‘Who do you talk to about your
teaching?’: networking activities among university teachers
Nino Pataraiaa, Isobel Falconera, Anoush Margaryana, Allison Littlejohna, Sally Fincher b
a Caledonian
Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland,
b University of
Kent, Kent, England, UK
Pataraia, 58 Port Dundas Road, G4 0HG, Glasgow, UK,
Article received 15
February 2014 / revised 26 April 2014 / accepted 28 June
2014 / available online 15 July 2014
As the higher education environment changes,
there are calls for university teachers to change and
enhance their teaching practices to match. Networking
practices are known to be deeply implicated in studies of
change and diffusion of innovation, yet academics’ networking
activities in relation to teaching have been little studied.
This paper extends the current limited understanding, building
on Roxå and Mårtensson’s work (2009) and extending it from
Sweden to the UK and USA. It is based on two separate studies,
one from the Share Project led by the University of Kent, and
one from Glasgow Caledonian University, exploring the
composition of personal networks, and the characteristics of
interactions in order to understand the networking practices
which may support change of teaching practice. We conclude
that academics’ personal teaching networks are mainly
discipline-specific and strongly localised. This contrasts
with the research networks found by Becher and Trowler (2001)
and may reduce innovation, although about half the respondents
also had external contacts that might support creativity.
Keywords: Networks; Interactions; Conversational partners;
Higher Education; Academics
Corresponding author:
the higher education environment changes, there are calls for
university teachers to change and enhance their teaching
practices to match (e.g. European Commission, 2009). If in the
past learning, adult education and professional development were
largely associated with formal education and training (Kyndt,
Dochy, & Nijs, 2009; Tynjälä, 2008), nowadays it is becoming
recognised that learning is lifewide and can take place at work
or elsewhere (Skule, 2004). Furthermore, education scholars
argue that teaching knowledge is frequently experientially
acquired, and change in teaching occurs through adoption and
adaptation of new practices learnt about informally (Eraut;
1994; 2004; Knight, 2006). Thomson (2013) argues that “academics
are able to learn about teaching through informal conversation,
and for some issues, and even individuals, it may be a more
appropriate means for learning about teaching than formal
academic development” (p. 205). Despite the fact that the
significance of informal aspects of academics’ learning about
teaching is becoming recognised, there is still little insight
into how and when academics engage in informal learning for
enhancing their practice (Thomson, 2013). Given that a network
represents a locus for informal interactions, offering a medium
for the exchange of resources and experience, capacity building
and collaborative development of knowledge (Koper, Rusman, &
Sloep, 2005; Powell, Koput, & Smith-Doerr, 1996; Tynjälä
& Nikkanen 2009), academics’ interactions about teaching are
grounded and discussed in the context of networks.
network comprises a set of actors (“nodes”) and a set of
relations (“ties” or “edges”), between the nodes (Wasserman
& Faust, 1994). Common objectives for interaction bring
network participants together (Paavola, Lipponen, &
Hakkarainen, 2002). Network members may be connected either
directly or indirectly, and their connections can be either
informal (trust-based), or formalized through contracts. The
ties may comprise flows of various types, such as flows of
information, materials, financial resources, services, and
social support (Monge & Contractor, 2003). Granovetter
(1973) differentiated between strong and weak ties, describing
strong ties in terms of the time and emotions invested in the
relationship. Examples of strong ties include friendship and
familial relationships, which facilitate the transfer of tacit,
sensitive and complex knowledge (Burt, 1992; Reagans &
McEvily, 2003). Weak ties, by contrast, encompass a more
restrained investment of time and intimacy. Granovetter
suggested that weak ties serve as bridges between otherwise
disconnected social groups and are more important in
disseminating new, non-redundant information and resources than
strong ties.
order to understand different properties of networks, it is
useful to draw on a range of network theories. Homophily and
Proximity Theories are particularly important for scrutinising
and interpreting the likelihood of establishing and/or
dissolving network ties. According to Proximity Theory (Monge
& Contractor, 2003, p.303), “people communicate most
frequently with those to whom they are physically closest and
proximity increases the opportunities for individuals to observe
and learn more about one another, thereby creating conditions
favourable for the development of communication ties”. Rogers
(2003) asserted that communication is usually most effective
between individuals who are similar, or homophilous, in some
respect. Proximity theory implies that those who are physically
close and communicate frequently are more likely to become
homophilous, thus leading to the development of Rogers’s (2003)
conditions for effective communication. Nevertheless, recent
technological developments have greatly affected the spatial and
social structure of groups, communities and other entities,
offering easy access to new information/knowledge/resources and
sustainment of communication ties (Wellman, 2001). The advent of
ubiquitous virtual networking raises the question of whether the
concept of proximity is still relevant. While Homophily and
Proximity Theories are useful for understanding the formation of
network ties, Social Capital Theory helps to evaluate the value
of social networks. Social Capital Theory explicates that
individuals invest in forming social relationships in order to
acquire access to rich resources, namely emotional and
professional support, expertise, valuable new connections, and
different type of capital (Knowledge, Human, Social and
Learning) (Wenger, Trayner, & De Laat, 2011).
has emphasised the importance of networking, along with other
forms of social exchange, for both individual and organisational
learning (Katz, Earl, & Jaffar, 2009; Trinkle, 2009;
Tynjälä, 2008). Scholars have concluded that networks facilitate
dissemination of good teaching practices (Coburn & Russell,
2008). Engagement in networks offers new ways of thinking about
educational quality and enhances teachers’ knowledge,
potentially altering their thinking and classroom practice
(Hargreaves, 2003). Furthermore, networks have been recognised
as a key instrument for sustained teacher learning and
professional development (Katz et al., 2009). Through
networking, individuals form and maintain useful relationships
with others who can, potentially, provide work-related support
(Forret & Dougherty, 2004). In addition, networks equip
teachers with a sense of empowerment, provide emotional support,
and encourage engagement in teaching (Baker-Doyle, 2011).
Nevertheless, it is worth highlighting that these arguments have
been largely derived from research in school teaching contexts.
Pioneering investigations of educational networks have primarily
focused either on teachers’ learning in the context of secondary
education (McCormick et al., 2011) or on academics’ research and
departmental networks (Becher & Trowler, 2001; Pifer, 2010).
For example, McCormick et al. (2011) examined the role of
networks in school teachers’ learning, suggesting that
application of network theories would lead to a better
understanding of educational networks. Several studies have
documented that informal interactions contribute to enhancement
of teaching practice (Schuck, Aubusson, & Buchanan, 2008;
Thomson, 2013). However, many of these studies have examined
centrally-organised, formal networks stressing network
coordinators’ viewpoints on the overall value of networks for
teachers’ professional development (Kerr et al., 2003).
Therefore, there is still little insight into what role personal
networks play in supporting the professional development of
teachers (Baker-Doyle, 2011). It is worth emphasising that there
is even less understanding of personal networks at HE teacher
level. Hence, this paper aims to extend the limited
understanding of academics’ teaching networks by focusing on
personal, egocentric networks where, “the network is perceived
by the individual at its centre” (Wellman, 1998, p.19). We
explore the composition of academics’ personal networks, and
also the nature, frequency, venue and characteristics of
interactions in order to understand how academics’ networks may
support learning and change of teaching practice. Furthermore,
Coburn & Russell (2008) have emphasised that previous
studies have ignored the content of teachers’ interactions. This
research responds to this call by investigating themes of
participating academics’ interactions.
number of previous studies examined academics’ self-initiated
networks. Most notably, Pifer (2010) explored the networking
behaviour of academics in the US universities. She found that
academics relied on their departmental colleagues for
instruction, mentoring, professional opportunities, support with
writing grant application and publications, and general support
and friendship. Pifer’s study showed that “departmental
characteristics, such as proximity, disciplinary influence, and
the culture of the department, appeared to influence the
interactions of academics” and academics tended to “cultivate
relationships and exchange resources with colleagues they
perceived to be like them, and less likely to interact with
colleagues they perceived to be different from them” (ibid, p.
227–230). However, Pifer’s work focused solely on networks
within single departments. She identified the need for further
research into other types of academic networks. This paper
addresses this gap by examining relationships both within and
beyond the department.
and Mårtensson (2009) investigated academics’ networks in a
Swedish university. Drawing on a socio-cultural perspective,
they explored the conversations that teachers have with their
colleagues. They presumed that some of these conversations could
have an influence on teachers to develop new understanding of
teaching or even significantly alter their conceptions of
teaching. To test the reliability of their assumption, they
asked 106 faculty members in Sweden from a range of disciplines
to reflect on their conversations about teaching. They
discovered that “academics relied on a network of a few
significant others as they constructed, maintained, or changed
their understanding of the teaching and learning reality” (2009,
p. 214). On average, participants reported ten conversational
partners, which accords with Becher and Trowler’s observations
of the smaller research network (2001). Furthermore, their
research revealed that although the participants found their
conversational partners anywhere - in the same or other
departments, disciplines, or institutions, or outside academia -
the proportion of conversational partners was higher within the
department than in other locations.
extends the work of Roxå and Mårtensson (2009) by examining a
wider range of aspects of conversations about teaching within
networks. The research is guided by the following research
do academics talk to about their teaching?
What are the main themes (content) of academics’ conversations?
With what frequency and where do academics’ conversations take
What factors motivate academics to network and what value do
they perceive in their interactions?
data presented in this paper were derived from two interrelated
studies from the pilot phase: the Share Project Longitudinal
and the “Academics’ Networking Practices” (ANP) project[2]
at Glasgow Caledonian University. The Share project, at the
University of Kent, comprised a number of separate studies,
which broadly aimed to investigate with whom academics discuss
their teaching practice. More precisely, the Share Project
Longitudinal Study was concerned with the exploration of the
setting, nature and value of academics’ interactions related to
teaching. Examination of these topics informed the ANP project
in terms of its methodological approach and research objectives.
The overarching aim of the ANP project was to uncover further
how social interactions and the structure of personal networks
influence academics' learning, affecting their behaviour and
supporting change in teaching practice.
the analytical method of Social Network Analysis (SNA). This
method is specifically designed to examine the patterns, causes
and consequences of established relationships between different
individuals (Scott & Carrington, 2011). However, SNA falls
short of revealing the motivation behind individuals’ actions
within their networks. Since several authors have recommended
application of different forms of data collection for breadth
and depth of understanding and also for corroboration of network
processes (Kilduff & Tsai, 2007; Mehra, Kilduff, &
Brass, 1998), this study integrated both quantitative and
qualitative approaches.
part of a more extensive questionnaire, longitudinal study of 18
academics in computing, mathematics and technology subjects, 14
provided a free-text written response regarding their
teaching-related interactions. Study 1 drew on convenience
sampling. The response rate was 83%. Two explicit inclusion
criteria were used: 1. Potential study participants had to be
teaching in Math/Computing/Technology area, and 2. Participants
would be eager to participate in two interventions a year over a
period of three years. Within the
mathematics/computing/technology constraint, they were chosen to
represent a variety of institutional contexts, experience and
reputation for innovation. The given study examined the
composition of academics’ teaching networks along with the
frequency, nature and content of interactions.
probe findings from the Share project further, eleven academics
representing three institutions and five disciplines, namely
Engineering-2/11; Life Sciences-4/11; Education-2/11; Social
Sciences-1/11; Humanities-2/11, were interviewed. Interviewees
for Study 2 were drawn using convenience sampling. The response
rate was 100%. The main criterion for the selection was that the
potential interviewee had to be an innovative/excellent teacher.
The interviews lasted one to one and a half hours and were audio
recorded and transcribed. Interview protocol and interview
questions can be accessed at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2to0roh4IbxXzRSaWZ4ckJ5NUk/edit?usp=sharing.
same techniques of analysis were applied to the 14 written
responses from Study 1 and 11 interview transcripts from Study
2. Descriptive statistics, using SPSS software, focused on
describing the characteristics of the sample along with the
number of contact types/categories, the frequency and themes of
interaction about teaching. Given that variables of interest
were categorical (qualitative) by nature, frequencies were
utilised to obtain descriptive statistics (Pallant, 2010). The
research questions were used to define initial coding classes
for written data and further classes were created as themes
emerged. Emergent classes were developed by two independent
researchers, then compared and contrasted. Checks for
consistency and reliability were carried out and the final list
of codes was refined. Overall, eight classes were created: 1.
Contact category (Table 1); 2. Level of Experience; 3.
Disciplinary affiliation; 4. Frequency of interaction; 5. Venue
of interaction; 6. Nature of interaction; 7. Preferred method of
interaction; 8. Content of interaction. The purpose of these
thematic categories was to organise data into meaningful units
of analysis. Table 1 shows the different categories of contacts
enumerated by academics. Table 2 outlines the categories within
the classes frequency, nature and themes of conversations.
Contact categories (top
row) and types within each category
‘Family’ |
department’ |
institution’ |
‘Friends’ |
‘Elsewhere’ |
member, profession not specified Family
member teaching Family
member non-teaching |
colleague, role not specified Colleagues
teaching same or companion modules Support
Staff Students: current |
teaching in other departments, same institution
(discipline not specified) Academics
teaching in other, but related
disciplines/departments Central
support staff |
profession not specified Friends
teaching Friends
non-teaching |
relationships outside the institution, role not
specified Formal
relationships; collaborations (i.e., co-authors) Non-academic
relations Former
colleagues Students: Former
and prospective |
Table 2
within the frequency, nature of conversation, and theme
Frequency of Interactions |
The nature of
conversations |
Themes |
specified=0 Once
a term-yearly=1 Fortnightly-several
times per term=2 2
weekly-fortnightly=3 Daily=4 |
specified=0 Formal=1 Informal=2 |
Unspecified=0 Learning,
curriculum design; projects for students=1 Students
experience/progress=2 Research
and developing teaching=3 Approach
to teaching=4 Feedback
to students/students’ assessment=5 Tips
and ideas for teaching=6 Problems
with students=7 Administration/management=8 Concerns
with institutional environment=9 Other=10 |
data were classified, summarized and visualized using Nvivo 9.
Initially, interview transcripts were read to uncover the key
themes; subsequently, data were broken down into discrete parts,
closely examined, and compared for similarities and differences.
From content analysis, themes, such as contact categories;
nature, content, intensity and venue of interactions; motivating
factors, and also the value of networking, emerged (Babbie,
presentation of results is structured around our four research
order to understand the configuration and composition of
academics’ teaching networks, information about teaching-related
interactions was gathered. Each participant was free to name as
many contacts as they wished, located across different settings
and representing diverse categories of relationships, namely
department/institutional/external colleagues, friends and/or
family members. It is worth mentioning that each academic could
identify more than one contact type under each category (e.g.
“Staff directly involved in the course I teach” and
“Postgraduates who teach”; These two different types of contact
would still appear “In department” category). Since no
boundaries were predefined and also no temporal or numerical
constraints were introduced for capturing academics’ significant
teaching-related interactions, we presume that enumerated
contacts represent members of participants’ personal networks
rather than of their tightly-knit communities.
that academics discuss their teaching with diverse types of
contact. However, when asked “who do you talk to about your
teaching”, participants tended to name departmental colleagues
first before mentioning other types of connection. Interviewee
5, specialising in Life Science, emphasised that “everything I
do, I discuss with others, here, in the departmental level”.
Similarly Interviewee 8, representing Life Sciences, highlighted
having close interactions with the departmental programme team
while designing new, or amending old, courses. Overall, the
majority of teaching-related contact types fell under the
category of department. “Elsewhere” and “Institution”
represented the second and the third most frequently quoted
categories, followed by “Family” and “Friends”. Only two out of
eleven academics from Study 2 prioritised interactions outside
their institution. These two a-typical cases were experienced
teachers from the discipline of Education. It has to be noted
that some respondents identified individual contacts (eg. “the
director of teaching”), while others named only types of contact
(eg. “other instructors in my department”), giving no precise
idea how many individuals within each contact type they talk to.
Therefore, analysis is at the level of contact type, rather than
individuals. Findings from this research suggest that common
interests, namely joint projects, goals, problems, mutual
commitment (“we actually sit on the same committee, we teach on
the same course, we are on the same project”), trust and good
personal relations played an essential role in cultivating and
maintaining connections with others, encouraging open
discussions and idea exchange in regards to teaching.
studies normally rely on a simple name generator question, such
as “Who do you talk to about specific topic”, data derived from
these two studies were sufficient to capture participants’
contacts distributed across diverse settings, determining the
configuration and the basic size of academics’ teaching network.
In sum, findings suggest that academics’ interactions are
concentrated in, but not confined to, departments, spreading
more weakly across and outside academia. This observation is in
line with Roxå and Mårtensson’s finding in Sweden that,
“academics’ conversational partners could be found anywhere:
within their discipline, in other universities or outside
academia” and with their diagram showing a higher proportion of
contacts within the department (2009, p. 551, diagram on page
552). As mentioned above, there were only two interviewees who
had teaching networks that focused strongly outside their
department and institution. It seems likely that their teaching
and research networks were inseparable and shared the
characteristics of research networks comprised of dispersed
contacts (Becher & Trowler, 2001). Given that respondents
tended to list informal interactions first and in greater
numbers than formal, it can be presumed that they attach greater
significance to the informal. This concurs with Roxå and
Mårtensson’s (2009) finding for teaching networks in Sweden, and
bears out Knight (2006), Thomson (2013) and Eraut’s (1994; 2004)
claims that teachers’ learning is informal. The small
significant research networks observed by Becher and Trowler
(2001) were also informal. Although our data did not measure the
absolute size of respondents’ teaching networks, the indications
are that they were small, sparse and simultaneously informal.
research sheds light on the content of academics’ interactions,
examining the flow of different types of resources, advice,
information and support within personal networks. Data revealed
that conversations about teaching varied in terms of their
content across diverse types of contact. Table 3 illustrates the
themes discussed across the five contact categories:
of themes discussed across five categories of contacts
discussed with different categories of contacts |
‘Family’ |
department' |
institution’ |
‘Friends’ |
‘Elsewhere’ |
curriculum design; projects for students |
1 |
11 |
3 |
0 |
6 |
experience/progress |
2 |
6 |
3 |
0 |
3 |
and developing teaching |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
to teaching |
1 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
to students/students’ assessment |
0 |
7 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
and ideas for teaching |
1 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
with students |
2 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Administration/management |
1 |
9 |
2 |
0 |
3 |
with institutional environment |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Other |
3 |
5 |
4 |
1 |
3 |
issues and concerns with the institutional environment formed a
high proportion of conversations with family “... content of
modules, how things are going, irritating admin regulations,
marking woes, and odd events”. In addition, family members
offered emotional support: “[my wife] provides a valuable
balance that helps me to deal with tough situations. It’s not
really directly to do with teaching, but it is certainly a huge
help with part of my job”.
their departments, respondents discussed a wider variety of
themes, as detailed in Table 3. Problems, concerns about
students and administrative issues were discussed with
administrative staff (five respondents) and people who provided
teaching support (two respondents). Whereas, curriculum design,
projects for students and approaches to teaching were discussed
with people whose teaching participants supervised (seven
respondents). Students’ experience, progress, feedback,
assessment and problems, were discussed with current students,
mainly during tutorials and classes (seven respondents). One
participant indicated that students’ opinion was “invariably
good source of feedback, insight into teaching practices”.
department, but within the institution, conversations were not
discipline-specific. General pedagogical approaches, assessment
tools, curriculum design and problems associated with students
were discussed with academics from other departments. The
conversations with institutional colleagues occurred in a formal
setting, normally during seminars and training events.
Interactions with people from support departments addressed
educational research and development of teaching, students’
experience, administration/management and use of technology
(five respondents). Three respondents discussed approaches to
teaching, students’ issues, assessment and feedback with their
friends. While some stated sharing and testing new teaching
ideas or seeking advice for teaching-related challenges from
friends, others specified that their conversations with friends
were general and entailed sharing funny stories. With colleagues
from other institutions, academics compared and contrasted their
professional and teaching environments and discussed prospects
for collaborations. The external colleagues tended to be either
from the same discipline or at least share similar research
interests. Course content, teaching approaches, learning process
and students, in particular their changing expectations,
progress, and issues, were the main themes of conversations.
Overall, the depth of conversations varied across different
contacts, yet appearing more comprehensive with departmental
colleagues in comparison with peers from other departments or
indicated variations between participants in terms of the
regularity of their interactions about teaching. Some engaged in
task specific interactions, such as struggling with a particular
aspect of teaching or designing a new course, while others took
part in regular, informal talks around various aspects of their
practice. For Interviewee 4, specialising in Social Sciences,
networking is a natural way of working and an integral part of
her everyday professional life: “My whole practice is based on
this idea of collaboration and networking, because it is how I
work; you know, it’s a personal preference, I am not a lone
written responses, respondents specified the frequency of their
conversations either in quantitative or qualitative terms for 72
out of 105 interactions. Table 4 illustrates the distribution of
frequencies across different contact categories where this was
specified quantitatively, and Table 5 shows the distribution
where frequency was specified qualitatively.
of quantitatively specified frequencies (n=14)
reported in quantitative terms |
Contact types |
‘Family’ |
department’ |
institution’ |
‘Friends’ |
‘Elsewhere’ |
Total |
a term-yearly |
0 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
11 |
times per term |
2 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
13 |
weekly-fortnightly |
0 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
11 |
Daily |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Table 5
of qualitatively specified frequencies (n=14)
specified in a qualitative way |
Contact types |
‘Family’ |
department’ |
institution’ |
‘Friends’ |
‘Elsewhere’ |
Total |
occasionally |
0 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
Sometimes |
3 |
9 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
21 |
Frequently |
3 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
change is required |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
4 and 5 suggest that participants talk about their teaching with
colleagues in the department regularly, half-weekly or several
times per term. The content analysis of written responses and
interview transcripts revealed that interactions about teaching
were ad hoc, taking place during lunch and coffee breaks, and
more frequently during the teaching term (verified by five
respondents). A detailed analysis of written data revealed that
within the department, participants talked most frequently with
colleagues teaching the same or a companion module, or whose
teaching they supervised, namely teaching assistants.
Interactions with colleagues teaching the same or a companion
module were mainly face-to-face, spontaneous, casual in nature,
and took place in common rooms or corridors. Some selectivity
was evident in Interviewee 2’s (Humanities) statement that,
“I’ve got a couple of colleagues here I often talk to about
teaching... So yes, a fair amount of, probably two or three
people out of 40, ... they tend to be people you can talk to or
you feel are on a same sort of wave length as you are,”.
Similarly, Interviewee 10, specialising in Engineering,
mentioned talking with some colleagues far more frequently than
with others. Overall, participants emphasized talking more with
those with whom they were on friendly terms. Despite the fact
that interactions with colleagues from other departments, from
subject networks, other HE institutions, industry or employers,
were mentioned, the majority of interviewees indicated a lower
frequency of such interactions, occurring occasionally, once a
term-yearly basis: “maybe a couple of times a year, depending on
if there’s an event” (8/11). Interactions with institutional
colleagues occurred at university-wide events, mainly
face-to-face, but email, phone, chat and online platforms, were
used with physically distant colleagues.
the most frequent interactions were with departmental colleagues
- these are likely to be discipline-specific. Proximity Theory
appears useful for interpreting the greater frequency of
interactions about teaching, while the emphasis on discipline
points to the evidence of homophily. This observation highlights
that physical proximity still plays an influential role in
activating and sustaining network ties, and also for developing
trust and rapport with peers despite the widespread
popularisation of technologies. If, following Granovetter
(1973), frequency of interaction is taken as a measure of
strength of tie, then the study suggests that academics tend to
have strong teaching ties with people within the department, and
far weaker ties with people outside their institution. It
appears that respondents rely mainly on close, localised
connections when dealing with teaching matters. However, since
some academics maintained weak ties, such contacts could
represent a source of radically novel teaching ideas, bringing
complementary knowledge to personal teaching networks
(Granovetter, 1973). Finally, results point to the fact that not
only the temporal component of interactions determines the
strength of ties, but also the significance of a conversational
partner (i.e., friendship).
addition to exploring the composition and the basic size of
networks along with the content, frequency, venue and nature of
academics’ interactions, this study expands understanding of the
incentives for networking and the benefits obtained through
personal teaching networks. Table 6 summarises results across
all of the interviewees:
for networking and the benefits obtained through personal
Motivation for
networking |
obtained through networks |
to new teaching ideas |
personal relationships |
to disciplinary knowledge |
guidance |
to new learning opportunities |
feedback |
to diverse resources |
and the sense of community |
to professional and emotional support |
Confidence |
suggest that personal networks provide not only access to new
teaching ideas, learning opportunities and diverse resources,
but also the exposure to diverse viewpoints and a wide pool of
expertise within networks enriches academics’ knowledge base and
challenges their conceptions of teaching. Through interactions,
participants keep track of others’ work, sometimes triggering
their motivation to adopt or experiment with new things: “I find
out what other people are doing; looking at what someone else is
doing and then changing my teaching is one of the things that I
would do” (Interviewee 9). Sometimes, interviewees adopted ideas
without much alteration; at others they adapted new concepts to
their own context, “you can take something that someone is using
to teach in a particular context and you maybe like the idea,
but it doesn’t fit with your students or with what you teach. So
what you could do is take that idea and you can change it until
it does fit with your students.”
interviewees indicated that the network offered a sense of
security, comfort and reliability. Participants particularly
valued availability of prompt feedback, especially when facing a
specific teaching-related issue. By discussing problems with
peers, academics could easily develop useful solutions. In
addition, personal networks represented a locus for testing new
ideas: “If you are planning some changes to your course, you’ll
often try it out on them first, before you go to the larger
group, just to make sure you don’t make a complete fool of
yourself” (Interviewee 2).
In sum, findings showed
that through personal networks academics acquire various kinds
of resources (new ideas and teaching materials), share knowledge
and experience with one another as speculated by Social Capital
Theory (Wenger, Trayner, & De Laat, 2011). The interviewees
appreciated these as benefits that provided incentives for
networking. Overall, respondents used their personal networks
for exchanging ideas, discussing teaching-related problems and
obtaining professional advice. Academics’ teaching networks thus
conform with the network functions proposed by Tynjälä and
Nikkanen (2009), Koper et al. (2005) and Paavola et al. (2002),
as discussed in the introduction.
learning is important as in today’s society lifelong learning is
becoming the benchmark of all professional fields. Given that
academics are the key agents in transforming educational
practices, scientific knowledge about from whom or how they
learn and also in what ways their professional development can
be supported is of key importance. This research specifically
unpacks the interactions that influence and enhance academics’
teaching practices, examining their networking in terms of its
nature, processes and outcomes. This study can be of interest
not only to the academics themselves, but also to the wider
university staff, especially those who are responsible for
professional development, and national bodies interested in
teaching and learning (for instance, Higher Education Academy
and SEDA). The small size and variation of the sample limit the
generalisability of the findings. Nevertheless, some tentative
conclusions are drawn below. These have implications for
understanding the ways in which academics develop understanding
of teaching, acquire new knowledge, skills and dispositions in
regards to teaching, and also how change in instruction might be
supported. Nevertheless, further testing and verification of the
results through additional empirical research are highly
fact that personal networks relating to teaching are valued by
academics, in most cases these are strongly localised. There is
little evidence of personal networks extending beyond immediate
(face-to-face) contacts. Even if other means were utilized to
contact external colleagues, the ties were weaker, the intensity
of interactions less frequent, the content of conversations less
comprehensive, and generally considered less significant. Two
interpretations are possible for these observations. First, that
teaching practice is a highly contextualised activity (in
contrast to research), so meaningful interactions are likely to
be with those who understand the local context, namely
institutional regulations/politics, departmental culture,
students – such people often share the same building, have
mutual commitments and/or similar interests, and face to face
contact is easy. Second, that face to face contact could be the
most effective way for sharing teaching practice and also for
acquiring prompt feedback, hence significant interactions are
likely to be with those who are geographically close. The data,
though, may show some research bias: the prompt “who do you talk
to about your teaching?” could have predisposed respondents to
think in terms of face-to-face interactions. Investigation of
the ways in which academics network about teaching through other
media, could establish the circumstances under which face to
face contact is significant in supporting changes in practice.
local focus implies densely connected networks where the
majority of members know each other considerably well. Tushman
and Anderson (1986) suggest that members of such networks are
less exposed to radically new ideas and also less likely to
absorb knowledge created elsewhere. Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995)
agree, advocating being open to external resources and diverse
sources of information to avert pressures for social conformity,
and ‘not invented here’ syndrome. However, Ruef (2002) suggests
that a diverse network may support creativity, through flow of
information via weak ties, and adoption of the resultant
innovation through strong ties. About half of respondents in
this research had the diverse networks that might support
effective innovation in teaching according to Ruef’s model.
of significant ties, for most respondents, appear to be with
others from the same discipline, whether within the department
or external to the institution. This implies that disciplinary
networks may be more effective in supporting change than
generalised intra-institutional networks. However, the Share
Project respondents all came from computing, mathematics or
technology, and this has heavily weighted the sample. Further
research should test whether this conclusion applies to
disciplines with less technical content where teaching
approaches may transfer more easily across disciplinary
boundaries. That the teaching networking practices of those
whose research discipline is education may be a-typical requires
further investigation as it has implications for the
applicability of any conclusions drawn from the study of such
did not appear time or context specific, since respondents
maintained contact both with current colleagues and with those
from previous institutions. This implies a historical or
temporal component of networks which are thus not entirely
explained by proximity or discipline. Moreover, there was a wide
diversity in intensity of networking relations, but only within
the department interactions appeared to be regular in nature.
The dynamics of teaching network formation and maintenance, and
the impact this has on the types of flow warrant further
personal networks offered new teaching ideas, learning
opportunities, diverse resources, and also shaped academics’
perceptions about teaching, it can be presumed that personal
networks play an influential role in academics’ professional
development. Furthermore, since previous network literature has
been dominated largely by quantitative research (Filliettaz,
2011; Rijt, Bossche, & Segers, 2012), this research project
addresses the methodological gap by adding a much-needed
qualitative perspective on academics’ teaching-related
interactions and network processes within their personal
networks. By examining the depth of academics’ interactions
about teaching, this study addresses yet another gap concerning
the content of interactions (Coburn & Russell, 2008).
studies examined the static snapshot of participants’ teaching
networks. Therefore, future studies should consider scrutinising
how academics’ network composition changes over time and what
factors cause changes in their network structure. Furthermore,
the current research did not explore in what ways personal
characteristics, namely age, gender, experience level,
disciplinary domain or institutional culture influence
academics’ networking behaviours. Hence, future research should
consider investigating the influence of these characteristics on
the patterns of networking. Finally, this paper made partial use
of Social Network Analysis by elaborating on the basic structure
of academics’ networks, along with the frequency, content and
the value of teaching-specific interactions. Nevertheless,
another research paper reports the detailed SNA analysis on the
project data, outlining the impact of ego, ego-alter and
alter-alter characteristics on the patterns and nature of
relationships formed by academics (Pataraia et al., 2014).
We are grateful to all
participants in these two studies, and to the National
Teaching Fellowship Scheme, which funded the Share Project.
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