understanding of experimental
contrast and
experimental control: an inventory for primary school
Osterhausa, Susanne
Koerbera, Beate Sodianb
aFreiburg University of
Education, Department of
Psychology, Germany
Munich, Department of Psychology, Germany
Article received 18
October / revised 29 November / accepted
4 December / available online 19 January
Experimentation skills
are a central component of
scientific thinking, and many studies have investigated
whether and when
primary-school children develop adequate experimentation
strategies. However,
the answers to these questions vary substantially depending on
the type of task
that is used: while discovery tasks, which require children to
engage in
unguided experimentation, typically do not reveal systematic
skills in primary
school, choice tasks suggest an early use of adequate
experimentation strategies.
To acquire a more accurate description of primary-school
experimentation, this
article proposes a novel multiple-select paper-and-pencil
inventory that
measures children’s understanding of experimental design. The
two reported
studies investigated the psychometric properties of this
instrument and
addressed the development of primary-school experimentation.
Study 1 assessed
the validity of the item format by comparing 2 items and
an interview
measure in a sample of 71 third- and fourth-graders (9- and
while Study 2 investigated the reliability and the convergent
validity of the
inventory by administering it to 411 second-, third- and
fourth-graders (8-, 9-
and 10‑year-olds) and by comparing children’s performance in
the 11-item scale
to 2 conventional experimentation tasks. The obtained
results demonstrate
the reliability and validity of the inventory and suggest that
a solid
understanding of experimental design first emerges at the end
of primary
skills; control-of-variable strategy (CVS); scientific
thinking; primary
(elementary) school; paper-and-pencil assessment
Corresponding author: Christopher
Osterhaus, Department of Psychology, Freiburg University of
Kunzenweg 21, 79117 Freiburg, Germany. Phone: +49(0)761 /
682-164, Fax: +49(0)761
/ 682 - 98164, Email: DOI:
Experimentation skills
constitute a fundamental
component of scientific thinking, and many developmental
research studies have
investigated children’s acquisition of adequate
experimentation strategies
(e.g., Case, 1974; Inhelder & Piaget, 1958; Kuhn &
Phelps, 1982;
Siegler & Liebert, 1975; for a review see Zimmerman,
2007). Two central
research questions have been whether and when children begin
to master the
so-called control-of-variables strategy (CVS). This
strategy, which is
also referred to as the “vary-one-thing-at-a-time” strategy
(Tschirgi, 1980),
requires informative experiments to contrast a single (focal)
variable while
keeping all other (non-focal) variables constant. Most studies
experimentation skills probe children’s use of CVS in two
different task
settings: (1) discovery tasks with unrestricted variable
(production of CVS) and (2) choice tasks with restricted
response options
(choice of CVS).
Discovery tasks
typically require children to explore
the causal relations between different candidate causes and an
outcome over a
set of experimentation trials (e.g., Kuhn et al., 1995;
Schauble, 1990). In
each of these trials, mature reasoners form hypotheses about
the system of
independent variables (i.e., which variables are causal and
which are
non-causal), and based on these, they use CVS to isolate a
single variable,
which they contrast in an experiment that controls all
non‑focal variables
(controlled-contrastive experiment). By updating their
hypotheses and repeating
this procedure over multiple trials, mature reasoners arrive
at a final theory
of the causal standing of each variable. Discovery tasks hence
reasoners in multiple phases of constructing scientific
knowledge (i.e.,
reiterative formation of hypotheses, experimentation and data
and therefore they offer a high ecological validity and are
particularly well
suited for microgenetic studies that investigate strategy
change in detail by
repeatedly using the same task with a high density of
observations in the short
period of time when change is assumed to occur.
Choice tasks, in
contrast, typically present children
with a specific and directed hypothesis regarding one of the
candidate causes.
In addition, they include restricted answer options that
represent distinct
variable configurations from which children are allowed to
choose (multiple
[MC]; e.g., Croker & Buchanan, 2011; Koerber, Mayer,
Osterhaus, Schwippert,
& Sodian, 2015; Mayer,
Sodian, Koerber, & Schwippert, 2014; Tschirgi, 1980). Mature
reasoners understand that they
need to compare conditions, and their command of CVS is
demonstrated by
selecting the answer
option in which
only the focal variable is varied. This requirement of a
single choice makes
choice tasks easier to administer and hence well suited for
paper-and-pencil-based assessments, which are important
research tools for
investigating the large interindividual differences that
already exist in
primary-school experimentation (Bullock, Sodian, &
Koerber, 2009).
Despite their common
measurement focus on CVS and
their same basic task requirement (i.e., understanding that
conditions need to
be compared and an appropriate comparison needs to be made),
discovery and
choice tasks reveal a substantially different picture of
children’s experimentation skills. While discovery tasks tend
to reveal that
only a small number of students produces
experiments that are designed in accordance with CVS (e.g.,
17% initially used
CVS in a sample of fifth- and sixth-graders; Schauble, 1990),
choice tasks
reveal that most primary-school children prefer
experiments over confounded experiments when they are allowed
to choose between
different experimental
designs (e.g., 54% correct CVS choices by fourth-graders in
Koerber, Mayer, et
al., 2015; around 60% in Bullock & Ziegler, 1999).
Although differences
between production and choice tasks (i.e., between open-answer
closed-response items) are a common empirical finding for
knowledge scales
(e.g., Nehm & Schonfeld, 2008), the large discrepancies
between the two
types of CVS tasks suggest that differences in performance are
not solely
attributable to the increased probability of correct guessing
in choice tasks.
Performance differences
between discovery and choice
tasks might be attributable to their specific and discrepant
task demands and
solution strategies (see Table 1). While discovery tasks
require the repeated
generation of hypotheses, which is an ability that may develop
later than do
experimentation skills (Piekny & Maehler, 2013) and which
extensive memory and processing capacities, CVS choice tasks
might not assess
children’s understanding
experimentation because they can be solved by lower-level
heuristics, such as
varying a single variable while keeping the others constant,
which does not
need to be motivated by children’s full understanding of
experimentation. Other
evidence, such as children’s justifications, is therefore
required before
concluding whether children fully understand the rationale for
Table 1
performance in and characteristics of discovery tasks,
choice tasks and
understanding of experimental design (UNEX).
tasks |
tasks |
Description |
iterative experimenta-tion and use of CVS
to uncover causal effects |
choice of a (controlled-contrastive) experimental
comparison |
identification of design errors in
(controlled-) contrastive experiments |
Task format |
open; |
MS |
Use of CVS |
initial use in at ages 11 and 12 (Schauble, 1990) |
8–68% |
29% at age 10 |
Validity |
moderate guessing is not a problem |
low guessing
is a problem |
high guessing is not a problem* |
task requires non-essential skills:
tracking of variables (memory and processing skills),
hypothesis generation |
be solved by lower-level heuristics |
understanding features of experimental
contrast and experimental control required |
Reliability |
high performance
estimates stable across problems |
low performance
estimates differ across tasks and contexts |
high performance estimates stable across
problems* |
Assessment |
allows for large-scale assessment |
rapid; allows for large-scale assessment |
Note. *Characteristics investigated in the two
studies presented in this article;
CVS = control-of-variables strategy; MC
= multiple choice; MS = multiple select.
A further criticism of
both discovery and choice tasks
is that studies of scientific thinking—with their narrow focus
on CVS—have not
explored the broader context of children’s understanding of
the experimental
method. In addition to CVS, a basic feature of experimentation
is that planned
comparisons are necessary to test for differences between
conditions, as are
randomization and an understanding of local control, which is
necessary to
reduce variation due to extraneous factors and which goes
beyond the control of
non-focal variables.
Bullock et al. (2009)
developed an interview that
investigates children’s metaconceptual understanding of
experimental design
(UNEX) in participants aged 12–22 years. This instrument asks
children to
review a set of fictitious experiments that contain diverse
design errors that
violate the principles of local control or experimental
contrast. Children need
to recognize that ill-designed controlled-contrastive
experiments do not
provide an adequate test of hypothesis because variation due
to extraneous
factors is not reduced or non-focal variables are not
controlled for (violation
of CVS); they also must understand that hypothesis testing is
impossible in
ill-designed contrastive experiments because a single
observation is made (either
due to the missing variation of the focal variable, or the
lack of an initial
measurement in a pre-post design) and the principle of
experimental contrast
therefore is ignored. This latter experiment type provides no
information about
the control of non-focal variables, and the ‘violated’ design
feature is simply
the principle of experimental contrast, which should be easier
to understand
than ‘experimental control’.
children’s UNEX has not been
investigated previously. However, Bullock and her colleagues
found that
sixth-graders (the youngest age group interviewed with such an
solved around 50% of tasks correctly, by identifying the
experimental design
error and justifying their opinion about whether the
experiment was appropriately
designed. It therefore appears that even very young children
can show UNEX if
they are questioned in an age-appropriate format that offers
support, such as providing a graphic representation of
fictitious experiments
and offering answer alternatives in a closed-response format.
The present studies
investigated whether a
paper-and-pencil version of UNEX can provide valid and
reliable measurements in
primary-school children, in order to determine whether early
abilities can be
identified in this age group. Our inventory of primary-school
UNEX uses 11
closed-response, multiple-select (MS) items (examples are
provided in
Figure 1, and Appendix 1 provides the full item set). For
each item the
children have to answer whether or not they consider a
fictitious experiment to
be well designed, and whether or not they agree with each of
three separate
justifications concerning the good or bad quality of the
experiment (which
includes one that identifies the design error in question).
More conventional MC
items provide a single choice,
whereas the three separate decisions required by our MS
procedure have two
important advantages: (1) the probability of correct guessing
is substantially
reduced (i.e., 12.5% instead of 33% in the case of three
statements), and (2)
the MS format investigates potential inconsistencies in
understanding of experimentation. MC items only make it
possible to conclude
that children consider their chosen answer to be superior to
the non-selected
alternatives, whereas MS items give additional information
about their view on
all response options (i.e., although children may recognize
the design error,
they may still hold naïve beliefs regarding the production of
The correct and
incorrect answer options used in the
present studies are based on children’s answers to open items
in prestudies and
they draw on a conceptual-development model of scientific
thinking (Koerber,
Mayer, et al., 2015). Specifically, each item includes naïve,
intermediate and
advanced-level answers. Naïve-level answers reveal no
understanding of
hypothesis testing, instead referring to the production of an
effect (cf.
answer option 3 in Figure 1), intermediate-level answers
demonstrate a
first understanding of the necessity of hypothesis testing and
the existence of
relevant design features (e.g., testing and sample size are
important; cf.
answer option 2), and advanced-level answers identify the
specific design error
and recognize that it restricts the information that can be
drawn from the
experiment (cf. answer option 1).
While research has shown
that children’s
(dis-)agreement with conceptually different levels on MS items
matches the
levels found in an interview conducted after
exposure to the MS answer options (MS item then open interview
[I-after]; cf.
Koerber, Osterhaus, & Sodian, 2015), little is known about
the relation
between children’s MS choices and the beliefs they hold before being presented with the MS item (open
interview then MS
item [I-before]). An instrument’s reliability and validity
depends on a close
relation between initial beliefs and the levels identified in
the MS item.
The present work
therefore first investigated (in
Study 1) whether the MS item format is valid, resulting in
ascriptions of
levels that are significantly related with those levels found
in I-before, and
then (in Study 2) addressed whether the inventory results in a
reliable scale
with satisfactory content and convergent validities. Because
children’s UNEX has not been investigated previously, Study 2
also addressed
the abilities and development of primary-school children.
2. Study
Study 1 investigated the
validity of the MS item
format by comparing children’s performance in two interview
measures, which
were conducted before (I-before) and after (I-after) the
presentation of the
closed-response answer options. Study 1 also investigated the
relation between
the novel MS and conventional MC formats, as well as the
relation between MC
and the interview, both before and after the presentation of
the MS task (i.e.,
I-before and I-after), to obtain a better understanding of the
performances of diverse testing formats.
2.1 Methods
2.1.1 Participants
The 71 included
primary-school children comprised 56
third-graders (mean age 8 years, 8 months, SD=5 months; 31 girls) and 15
fourth-graders (mean age
10 years, 1 month; SD=4 months;
7 girls). Children were recruited from three
predominantly middle-class
schools in Germany. Parental informed consent was obtained for
all children.
2.1.2. Materials
The children were
presented with and interviewed about
(see Procedure) two items from our inventory: one contrastive
and one
controlled-contrastive experiment. Both experiments were set
up in an
artificial context in order to reduce interferences of
children’s content
knowledge on design evaluations.
Item 1 (contrastive
experiment) presented the children
with a story about a scientist who wants to test the
hypothesis that yellow
fertilizer increases plant growth significantly more than blue
fertilizer. The
scientist administers yellow fertilizer to 100 plants. He
observes that all
plants got bigger blossoms and therefore concludes that the
yellow fertilizer
works better than the blue one. Children were asked whether or
not this was a
good experiment, and evaluated three explanations for their
opinion (MS) on
three hypothesized levels: (1) an explanation based on the
production of
effects (naïve level; “It was a good experiment because all
plants that
received the yellow fertilizer became bigger”), (2) an
explanation that
contained a design feature that was not the crucial to the
validity (intermediate level; “It was a good experiment
because he tested the
yellow fertilizer on many plants”) and (c) the correct
explanation that
identified the design error in question (advanced level; “It
was not a good
experiment because he only tested the yellow fertilizer”).
After evaluating
each of the three levels (MS), the children also indicated
which of the three
explanations they considered the best (MC).
Item 2
(controlled-contrastive experiment) presented
the children with a story about two grandmothers who use lake
or river water to
water their plants. While those plants watered with lake water
grow well,
plants that are watered with river water are withering.
Children had to
evaluate whether the experimental data was sufficient to
support the hypothesis
that lake water causes plants to grow well, or whether more
information would
be needed (i.e., control of non-focal variables). Analogously
to Item 1, the
three explanations reflected the distinct levels; however,
while the naïve
level as was the case for Item 1 referred to the production of
effects and the
advanced level identified the design error in question, the
intermediate level
for this item included a reference to a potential causal
mechanism rather than
to a non-crucial design feature (i.e., “Lake water contains
more minerals than
lake water. Therefore, lake water is better for plants”).
2.1.3 Procedure
Both items were read out
loud to the children in a
one-on-one interview. Children marked their answers in their
own booklets.
Interviews were conducted at two points during the
presentation of the item:
(1) after the children’s initial design evaluation and before
presenting the MS
answer options (I-before; “Why was the experiment good/bad?”),
and (2) after
presenting the answer options and the children choosing the
best one (I-after;
“Why did you consider this answer to be the best one?”). Both
included follow-up questions such as “Why did this [the reason
children named]
make the experiment a good/bad one?” or “Would you have done
Table 2
Coding of
MS and
children agreed to |
Naïve |
Intermediate |
Advanced |
Coding of MS (final level) |
Naïve |
x |
--- |
--- |
Naïve |
x |
x |
--- |
Naïve |
x |
x |
x |
Naïve |
x |
--- |
x |
Naïve |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Intermediate |
--- |
x |
--- |
Intermediate |
--- |
x |
x |
Advanced |
--- |
--- |
x |
Coding of interviews |
Sample answers |
Naïve |
the fertilizer made the plants look more beautiful”
(production of effect) |
Intermediate |
he [the scientist] tried it on so many plants” “because
lake water is often dirty, whereas not much rubbish is
thrown into river water” (reference to mechanism) |
Advanced |
he [the scientist] did not try both fertilizers” |
2.1.4 Transcription
coding of children’s answers
Interviews were
audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and
coded by two independent raters (see Table 2 for coding
examples and the MS
coding). Using a strict criterion, the lowest level which
children agreed to
was taken as the final level in the coding of the MS item
(e.g., if a child
accepted the naïve and intermediate levels simultaneously, the
MS item was
coded as naïve). The interrater kappa reliability values for
I-before and
I-after were .94 and .88, respectively, for Item 1, and .73
and .90 for Item 2.
Since some children gave invalid answers (especially on
I-before; e.g., they
refused to answer or only gave answers that were irrelevant to
the question),
some of the subsequent analyses involved a smaller sample.
2.2. Results
and discussion
2.2.1 Core
Core performance data
for Items 1 and 2 (Table 3) and
a Wilcoxon signed-rank test of I-before revealed that, as
expected, more
children recognized the design error in the contrastive (Mdn=1) than the controlled-contrastive (Mdn=0) experiment, Z=2.92,
p<.01, r=.30.
2.2.2 Comparison
the different formats
To investigate whether
meaningful relations between
the different formats in the two items existed (i.e., whether
there was a high
agreement in the levels assigned), we assessed Spearman
correlations (rho)
and, in addition, computed Wilcoxon
signed-ranks statistics (Z)
non-significant correlations suggested low convergence, which
may have been a
result of over- or underestimation in one of the formats.
For Item 1 (Table 4),
correlations between formats
were significant for all comparisons, except for I-before and
MC, where the
correlation did not reach significance. However, as a Wilcoxon
test revealed, there was no significant difference in
difficulty of MC or
I-before, and none of the formats led to a systematic over- or
Rather, 24% of all children performed better on MC than on
I-before while 27%
were assigned a higher level in I-before than in MC (cf. Table
For Item 2
(Table 5), only the correlation
between I-before and the MS task was significant. A Wilcoxon
signed-ranks test
revealed that the MC question (Mdn=1)
significantly overestimated performance with respect to
I-before. Similarly, MS
was significantly more difficult than MC, just as I-before was
more difficult
than I-after, suggesting that presenting answer options
significantly decreased
the difficulty of identifying the design error in this second
item with a more
complex experimental design.
Table 3
Core performance data for
Items 1 and 2 (contrastive and controlled-contrastive
Item / format |
level |
Intermediate level |
level |
Total |
Item 1 |
I-before |
15 (33) |
11 (24) |
19 (42) |
45 (100) |
MS |
62 (87) |
1 (1) |
8 (11) |
71 (100) |
MC |
23 (32) |
14 (20) |
34 (48) |
71 (100) |
I-after |
18 (26) |
29 (41) |
23 (33) |
70 (100) |
Item 2 |
I-before |
25 (51) |
16 (33) |
8 (16) |
49 (100) |
MS |
53 (75) |
13 (18) |
5 (7) |
71 (100) |
MC |
10 (14) |
26 (37) |
35 (49) |
71 (100) |
I-after |
21 (30) |
26 (37) |
23 (33) |
70 (100) |
Notes. Data are n (%) values.
I-before = open interview then MS item; I-after = MS item then
open interview.
Table 4
Same level
(a=b) |
(b>a) |
(b<a) |
Test pair
(a/b) |
Naïve-naïve |
Int.-int. |
Adv.-adv. |
Total |
Naïve-int. |
Naïve-adv. |
Int.-adv. |
Total |
Adv.-int. |
Adv.-naïve |
Int.-naïve |
Total |
n |
rho |
Z |
I-before &
I-after |
4 (9) |
5 (11) |
14 (31) |
23 (51) |
7 (16) |
4 (9) |
6 (13) |
17 (38) |
1 (2) |
4 (9) |
0 (0) |
5 (11) |
45 (100) |
.43** |
--- |
I-before &
MC |
5 (11) |
3 (7) |
14 (31) |
22 (49) |
4 (9) |
6 (13) |
1 (2) |
11 (24) |
0 (0) |
5 (11) |
7 (16) |
12 (27) |
45 (100) |
.24 |
-.08 |
I-before &
MS |
15 (33) |
0 (0) |
5 (11) |
20 (44) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
14 (31) |
11 (24) |
25 (55) |
45 (100) |
.38* |
--- |
MC & MS |
23 (32) |
1 (1) |
8 (11) |
32 (44) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
26 (36) |
13 (18) |
39 (54) |
71 (100) |
.31** |
--- |
Data are n
(%) values. Int. = intermediate; adv. = advanced; Z = Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Over- and
underestimation of
the second comparison (b) relative to the first (a). Rho and Z
are computed for
children with complete observations on both measures for each
test pair (i.e., children
who did not give a valid answer on a measure that was part of
the respective
test pair were excluded from the respective analysis).
* p<.05.
** p<.01.
Table 5
Same level
(a=b) |
(b>a) |
(b<a) |
Test pair
(a/b) |
Naïve-naïve |
Int.-int. |
Adv.-adv. |
Total |
Naïve-int. |
Naïve-adv. |
Int.-adv. |
Total |
Adv.-int. |
Adv.-naïve |
Int.-naïve |
Total |
n |
rho |
Z |
I-before &
I-after |
7 (14) |
6 (12) |
6 (12) |
19 (38) |
10 (20) |
8 (16) |
5 (10) |
23 (46) |
2 (4) |
0 (0) |
5 (10) |
7 (14) |
49 (100) |
.23 |
3.29**1 |
I-before &
MC |
4 (8) |
7 (14) |
6 (12) |
17 (34) |
9 (18) |
12 (25) |
7 (14) |
28 (57) |
2 (4) |
0 (0) |
2 (4) |
4 (8) |
49 (100) |
.15 |
4.31***2 |
I-before &
MS |
22 (45) |
1 (2) |
2 (4) |
25 (51) |
2 (4) |
1 (2) |
2 (4) |
5 (10) |
4 (8) |
2 (4) |
13 (27) |
19 (39) |
49 (100) |
.64*** |
--- |
MC & MS |
9 (13) |
5 (7) |
5 (7) |
19 (27) |
1 (1) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
1 (1) |
7 (10) |
23 (32) |
21 (30) |
51 (72) |
71 (100) |
.24 |
6.34***3 |
Data are n
(%) values.
** p<.01. ***
p<.001 . 1
r=.29. 2
r=.39. 3 r=.53
Overall, MC items
reliably identified advanced
conceptions from I-before (14 out of 19 for Item 1, 6 out of 8
for Item 2)
while MS identified naïve conceptions particularly well (15
out of 15 for Item
1, 22 out of 25 for Item 2). However, with respect to
I-before, the MC item
produced several false-positive advanced conceptions (i.e.,
many children were
assigned the advanced level even if they still held naïve
beliefs), while the
MS pattern revealed a low sensitivity for intermediate- and
answers from I-before. Although this pattern may indicate a
validity problem of
MS, our interview data suggest that the low performance for MS
is attributable
to the difficulty children experience in overcoming naïve
beliefs. For example,
several children gave a correct answer for I-before, correctly
identifying the
design error in question (e.g., “It was not a good experiment
because he didn’t
try the blue fertilizer”), but they still agreed with the
naïve answer when MS
answer options were presented (e.g., “It was good experiment
because the
scientist found that all plants got bigger blossoms”).
Although this indicates
that these children understand that the missing experimental
contrast means
that the hypothesis cannot be tested, they do not yet
understand that
hypothesis testing is the only purpose of experimentation and
still uphold
naïve beliefs regarding the production of effects.
Together these results
indicate that the presentation
of answer options (in MC) may lead to an overestimation of
performance when the
item difficulty is high (controlled-contrastive experiment)
and children are
allowed to choose the best answer. However, making children
indicate whether or
not they agree with each answer option (in MS) reveals
potentially conflicting
views in their thinking, and means that their competence is
only confirmed once
they have formed coherent advanced conceptions. Therefore, MS
is superior to MC
when investigating profound—as opposed to
3. Study
Study 2 investigated the
reliability and the content
and convergent validities of our 11-item inventory. The
content validity was
investigated by testing whether contrastive experiments
(contrastive UNEX) are,
as hypothesized, easier than controlled-contrastive
(controlled-contrastive UNEX), while convergent validity was
assessed by
comparing UNEX to the performance in two conventional CVS
choice tasks. In
addition, Study 2 assessed interindividual differences in the
development of
UNEX in primary school.
3.1.1 Participants
The 411 included
primary-school children comprised 128
second-graders (mean age 8 years, 3 months; SD=7 months; 66 girls), 137 third-graders
(mean age
9 years, 4 months; SD=7
months; 62 girls) and 146 fourth-graders (mean age
10 years,
2 months; SD=9
78 girls). Children were recruited from 25 classrooms in
middle-class schools in Germany. Parental informed consent was
obtained for all
children. Study 2 was part of a larger study of the cognitive
development of
primary-school children.
3.1.2 Materials
UNEX. The 11 UNEX items were designed
analogously to the sample items
presented in Study 1, and comprised 6 contrastive and 5
experiments (Appendix 1 provides the full item set). The
experiments each included two experiments involving the
manipulation of a
single value of the focal variable, a missing control group
and a missing
reference to baseline. The controlled-contrastive experiments
did not control
non-focal variables.
CVS choice
tasks. We adopted two tasks
from the literature (Bullock
& Ziegler, 1994; Chen & Klahr, 1999) that both
presented children with
three variables (each with two possible values) and a
hypothesis regarding one
of them. Our adaptation of Bullock and Ziegler’s cars task
involved the
children testing the hypothesis that the speed of a car
depends on the size of
its tires (wide vs. narrow; non-focal variables: car and
spoiler types). Our
adaptation of Chen and Klahr’s slopes task involved the
children testing the
hypothesis that the steepness of a slope influences the
distance a marble
travels after rolling down it (steep vs. flat; non-focal
variables: size and
position of the marble). All 8 (=23) variable
combinations in each
item were presented graphically, and the children were asked
to select the 2
cars or slopes that they wanted to compare.
3.1.3 Procedure
All items were
illustrated and presented in booklets
that the children worked on individually in a whole-class
testing procedure
(taking approximately 30 minutes). Tasks and (verbal)
answer options were
read out by an experimenter and displayed in a PowerPoint
presentation. Test
assistants ensured that the children worked on their own
booklets only, and
assisted children who had any questions regarding the
Results and discussion
3.2.1 Core
Core performance data
for all items (see Table 6)
indicate a high frequency of naïve MS answers
(all >60%), and lower
frequencies of intermediate and advanced conceptions (all
<20% and <25%,
3.2.2 Scale
The reliability of the
scale was determined by fitting
a partial credit model (Masters, 1982) to the children’s
responses. This model
assumes that developmental progression is unidirectional and
that categories
(i.e., naïve, intermediate and advanced) are hierarchical,
reflecting the
assumption of our conceptual-development model. All but one
item (Item U5, a
contrastive experiment) had a good fit to the model (i.e.,
0.85> infit
mean-square statistic [MNSQ]
<1.15; see Table 6). Removing this poorly fitting item
yielded a scale with
an expected a posteriori estimate based on a plausible values
reliability of .82 (weighted-likelihood estimator person
reliability=.55, Cronbach’s α=.85; scale mean=5.35, SD=5.85, minimum=0, maximum=22). All items
satisfied the partial
credit model’s requirements of increasing point-biserial
correlations and
ability estimates per category. However, none of our items
fulfilled a third
criterion (ordered delta parameters). It is debated in the
literature as to whether
this is a mandatory requirement for model fit to hold (Adams,
Wu, & Wilson,
2012), but the unordered delta parameters are consistent with
children’s low
frequency of choosing the intermediate level. We therefore
dichotomized the data
by collapsing the naïve and intermediate levels. A Rasch model
fitted to the
resulting binary data revealed a good fit for all items
(0.85< infit
MNSQ <1.15) and an EAP/PV
reliability of .71 (weighted-likelihood estimator person
reliability=.62, Cronbach’s α=.72). All subsequent analyses
are based on these
binary data.
Level |
Item |
Experiment type |
Naïve |
Inter. (1) |
Adv. (2) |
Difficulty |
Discri-mination |
Infit MNSQ |
U1 |
Contrastive |
62.4 |
19.9 |
17.7 |
–.14 |
.57 |
1.10 |
U2 |
Contrastive |
67.8 |
9.3 |
22.9 |
–.32 |
.66 |
1.03 |
U3 |
Contrastive |
74.2 |
7.6 |
18.2 |
.20 |
.69 |
0.92 |
U4 |
Contrastive |
73.2 |
4.4 |
22.4 |
–.14 |
.66 |
1.03 |
U5 |
Contrastive |
65.2 |
10.4 |
24.3 |
–.48 |
.80 |
0.74# |
U6 |
Contrastive |
73.2 |
5.6 |
21.2 |
.01 |
.45 |
0.96 |
U7 |
Controlled-contrastive |
73.7 |
15.1 |
11.2 |
.56 |
.43 |
1.04 |
U8 |
Controlled-contrastive |
72.7 |
4.6 |
22.7 |
–.15 |
.63 |
1.05 |
U9 |
Controlled-contrastive |
72.3 |
11.5 |
16.2 |
.69 |
.49 |
0.90 |
U10 |
Controlled-contrastive |
68.1 |
12.9 |
19.9 |
–.04 |
.69 |
0.91 |
U11 |
Controlled-contrastive |
74.0 |
5.6 |
20.44 |
–.06 |
.72 |
0.89 |
Notes. Difficulty, discrimination and infit
mean-square statistic (MNSQ) are based on an analysis of the
partial credit
model; large negative item difficulties indicate easy items,
while large
positive values indicate difficult ones; infit
MNSQ should be between .85 and 1.15 for an item to show a
good fit to the partial credit model; # indicates
an item with a
poor fit according to infit
Item numbering applies to Study 2 and the full item set given
in the Appendix.
3.2.3 Developmental
and interindividual differences
A univariate analysis of
variance revealed a
significant main effect in UNEX for grade, F(2,402)=21.75,
p<.001, partial η2=.10.
while fourth-graders recognized significantly more design
than did third-graders, F(1,402)=24.14,
p<.001, partial η2=.06
Figure 2), there was no difference between grades 2 and 3, F(1,402)=1.89, p>.05. There were also no differences between
boys and girls, F(1,402)=3.18,
3.2.4 Content
An explanatory item
response model (De Boeck &
Wilson, 2004) with a fixed person effect (age) revealed that
controlled-contrastive experiments were, as hypothesized, more
difficult than
contrastive experiments (see Table 7 for model fit, Table 8
for parameter
Figure 2. Percentage of correct
answers for contrastive and
controlled-contrastive experimental designs per grade. Error
bars indicate 95%
confidence intervals. (see pdf)
Table 7
Model comparisons for the
explanatory item response model
Model |
Effects |
Effects (random) |
-2LL |
df |
LR test |
M0 (1PL) |
--- |
Intercept |
3493.3 |
3506.1 |
3489.3 |
M1 |
Experiment type |
Intercept |
3483.3 |
3502.6 |
3477.4 |
2 |
11.87*** |
M2 |
Experiment type + age |
Intercept |
3465.4 |
3491.0 |
3457.4 |
1 |
20.01*** |
M0 = reference model
(1-parameter logistic model); AIC = Akaike information
criterion; BIC = Bayesian
information criterion; -2LL = deviance; df = degrees of
freedom; LR test =
Likelihood ratio test.
*** p<.001.
Table 8
Model |
B |
SE |
p |
Intercept |
–7.20 |
1.14 |
< .001 |
Age |
.54 |
.12 |
< .001 |
Controlled-contrastive (reference:
contrastive) |
–.33 |
.01 |
< .001 |
3.2.5 Convergent
One-third (130) of the
children chose CVS for both the
cars and slopes tasks; however, only 55 children (14%) chose
CVS consistently
across the 2 items. The cars task was performed correctly by
20%, 33% and 44%
of second-, third- and fourth-graders, respectively; the
corresponding rates
for the slopes task were 18%, 35% and 46%. The overall
performance was thus
slightly worse than that reported by Bullock and Ziegler
(1999), where approx.
40% and 60% of third- and fourth-graders, respectively,
correctly solved a CVS
choice task. These differences are probably due to differences
sociodemographic characteristics between the previous urban
sample and our more
rural sample (cf. Koerber, Mayer, et al., 2015).
Interestingly, whereas
the change-all strategy (vary
all—including non-focal—variables) was the third most
frequently chosen
strategy for the cars task (20%), it was the least popular
strategy for the
slopes task (4%). In contrast to the cars task, where low
performance resulted
mostly from children disregarding the necessity of
experimental control, errors
in the slopes task were primarily due to children choosing an
incorrect focal
variable (i.e., size or position of the marble instead of
slope steepness).
While both these errors reflect unsuccessful coordination of
hypothesis and
evidence (cf. Kuhn, 2011), they suggest that the content
domain of the specific
task and children’s knowledge thereof influence the expression
of this
interference between children’s hypotheses and their
construction of evidence.
A binomial regression
revealed that performance in the
cars task was significantly predicted by
controlled-contrastive UNEX, χ2(1)=4.67,
p=.03. Specifically,
children with a
more profound controlled-contrastive UNEX were more likely to
use CVS than any
other strategy, β=.13, t(1)=4.62,
p=.03, odds
ratio=1.13. However,
contrastive-UNEX experiments did not predict strategy choice
in the cars task,
β=.02, t(1)=.11, p=.74. In contrast, the use of CVS in the slopes
task was predicted
by contrastive UNEX, χ2(1)=8.16, p=.004.
Specifically, children with a high contrastive UNEX showed an
increased use of
CVS, β=.13, t(1)=8.02,
p=.005, odds
ratio=1.14, while there was
no positive effect of controlled-contrastive UNEX, β=–.08, t(1)=2.03, p=.15. This
finding is consistent with the descriptive data for the slopes
task, which
suggest that few children choose an experiment in which all
non-focal variables
are varied. These results might be due to children only
contrasting non-focal
variables when their individual influences are unknown to them
and they want to
find out about them in a single test (cf.
Schauble, 1990).
While 68% and 56% of the
children with mastery in the
controlled-contrastive UNEX (≥four items correctly solved)
solved the cars and slopes
tasks correctly, 70% and 68% of the incompetent children
(<four items solved
correctly) did not apply CVS to these tasks, χ2(1)=16.90
and χ2(1)=6.43,
respectively; both p<.05.
around 30% of the children with no mastery in
UNEX solved the cars or slopes task, suggesting that choice
tasks lead to an
overestimation of performance, even when the probability of
correct guessing is
small due to there being a large number of answer alternatives
(28 in
Study 2).
To summarize, these
results support the reliability
and the content and convergent validities of our inventory. In
addition, the
data show that children’s UNEX is rudimentary at the beginning
of primary
school, but that it increases to a percentage of correct
answers of around 30%
by the end of primary school. This performance level is lower
than that in
choice tasks, which focus on children’s beginning
understanding of
experimentation (e.g., 54% used CVS in an MC task by Koerber,
Mayer, et al.,
2015), but higher than that in discovery tasks (e.g., 17%
initial use in
Schauble, 1990).
4. General
findings of the two studies presented in this article suggest
that our
inventory of primary-school UNEX is a reliable measure of both
content and
convergent validities, and that MS is a well-suited and valid
item format that
yields a reliable performance estimate comparable to that
obtained when using
an interview measure. Our results further suggest that
progressions in UNEX take place in the late primary-school
years, where a solid
UNEX first emerges.
Validity of the item format
contrast to conventional choice tasks in CVS, our inventory
does not employ the
more common MC item format, instead relying on MS, which
requires children to
independently agree or disagree with a set of statements
different levels in the present studies). Study 1 revealed
that this item
format yields a reliable estimate of children’s abilities that
is comparable to
an open-interview measure that is presented before
exposure to the answer options (I-before). While Koerber,
Osterhaus, and Sodian
(2015) demonstrated a significant relation between children’s
MS choices in
scientific thinking tasks and their performance in an
interview measure that is
conducted after
exposure to the
answer alternatives (I-after), the present studies are the
first to validate
the MS format against I-before. The significant relation
between MS and
I-before is an important result because our data indicate that
revealing the
answer alternatives of an item to children may lead to an
overestimation of the
performance for I-after, especially when the item content is
difficult. As with
the results of Koerber, Osterhaus, and Sodian (2015), Study 1
corroborates the finding that the MS format is especially well
suited for
obtaining a reliable estimate of consolidated rather than
beginning abilities.
Reliability and validity of the inventory
CVS choice tasks are often strongly influenced by non-essential task
characteristics, resulting in large
performance discrepancies between items (Croker &
Buchanan, 2011; see also
the finding for the cars and slopes tasks in Study 2), the
solving rates did
not vary substantially between different items in our
inventory, and a Rasch
analysis indicated that the scale had a good reliability. This
is an important
finding since a solid and thoroughly tested instrument is
needed for
large-scale studies of the interindividual differences in
scientific thinking
and experimentation skills that already exist in primary
school (Bullock et
al., 2009). While inventories of primary-school children’s
general scientific
thinking have recently been proposed and tested (Koerber,
Mayer, et al., 2015),
our inventory of primary-school UNEX is the first instrument
that exclusively
focuses on experimentation skills in early primary school; for
example, Hammann, Phan, Ehmer,
and Grimm (2008)
provided an instrument that was only suited to grade 5 and
addition to the reliability of our inventory, Study 2 revealed
its content and
convergent validities. The content validity was supported by
the finding that
contrastive experiments were—as predicted by our
hypothesis—easier than
controlled-contrastive experiments, which in addition to
experimental contrast requires an understanding of
experimental control. The
convergent validity was supported by our finding that UNEX
predicted the
performance in the cars and slopes tasks. However, while
choosing CVS for the
cars task was significantly related to controlled-contrastive
UNEX, for the
slopes task this choice was predicted by contrastive UNEX.
This result shows a
problem of conventional CVS choice tasks, and suggests that
contrastive UNEX
suffices for correctly solving tasks that include non-focal variables
whose effects children hold strong beliefs
about (e.g., how the size of a marble and its position on the
slope influences
the distance it travels). According to this interpretation,
children only vary
variables when their influences are
unknown to them (e.g., influences of the car and spoiler types
on car speed)
and they want to uncover all individual effects in a single
experimental test
(cf. Schauble, 1990). Therefore, controlled-contrastive UNEX
seems to be
especially important when children perform experiments that
involve non-focal
variables whose effects are unknown
to them.
Development of UNEX in primary school
theoretical, conceptual-development model, on which item
construction was
based, suggests that UNEX develops from naïve to intermediate
to more advanced
levels of understanding. However, while the partial credit
model generally
fitted the data, the descriptive statistics in Study 2
suggested that a small
percentage of primary-school children perform at an
intermediate level. This
finding of an overall naïve classification is mostly due to
many children
selecting the naïve level even when they agreed with the
intermediate level
(cf. also Study 1). Therefore, although an important step
towards a more mature
UNEX is understanding that hypothesis testing is necessary and
that there are
features of experimental design that influence the quality of
an experiment,
this realization does not appear to necessarily overcome naïve
beginning understanding of UNEX first emerges late in primary
school, where we
found a correct performance rate of about 30%. This estimate,
which lies
between discovery (e.g., 17% initially using CVS in grades 5
and 6; Schauble,
1990) and choice (e.g., 54% in grade 4; Koerber, Mayer,
et al., 2015)
tasks, differs significantly from performance in early primary
school (grades 2
and 3), where performance is still low, typically at 10–15%.
experimentation is not explicitly taught in German primary
schools, it is
important to identify the mechanisms underlying this
substantial development in
children’s UNEX during primary school. Potential mechanisms
include children’s
metacognitive development (Kuhn, 2000; Lockl & Schneider,
2002) and
increases in their executive control, which may allow children
to inhibit an
experiential processing of the experimental designs in favour
of analytical
processing (cf. Amsel et al., 2008; Klaczynski,
research needs to address these issues and reveal how
development in UNEX can
be understood and promoted in primary school. Our development
of a well-tested
instrument that is psychometrically sound and can be used in
studies is an important prerequisite for these studies, and it
should promote
future work on this important component of scientific
A novel 11-item
inventory of primary-school
children’s understanding of experimental design yields a valid
and reliable
estimate of children’s experimentation skills.
The multiple-select
item format serves as a strict
criterion, revealing profound—rather than
A coherent advanced
understanding of experimentation
emerges in primary school.
are grateful to all research assistants for their help in the
data collection,
as well as to all teachers, children, and parents for their
collaboration and support of this research.
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Full item set (see pdf)