Web-based progress monitoring in first grade
Salascheka, Elmar
of Münster, Germany
Article received 6
August 2013 / revised 27 November 2013 / accepted 11
December 2013 / available online 20 December 2013
The purpose of
our research was to examine a web-based tool for
mathematics progress monitoring in first grade. The newly
developed assessment tool uses several robust indicators
and curriculum-based measures forming three competences
(Basic Precursors, Advanced Precursors, and Computation)
to determine comprehensive early numeracy skills in
general education. 373 students completed a total of eight
online tests every two or three weeks. Results indicate
that delayed alternate-form reliability was adequate (rM = .78).
Repeated measures analyses with post hoc comparisons were
used to ascertain the sensitivity to assess learning
growth. All three competences showed linear growth rates
that were significant over time, but only Computation and
overall scores produced dependable increases from test to
test. Predictive validity was determined using two
standardised school achievement tests (end of first grade,
end of second grade). Results indicate high predictive
validity of the first four online tests (rM = .67,
rM = .66 for 6 months and 18 months
prediction). Correlations with teacher ratings of their
students' skills confirmed this pattern. Results from
student and teacher questionnaires indicate that the
students were able to conduct the tests independently and
that a three-week interval was adequate for
regular‑education use. Teachers declared to use the
progress monitoring results diversely for classroom
purposes. We conclude that the use of a web-based
assessment setting with diverse measures is beneficial
with respect to psychometric properties and feasibility
for frequent use in general education.
Keywords: Early
numeracy; Mathematics; Progress monitoring; Web-based
Learning progress assessment aims at providing
teachers with information about learning growth, and using
diagnostic information for individualised instruction has been
shown to result in higher learning gains (Connor, Morrison, & Petrella,
2004; Stecker, Fuchs, & Fuchs, 2005). Especially
in first grade, results from Kim, Petscher, Schatschneider,
and Foorman (2010) show
that the slope of learning is highly predictive for future
achievement. However, Stecker et al. note that teachers need
assistance in interpreting and successfully using progress
monitoring results. Progress monitoring tools should therefore
provide educators with reliable and comprehensive feedback
about students' skills. For successful implementation in
regular-education classrooms, high utility and feasibility is
additionally required. This can be achieved with highly
automated assessment and feedback systems. Traditional
progress monitoring tools reliably and validly assess
students' performance, but are time-consuming because they
usually require face-to-face assessment. In addition, most
tools for first grade consist of only a few different
curricular tasks, making it difficult for educators to use
results for adjustments in classroom work. In the present
study, we examined psychometric properties and utility of a
web-based progress monitoring tool for first-graders. The tool
assesses early mathematics competences comprehensively and
allows students to work on the tests independently without
teacher aid.
Early numeracy plays a vital role for the
development of later mathematics performance and general
school achievement (Aunola,
Leskinen, Lerkkanen, & Nurmi, 2004; Duncan et al., 2007).
Thus, much research in the past decade has focused on the
identification of relevant skills that children should be
proficient in when entering school (Berch, 2005; Gersten, Jordan,
& Flojo, 2005; Jordan, Kaplan, Oláh, & Locuniak,
2006; Koponen, Aunola, Ahonen, & Nurmi, 2007; Methe,
Begeny, & Leary, 2011; Missall, Mercer, Martínez, &
Casebeer, 2012). Certain number sense
abilities seem to form precursors or even gateways for further
mathematical achievement, but the definition of number sense
remains vague (cf. Berch, 2005,
for an overview). Unlike reading, in which well-defined
precursors (such as phonological awareness) have been
identified, numeracy seems to develop from a diverse set of
mental processes which evolve during childhood. The triple-code model of
number processing (Dehaene
& Cohen, 1995; Dehaene, 1992, 2011) describes
three systems involved in different aspects of number
processing (i.e., for nonverbal semantic representations; for
verbal representations; and for written numerals) derived from
a biological viewpoint. These systems develop independently,
and pathways are used for communication when solving
mathematical problems. Developmental models like the model of early
mathematical development, which describes three levels
of successional skills (Krajewski
& Schneider, 2009; Krajewski, 2008), take up a
more growth‑oriented stance. In Krajewski's model, skills at
the second level represent the linking of number words with
quantities. These skills proved to be particularly predictive
for mathematical achievement at the end of primary school (Krajewski & Schneider, 2009).
Students at risk of not reaching educational
goals can be identified by assessing progress of essential
skills, such as curricular abilities and number sense skills,
which have been described as "gateway" skills for further
mathematical development (Clarke,
Baker, Smolkowski, & Chard, 2008, p. 48).
Subsequently, suitable interventions can be implemented.
Educators can use tools to monitor learning progress over time
and thereby identify students who do not improve (at an
acceptable rate). Assessment tools for this purpose should
reliably assess students’ performance level and its
development, so that students at risk of not reaching
curricular goals can be identified. Furthermore, diagnostic
information about curricular competences should be provided,
which teachers can use for instructional changes.
Implementation should be efficient and as effortless as
possible such that general classroom work is not hindered (Förster & Souvignier, 2011).
One progress monitoring approach for this purpose
is Curriculum-Based
Measurement (CBM; see Deno,
2003, for an overview). In CBM, short tests of
important curricular competences are conducted regularly. For
early mathematics, the psychometric properties of several CBM
tests have been discussed in the literature recently (e.g., Chard et al., 2005; Clarke
et al., 2011; Seethaler & Fuchs, 2011). Much of
the recent early mathematics CBM research focuses on a set of
measures known as Tests
of Early Numeracy (TEN). TEN measures have demonstrated high levels
of reliability and predictive value for later mathematics
performance in a number of studies during kindergarten and
first grade general education (e.g., Baglici, Codding, & Tryon,
2010; Chard et al., 2005; Clarke & Shinn, 2004; Missall
et al., 2012). TEN consist of four measures: (1) Oral Counting,
assessing the ability to count orally; (2) Number Identification,
assessing the ability to verbally identify a written number
between 0 and 20; (3) Quantity
Discrimination, assessing the ability to identify the
larger of two visually presented numbers; and (4) Missing Number,
assessing the ability to name the missing number from a string
of three numbers, with one of the three numbers missing.
However, there are several issues still to be
worked on if these measures shall serve as a basis for
instructional changes in the classroom: First, as Methe (2012, p. 68) notes, TEN
measures "struggle to capture more exact knowledge deficits"
because they lack close relation to curricula. Results are
therefore hard to interpret by educators. Measures that relate
more closely to specific curricular goals might make it easier
for educators to use the diagnostic information for classroom
work or further interventions. Second, reliability and
predictive validity results of the four single measures vary
from study to study (see Missall
et al., 2012, for an overview); Missall et al. (l.c.,
p. 96) ascertain that a combination of several measures seems
to result in elevated technical adequacy. As a consequence,
the authors call for progress monitoring tools which assess
early mathematics more comprehensively. Third, with the recent
exception of a study by Hampton et al. (2012), most studies report
results from only two or three data points and interpolate
learning growth between them. This procedure does not allow a
timely evaluation of individual learning growth and also
leaves the possibility of non-linear growth patterns. This
aspect is especially relevant in the light of low
(interpolated) weekly growth rates that often do not exceed
0.30 points per week (Foegen,
Jiban, & Deno, 2007). Low average growth rates
make it more difficult to interpret stagnating scores as at-risk. Finally, TEN
measures are time-consuming to implement because two of the
measures (Oral Counting and Number Identification) require
students to verbalize their answers and therefore can only be
assessed in one-on-one settings. In general education, the
time and effort needed are reasons why educators usually do
not utilise early mathematics progress monitoring at all or
regularly enough to make quick instructional adjustments
In our study we aim to approach the
aforementioned issues with a web-based progress monitoring
tool for first grade mathematics which is feasible for
frequent use in general education. The tool intends to assess
mathematics skills comprehensively and includes both precursor
and curricular competences. That way, educators are enabled to
make inferences about students' strengths and weaknesses for
classroom work or intervention. Assessment time needs to be
low and the retrieval and use of results as effortless as
possible. Psychometric properties of the test concept should
be sufficient for dependable estimations of students'
short-term and long-term curricular achievements and for the
detection of learning growth. Students should work on the
tests in a motivated manner to obtain valid results.
These aims lead to the following research
questions: (1) Does the progress monitoring tool assess
students' performance reliably? (2) As measures of concurrent
and predictive criterion validity, do the progress monitoring
test scores correlate significantly with results from
standardised achievement tests and teacher ratings of
students' mathematics performance? (3) Are learning gains
represented in the test scores? I.e., can increases in test
scores be observed when testing frequently? (4) Do teachers
and students rate the tool and its implementation feasible for
frequent use in general education?
Two consecutive studies were conducted with a
total of 373 first-grade students in 18 regular-education
classrooms (see Table 1 for demographics). The studies took place in
rural and urban areas of Germany. Eight progress monitoring
tests were conducted in both studies in intervals of either
two weeks (study 1, November 2010 to March 2011) or three
weeks (study 2, November 2011 to May 2012). Figure 1 provides
an overview of the time structure and main dependent variables
of the two studies.
In study 1, a number of additional measures was
obtained: Three different standardised paper-pencil tests
(pp1-pp3) were conducted, assessing relevant curricular
competences of each time point. pp1 was conducted immediately
before the first progress monitoring test, pp2 immediately
after the last progress monitoring test. Eight of the 10
classrooms in study 1 (148 students) participated in a
follow-up paper-pencil test approximately 14 months later at
the end of second grade (pp3). Teacher ratings of students'
overall mathematical competence were obtained before each of
the three school achievement tests. At the end of first grade,
teachers were also surveyed about the feasibility of the
web-based progress monitoring tool and their use of the
results. Students completed a short questionnaire about the
progress monitoring test before pp2.
Purpose of study 1 was to obtain detailed information
about the tests' validity. Study 2 was then conducted to
inspect reliability and sensitivity to learning in an extended
time-frame. In preparation of study 2, single items were
revised pertaining to difficulty and parallelism after study
Because of student mobility or sick absentees, some
data were missing (progress monitoring tests: 0%-11%, Mmissing = 1.8%;
pencil tests: 0%-3.6%, Mmissing = 1.7%;
ratings: 4.5%-23.2%, Mmissing = 12.6%).
used multiple imputation with five imputed data sets to handle
missing test data (Newton et
al., 2004). Unbiased results can be expected from
multiple imputation when data are missing at random (MAR; see
Schafer & Graham, 2002, for a discussion of the term) or
when auxiliary variables are included in the imputation model
which closely relate to the missing data (Collins, Schafer, & Kam, 2001).
Given the number of strongly correlated variables in our study
designs, we assumed that our inclusive multiple imputation
model produced results that are not meaningfully biased. Where
applicable, coefficients reported in the results section were
obtained by combining the imputed data sets using the formulas
reported by Rubin (1987,
Demographics of study participants
Study 1 |
Study 2 |
N |
220 |
153 |
Sex Girls |
Migration background |
22% |
9% |
Age at first progress monitoring test |
6.68 years |
6.72 years |
Note. Migration
background was defined via language(s) spoken at home.
Students who spoke another language than German at home were
categorized as having a migration background.
Figure 1. Schematic
overview of the time structure of study 1 and study 2. Study 1
was conducted from November 2010 to June 2012, study 2 was
conducted from November 2011 to May 2012. pp = paper pencil
Progress monitoring tests consisted of nine
measures in three competences with a total of 52 problems (Table 2 provides an overview of the measures used in the
progress monitoring test in both studies). The tests were
completely computerised, and students received detailed audio
instructions before each new set of tasks via headphones to
eliminate the influence of reading skills. All tasks were in
multiple choice format, in which students clicked on the
solution they thought to be correct. Tests were untimed, and
the children worked on them independently without teacher
instruction. Results were computed as percentage correct, and
educators could access results (graphs and tables) at student
and classroom level immediately after a test was completed by
a student. Results could be compared with class means or
overall mean scores of all participating classrooms in the
study, and results differing more than one standard deviation
from the mean could be highlighted.
During the two-week/three-week interval of each
test, classrooms could choose to test all students during one
class period (if computer rooms were available) or
consecutively on computers in the classroom, e.g., during
self-study periods. A time frame of two weeks per test was
initially chosen for particularly close monitoring of learning
growth. Intervals were extended to three weeks in study 2 as a
response to teacher feedback.
The test emphasized the gateway role of number
sense by assessing two sets of precursor skills, Basic Precursors and
Advanced Precursors.
Both competences were closely related to the triple-code model
(Dehaene & Cohen, 1995)
and Krajewski and Schneider's model of early mathematical
development (Krajewski &
Schneider, 2009). Precursor measures were
complemented by relevant curriculum-based Computation skills.
All measures included questions of varying difficulty to
differentiate between weaker and stronger students. Four
parallel versions (A-D) of the test were created by using
item-cloning algorithms for task creation and the selection of
distractors (cf. Clause,
Mullins, Nee, Pulakos, & Schmitt, 1998): For
every task, attributes that define its difficulty were
identified and held constant in the parallel tests (e.g., for
an addition task, the size of the second summand and whether
crossing the tens boundary was necessary). Throughout the
school year, each of the four tests was conducted twice to
obtain eight data points (sequence A-D, A-D).
Basic Precursors aimed at assessing fundamental
skills that students should be proficient at when entering
school. Basic Precursors contained the measures Number
Discrimination (similar to the TEN measure Quantity
Discrimination), Symbol Quantity Discrimination, and Number
Identification (also similar to the corresponding TEN
Advanced Precursors aimed at more sophisticated
precursor skills, which usually partly develop before school
entrance and should soon be mastered during school. Advanced
Precursors contained the measures Number Sequence 1/Number
Sequence 2 (similar to the TEN measure Missing Number and the
Next Number task used by Hampton et al., 2012) and Number Line,
which assesses the extent to which a linear mental number line
is developed (see Siegler &
Booth, 2004, for a discussion).
Computation aimed at the main curricular
arithmetic goals of German first grade, i.e., handling numbers
in the range of 1-20. Computation contained addition and
subtraction tasks as well as equation problems with dice.
Description of progress monitoring
Competence/Measure |
No. of
items |
Range |
Example problem |
Distractors |
Task description |
Precursors |
20 |
Discrimination |
8 |
1-500 |
64 | 38 |
Select the
larger number |
Quantity Discrimination |
6 |
1-10 |
Select the
picture with more shapes |
Identification |
6 |
1-100 |
Audio: "28" |
82 | 27 |
72 | 28 | 38 |
Select the
number that was given via audio |
Precursors |
17 |
Sequence 1 |
4 |
1-20 |
19, 18, ?
15 | 20 |
16 | 17 |
Select the
missing number (steps of 1) |
Sequence 2 |
4 |
1-20 |
4, 6, ? |
10 |
8 | 9
| 7 |
Select the
missing number (steps of 2) |
Line |
9 |
1-20 |
Audio: "12" |
Select the
number line that has a mark at the position of the
number that was given via audio |
Computation |
15 |
Addition |
5 |
1-20 |
6 + 5 = ? |
9 | 10 | 11 |
13 |
Select the
correct solution |
Subtraction |
4 |
1-20 |
15 - 8 = ? |
7 | 9 | 23 | 5 |
Select the
correct solution |
Equation |
6 |
1-10 |
4 + 4 | 7
+ 3 | 4 + 3 |
Select the
problem with the same solution as the dice problem |
Note. All measures
contained problems of varying difficulty, e.g., lower or
higher numbers. Detailed task descriptions were provided via
headphones in language suitable for children.
The three paper-pencil achievement tests in study
1 were selected with reference to their curricular adequacy of
the given time points. E.g., at the beginning of grade 1, an
achievement test suitable for whole classrooms cannot yet test
curricular competences which are only expected to develop
during the school year. For this reason, the Osnabrück test of number
concept development (OTZ; van Luit, van de Rijt,
&Hasemann, 2001) was chosen as pp1. The OTZ is
suitable for children age 4.5 to 7.5 and assesses precursor
skills such as counting, sorting, and comparing quantities. At
the end of first grade, the German mathematics test
for first grade (DEMAT 1+; Krajewski, Küspert, &
Schneider, 2002) was chosen as end-of-year criterion
(pp2). The DEMAT 1+ was developed following models of
early mathematical development, but mainly assesses curricular
goals from first grade, e.g., addition/subtraction in the
range of 1-20 and (de)composition of numbers. At the end of
second grade, the German
mathematics test for second grade (DEMAT 2+; Krajewski, Liehm, & Schneider,
2004) was chosen for inspecting long-term predictive
validity (pp3). The DEMAT 2+ assesses the main curricular
goals from second grade, e.g., basic arithmetic operations in
the range of 1-100, number properties, and geometry problems.
Paper pencil tests were group-administered within one
45-minute period in all classrooms[1].
All paper-pencil data were collected and put in by trained
university students. Results were calculated automatically
from raw test answers to prevent scoring errors.
Before each paper pencil test, teachers were
asked to rate each of their students' overall mathematic
competence on a 7-point Likert scale.
For study 1, several measures of feasibility of
the progress monitoring tests were assessed. Students were
surveyed about the computer tests after completion of all
eight probes, asking (1) how they liked the tests, and (2) how
they would like to do more tests in the next school year. A
5-point Likert scale using smiley faces was used as answer
format. Additionally, as a measure of direct usability, the
time needed to complete each test was logged by the test
system. Finally, all 10 teachers from study 1 completed a
survey about implementation time and their usage of test
We computed the internal reliability for total
scores and the three competences. Mean reliability of total
scores was .86 and varied within a narrow range, demonstrating
good overall internal consistency. Reliabilities of the single
competences were lower: While Advanced Precursors showed
satisfactory reliability, coefficients of Basic Precursors and
Computation ranged from low to acceptable (see Table 3).
Table 3
Internal consistencies of progress
monitoring overall scores and competence scores
a |
progress monitoring |
Overall score |
Basic Precursors |
Advanced Precursors |
Computation |
time 1 |
.84 |
.65 |
.72 |
.71 |
time 2 |
.86 |
.60 |
.78 |
.71 |
time 3 |
.85 |
.62 |
.79 |
.69 |
time 4 |
.85 |
.55 |
.81 |
.74 |
time 5 |
.87 |
.65 |
.83 |
.74 |
time 6 |
.86 |
.64 |
.80 |
.76 |
time 7 |
.88 |
.66 |
.82 |
.79 |
time 8 |
.88 |
.65 |
.84 |
.79 |
M |
.86 |
.63 |
.80 |
.74 |
As a measure of concurrent validity, correlations
between the progress monitoring tests and grade 1 fall pp1
scores were moderate, with .40 ≤ r ≤ .50. To
assess the progress monitoring tests' capacity to predict
later mathematics performance early in the school year,
correlations between the first four tests and grade 1 spring
pp2 scores were calculated. Coefficients were higher, with
.64 ≤ r ≤ .71,
strong predictive validity for the end-of-year performance.
Correlations between the first four progress monitoring tests
and pp3 scores at the end of grade 2 were only slightly lower,
with .61 ≤ r ≤ .68.
Later progress monitoring tests related to the pp2 and pp3
scores to a somewhat lesser degree (see Table 4).
Table 4
Concurrent and predictive validity
of progress monitoring scores
Measure |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
time 1 |
time 2 |
.74 |
time 3 |
.70 |
.80 |
time 4 |
.67 |
.74 |
.76 |
time 5 |
.62 |
.69 |
.69 |
.73 |
time 6 |
.64 |
.67 |
.74 |
.77 |
.73 |
time 7 |
.59 |
.59 |
.70 |
.76 |
.74 |
.80 |
time 8 |
.54 |
.59 |
.66 |
.68 |
.68 |
.75 |
.76 |
pp1 |
.41 |
.50 |
.47 |
.44 |
.45 |
.47 |
.43 |
.40 |
10. pp2 |
.64 |
.66 |
.65 |
.71 |
.62 |
.58 |
.59 |
.61 |
.46 |
11. pp3a |
.61 |
.65 |
.68 |
.51 |
.56 |
.57 |
.50 |
.42 |
.76 |
Note. All correlation
coefficients were statistically significant at an alpha level
of p < .001.
pp = paper pencil test a n = 148
Teachers' ratings of their students' mathematical
ability were correlated with the progress monitoring test
scores (see Table 5). Results initially revealed low to moderate
correlations between the progress monitoring scores and
ratings provided at the beginning of grade 1 (teacher rating
1; .29 ≤ r ≤ .42).
with ratings provided at the end of grade 1 were substantially
higher (teacher rating 2; .54 ≤ r ≤ .64)
and remained stable for ratings provided at the end of grade 2
(teacher rating 3; .54 ≤ r ≤ .66),
indicating high predictive validity.
Correlations between progress
monitoring scores and teacher ratings of students'
mathematical ability, provided at grade 1 fall, grade 1
summer, and grade 2 summer
progress monitoring |
teacher ratings |
1 |
2 |
3 |
time 1 |
.39 |
.60 |
.60 |
time 2 |
.40 |
.62 |
.66 |
time 3 |
.42 |
.64 |
.66 |
time 4 |
.37 |
.59 |
.62 |
time 5 |
.38 |
.54 |
.58 |
time 6 |
.34 |
.60 |
.59 |
time 7 |
.29 |
.54 |
.58 |
time 8 |
.37 |
.56 |
.54 |
Note. All correlation
coefficients were statistically significant at an alpha level
of p < .01.
Median test time for the first progress
monitoring test was 15.48 minutes (SD = 4.81).
Later test times were considerably lower and declined
continuously, from 13.85 minutes for test 2 (SD = 4.37)
to 8.20 minutes for test 8 (SD = 3.81).
The difference
between the first test and all other tests was partly due to
initial starting introductions to the test (approx. 1 minute)
and to the students' unfamiliarity with the system.
In the survey
about the progress monitoring tests, students rated the tests highly, with mean scores
of 4.28 (SD = 1.05)
on the question, "How did you like the tests?" and 4.34 (SD = 1.13)
on the item, "Would you like to do the tests again next school
year?" (on a smiley faces scale from 1, very unhappy to 5, very happy). 4% and
7% of the students rated the items negatively (scale points 1
or 2), opposed to 71% and 78% positive ratings (scale points 4
or 5).
The 10 teachers
who participated in study 1 gave similar estimations in the
questionnaire provided after completion of the progress
monitoring tests. On the 4-point Likert scale (disagree to agree), all teachers
agreed that, "most of the students had fun completing the
tests" (M = 3.70).
The same distribution of answers was found for the item, "The
students were able to conduct the tests independently". Nine
teachers stated that the added benefit of the tool was worth
the additional timely effort (M = 3.10).
Moreover, these teaches stated that they would continue to use
the system in the next school year (M = 3.60)
and recommend the program to fellow colleagues (M = 3.50).
Teachers declared that they used the progress monitoring
results diversely for classroom purposes. Apart from obtaining
general performance information at student and class level
(100%, 70% agreement, respectively), teachers found the
information especially useful when they were previously unsure
of a student's performance (70% also used the system for this
purpose). Most teachers adjusted their estimate of students'
performance for some students (80% agreement) and claimed to
have at least sometimes given weaker or stronger students
adjusted exercises based on progress monitoring test results
(70%, 90% agreement for weaker or stronger students,
respectively). Eight teachers stated that supplementary
education for weak students was offered at their schools, and
information from the progress monitoring tests was used for
designing the supplementary education at six of these schools.
A majority of respondents also found the information important
for communicating about performances with students, parents
and fellow teachers (90% agreement). The main concern of
several teachers participating in the study was the two-week
time frame per test in that study. They wished for three-week
testing intervals to allow more time for analysing and working
with the results.
While study 1 evaluated the test's validity as
well as its usability and practicality, study 2 focused on the
reliability and sensitivity to learning. With respect to the
different aims of the two studies, analyses also differed
between the studies. Additionally, given the extended test
intervals and because some of the test items were adjusted
concerning their difficulty for study 2, results differ
slightly from study 1.
We calculated the delayed alternate-form
reliability for each adjacent test (t1 × t2, t2 × t3, … t7 ×
t8). Coefficients ranged from r = .71 to
.83 (M = .78),
which is a sign for parallelism across tests. Parallelism is
also indicated by the pattern of correlations between
non-adjacent tests (see Table 6), which decreased only slightly with increasing
amount of time between the probes (e.g., test 1 × test 4).
Delayed alternate-form reliability
of progress monitoring scores, study 2
progress monitoring |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1. time 1 |
2. time 2 |
.71 |
3. time 3 |
.65 |
.74 |
4. time 4 |
.68 |
.76 |
.81 |
5. time 5 |
.67 |
.71 |
.78 |
.82 |
6. time 6 |
.60 |
.60 |
.64 |
.74 |
.77 |
7. time 7 |
.57 |
.63 |
.67 |
.74 |
.77 |
.79 |
8. time 8 |
.59 |
.67 |
.69 |
.69 |
.75 |
.76 |
.83 |
Note. Correlations of
same test forms are printed in bold. All correlation
coefficients were statistically significant at an alpha level
of p < .001.
The test's overall capacity to assess learning
gains was determined by calculating growth rates in
test scores using linear regression for the eight tests.
Weekly growth rates were obtained by dividing the resulting
slopes by 3 because of the three-week time frame of each test.
Weekly increases in overall scores of 1.0 percent points could
be observed (see Table 7; descriptive statistics for study 1 are listed
in the appendix), with larger weekly gains for Advanced
Precursors and Computation skills than for Basic Precursors.
Smaller Basic Precursors gains are mainly due to the Symbolic
Quantity Discrimination task which revealed ceiling effects
from the first probe (see Figure 2).
Descriptive statistics and growth
rates for competences, study 2
overall score |
Basic Precursors |
Advanced Precursors |
Computation |
progress monitoring |
M |
SD |
M |
SD |
M |
SD |
M |
SD |
time 1 |
62.1 |
11.7 |
79.4 |
13.0 |
55.9 |
19.0 |
46.1 |
15.4 |
time 2 |
66.5 |
14.0 |
79.1 |
12.6 |
65.6 |
21.9 |
50.6 |
19.1 |
time 3 |
70.8 |
14.5 |
83.1 |
12.4 |
66.6 |
23.1 |
59.1 |
19.5 |
time 4 |
74.3 |
14.8 |
84.6 |
10.9 |
73.0 |
23.0 |
61.9 |
22.9 |
time 5 |
75.6 |
13.6 |
86.1 |
10.5 |
72.5 |
20.5 |
65.0 |
20.7 |
time 6 |
78.1 |
14.5 |
87.0 |
11.2 |
74.3 |
20.6 |
70.6 |
21.5 |
time 7 |
82.8 |
13.4 |
90.1 |
9.6 |
80.2 |
21.3 |
76.0 |
21.3 |
time 8 |
81.2 |
14.4 |
88.5 |
11.1 |
77.8 |
22.6 |
75.2 |
22.6 |
Growth rate |
1.0 |
0.5 |
1.0 |
1.5 |
Note. All scores as
percentage correct. Growth rates are weekly growth rates,
calculated as slopes of linear regressions of the 8 tests
divided by 3 (because of the three-week delay between each
test in study 2).
Figure 2. Growth rates for single measures in study 2 (n = 153).
(see pdf file)
Statistical significance of growth rates for
overall scores was examined by conducting repeated-measures
analyses of variance. Mauchly's Test revealed a violation of
sphericity (p < .001).
Thus, Greenhouse-Geisser corrections were used (Greenhouse & Geisser, 1959).
Results indicate an effect of time, F(5.50, 836.18) =
137.73, p < .001,
= .48. There was also a significant effect of time for the
three single
competences Basic Precursors, F(6.22, 945.13) =
35.14, p < .001,
η² = .19; Advanced Precursors, F(6.04, 917.67) =
51.47, p < .001,
= .25; and Computation, F(5.63,
= 96.95, p < .001,
= .39. Post hoc tests were performed to analyse for
significant increases from test to test. All six increases in
total scores from test 1 to test 7 were significant (see Table 8). However, scores decreased from test 7 to test
8. For Basic Precursors and Advanced Precursors, 4 and 3 of
the six increases from test 1 to 7, respectively, were
significant (p < .05)
as well as all six increases for Computation scores. Decreases
from test 7 to 8 were significant only for Advanced
Precursors, t(152) = 1.69,
p = .049.
Comparisons of mean differences in progress
monitoring scores for study 2
comparisons |
mean score |
t |
df |
P |
time 1 – time 2 |
-2.26 (5.20) |
-5.37 |
152 |
< .001*** |
time 2 – time 3 |
-2.25 (5.32) |
-5.23 |
152 |
< .001*** |
time 3 – time 4 |
-1.80 (4.73) |
-4.72 |
152 |
< .001*** |
time 4 – time 5 |
-0.67 (4.46) |
-1.87 |
152 |
.031* |
time 5 – time 6 |
-1.33 (5.01) |
-3.28 |
152 |
.001** |
time 6 – time 7 |
-2.45 (4.77) |
-6.18 |
152 |
< .001*** |
time 7 – time 8 |
(4.23) |
2.24 |
152 |
.014* |
The current study extends the research on
progress monitoring for young students by using an automated
assessment tool that allows frequent tests in
regular-education settings and provides educators with
detailed information about students' skills. The primary goal
of the study was to determine the adequacy of the
newly‑developed progress monitoring tool. First-grade students
work independently on the short online tests, so that
diagnostic information about students' performance and
progress is obtained with minimal instructional time. The tool
uses a combination of robust indicator and curriculum sampling
approaches to comprehensively assess nine short measures of
mathematic performance forming three competences. Static
scores and longitudinal psychometric properties were
investigated alongside feasibility and usefulness for
instructional changes.
First, with regard to reliability, the overall
scores of the progress monitoring tests showed good internal
consistencies within a narrow range. Consistencies of
individual competence scores – particularly Basic Precursors
and Computation – were considerably lower. Low coefficients
for Basic Precursors may be due to ceiling effects;
Computation consistencies were larger for later tests, which
may indicate that the three measures within the competence set
are distinct skills at first. The distribution of difficulties
(see Figure 2) contributes to this interpretation.
Correlations between adjacent tests as a measure of delayed
alternate-form reliability were strong, which indicates
reliable assessment of students' performance despite the young
age of the students. Increasing adjacent-test correlations
after test 3 (see Table 6) argue that frequent tests are advantageous.
Second, progress monitoring tests 1 to 4 were
closely related to the paper pencil results and teacher
ratings at the end of first and second grade (pp2 and pp3).
Noteworthy is the stability of the predictions over time,
which indicates that the progress monitoring tests in the
first half of the school year assess skills particularly
important for long-term mathematics success. Somewhat lower
correlations between tests 5 to 8 and the standardised tests
pp2 and pp3 may be because – as indicated in Figure 2 – some children showed ceiling effects at the end
of the school year. Some ceiling effects are a desired result
because test items are designed to represent end-of-year
competence goals, which several students typically already
reach earlier in the school year. Yet, reduced variance of
progress monitoring tests is likely to result in a slight
reduction of correlations with standardised measures of
mathematical competence.
Progress monitoring results were less closely
related to the paper pencil test at the beginning of
grade 1, which merely assessed precursor abilities and
was only moderately predictive of the results of the later
paper pencil achievement tests (see Table 4). Moderate predictive value was also observed
for the first performance ratings by the teachers, who had
known their students for about two months at that time
(correlations between teacher rating 1 and pp2/pp3 were r = .44 and
.43, respectively). Thus, in addition to the detailed results
on precursor abilities from standardised tests (e.g., OTZ),
the progress monitoring tests can provide teachers with
information about students' abilities vital for long‑term
learning growth.
Third, the tests proved to be sensitive to
learning growth with increasing scores from progress
monitoring test 1 to 8 in all competences. However, some
scores decreased in the last test, an occurrence which has
also been observed in other progress monitoring research when
frequent tests were conducted (Förster
& Souvignier, 2011; Hampton et al., 2012). For
progress monitoring tests 1 to 7, all test-to-test increases
were significant for overall scores and Computation. For Basic
Precursors and Advanced Precursors – skills that were expected
to be mastered before or soon after school entrance – higher
overall scores than for Computation were observed, and only
some of the increases were significant. Thus, growth patterns
of these two single competences should be interpreted with
caution and over longer time periods.
Finally, several measures of feasibility and
usefulness of the tool showed adequate results. The time that
students needed to complete a test was low, and the students
were able to work on the tests independently. The remaining
implementation effort was justified in the eyes of the
teachers, a precondition for frequent and beneficial use.
Teachers also stated that they used the results in diverse
ways for classroom purposes and individualised instructions,
although the exact scope of instructional changes remains
To conclude, the study at hand addresses a number
of issues that were discussed in previous research. By
including measures from two approaches, robust indicators and
curriculum sampling, the progress monitoring tool provided
teachers with performance information about tasks which are
directly related to classroom work. At the same time, the
combination of different measures proved to be reliable and
highly predictive of students' short- and long-term
performance. Overall scores increased from test to test for
all but the last data point, enabling teachers to judge their
students' progress and implement necessary interventions
rapidly. Low testing times and concise results views provide
an adequate basis for use in general education.
At least five limitations should be taken into
account when generalising the findings of this study. First,
although the participating classrooms were selected from rural
and urban areas in different school districts, all schools
were in the same federal state, and results could differ in
other regions of Germany.
Second, the differing test intervals and slightly
adjusted test items between study 1 and 2 limit the
comparability of results between the studies.
Third, no direct measure of parallel-forms
reliability was obtained because different test forms were not
administered at the same time. All test items were designed
using detailed algorithms to ensure similar difficulties, and
narrow-ranging reliability coefficients (a) for adjacent tests
in study 2 and (b) for predictive validity in study 1 suggest
some degree of parallelism. Nonetheless, parallelism of the
test concept should be assumed with caution until direct
parallel-forms reliability has been determined.
Fourth, slightly larger test score increases in
the first few progress monitoring tests (when students are
still somewhat unfamiliar with the computer tests) may
indicate some degree of retest effects. However, large
differences in the slopes of different measures (cf. Figure 2) and teachers' ratings of the usability of the
tests for children suggest that this effect is small.
Finally, the added value of the Basic Precursors
competence for the majority of students remains questionable.
Basic Precursors scores showed ceiling effects early, with low
internal consistencies and limited increases over time. The
competence was included in the test as a measure for skills
which students should already have acquired before school
entrance. Teachers should therefore pay special attention to
students who do not reach high Basic Precursors scores.
Several different competences were included in
the test concept at hand to provide teachers with detailed
information about students' strengths and weaknesses, as
recommended by Methe (2012).
Overall scores were highly predictive of the students'
long‑term learning outcome, and teachers stated to utilise the
information for individualised instruction and supplementary
education. Single competence scores in part showed lower
levels of internal consistency and sensitivity to learning
growth than desired. Teachers should thus prefer overall test
scores when making high-stakes educational decisions. Results
of the nine single measures can be used at individual level to
detect specific deficiencies that prevent a student from
advancing in other competence areas. All in all, general
education teachers can use the progress monitoring tool to
reliably and quickly assess different aspects of their
students' mathematics performance and the development over
time. A review by Stecker et al. (2005) showed that the use of
progress monitoring tools resulted in higher learning gains
specifically if educators were provided with diverse
information about student competences, which they then
utilised for individualised instruction. Most participating
teachers in our study stated that they used the results to
adjust their classroom work. However, the extent and success
of these adjustments have not been assessed.
We recommend two fields of interest for further
research in this domain. First, the specific contribution of
single competences for the performance of different groups of
students remains to be determined. For low-performing
students, certain precursor cut-off scores may provide a more
accurate risk estimation of long-term mathematics success than
total scores. Second, it remains largely unexplored how
teachers systematically use progress monitoring information to
enhance student learning. Although the tool at hand includes
several measures that are directly related to the curriculum,
the review by Stecker et al. (2005) suggests that teachers
need additional support with "translating" diagnostic
information into improved classroom work.
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[1] OTZ tasks were slightly adjusted to allow group administration (no German standardised paper pencil test that originally allows group administration was available). For DEMAT 1+ and DEMAT 2+, one task was omitted that had not been introduced in any of the participating classes at the time of testing. Thus, overall results are not directly comparable to the reference sample reported by the test authors.
[2] Our study design resulted in data with a hierarchical structure (students nested in classrooms), and some intra-class correlations (ICC) suggested that error variances may be underestimated if this was not accounted for (the mean ICC for all progress monitoring and paper pencil tests was .08). We therefore performed multi-level modelling (using Mplus 7.11) in addition to single-level modelling for all correlational analyses in both studies. Concerning correlations, the maximum absolute difference between the methods in study 1 and 2 was .04 and .03, respectively. The mean difference of all correlation coefficients was <.01 and .01, respectively, with multi-level mean correlations being marginally higher in study 2. Furthermore, there was no meaningful difference in the mean standard error (Mdiff < .01; the single maximum absolute difference was .03), and all p levels were identical. Because of the relatively small number of classrooms and because single-level results are slightly more conservative, we report results from single-level analyses.