted to be(come) an all-round researcher and, being
a PhD student, she counted on her supervisors’ support.
For her EDR study, Mary invited
expert thesis supervisors to three collaborative design
meetings. She prepared these meetings extensively, but she
reasoned that she could not completely control (“board up”)
the research, as she sought her participants’ expertise on the
topic of thesis supervision, for which she needed their
ownership, expertise and creativity. This conscious lack of
control over how the process unfolded was a recurring
challenge for her, before and between these meetings. She also
experienced an ethical dilemma in relation to the time
investment she asked of her participants:
“How will I ever tell them that
they invested three times two hours, almost an entire
working day? How will I ever tell them that I am not able to
write [an article] about it? That it eventually does not
lead to something that will be part of my dissertation. That
was the biggest stress [factor], so to say.”
During the collaborative design
meetings, she was immediately confronted with things that did
not go as she had imagined, but she surprised herself by being
able to adapt to unexpected circumstances successfully:
“I thought: ‘I want to understand
what is happening here.’ […] At that time I did not worry at
all, as in: ‘Gosh, where is this going?’ It was more in
looking back and when I started preparing the next meeting,
that I panicked. Because that brought me back in the
research mind set. But during the meetings I was mainly
The fact that she saw how she could
relate her participants’ contributions to the literature
greatly supported this process, as did their general
“They were also really captivated
by the issue and also appreciated discussing it so much that
my fear of ‘They are wasting their time here’ lessened a
little. And I also really observed during those meetings
that [engaging in the study] brought about things for them
as well.”
The planning, time-management and
enthusiasm was also recognized by one of her participants, who
indicated in the final interview:
“Well, I really liked it, the way
that you handled it. I mean, you are enthusiastic but also
focused and flexible in the way you handled things. I found
that very pleasant.” (EDR participant)
These meetings, the data collection,
became a collaborative exploration and Mary’s role as a
researcher changed in this process; she was seen more as an
expert on the literature of supervision, which contrasted with
her earlier experiences with questionnaires and interviews,
where she felt like a “nitwit”. Yet, it also meant that
sometimes others took on the leadership role and determined
the course of action in the meetings. Moreover, Mary did not
only ask questions, but was also asked questions in return.
She saw this as a sign of ownership on the part of her
participants, necessary for the research, and welcomed it as
Looking back, engaging in EDR
brought about a number of changes for Mary. First, her view on
research and research quality has shifted. She would no longer
claim reproducibility is a key criterion for scientific
research. Instead, transparency has become crucial and the
dialogue with theory is now her first and foremost connotation
with scientific research. Consequently, she would design
future studies differently, leaving room to deviate from her
original plan. Similarly, she would now say that research is
about understanding and asking questions, rather than
answering them.
By engaging in EDR,
she now has a clearer view on it, but she still perceives
confusion between different perspectives on EDR:
“I kind of have the impression
that we have yet to agree on what [educational design
research] actually is. Or at least that there are a lot of
different perspectives on it. So it has become clearer for
me what I would consider good design research.”
As her EDR was actually a quest for
understanding and did not result in a design, she doubts
whether she has actually engaged in EDR, an idea with which
she now feels comfortable:
“I don’t mind that at all. That
was not my first priority, or goal. I consider such a design
a means. What this resulted in—what I had not imagined in
advance—is the [increased] understanding.”
Now, she would question the time
investment asked of participants in completely
controlled research:
“Can you ask people to…what does
it entail to ask people to participate in such a highly
structured interview, in which there is hardly any room for
their own input? In such a way that you as a researcher are
only ‘taking’?”
Moreover, she now sees the dialogue
with theory, present already during data collection, as a key
characteristic for research quality in general.
These shifting perspectives also
concern how she sees herself as a researcher. She no longer
believes in the need to choose between the paradigms or
‘teams’ she perceived before, but feels comfortable as a
multi-faceted and most of all curious researcher. She prefers
certain types of research, including a preference for control
and statistics, without considering these to be better types
of research.
“I immediately get the jibbers
when I am assigned to a team, whether that is qualitative or
quantitative. I like to think that the [research] question
is leading, so to speak. The research design is then a means
to answer the question, to put it like that.”
She now knows she is capable of
doing different types of research to satisfy her curiosity.
3.2 Erica
Erica’s research goal was to study
an intervention in educational practice, by having the
educators (i.e. the participants in her study) experiment and
explore the effects of that experimentation. The two main
guiding principles for her research were that, first,
educators should have agency in shaping educational design, as
she believed that researcher control is not desirable nor
possible in general, and, second, that the agency and
expertise of the educators would actually make the design
“So in that sense, I hoped that
they would try out things for me, but I also hoped that the
things they would then try out would be enriched with what
they knew. So not just [based on] my theoretical knowledge.”
Based on the literature she had read
about EDR, she thought her research would be a somewhat
structured research endeavour. She started her project
combining ideas resulting from her Master’s with her intuitive
ideas about how “the world works”. Initially, these ideas were
almost contradictory.
“If you look at my research
design, it really falls between two stools. The one is how I
was educated, with large scale and more objective
instruments on which I would have no further influence. And
[on the other hand] apparently my intuitive ideas about how
such a thing works and which data you need to collect for
In her research design, she mainly
attributed the valuable expertise required in this research to
the educators, as she felt she had very little knowledge of
the educational context, also calling herself a “nitwit”.
Upon engaging in the research, Erica
noticed how the process took its own turn, which she—contrary
to her expectations—could not really characterize as
structured nor cyclical, because every decision was grounded
in a prior decision. Moreover, she noticed how she herself
felt reluctant to exert agency. At some point, her
participants asked her to share more of her knowledge and
expertise, as they indicated in their interview:
“At some point we said: […] ‘We
want to hear your opinion. […] Especially [as it is] a
different perspective. That is the added value.’” (EDR participant)
This made her realize that her
research would benefit from combining different expertise,
including her own. She became more proactive and felt more at
ease with steering the collaborative design according to her
own agenda. She noticed how she recognized possibilities in
which she could influence the educators’ engagement, relying
on communicative techniques she normally did not associate
with research (e.g. purposeful small talk) and which she had
acquired elsewhere.
“I had not considered [….] that I
would apply those things. And that I would consider that
they are part of research, [which] I had not really
imagined. I thought it would be […] much less interaction,
or actually, much less personal.”
This led to ethical dilemmas as she
questioned if it “was allowed” to act in this way deliberately
in research.
“But because I feel as though the
values of education and research are different, and people
always think that research is objective, and spotless and
ethical and responsible, that makes it feel worse when you
apply these [communicative techniques] as a researcher.”
All in all, this meant that her
research design relied more and more on her intuition and less
on what she assumed other educational researchers would
prefer. Intuitively she thought her research “could not be
done differently”, but rationally she feared the response of
the educational and learning sciences community at large.
Especially at conferences, Erica often realized how her
research differed from research presented:
“Actually at each research
conference I attended, where a different type of research
was presented, each time I thought: ‘I do that completely
differently…why do I do that so differently?’ Also because I
had trouble indicating what it was exactly that I was doing,
and why I thought it was important.”
This in turn led to doubts about
herself as a researcher, which she hid from her supervisors,
along with specific details about what she was really doing in
her research.
“During the year I had my doubts
[about] if I was a researcher after all, or someone who
participated. Or someone who was very meaningful for the
educators, but who doesn’t amount to anything in the
research context.”
Her participants recognized these
doubts, as they indicated during their interview:
“In that sense, I did not envy her
[Erica], the past year. I was aware that she put herself in
a difficult position, by choosing this [research] approach.
[…] Because it means that she has a lot to legitimize in the
research domain.” (EDR participant)
In dealing with these challenges,
she relied on two strategies. First, she made an effort to
explicate her intuition(s), which was rather implicit at the
start of her study. Putting her rationale for the research in
writing enabled her to have faith in the study’s value for
research alongside its value for educational practice.
Secondly, she purposefully shared this vision, first at
conferences and later also with her supervisors. The feedback
was positive, which made her trust her intuition more.
“In that sense the AERA was also
important. [...It was where] the keynote of Engeström
[2011b] took place and then I felt supported in: Okay, it
might not be common what I assert, but there are people
who’d like to hear about it.”
As such, she feels that perhaps her
vision on research has not changed much, but she now
understands how more collaborative research designs, and the
active role assigned to participants in these, benefit
research next to educational practice, which was a crucial
outcome for her.
In terms of research and research
quality, she assigns increased importance to (ecological)
validity: measuring what one intends to measure in context.
She describes how she might not feel comfortable doing
educational research in decontextualized settings any more. In
general, she would now argue that research control over a
situation, often employed to yield reliability, might produce
unnatural behaviour. She prefers to rely more on transparency
and the available knowledge on human behaviour in designing
her studies:
“In that sense I started thinking
less about how a research intervention ought to be and more
about, ‘What do we know about how people learn?’”
Looking back, Erica now thinks that
her perspective on EDR or intervention research in general may
not be shared by all, but is supported by some whom she holds
high. Consequently, she would now call herself a researcher,
albeit one with a specific perspective, namely: ‘We have as
much to learn from practice as they do from us’. This in turn
has increased her confidence towards the research community
and her participants.
3.3 Cross-case
3.3. 1 Challenges of
Mary and Erica both describe how
engaging in EDR was challenging, especially with respect to
two archetypal characteristics of EDR: the cyclical process,
including multiple iterations, and the relationship with
participants. Both describe how their experience with EDR
differs from how EDR is presented in the literature,
specifically as being simplified and structured. Mary had
expected this in advance, which was one of the main reasons
for postponing her EDR study, whereas Erica was somewhat
surprised, despite the fact that the complexity of EDR is
described in the literature. Apparently, reading about EDR’s
complexity—including the necessity of ongoing decisions and
the challenges of balancing the multiple stakes and
stakeholders involved—does not fully account nor prepare for
the experience of EDR. Only when actually engaging in the
research did it become clear to both PhD students what a
cyclical research process entailed, indicating that learning
by doing seems necessary for learning to conduct EDR.
Despite having taken rather
different approaches, Erica and Mary both experienced ethical
dilemmas with respect to their role in relation to the role of
the participants. The nature of their dilemmas differed. Erica
struggled with the fact that she purposely invested in social
interaction with her participants in order for them to be
committed to her study, which she found ethically questionable
in conducting research. The participants in her EDR study do
not mention having noted such behaviour when describing the
working relationship, which they felt was appropriate. Mary,
on the other hand, struggled with the fact that her
participants invested time in her study while she herself was
not even sure about whether the study would result in a
chapter in her dissertation. In contrast, the participants in
her EDR study only mentioned how inspiring their participation
in the EDR study had been for them.
3.3.2 Becoming
a researcher
EDR necessitated dealing with
challenges and the resulting feeling of misfit. Mary had
anticipated that she personally would not be a good fit with
EDR; she questioned whether she would be able to cope with
scant guidelines about how to carry out the study, mainly in
light of her prior experience with more controlled research
and personal preference for structured activities. Erica
experienced a lack of fit between her EDR approach and what
she considered to be the “general research community” as she
questioned whether her collaborative approach to research,
initially mainly informed by previous experiences outside
academia, would be accepted and understood by the general
educational research community, where other standards appeared
to exist.
Conducting their EDR studies
involved working through these challenges and dealing with
their insecurities, thereby fuelling reflections on becoming
and being a researcher. Ironically in light of the
insecurities, the most salient outcome is that in the end both
PhD students describe a development from seeing themselves as
‘nitwits’ or novice researchers to being seen as an expert in
their specific fields of study. In both cases, the
participants in their EDR studies played an important part in
the transition, as they explicitly asked the PhD candidates to
take an expert role and to share their knowledge, even before
the candidates themselves felt comfortable doing so.
3.3.3 Quality
of educational research
Next to reflections on their own
expertise, the challenges experienced in engaging in EDR
triggered contemplations on the quality of educational
research. Both PhD candidates described that after having
engaged in EDR, they regarded transparency as one of the most
important criteria for educational research, more than
replicability. This appeared to result from the fact that
replicability was impossible to achieve in EDR, which would
imply that their EDR was not scientific. Yet, in hindsight,
the PhD candidates do not question their research, as the
ongoing dialogue with theory and the general quest for
understanding made it scientific, in their opinion (and the
acceptance of their papers in international journals supports
that assertion). Both PhD candidates do, however, question the
feasibility of replicability when it is operationalized in
terms of complete researcher control.
This study
departed from contrasting findings of previous studies
concerning the challenges of PhD students when engaging in
educational design research (EDR). For one, the challenges of
EDR are described as procedural, but also as fundamental in
the literature. Moreover, the consequences of dealing with
such challenges are evaluated as burdensome, but also as
empowering, benefitting the process of becoming a researcher.
To explore these contrasting findings, this explorative study examined the
experiences of PhD candidates engaging in EDR, focusing on
challenges and learning outcomes.
Our findings show that the
challenges experienced concerned two typical aspects of EDR,
namely the cyclical nature of an EDR process and the role of
participants (e.g., Collins et al., 2004). More specifically,
our analysis shows how the cyclical nature of EDR required
ongoing decisions within limited time. Yet, it was not the
procedural aspect of making these decisions, but the
candidates’ awareness of the significant implications of these
decisions for the research (cf. Newbury, 2002) that was
experienced as challenging. Similarly, our findings reaffirm
the potential EDR to support PhD students in learning to see
practitioners as partners in research, rather than
beneficiaries of the outcomes of their study (Herrington et
al., 2007). Yet, for the PhD candidates not interacting with
participants, but balancing the multiple stakes and
stakeholders involved – including the research community - was
troubling and caused a lot of doubt and insecurity. It follows
that while the iterative nature and the role of the
participants are manageable for PhD candidates engaging in
EDR, the (perceived) conflicts with accepted quality standards
of research can make them disruptive (as suggested by
Akkerman, et al., 2013).
The PhD candidates’ experiences in
EDR contained both ambiguity and novelty, a combination that
often proves to be quite challenging (cf. Wisker et al.,
2003). However, the analysis illustrates how working through
the challenges actually made the engagement in EDR educative,
as this necessitated learning about alternative perspectives
on and approaches to research and research quality. This
resulted in a more elaborated perspective on EDR and research
quality in general, and a more pronounced understanding of
what kind of researcher the PhD candidates hoped to become.
Finding that the learning outcomes are intertwined with the
challenges extends previous findings on PhD learning, wherein
PhD experiences were categorized as burdensome or empowering
(Stubb et al., 2011), by illustrating that burdensome
experiences can become empowering over time. More
specifically, our findings show that in the end both PhD
candidates describe having developed a more refined
perspective on research quality, alongside a new understanding
of what it means to be a researcher. The latter finding is in
line with a conceptualization of PhD learning as a process of
participation (González-Ocampo et al., 2015) and learning
outcomes in terms of becoming (Hall & Burns, 2009). This
resonates with Pallas (2001) who, among others, stresses the
importance of learning about and from epistemological
diversity in research preparation. Hall and Burns (2009, p.61)
draw attention to how learning about multiple and even
contrasting epistemological approaches can inform PhD students
about the researcher they want to become, as “becoming a
professional researcher requires students to negotiate new
identities and reconceptualize themselves both as people and
professionals in addition to learning specific skills” (p.49).
Generally speaking, the results of
this study indicate that describing the challenges of EDR for
early career researchers in terms of the necessary time and
technical skills needed for the data collection and analysis,
is insufficient. Alternatively, we would ascribe at least some
of EDR’s complexity and learning potential for PhD students to
two other aspects: EDR’s relatively new and minority position
in educational sciences, and the role a researcher needs to
assume to make EDR a success.
First, EDR was not a mainstream
research design in the Netherlands at the time of study and
was only marginally discussed in doctorate curricula (cf.
Wilhelm, Craig, Glover, Allen, & Huffman, 2000, for a
similar discussion of qualitative research). The PhD
candidates therefore did not have experience in designing,
conducting or even reading about EDR. Moreover, some EDR
characteristics differ from what the PhD candidates learned
about research, as EDR aims to generate hypotheses rather than
to prove them; is interactive rather than objective or
distant; and relies on emergent instead of completely
controlled designs (Collins et al., 2004). Secondly, the
relationship with the participants in EDR also differs in many
respects from other types of research, notably from those in
which these PhD candidates were educated. The relationship
with participants is a cornerstone of EDR and required Mary
and Erica to take on a specific role as a researcher. Our
findings indicate that two aspects of this role can be quite
challenging. First, in EDR the participants and researchers
are assumed to collaborate. It follows that part of the
control over the research process is handed over to the
participants (Edwards, Sebba, & Rickinson, 2007). Sharing
the control over the research process is precisely what
differentiates interventions that seek to build on participant
agency and those that solely recognize researcher expertise,
according to Engeström (2011a). As the implications of shared
research control have only recently become topic of debate,
the PhD candidates had few examples or guidelines to build on.
Secondly, the participants acknowledged and addressed the PhD
researchers as knowledgeable or even experts on their research
topic. This expert role not only disagreed with the PhD
candidates’ perception of themselves as novices and their role
as junior in the research domain, it it also implied that they
as researchers might have had influence over the research
content – something they have learned to avoid at all cost.
These differences in perspectives highlight the merit of
checking participant perspectives on the research, also as a
way of quality assurance (see also Bronkhorst et al., 2013).
Additionally, our analysis suggests
that not only the causes, but also the experience of EDR’s
complexity, especially for early career researchers, is not
fully represented entirely in the literature. The EDR
literature describes how EDR is and should be a cyclical
process and a collaborative exploration for both researcher
and participants, but the specifics of such processes and
collaborations are typically not discussed extensively.
Akkerman and colleagues (2013) even suggest that there might
be a difference between how EDR studies are reified as
structured while “a lot of design researchers in praxis act
differently” (p.422). For those learning to do research, being
aware of potential differences between EDR practice and its
reification might prove valuable.
4.1 Limitations
In light of calls for more in-depth
research (Stubb et al., 2011), attending to experiences of
engaging in EDR from a contextualized insider perspective was
our main argumentation for choosing to conduct a self-study.
While our findings highlight self-study’s possibilities for
increased understanding of research practices, there are some
pitfalls that deserve attention. For one, seeing as the
content of the interviews was partly determined by the PhD
candidates, ways in which EDR was not experienced as
challenging or did not carry learning potential have received
limited attention. In terms of interpretation of findings,
distinguishing personally relevant findings from findings
relevant for the field requires an outsider perspective in
self-study. Therefore, we asked a colleague to be involved in
verifying our analysis, supporting us in being less biased.
Seeing as the anonymous reviewers also played a vital role in
interpreting our findings from a wider perspective, we
underscore the importance of debating self-study methods and
findings publicly—in line with calls from the self-study
community of teacher education (see, for instance, Loughran,
4.2 Implications
The findings illustrate how the
experience of engaging in research in general, and EDR in
particular, deserves more attention and support, which holds
significant implications for designing and supervising early
career researchers. In both cases studied, the EDR experience
evolves from challenging to carrying learning potential, but
not without effort. Therefore, for those debating whether or
not EDR is (too) challenging for PhD students, we would like
to stress how our study shows that engaging in EDR can
challenge PhD students to develop and extend their
methodological competence, to adapt and develop methodologies
and perceive methodology as a field of study in itself. Few
would not consider these to be valuable outcomes. Evans
(2010), for instance, holds that they align with an extended
understanding of professionality of early career researchers
and Newbury (2002) claims that they lie at the core of
methodological reflexivity, which he considers key to
researcher preparation. However, for these challenges to be
educative, our findings suggest there needs to be space, not
only in terms of time and resources, but also conceptually and
methodologically, and support for PhD students to work through
such challenges. Unfortunately, such space is not always
available in our age of efficiency and accountability (Biesta,
In terms of support, our findings
also draw attention to how engaging in EDR plays out
differently in light of PhD students’ participation in other
communities, echoing the results of Castelló and colleagues
(2015). For supervisors, it is important to realize that
conducting EDR as an early career researcher brings about a
range of insecurities and challenges that can differ depending
on researcher personalities, previous experiences with
research, and participation in other communities. Given the
important role supervisors play in facilitating the successful
completion of a PhD trajectory (González-Ocampo et al., 2015),
we suggest that supervisors need to adapt their supervision to
the specific challenges that PhD students experience, referred
to as “adaptivity” in the context of in the context of
Master’s thesis supervision (de Kleijn, Bronkhorst, Meijer,
Pilot, &
Brekelmans, 2014). Yet, PhD students and
supervisors should not avoid insecurities altogether, as they
can carry learning potential.
A final implication concerns the
methodology used in our study. Typically, the professional
practices under scrutiny in self-study concern teaching, with
the exception of studies focusing on self-study as a method.
There are very few examples in which research practices are
the object of study (for an example, see Bronkhorst, van
Rijswijk, Meijer, Koster, & Vermunt, 2013). In research on
teacher education, self-study has become recognized as a
powerful methodology for teachers and teacher educators to
promote local professional (knowledge) development, as well as
develop relevant knowledge for the field from an insider
perspective (Petrarca & Bullock, 2014; Williams &
Ritter, 2010). Our experiences in this study suggest that
invoking self-study to understand research practices can
enrich our understanding in more than one way. Not only by
means of our findings, foregrounding aspects of engaging in
EDR undisclosed in the literature, but also by critically
analysing and openly discussing the challenges involved in
conducting research and becoming an educational researcher.
Relates these
challenges to EDR’s position in educational sciences.
The authors would like to thank prof. dr. Paulien
Meijer for her role in data collection and dr. Harmen Schaap
for his valuable help with the data analysis.
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[1] Corresponding author: Heidelberglaan
1, 3584 CS Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, email: DOI:
departing from design principles, the approach to the
collaborative design in Erica’s study can be characterized
as a formative intervention (see also Bronkhorst et al.,
2013; Penuel, 2014).