future of self-assessment in classroom practice: Reframing
self-assessment as a core competency
Gavin T.
L. Browna, Lois R. Harrisb
aUniversity of Auckland, New Zealand
bCentral Queensland University, Australia
Article received 23rd October 2013 /
revised 7th November
2013 / accepted 26th February 2014 /
available online 25th April 2014
Formative assessment policies and
self-regulation theories argue that student self-assessment of
their own work and processes are useful for raising academic
performance and self-regulatory skills. However, research into
student self-evaluation raises serious doubts about the
quality of self-assessment as an assessment process and
identifies conditions which must be met if students’ judgments
are to be useful, valid, and reliable. This paper recommends
that student self-assessment should no longer be treated as an
assessment, but instead as an essential competence for
self-regulation. As such, we describe a potential curriculum
approach that could guide teachers to appropriate use of
self-assessment tools.
Keywords: Student Self-assessment; Compulsory Schooling; Curriculum; Research Synthesis
1. Introduction
Student self-assessment is an evaluation of
a student’s own work products and processes in classroom
settings. Formative assessment (a.k.a., Assessment for Learning)
policies argue that student self-assessment is useful for
raising academic performance (Black & Wiliam, 2006).
Research evidence suggests that self-assessment does contribute
positively to learning outcomes, but its effects are highly
variable, with many threats to its validity (Brown & Harris,
2013). Nonetheless, student self-assessment is strongly
advocated as an important classroom practice (e.g., Leahy, Lyon,
Thompson, & Wiliam, 2005). This paper responds to recent and
seminal reviews and position papers on self-assessment (e.g.,
Andrade, 2010; Brown & Harris, 2013; Boud & Falchikov,
1989; Butler, 2011; Falchikov & Boud, 1989; Dochy, Segers,
& Sluijsmans, 1999; Dunning, Heath, & Suls, 2004; Ross,
2006), all of which have raised issues to consider in relation
to what is needed for the future of self-assessment. We are
increasingly persuaded that self-assessment is not a robust
assessment practice and that its real place in schooling is as a
teachable and learnable component of self-regulated learning.
However, current manifestations of self-assessment advocacy do
not provide well-informed guidance to researchers or
practitioners about self-assessment. Hence, our goal is to first
establish the need for a self-assessment curriculum and second
to sketch out what that curriculum could look like.
2. Self-assessment as assessment
practices, which contribute to decision-making, need to be
demonstrably valid and reliable (Messick, 1989). The usefulness
of self-assessment for decision-making seems to depend, in part,
upon whether the student can accurately or realistically judge
the qualities of their own work. However, the realism or
veridicality (i.e., truthfulness) of self-assessment are
difficult to ascertain, since this can only be determined
through comparison to other people’s (e.g., teachers, peers, or
parents) judgements or ratings or to performance on externally
devised tests or examinations. As Butler (2011) makes clear,
there has been a stream of research around student
self-assessment that has emphasised the need for realistic,
veridical, or verifiably accurate self-assessment if it is to
effectively contribute to achievement (e.g., Brown & Harris,
2013; Boud & Falchikov, 1989; Falchikov & Boud, 1989;
Dunning, Heath, & Suls, 2004; Ross, 2006). In contrast,
there is another stream of research that has claimed that
realism or veridicality in self-assessment is moot, since the
self-assessment process helps students develop greater awareness
of the quality of their work and criteria by which their work
can be evaluated (e.g., Andrade, 2010). Butler (2011) concludes
that the research in student self-assessment indicates that
inaccurate, but positively biased, self-assessment leads to
improved outcomes; while, inaccurate, negatively biased,
self-assessment has a negative impact on achievement. Hence,
while there is empirical and theoretical evidence for
contrasting positions around the realism of student
self-assessments, we take the position that if self-assessment
is to contribute to highly-consequential decision-making (e.g.,
teacher decisions about grouping, curriculum planning, or
retention/promotion and student decisions about pursuing or
dropping further study in a topic area), then it is necessary
for self-assessments to be demonstrably realistic or truthful.
The research evidence is robust that the agreement between
student self-assessment and other measures (e.g., test scores,
teacher judgements, or peer ratings) is moderate at best (Brown
& Harris, 2013; Falchikov & Boud, 1989). Correlations between (a) self-ratings and teacher
ratings, (b) self-estimates of performance and actual test
scores, and (c) student and teacher rubric-based judgments tend
to range from r≈.20
to .80, with few studies reporting correlations greater than r > .60 (Brown
& Harris, 2013). Greater
realism and sophistication of self-assessment is more evident
among more experienced and more able students.
consideration of how teachers use student self-assessment in
classroom contexts suggests that there are other important
factors which threaten reliability and validity. There is robust
evidence that when self-assessments are disclosed (e.g., traffic
light self-assessments displayed to the teacher in front of the
class), there are strong psychological pressures on students
that lead to dissembling and dishonesty (Harris & Brown,
2013; Cowie, 2009). Students may intentionally disguise the
truth in order to protect their reputations. Other students will
rely on construct-irrelevant and subjective criteria (e.g., “I
made an effort” or “I’m good at this”), rather than intended
criteria in judging the quality of their performance and this is
associated with lower accuracy in self-evaluations (Brown &
Harris, 2013). There are many factors in the human condition
that contribute to unrealistic self-assessments, including
tendencies to (a) be unrealistically optimistic about one’s own
abilities, (b) believe that one is above average, (c) neglect
crucial information, and (d) have deficits in required
information (Dunning, Heath, & Suls, 2004). While
substantial advocacy of self-assessment has been promulgated,
these studies suggest that assessment for learning policies as
implemented may have overlooked important facets of how humans
make judgements. Further, there may be some psychological and
social danger to students in current self-assessment practices.
Hence, awarding grades or basing educational
interventions or changes based on unrealistic or
construct-irrelevant self-assessments is untenable. If
self-assessment processes lead students to conclude wrongly that
they are good or weak in some domain and they base personal
decisions on such false interpretations, harm could be done,
even in classroom settings (e.g., task avoidance, not enrolling
in future subjects) (Ramdass & Zimmerman, 2008). The quality
of interpretations and decisions depends on realistic input
(Messick, 1989) and because students are generally unrealistic
in self-assessments, the use of such data in any formal way for
assessment is probably unwarranted. Hence, in many ways student
self-assessment fails the validity and reliability requirements
of an assessment robust enough on which to (a) base changes to
classroom practice, (b) calculate grades or scores, and (c)
include in any reporting.
3. Self-assessment as self-regulation
use of self-assessment within assessment for learning policies
draws on self-regulation of learning theories which identify
student capabilities to set targets and evaluate progress
against criteria as a basis for meta-cognitively informed
improvement of learning outcomes (Zimmerman, 2008).
Self-regulation refers to self-directive and self-generated
metacognitive, motivational, and behavioural processes through
which individuals transform personal abilities into control of
outcomes in a variety of contexts (Zimmerman, 2001). In taking
action, an individual requires the ability to understand and
choose a rationale for taking action (i.e., motivation), the
capacity to set future-oriented objectives, plans, or projects
(i.e., goals), the capability to select means or methods for
obtaining his or her goals, even in the face of adversity or
boredom (i.e., strategies), and the proficiency to monitor
progress (i.e., self-assess), and adjust strategy implementation
as appropriate (i.e., regulation) (Brown, et al., 2005). There
is evidence that students can improve their self-regulation
skills through self-assessment (i.e., set targets, evaluate
progress relative to target criteria, and improve the quality of
their learning outcomes) (Andrade, Du, & Wang, 2008;
Andrade, Du, & Mycek, 2010; Brookhart, Andolina, Zuza, &
Furman, 2004). Furthermore, self-assessment is associated with
improved motivation, engagement, and efficacy (Griffiths &
Davies, 1993; Klenowski, 1995; Munns & Woodward, 2006;
Schunk, 1996), reducing dependence on the teacher (Sadler,
1989). It is also seen as a potential way for teachers to reduce
their own assessment workload, making students more responsible
for tracking their progress and feedback provision (Sadler &
Good, 2006; Towler & Broadfoot, 1992). Thus, consistent with
self-regulation theory, self-assessment contributes to greater
meta-cognitive skills associated with greater achievement.
In reviewing literature around student
self-assessment practices, Brown and Harris (2013) found diverse
enacted practices which they grouped into three major categories
(i.e., self-estimation of performance, self-rating, and rubric
based judgements). These three categories contain a wide variety
of procedures; for example, (a) using a model answer as a
reference (Hewitt, 2001), (b) integrating teacher-evaluation
with self-evaluation (Olina & Sullivan, 2002), (c)
self-correction (Harward, Allred, & Sudweeks, 1994), (d)
using a computerized prompt system (Daiute & Kruidenier,
1985), (e) self-selected reinforcements or rewards, especially
for achieving challenging goals (Barling, 1980; Miller, Duffy, & Zane, 1993; Wall,
1982), (f) contributing to the design of a scoring rubric
(Sadler & Good, 2006), or (g) judging the accuracy of
answers to standardized test items (Koivula, Hassmén, & Hunt, 2001). In contrast, inspection
of recent pedagogical texts (e.g., Absolum, 2006; Clarke, 2005;
Harlen, 2007; Taylor & Nolen, 2005; Weeden, Winter, &
Broadfoot, 2002; Wiggins & McTighe, 1998) indicates that a
relatively narrow range of self-assessment techniques are
suggested (e.g., rubrics, rating scales, including traffic
lights, reflections on portfolios or series of tasks).
we find no evidence of coherent packaging or sequencing of these
activities or a theoretical model underpinning authors’
recommendations of these practices. There seems to be an almost
ad hoc, grab bag approach to the use of self-assessment. The
templates given as examples in the texts we consulted included
mainly checklists, rating scales (sometimes using smiley-face
categories), and lists of possible prompting questions which
focused on diverse outcomes including completion, compliance,
effort, and attitude (e.g., McMillan, 2001; Stiggins, 2005),
rather than necessarily upon the full-range of self-regulating
behaviours. Also, textbooks seemed to treat the topic
generically, without specifying ages or stages of development
which would be appropriate for the practices, templates, or
examples that they provided; it appears to be left to the reader
to judge if a particular activity or prompt is appropriate for
his or her students. Inspection of classroom practices of
self-assessment reinforces this perception that teachers are
applying self-assessment techniques with little thought as to
potential threats to the validity of publicly displayed
self-assessment (Harris & Brown, 2013; Ross, Rolheiser,
& Hogaboam-Gray, 1998) and, certainly, have few concerns
about the need to provide students structured support to enable
them to use self-assessment realistically. This stands in stark
contrast to the research literature that shows significant
educational impact of self-assessment upon student learning, if
students are systematically taught how to self-assess (Daiute
& Kruidenier, 1985; Glaser, Kessler, Palm, & Brunstein,
2010; Harward, Allred, & Sudweeks, 1994; McDonald &
Boud, 2003; Ramdass & Zimmerman, 2008; Ross, 2006; Ross,
Hogaboam-Gray, & Rolheiser, 2002).
Hence, there is a clear need to give
self-assessment techniques a semblance of order—identifying the
ease or difficulty of implementation and use would provide a
robust basis for developing a curriculum of self-assessment.
Self-assessment is an essential component of self-regulation and
would appear to be a learnable competence. The advantage of
situating self-assessment as a competence is that competencies
usually have levels of development (e.g., ranging from novice to
expert) (Rychen & Salganik, 2003) and, consequently, can be
used as the basis for a teaching curriculum.
Self-assessment as
a curricular competence
the assessment for learning policy reforms have tried to move
increasingly away from formal testing towards a more pedagogical
understanding of ‘assessment’, and despite advocacy for the use
of self-assessment as a component of self-regulation, little
attention has been put into formalising a self-assessment
curriculum, in light of well-established research findings.
Insufficient attention has been given to curricular concerns,
such as:
a) What
self-assessment skills should be taught?
b) What
is the developmental sequence for teaching self-assessment
c) How should
self-assessment skills be taught?
d) What are appropriate goals
for teaching student self-assessment competence according to
student age and ability?
e) What are useful criteria for evaluating student competence in self-assessment?
What are appropriate mechanisms by which student self-assessment
reports could be evaluated, if required?
paper offers a first attempt into developing a curriculum for
self-assessment as a component of self-regulation. We appreciate
that school curricula are overloaded and do not advocate for the
creation of a new curricular topic. Instead, we suggest that
within more general frameworks of teaching subject content and
developing students as independent, life-long learners, the
possession and implementation of a self-assessment curriculum is
likely to be of great utility to teachers and students. As
self-assessment is present in some forms already in most
curricula, we are advocating for systematically organising and
formalising what is, in most instances, already there. This
would improve its impact and better match practices to student
self-assessment abilities, allowing students opportunities to
master more complex self-assessment and self-regulatory skills
as they progress through school.
Lower performing and younger
students need input (i.e., instruction and feedback) to master
this key self-regulatory process. So what might that input look
like? Research
has shown (Brown & Harris, 2013; Ross, 2006) that realistic
self-assessments are more likely when: (1) students are involved
in the process of establishing criteria for evaluating work
outcomes; (2) students are taught how to apply those criteria;
(3) students receive feedback from others (i.e., teachers and
peers) to help move students toward more accurate evaluations;
(4) students are taught how to use other assessment data (e.g.,
test scores or graded work) to improve their work; (5) there is
psychological safety when self-evaluation is used; (6) when
rewards for accuracy are used; and (7) when students are
required to explicitly justify to their peers their
self-evaluations. These insights give us a basis for developing
a curriculum that could guide the implementation of student
self-assessment as a necessary competence for self-regulation.
first recommendation for a student self-assessment curriculum is
to start with simple, concrete techniques before introducing
complex, abstract techniques, including holistic, intuitive
judgements about effort, satisfaction, or work quality. For very
young students, even the act of estimating how many times they
would be able to throw a bean bag into basket was difficult
(Powel & Gray, 1995). Nonetheless, Powel and Gray’s (1995)
technique is extremely simple and the realism of a student
self-assessment can be objectively verified by the student using
a tangible metric. Hence, estimating how many items one might
get right on a spelling list, math quiz, or vocabulary quiz are
straightforward strategies which allow easy determination of the
realism of the student self-assessment (Jones, Trap, &
Cooper, 1977; Wan-a-rom, 2010). Linking such estimates very
close in time to the instructional moment also makes the task
more concrete (Barnett & Hixon,
1997). Even asking students to estimate how well they
think they will do compared to their last known performance
provides a concrete and personal reference point.
an intermediate stage, self-assessments supported by
externally-sourced, yet explicit scaffolding of intended
learning outcomes (e.g., models, computer-assisted prompts,
teacher evaluations) as an adjunct or guide should be
introduced. More realistic comparisons of the student’s work
quality to that of other students in the class may be feasible
here, but such normative comparisons may not be a desirable
curricular goal. It seems more useful to have students focus on
comparing their work to that of established standards or against
their previous performance rather than on how others are doing.
Nonetheless, techniques that allow greater autonomy in
self-assessment (e.g., self-correction or self-rating of one’s
own work) should be introduced once students have demonstrated
that they can assess their work realistically.
an advanced stage, rubrics or criteria, preferably developed in
conjunction with the students to ensure that they have a deep
understanding of the rubric progression, should be introduced.
By this point, students should be able to be reasonably
realistic making use of more holistic, and possibly intuitive,
judgements of their work quality using rating scales or key
point checklists. The research shows that the greatest learning
gains come when students engage in a deeper analysis of their
own work; however, getting students to that level of analysis is
unlikely to be instantaneous. Gradual introduction of more
sophisticated self-assessment techniques seems highly desirable.
the development of self-assessment competence, the priority
needs to be kept on realism in self-evaluation, regardless of
the level of performance. We must help students avoid
inappropriate negative bias in their self-assessments, which
will mean helping highly able students accept that their work is
actually exemplary or of a high standard. In
contrast, while having an overly positive self-assessment does
not have as many ill-effects (Butler, 2011), realism has its own
internal benefits. Accurate self-monitoring contributes to the
possibility of entering a growth-pathway in which students
identify and respond to their weaknesses, instead of pursuing an
ego-protection pathway in which students seek to maximise
unmerited positive feelings about their work (Boekaerts &
Corno, 2005). Hence, teachers need to implement strategies that
encourage and foster honest self-reflection. That will mean, at
least for a time, permitting some self-assessments to remain
private from the teacher, not forcing students to display
realistic but negative self-assessments in front of classmates,
and encouraging students to share their self-evaluations with
trusted people (e.g., a best friend or a family member). This
recommendation is not new; Andrade (2010) has long advocated
focusing on the self-regulatory effects of self-assessment
rather than its veridicality. And certainly, it means not using
self-assessments for grading, reporting, or accountability
students generally want to understand if they have judged their
own work appropriately and expect teachers to provide feedback
and instruction (Harris & Brown, 2013; Gao, 2009; Peterson
& Irving, 2008). Thus, insulating student self-assessment
perpetually from the teacher would be counter-productive. Hence,
within a context of psychological safety, if teachers gain
access to student self-assessments (e.g., those recorded
alongside homework activities handed in to the teacher), it
seems desirable for teachers to comment on the realism of
student self-evaluations as an important learning objective in
its own right. The goal is to foster realistic self-monitoring
that is used to guide appropriate learning strategies (i.e.,
more sophisticated responses than ‘work harder’ are needed).
Students need environments in which realism is prioritised and
protected, even if it means, at first, teachers cannot easily
ascertain what students think about their own learning. A
self-assessment curriculum should also encourage students to
explain the criteria they used to evaluate their own work. The
intellectual sophistication required to justify an assessment is
a significant factor in improving learning outcomes and
metacognitive capability. In an environment of trust (e.g., a
classroom with a warm supportive interpersonal climate),
explaining one’s reasoning for a self-assessment to a trusted
peer is associated with improved learning outcomes (Dunning,
Heath, & Suls, 2004).
should come as no surprise that both teachers and students will
need training before they can engage with self-assessment as a
taught and learned competence. New professional development
materials and courses are needed that go beyond the exhortation
to use student self-assessment (e.g., Leahy, Lyon, Thompson,
& Wiliam, 2005). These resources need to ensure teachers are
aware of the theory and research base for self-assessment and
provide techniques that are appropriately sequenced for the
skill level students have in this competence. Until teachers
abandon a simple approach (e.g., using smiley-face self-rating
scales for effort and satisfaction), it is unlikely
self-assessment will fulfil its promise. Once teachers have an
appropriate understanding, they will need to train students in
developing realistic self-evaluations for the explicit purpose
of guiding their own learning. Fortunately, the research
evidence makes it abundantly clear that the quality of student
self-assessment improves with training and that enhanced
outcomes arise.
this paper provides a rough outline for the scope and sequence
of a self-assessment curriculum, more research is needed to
identify if there are ages or stages, below which, particular
types of self-assessment are unrealistic for students to
complete accurately. Additionally, a proper curriculum would
incorporate all parts of the self-regulation cycle (Zimmerman,
2008) around the self-assessment practices proposed at
particular levels. It is also important to invent new
self-assessment practices which may better align with a complex
model of self-regulation than current suggested self-reflection
and self-assessment practices, most of which are focused at the
end, rather than throughout, the learning cycle.
We trust that this treatment of self-assessment as
a self-regulating competence, rather than as an assessment
practice, will contribute to improved classroom practice and
professional development systems. We consider that a curriculum
for self-assessment competence would be of great benefit to
educational practice and trust that this first sketch will
trigger significant developments.
self-assessment generally has a positive impact on academic
performance, although it is not a robust assessment method in
terms of validity and reliability.
self-assessment is an important aspect of and contributor to
greater self-regulation of learning.
self-assessment needs a curricular framework to ensure it is an
effective treated as a self-regulating competence.
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