Frontline Learning Research Vol.6 No. 3 (2018) 1 - 5
ISSN 2295-3159
the last decades, educational research established different foci on learning –
all of them aiming at understanding how learning takes place and how its
outcomes can be improved by instruction. They can be distinguished regarding
the object of observation: (a) There is research focusing input to learning
processes, particular discussing content and teacher or learner characteristics
influencing learning; (b) other research approaches exist that focus learning
processes themselves, (c) finally there is research focusing learning outcomes.
What varied over the time is the emphasis of these foci. For example, the
current interest on international comparisons of educational systems (i.e.
TIMSS, ISGLU, PISA) addresses research with focus on learning outcomes.
the last two decades, the focus of research on learning and instruction shifted
from an emphasis on the outcomes back to the processes that underlie learning.
However, in contrast to process research between 1960ies and 1980ies that
investigated school-based classroom teaching (Shulman, 1986), current process
research spreads across the entire lifetime and across all skill levels, from
kids studying a textbook for 20 minutes to professionals developing
extraordinary expertise over years. How varying these fields may seem, their
mutual aim is to understand the mental structures and their changes through
learning including social, motivational, and emotional aspects influencing
learning processes. However, for decades it was extremely challenging to
capture these processes in a meaningful manner.
development of software methodology and hardware technology opened fascinating
opportunities for educational research. On the one hand, the development of
data analysis methodology, such as machine learning or data sequence comparison
and string detection, is reaching a level so that it can be applied to approach
new research questions within educational science. On the other hand, a variety
of sensors made various measurements originating from highly specialized
fundamental research (e.g., electroencephalography, cardiovascular measures,
infrared eye-tracking) seemingly accessible and applicable. For instance, in
the early 2000’s companies started building ‘plug & play’ eye trackers with
ready-to-use analysis software that claimed to guide its users intuitively.
More recently, relatively cheap wearable devices for measuring brain activity
(EEG) and electrodermal activity have become available. It is the combination
of decreasing prices for and sizes of sensor systems with increasing usability
of operating and analysis software and the development of novel, easier to
apply analysis methodologies that reduced inhibition threshold for application
the area of education.
many researchers started utilizing these methodologies in a wide area of
educational research. However, quickly it turned out that neither was the use
of the hardware as easy as the sellers claimed, nor was the analysis of the
data as straightforward. All online measures of learning create a kind of data
that is not comparable with traditional qualitative or quantitative empirical
data. Many online measures collect longitudinal data in a frequency of
milliseconds and, thus, generate thousands of data-values. While researchers
found many opportunities these measures offer, they also faced many challenges.
These comprise a variety of problems, e.g. detecting meaningful events in
high-frequency measures, combining process measures of different granularities,
synchronizing measures, capturing the sequential nature of learning processes
and defining reasonable frequencies for statistically analyzing skewed,
multilevel data sets. What keeps happening, though, is that researchers face the
same issues or similar problems on and on as they cannot get easily access to
the progress made by others in their field. Due to this lack of exchange,
researchers often have to re-invent the wheel. On top of that, online measures
of learning operate on a granularity that does not easily match with the
predictions that can be made from our current theoretical models of learning
and expertise development. Online measures provide data on a very micro level
of learning whereas theoretical models usually address the macro level of
development. Thus, researchers that use process measures are in need of ways to
exchange thoughts, not just about methodological issues, but also how
methodological choices relate to theoretical models.
researchers started activities to establish more or less formal groups which
aim at sharing their experiences (e.g., one of these is the EARLI SIG 27
‘online processes of learning’). However, also within already existing
communities the interest for these measures rose, such as in the EARLI SIG 14
‘learning and professional development’. We argue that this exchange is crucial
for meaningful and fruitful further development within educational research, in
particular as the usage of such techniques is growing. Just as an example, the
methodology of eye tracking is extremely growing with over 700.000 Google
scholar hits in the past decade (~370.000 in 1998 – 2007, ~ 66.000 in 1988 –
1997, and less than 30.000 publications before 1987).
it is important to go beyond purely talking about experiences with process
measures. What is needed is explorative, methodology-focused research in order
to initiate negotiation within the scientific community of educational
researchers on how these novel approaches of data-collection and data-analysis
contribute to the communities’ state of knowledge on learning and instruction.
Thus far, the challenges of using process measures go by unnoticed as it is
hardly possible to discuss them in traditional empirical study papers, which
focus on knowledge structures and their changes through learning instead of on
methodological developments. The current special issue in Frontline Learning
Research is a first step to fill this gap.
special issue aims at exploring possibilities of using process data on learning
in different contexts and critically discussing exactly these methods with
respect to their explanatory power for learning and expertise development, and
for gaining insight on its underlying processes operating within cognitive
structures. These contributions present experiences in applying new
methodologies and put the findings up for discussion. The goal of all
contributions is to reflect the strengths and limitations of their measures and
to provide a statement on how informative their data can be for researching
learning. It addresses the broad readership within the EARLI community. The
idea for this special issue resulted from two well attended and highly
appreciated SIG-invited symposia (SIG 14 and SIG 27) for the EARLI conference
at Tampere, Finland in 2017. A public call for contributions provided
additional contributions and we invited three discussants to reflect upon the
articles. Now, more than one year after this conference, this special issue
provides a broad set of papers reporting and reflecting selected approaches of
online measures of learning processes. We intentionally considered
contributions from various fields and domains of educational research. The
EARLI community represents educational research covering the entire life-span
and applying laboratory conditions as well as conducting field research. All
contributors were encouraged to discuss carefully if and how the selected
methodological approaches and data can be informative not only for the context
of the respective paper but for the educational research community in general.
Hence, we hope that everybody can find novel, interesting and fruitful
information within this special issue.
methods discussed in this Special Issue cover neuroscience topics, such as the
possibilities of neuroscience for education (Van Atteveldt
et al., this issue), EEG (Scharinger, this issue). It
also discusses different applications of eye tracking, such as machine learning
to analyze eye tracking data (Garcia Moreno-Esteva et
al., this issue; Harteis et al., this issue), its
limitation in investigating web search processes (Salmeron et al., this issue),
or the challenge of combining it with musical performance (Puurtinnen
et al, this issue). Further contributions discuss the use of physiological
data, such as skin conductance (Eteläpelto et al.; Nokelainen et al.; both this issue) and combine it with
further measures to study collaboration (Hoogeboom et
al., this issue), logfile analyses to study blended learning (Van Laer & Ellen, this issue), or even prosodic analyses of
conversations in classrooms (Hämäläinen et al., this
issue). Several contributions use specifically multimodal aspects to study
collaboration (Hoogeboom et al., this issue),
observational data for analyzing teachers’ behavior (Donker
et al., this issue), or self-regulated learning (Järvenoja
et al, this issue).
together, the contributions to this special issue discuss opportunities and
limitations of process measures, their combination with each other, or their
combination with conventional measure for analyzing learning processes. They
reveal the following overarching challenges.
important benefit of process measures as presented here, is that they do not
rely on self-reports, and, thus, can be considered as objective data. We must
keep in mind, though, that their interpretation remains subjective to the
experimenter. Furthermore, these methods open opportunities to gather data
about unconscious regulation processes, whereas self-reports necessarily
provide access only about what participants are aware of. It is important to
keep in mind, however, that sometimes subjective data is more appropriate for a
given research question. A clear understanding of what type of data would fit a
certain research question remains the crucial challenge of utilizing online
several contributions to this special issue reveal, one important development
is the increased use of multimodal designs. Such designs aim to gather a
broader understanding of real-world learning situations by using different
types of data (e.g., a combination of psychophysiological data, video data and
data from sociometric badges). Severe challenges hereby are that the added
value from each of those types of data for the research question needs to be
clear, that the data is often collected at different levels (e.g., some data
was collected at the team level and other data was collected at the individual
level), as well as at different sampling frequencies (e.g., eye-tracking data
can be measured at a level of 500 Hz, skin conductance levels are measured at 4
Hz, whereas team effectiveness is only measured once). Synchronization of data
can be challenging, both on a practical level (i.e., data files should use the
same time representation) as well as on a sampling level (i.e., data from
different participants need to be synchronized).
important aspect of many of these process measures is that they are potentially
personal data (i.e., they may be traced back to one specific person). This is
particularly the case if several data sets are collected from one participant.
In such a case, the new GDPR regulations come into play (
We should also keep in mind that even if a process data set is not yet easily
traceable back to one person, it may easily become so with the fast development
of machine learning techniques in near future.
large data-sets also call for an improvement in our techniques of analysis, as
the current conventional statistics do not allow for a non-biased analysis of
large numbers of variables at the same time. Furthermore, data is often
averaged or summed up over time, so the temporal order of data might get lost,
while the process of interest could be reflected in the temporal order. Data
mining and machine learning techniques are one important option that apply
complex algorithms based on different mathematical models than inferential
statistics. They provide novel opportunities of revealing hidden patterns
within huge data sets. Hence, they allow for testing the predictive value of
sets of variables for certain outcome measures and, thus, make it possible to
quantify and statistically test which online measures predict the outcome.
At the
same time, a careful theory-driven decision as to what variables should reflect
the processes of interest is still critical, and the fact that large numbers of
variables are available should not tempt us to simply report large numbers of analyses, and cherry-pick the interesting (significant)
effects for discussion.
of the authors argue that their designs allow for collecting data in the field
(instead of laboratory environments), and, as such, increases ecological validity.
The underlying assumption is that ecological validity, the extent to which the
study approximates ‘the real world’, predicts external validity, the extent to
which the study generalizes to ‘the real world’. In particular because many of
the measures do not disturb natural task performance. However, studies within
this special issue showcase that ecological validity does not necessarily
translate into external validity (e.g., fluctuations in skin conductance under
‘natural’ conditions might also reflect body posture or movement instead of
mental effort). It depends on the context and the research interest if and how
fuzzy data appear acceptable or precise data are required. We can find
argumentations that a compromised quality of, e.g., easy-to-use EEG apparatus
is acceptable in the context of the new opportunities for neuroimaging in
‘real-world’ settings, and we can find argumentations that low data quality and
the confounding effects that could occur in ecological valid environments may
occlude real effects and, thus, compromise external validity.
it is often useful to start from hypotheses generated by laboratory research
and investigate these in real-world settings. However, the opposite could also
provide insights: taking important but tentative findings from field studies
and bringing these into the lab (including, where possible, the real-life
complexity) to understand the mechanisms involved in more detail.
ecologically valid testing environments are mostly useful when appropriate
analysis techniques are available. The fixation-related EEG frequency band
power analysis that Scharinger introduced (in this
special issue), for example, is an analysis technique that makes it possible to
investigate multimedia learning environments using EEG, where previous EEG
research on reading required the presentation of single words instead of free
reading tasks.
of high-level theoretical models to fine-grained data streams
theoretical concepts of learning and development describe processes that
usually last (much) longer than milliseconds. Online measures, however, bear
the particular quality to provide data on a very high resolution. It is
important to keep the different granularity in mind when developing research
questions and designing research settings. There may be theoretical frameworks
that require less precision than others: Understanding visual expertise and
pattern recognition, on the one hand, focuses detailed phenomena of physical
behavior that may remain under the surface of consciousness. This case requires
quite a precise coupling of theories of vision with the data-streams. On the
other hand, investigating the importance of emotions for learning may allow
more fuzziness, as long as the duration of an emotional state is considered
less important for learning processes than the pure occurrence of an emotion.
Hence, there is neither ‘the’ challenge of coupling theories with data, nor is
there the ‘one fits for all’ solution. In the developing field of researching
learning with process data the full breadth of opportunities can be found. What
concretely is to be considered crucially depends on necessary theoretical
contributions have put their findings up for discussion and reflected on
strengths and limitations of the measures applied in their studies. As such,
this special issue provides a valuable resource for any researcher who already
works with process measures or start working with process measures. Based on
the contributions, we derived suggestions on how to implement new methods and
technologies to our applied field of educational science in a meaningful way.
a method
thinking about using a new method or technology for research, we always must as
ourselves, why we need it. Is it to address an otherwise not possible to
address hypothesis? Is it to explore thus far hidden processes? Or is it rather
to simply try out a fancy, new technology that was thrown at us? Whichever the
answer may be, we need to be clear about it. Based on the experiences gathered
in this special issue, we strongly advice to always consider how this new
methodology or technology will help to approach the research question.
Moreover, we recommend to be cautious when being drawn
towards new gadgets out of pure curiosity and we advise to stay always as low
tech as possible and as high tech as necessary.
a methodology When researchers start to use a new method, it is critical that
they understand where the method comes from, what its history is (i.e., in
which fields is it already successfully applied and how?). This often helps to
understand why certain approaches were chosen and decisions were made. How is
this technique currently used in its ‘home’ domain? How are the experiments set
up? What are the analysis techniques? Even though many of the ‘new’ methods are
(relatively) new to educational research, often there is a large body of
research available in other domains, that can inform the researchers. It is
important to get to know this field to make sure that no huge mistakes are made
because you do not know the field, as this might results in invalid data
recording or analysis. We suggest to always begin by cooperating with an expert
from the original field.
computers and software developed similar rapidly further, it is now possible to
utilize calculator power and software algorithms for completely new procedures
of data analysis (e.g., big data, data-mining). Since we, as educational
researchers, might not have the expected background in statistics, computer
science or data-science to execute those kind of procedures,
it is central that we collaborate with researchers and practitioners from other
fields. The combination of different types of expertise is central for progress
in the use of process measures.
important challenge is how to incorporate these new methodologies that measure
fine grained processes with our theories that make statements on more macro
levels. How to derive predictions from our theories to these measures and how
to make meaningful statements for our theories from these empirical findings?
These questions should not only guide our choice of research methodology, but
also challenge us to further develop and specify existing theories and
conclude, we hope that this special issue provides a starting point for more
methodological papers in educational sciences, which critically discuss the
application of (new) technological approaches and process measures, including
validity information for that (set of) measure as well as practical advice for
their use.
field is developing rapidly, so we also tried to realize this special issue
quite swift in order to contribute to the start of the scientific discourse on
those issues. We are aware though, that the development just started and we are
far away from fully understanding potential and limitations of these new kind
of data and measurements. Hence, we hope to see more methodological
publications discussing new ways of capturing learning processes in the future!
guest editors would like to thank the reviewers of the special issue.
Shulman, L. S. (1986). Paradigms and
research programs in the study of teaching. In M. Wittrock (Eds.), Handbook
of research on teaching (pp. 3-36). New York: MacMillan.