Modelling for Prediction vs. Modelling for Understanding:
Commentary on Musso et al. (2013)
Peter Edelsbrunnera, Michael
aETH Zurich, Switzerland
bUniversity of Trier, Germany
received 11 September 2013 / accepted 12 December 2013 /
available online 20 December 2013
Musso et al. (2013) predict
students’ academic achievement with high accuracy one year in
advance from cognitive and demographic variables, using
artificial neural networks (ANNs). They conclude that ANNs
have high potential for theoretical and practical improvements
in learning sciences. ANNs are powerful statistical modelling
tools but they can mainly be used for exploratory modelling.
Moreover, the output generated from ANNs cannot be fully
translated into a meaningful set of rules because they store
information about input-output relations in a complex,
distributed, and implicit way. These problems hamper
systematic theory-building as well as communication and
justification of model predictions in practical contexts.
Modern-day regression techniques, including (Bayesian)
structural equation models, have advantages similar to those
of ANNs but without the drawbacks. They are able to handle
numerous variables, non-linear effects, multi-way
interactions, and incomplete data. Thus, researchers in the
learning sciences should prefer more theory-driven and
parsimonious modelling techniques over ANNs whenever possible.
Keywords: Artificial
neural networks; Commentary; Black box; Student achievement;
Statistical modelling
Corresponding author: Michael Schneider, University
of Trier,,, and Peter Edelsbrunner, ETH
Musso, Kyndt, Cascallar, and Dochy (2013) conducted
a study in which the statistical modelling technique of
artificial neural networks (ANNs) was used to predict the
academic achievement of university students a year in advance.
The measures used were attention, working memory, learning
strategies, and demographic variables. The results were precise
estimations of each student’s achievement tercile after their
first year at university. This is an impressive success,
demonstrating the usefulness of ANNs as a statistical modelling
study has raised an important question of the preferred
statistical methods used by researchers in learning sciences.
Should ANNs replace conventional statistical methods such as
multiple regression, discriminant analysis, and structural
equation modelling? – The potential of ANNs cannot be denied
especially as a tool to examine predictive patterns in complex
systems. However, Musso and colleagues overestimate the ability
of ANNs in their application to the learning sciences. They do
not mention shortcomings of ANNs, while overemphasizing
shortcomings of competing conventional methods.
are limited in at least two important ways. First, the
construction of ANN models such as those used by Musso et al. is
highly explorative apart from choosing relevant input and output
variables (Günther, Pigeot, &Bammann, 2012; Scarborough
& Somers, 2006). The connection weights, which determine how
an ANN transforms input into output patterns, are not specified
by the researchers or based on theory. They are set to random
values and changed gradually by an optimisation algorithm. This
process usually involves thousands of iterations until each
input pattern leads to the desired output pattern in the
training data set. ANNs, thus, cannot be entirely compared to
conventional methods since the latter are aimed at confirming or
disconfirming pre-specified relations and interactions. In other
words, the research question should determine whether the
exploratory nature of ANNs is adequate, or if a conventional,
confirmatory model should be the method of choice.
connection weights cannot be codified into a coherent set of
rules that delineate the process by which ANNs transform input
patterns into output patterns. ANNs typically have a high number
of connections between neurons (e.g., 300 in ANN1 by Musso et
al.). The transformation process of input into output patterns
is determined by non-linear, multi-way interactions of these
connection weights. Recent research has attempted to increase
the interpretability of ANNs, for example with the help of
visualizations for complex interactions (e.g., Cortez &
Embrechts, 2013; Intrator & Intrator, 2001). However, the
basic problem of how non-linear interactions between hundreds of
variables can be understood and communicated in meaningful terms
has not yet been solved, causing ANNs to be frequently
characterised as “black boxes” (cf. Benitez, Castro, &
Requena, 1997). While one can assess how well an ANN works, it
is difficult to comprehensively explain why it performs well or
not (Scarborough & Somers, 2006). To interpret their
results, Musso and colleagues list an importance parameter for
each predictor but these parameters do not explain interaction
effects or non-linear relations among the variables. In
addition, it is difficult to integrate the results of ANNs
across studies and also generalise from samples to underlying
populations due to the lack of output parameters such as
standard errors and error probabilities.
explorative and opaque nature of ANNs impedes theory-developing
and limits their practical application. Each relation in a
statistical model should ideally correspond to a matching
relation in an educational or psychological theory that
justifies and explains the assumed statistical relation.
Researchers can compare competing theories and advance
assumptions that are not in line with the empirical data by
fitting a series of statistical models that differ in
theoretically relevant aspects (Kaplan, 1990). This is not
possible with ANNs because the input-output relations are
implicitly coded and distributed over all connection weights,
preventing researchers from being able to map elements of an ANN
and elements of a theory onto each other (Luger, 2009, p. 680).
results obtained from ANN models are also of limited use for
solving real-life problems. This limitation can be illustrated
in a situation where diagnosticians would have to tell certain
high school students that despite achieving satisfactory levels
in their current academic performances, they cannot be admitted
to college because an ANN predicts low academic performance in
the future. In justifying the results, the diagnosticians would
have to admit that they cannot explain how the different
predictors statistically combine, nor describe the causal
processes that will contribute to the anticipated decrease in
the students’ achievement. These limitations are unsatisfactory
from diagnostic, educational, and public policymaking
methods represent more parsimonious and theory-driven
alternatives to ANNs because they use smaller numbers of
parameters, which enhances the interpretability of results. Like
ANNs, modern regression techniques can account for non-linear
relations (Bates & Watts, 2007) and complex interactions
between variables (Aiken & West, 1991). Structural equation
models are built on regression techniques and
Aiken, L. S., & West, S. G. (1991). Multiple
regression: Testing and interpreting interactions. Newbury Park, CA:
Bates, D. M., & Watts, D. G. (2007). Nonlinear
regression analysis and its applications (2nd ed.). Hoboken,
NJ: Wiley.
Benitez, J. M., Castro, J. L., & Requena, I.
(1997). Are
artificial neural networks black boxes? IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks, 8,
1156-1164. doi:10.1109/72.623216
Cortez, P., & Embrechts, M. J. (2013). Using
sensitivity analysis and visualization techniques to open black
box data mining models. Information
Sciences, 225, 1-17.
Günther, F., Pigeot, I., & Bammann, K. (2012). Artificial
neural networks modeling gene-environment interaction. BMC Genetics, 13(1),
37. doi:10.1186/1471-2156-13-37
Hoyle, R. H. (Ed.). (2012). Handbook of
structural equation modeling. New York: Guilford
Intrator, O., & Intrator, N. (2001).
Interpreting neural-network results: A simulation study. Computational
Statistics & Data Analysis, 37, 373-393.
Kaplan, D. (1990). Evaluating and modifying
covariance structure models: A review and recommendation. Multivariate
Behavioral Research, 25, 137-155.
Luger, G. F. (2009). Artificial
intelligence: Structures and strategies for complex problem
solving (6th
ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Musso, M. F., Kyndt, E., Cascallar, E. C., &
Dochy, F. (2013). Predicting general academic performance and
identifying the differential contribution of participating
variables using artificial neural networks. Frontline
Learning Research, 1, 42-71.
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Scarborough, D., & Somers, M. J. (2006). Neural networks
in organizational research: Applying pattern recognition to
the analysis of organizational behavior (pp. 137-144).
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Song, X. Y., & Lee, S. Y. (2012). Basic and advanced Bayesian structural equation modeling: With applications in the medical and behavioral sciences. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.