Team entitativity and teacher teams in schools: Towards a typology
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In this article we summarise research that discusses ‘teacher teams’. The central question guiding this study is ‘What types of teacher teams are there in schools and can they rightfully be called ‘teams’ or are they merely groups?’. We attempted to answer this question by searching literature on teacher teams and comparing what these articles present as being teacher teams. We attempt to further grasp the concept of teacher teams by creating a typology for defining different types of teacher teams. Overall, the literature pertaining to teacher teams appeared to be characterised by a considerable amount of haziness and teacher ‘teams’ mostly do not seem to be proper ‘teams’ when bearing the criteria of a team as defined by Cohen and Bailey (1997) in mind. The proposed typology, characterising the groups of teachers by their task, whether they are disciplinary or interdisciplinary, whether they are situated within or cross grades en by their temporal duration, seems to be a useful framework to further clarify different sorts of teacher ‘teams’.
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Vangrieken, K., Dochy, F., Raes, E., & Kyndt, E. (2013). Team entitativity and teacher teams in schools: Towards a typology. Frontline Learning Research, 1(2), 86–98.
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Achinstein, B. (2002). Conflict amid community: the micropolitics of teacher collaboration. Teacher college record, 104(3), 421-455. Retrieved from
Avila de Lima, J. (2001). Forgetting about friendship: Using conflict in teacher communities as a catalyst for school change. Journal of Educational Change, 2, 97-122. Retrieved from
Bertrand, L., Roberts, R.A., & Buchanan, R. (2006). Striving for success: Teacher perspectives of a vertical team initiative. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal-Electronic, 16(3). Retrieved from
Bovbjerg, K.M. (2006). Teams and collegiality in educational culture. European Educational Research Journal, 5(3,4), 244-253. doi:10.2304/eerj.2006.5.3.244
Brouwer, P. (2011). Collaboration in teacher teams (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Brouwer, P., Brekelmans, M., Nieuwenhuis, L., & Simons, R.J. (2012). Fostering teacher community development: A review of design principles and a case study of an innovative interdisciplinary team. Learning Environments Research, 15(3), 319-344. doi:10.1007/s10984-012-9119-1
Carroll, T.G., & Foster, E. (2008). Learning teams: creating what’s next. National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. Retrieved from
Chance, P.L., Segura, S.N. (2009). A rural high school’s collaborative approach to school improvement. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 24(5), 1-12. Retrieved from
Cohen, S.G., Bailey, D.E. (1997). What makes teams work: Group effectiveness research from the shop floor to the executive suite. Journal of Management, 23(3), 239-290.
Conley, S., Fauske, J. & D.G. Pounder (2004). Teacher work group effectiveness. Educational Administration Quarterly, 40(5), 663-703. doi:10.1177/0013161X04268841
Crow, M.G., & D.G. Pounder (2000). Interdisciplinary Teacher Teams: Context, design, and process. Educational Administration Quarterly, 36(2), 216-254. doi: 10.1177/0013161X00362004
Curry, M. (2008). Critical Friends Groups: the possibilities and limitations embedded in teacher professional communities aimed at instructional improvement and school reform. Teachers College Record, 110(4), 733-774. Retrieved from
Datnow, A. (2011). Collaboration and contrived collegiality: revisiting Hargreaves in the age of accountability. Journal of Educational Change, 12(2), 147-158. doi: 10.1007/s10833-011-9154-1
Devine, D.J., Clayton, L.D., Philips, J.L., Dunford, B.B., & Melner, S.B. (1999). Teams in organizations: Prevalence, characteristics, and effectiveness. Small Group Research, 30, 678-711. doi:10.1177/104649649903000602
Dickinson, E.B. (2009). The impact of collaborative teacher teaming on teacher learning (Specialist Project). Retrieved from
Dochy, F., Gijbels, D., Raes, E., & Kyndt, E. (2014). Team learning in education and professional organisations. In:
Billet, S., Harteis, C., Gruber, H. (Eds.), International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning. The Netherlands: Springer.
Doppenberg, J.J., Bakx, A.W.E.A., & P.J., den Brok (2012). Collaborative teacher learning in different primary school settings. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 18(5), 547-566. doi: 10.1080/13540602.2012.709731
Drach-Zahavy, A., & Somech, A. (2002). Team heterogeneity and its relationship with team support and team effectiveness. Journal of Educational Administration, 40(1), 44 – 66. doi: 10.1108/09578230210415643
Egodawatte, G., McDougall, D., & Stoilescu, D. (2011). The effects of teacher collaboration in Grade 9 applied mathematics. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 10(3), 189-209. doi: 10.1007/s10671-011-9104-y
Flowers, N., Mertens, S.B., & Mulhall, P.F. (2000). What makes interdisciplinary teams effective? Middle School Journal, 31(4), 53-56. Retrieved from
Fulton, K., Britton, T. (2011). STEM teachers in professional learning communities: From good teachers to great teaching. National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. Retrieved from
Gajda, R., & Koliba, C.J. (2008). Evaluating and improving
the quality of teacher collaboration: A field-tested framework for secondary school leaders. NASSP Bulletin, 92(2), 133-153. doi: 10.1177/0192636508320990
Graham, P. (2007). Improving teacher effectiveness through structured collaboration: A case study of a professional learning community. Research on Middle Level Education Online, 31(1), 1-17. Retrieved from
Gunn, J.H., & King, M.B. (2003). Trouble in paradise: power, conflict and community in an interdisciplinary teacher team. Urban Education, 38(2), 173-195. doi:10.1177/0042085902250466
Hackmann, D.G., Petzko, V.N., Valentine, J.W., Clark, D.C., Nori, J.R., & S.E. Lucas (2002). Beyond interdisciplinary teaming: Findings and implications of the NASSP National Middle Level Study. NASSP Bulletin, 86(632), 33-47. doi: 10.1177/019263650208663204
Havnes, A. (2009): Talk, planning and decision‐making in interdisciplinary teacher teams: a case study. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 15(1), 155-176. doi: 10.1080/13540600802661360
Hollenbeck, J.R., Beersma, B., & Schouten, M.E. (2012). Beyond team types and taxonomies: A dimensional scaling conceptualization for team description. Academy of Management Review, 37(1), 82-106. doi:10.5465/amr.2010.0181
James, C.R., Dunning, G., Connolly, M., & Elliott, T.(2007). Collaborative practice: a model of successful working in schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 45(5), 541 – 555. doi: 10.1108/09578230710778187
Johnson, B. (2003). Teacher collaboration: good for some, not so good for others. Educational Studies, 29(4), 337-350. doi:10.1080/0305569032000159651
Kelchtermans, G. (2006). Teacher collaboration and collegiality as workplace conditions. A review. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 52(2), 220-237. Retrieved from
Kyndt, E., Decuyper, S., Van den Bossche, P., & Dochy, F. (submitted). Group development and team learning: How development stages affect team-level learning behavior. Management Learning.
Leonard, L., & Leonard, P. (2003). The continuing problem with collaboration: Teachers talk. Current Issues in Education, 6(15). Retrieved from
Levine, A.H., & Marcus, A.S. (2010). How the structure and focus of teachers’ collaborative activities facilitate and constrain teacher learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(3), 389-398. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2009.03.001
Lomos, C., Hofman, R.H., & Bosker, R.J. (2011). The relationship between departments as professional learning communities and student achievement in secondary schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27, 722-731. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2010.12.003
Main, K. (2007). A year long study of the formation and development of middle school teaching teams. [unpublished PhD]. Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. Retrieved from
Main, K. (2012). Effective middle school teacher teams: a ternary model of interdependency rather than a catch phrase. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 18(1),75-88. doi: 10.1080/13540602.2011.622556
Main, K., & Bryer, F. (2005). What does a ‘good’ teaching team look like in a middle school classroom? Stimulating the “Action” as Participants in Participatory Research, 2, 196-204. Retrieved from
Meirink, J.A. (2007). Individual teacher learning in a context of collaboration in teams (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Meirink, J.A., Imants, J., Meijer, P.C., & Verloop, N. (2010). Teacher learning and collaboration in innovative teams. Cambridge Journal of Education, 40(2), 161-181. doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2010.481256
Mertens, S.B., & Flowers, N. (2004). Research summary: Interdisciplinary teaming. Retrieved from
MetLife (2009). The MetLife survey of the American teacher. Retrieved from
Moolenaar, N.M. (2010). Ties with potential: nature, antecedents, and consequences of social networks in school teams (doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Moolenaar, N.M., Sleegers, P.J.C. & A.J. Daly (2011). Teaming up: Linking collaboration networks, collective efficacy, and student achievement. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28, 251-262. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2011.10.001
Park, S., Henkin, A.B., & Egley, R. (2005).Teacher team commitment, teamwork and trust: exploring associations. Journal of Educational Administration, 43(5), 462 – 479. doi:10.1108/09578230510615233
Plauborg, H. (2009). Opportunities and limitations of
learning within teachers’ collaboration in teams: perspectives from action learning. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 6(1), 25-34. doi:10.1080/14767330902731293
Pounder, D. (1998). Chapter 5: Teacher Teams: Redesigning Teacher’s Work for Collaboration. In D.
Pounder (Ed.), Restructuring Schools for Collaboration: Promises and Pitfalls (pp. 65-88). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Prytula, M.P., Hellsten, M.L., & McIntyre, L.J. (2010). Perceptions of teacher planning time: An epistemological challenge. Current Issues in Education, 14(1). Retrieved from
Rone, B.C. (2009). The impact of the data team structure on collaborative teams and student achievement. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from
Salas, E., Burke, C.S., & Cannon-Bowers, J.A. (2000). Teamwork: Emerging principles. International Journal of Management reviews, 2(4), 339-356.
Saunders, W.M., Goldenberg, C.N., & Gallimore, R. (2009). Increasing achievement by focusing grade-level teams on improving classroom learning: A prospective, quasi-experimental study of title I schools. Am Educational Research Journal, 46(4). doi: 10.3102/0002831209333185
Scribner, J.P., Hager, D.R. & Warne, T.R. (2002). The paradox of professional community: Tales form two high school. Educational Administration Quarterly, 38(45). doi:10.1177/0013161X02381003.
Scribner, J.P., Sawyer, R.K., Watson, S.T., & Myers, V.L. (2007). Teacher teams and distributed leadership: A study of group discourse and collaboration. Educational Administration Quarterly, 43(1), 67-100. doi:10.1177/0013161X06293631
Slavit, D., Kennedy, A., Lean, Z., Holmlund Nelson, T., & Deuel, A. (2011). Support for professional collaboration in middle school mathematics: a complex web. Teacher Education Quarterly, 38(3), 113-131. Retrieved from
Smetser, F. (2007). Samenwerken in teams, een vanzelfsprekendheid? Een onderzoek naar condities die het samenwerken van professionals in teams beïnvloeden (doctoraatsproefschrift). Retrieved from
Somech, A. (2005). Teachers’ personal and team empowerment and their relations to organizational outcomes: contradictory or compatible constructs? Educational Administration Quarterly, 41(2), 237-266. doi: 10.1177/0013161X04269592
Somech, A. (2008). Managing conflict in school teams: the impact of task and goal interdependence on conflict management and team effectiveness. Educational Administration Quarterly, 44. doi: 10.1177/0013161X08318957
Somech, A., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2007). Schools as Team-Based Organizations: A structure-process-outcomes approach. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 11(4), 305-320. doi:10.1037/1089-2699.11.4.305
Supovitz, J.A. (2002). Developing communities of instructional practice. Teachers College Record, 104(8), 1591-1626. Retrieved from
Tonso, K.L., Jung, M.L. & M. Colombo (2006). “It’s hard answering your calling”: Teacher teams in a restructuring urban middle school. Research in Middle Level Education, 30(1), 1-22. Retrieved from
Visscher, A.J., & Witziers, B. (2004). Subject departments as professional communities? British Educational Research Journal, 30(6), 785-800. doi:10.1080/0141192042000279503
Voelkel, R.H. (2011). A case study of the relationship
between collective efficacy and professional learning communities (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of California: San Diego, California State University: San Marcos.
Watson, S. T. (2005). Teacher collaboration and school reform: Distributing leadership through the use of professional learning teams (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Westheimer, J. (2008). Chapter 41: Learning among colleagues: Teacher community and the shared enterprise of education. In M. Cochran-Smith, S. Feiman-Nemser, & J. McIntyre (eds.). Handbook of Research on Teacher Education. Reston, VA: Assocation of Teacher Educators; Lanham, MD: Rowman
Wigglesworth, M. (2011). The effects of teacher collaboration on students’ understanding of high school earth science concepts (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from
Williams, M.L. (2010). Teacher collaboration as professional development in a large, suburban high school (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Yisrael, S.B. (2008). A qualitative case study: the positive impact interdisciplinary teaming has on teacher morale (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Avila de Lima, J. (2001). Forgetting about friendship: Using conflict in teacher communities as a catalyst for school change. Journal of Educational Change, 2, 97-122. Retrieved from
Bertrand, L., Roberts, R.A., & Buchanan, R. (2006). Striving for success: Teacher perspectives of a vertical team initiative. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal-Electronic, 16(3). Retrieved from
Bovbjerg, K.M. (2006). Teams and collegiality in educational culture. European Educational Research Journal, 5(3,4), 244-253. doi:10.2304/eerj.2006.5.3.244
Brouwer, P. (2011). Collaboration in teacher teams (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Brouwer, P., Brekelmans, M., Nieuwenhuis, L., & Simons, R.J. (2012). Fostering teacher community development: A review of design principles and a case study of an innovative interdisciplinary team. Learning Environments Research, 15(3), 319-344. doi:10.1007/s10984-012-9119-1
Carroll, T.G., & Foster, E. (2008). Learning teams: creating what’s next. National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. Retrieved from
Chance, P.L., Segura, S.N. (2009). A rural high school’s collaborative approach to school improvement. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 24(5), 1-12. Retrieved from
Cohen, S.G., Bailey, D.E. (1997). What makes teams work: Group effectiveness research from the shop floor to the executive suite. Journal of Management, 23(3), 239-290.
Conley, S., Fauske, J. & D.G. Pounder (2004). Teacher work group effectiveness. Educational Administration Quarterly, 40(5), 663-703. doi:10.1177/0013161X04268841
Crow, M.G., & D.G. Pounder (2000). Interdisciplinary Teacher Teams: Context, design, and process. Educational Administration Quarterly, 36(2), 216-254. doi: 10.1177/0013161X00362004
Curry, M. (2008). Critical Friends Groups: the possibilities and limitations embedded in teacher professional communities aimed at instructional improvement and school reform. Teachers College Record, 110(4), 733-774. Retrieved from
Datnow, A. (2011). Collaboration and contrived collegiality: revisiting Hargreaves in the age of accountability. Journal of Educational Change, 12(2), 147-158. doi: 10.1007/s10833-011-9154-1
Devine, D.J., Clayton, L.D., Philips, J.L., Dunford, B.B., & Melner, S.B. (1999). Teams in organizations: Prevalence, characteristics, and effectiveness. Small Group Research, 30, 678-711. doi:10.1177/104649649903000602
Dickinson, E.B. (2009). The impact of collaborative teacher teaming on teacher learning (Specialist Project). Retrieved from
Dochy, F., Gijbels, D., Raes, E., & Kyndt, E. (2014). Team learning in education and professional organisations. In:
Billet, S., Harteis, C., Gruber, H. (Eds.), International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning. The Netherlands: Springer.
Doppenberg, J.J., Bakx, A.W.E.A., & P.J., den Brok (2012). Collaborative teacher learning in different primary school settings. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 18(5), 547-566. doi: 10.1080/13540602.2012.709731
Drach-Zahavy, A., & Somech, A. (2002). Team heterogeneity and its relationship with team support and team effectiveness. Journal of Educational Administration, 40(1), 44 – 66. doi: 10.1108/09578230210415643
Egodawatte, G., McDougall, D., & Stoilescu, D. (2011). The effects of teacher collaboration in Grade 9 applied mathematics. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 10(3), 189-209. doi: 10.1007/s10671-011-9104-y
Flowers, N., Mertens, S.B., & Mulhall, P.F. (2000). What makes interdisciplinary teams effective? Middle School Journal, 31(4), 53-56. Retrieved from
Fulton, K., Britton, T. (2011). STEM teachers in professional learning communities: From good teachers to great teaching. National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. Retrieved from
Gajda, R., & Koliba, C.J. (2008). Evaluating and improving
the quality of teacher collaboration: A field-tested framework for secondary school leaders. NASSP Bulletin, 92(2), 133-153. doi: 10.1177/0192636508320990
Graham, P. (2007). Improving teacher effectiveness through structured collaboration: A case study of a professional learning community. Research on Middle Level Education Online, 31(1), 1-17. Retrieved from
Gunn, J.H., & King, M.B. (2003). Trouble in paradise: power, conflict and community in an interdisciplinary teacher team. Urban Education, 38(2), 173-195. doi:10.1177/0042085902250466
Hackmann, D.G., Petzko, V.N., Valentine, J.W., Clark, D.C., Nori, J.R., & S.E. Lucas (2002). Beyond interdisciplinary teaming: Findings and implications of the NASSP National Middle Level Study. NASSP Bulletin, 86(632), 33-47. doi: 10.1177/019263650208663204
Havnes, A. (2009): Talk, planning and decision‐making in interdisciplinary teacher teams: a case study. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 15(1), 155-176. doi: 10.1080/13540600802661360
Hollenbeck, J.R., Beersma, B., & Schouten, M.E. (2012). Beyond team types and taxonomies: A dimensional scaling conceptualization for team description. Academy of Management Review, 37(1), 82-106. doi:10.5465/amr.2010.0181
James, C.R., Dunning, G., Connolly, M., & Elliott, T.(2007). Collaborative practice: a model of successful working in schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 45(5), 541 – 555. doi: 10.1108/09578230710778187
Johnson, B. (2003). Teacher collaboration: good for some, not so good for others. Educational Studies, 29(4), 337-350. doi:10.1080/0305569032000159651
Kelchtermans, G. (2006). Teacher collaboration and collegiality as workplace conditions. A review. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 52(2), 220-237. Retrieved from
Kyndt, E., Decuyper, S., Van den Bossche, P., & Dochy, F. (submitted). Group development and team learning: How development stages affect team-level learning behavior. Management Learning.
Leonard, L., & Leonard, P. (2003). The continuing problem with collaboration: Teachers talk. Current Issues in Education, 6(15). Retrieved from
Levine, A.H., & Marcus, A.S. (2010). How the structure and focus of teachers’ collaborative activities facilitate and constrain teacher learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(3), 389-398. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2009.03.001
Lomos, C., Hofman, R.H., & Bosker, R.J. (2011). The relationship between departments as professional learning communities and student achievement in secondary schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27, 722-731. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2010.12.003
Main, K. (2007). A year long study of the formation and development of middle school teaching teams. [unpublished PhD]. Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. Retrieved from
Main, K. (2012). Effective middle school teacher teams: a ternary model of interdependency rather than a catch phrase. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 18(1),75-88. doi: 10.1080/13540602.2011.622556
Main, K., & Bryer, F. (2005). What does a ‘good’ teaching team look like in a middle school classroom? Stimulating the “Action” as Participants in Participatory Research, 2, 196-204. Retrieved from
Meirink, J.A. (2007). Individual teacher learning in a context of collaboration in teams (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Meirink, J.A., Imants, J., Meijer, P.C., & Verloop, N. (2010). Teacher learning and collaboration in innovative teams. Cambridge Journal of Education, 40(2), 161-181. doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2010.481256
Mertens, S.B., & Flowers, N. (2004). Research summary: Interdisciplinary teaming. Retrieved from
MetLife (2009). The MetLife survey of the American teacher. Retrieved from
Moolenaar, N.M. (2010). Ties with potential: nature, antecedents, and consequences of social networks in school teams (doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Moolenaar, N.M., Sleegers, P.J.C. & A.J. Daly (2011). Teaming up: Linking collaboration networks, collective efficacy, and student achievement. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28, 251-262. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2011.10.001
Park, S., Henkin, A.B., & Egley, R. (2005).Teacher team commitment, teamwork and trust: exploring associations. Journal of Educational Administration, 43(5), 462 – 479. doi:10.1108/09578230510615233
Plauborg, H. (2009). Opportunities and limitations of
learning within teachers’ collaboration in teams: perspectives from action learning. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 6(1), 25-34. doi:10.1080/14767330902731293
Pounder, D. (1998). Chapter 5: Teacher Teams: Redesigning Teacher’s Work for Collaboration. In D.
Pounder (Ed.), Restructuring Schools for Collaboration: Promises and Pitfalls (pp. 65-88). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Prytula, M.P., Hellsten, M.L., & McIntyre, L.J. (2010). Perceptions of teacher planning time: An epistemological challenge. Current Issues in Education, 14(1). Retrieved from
Rone, B.C. (2009). The impact of the data team structure on collaborative teams and student achievement. [Doctoral Dissertation] Retrieved from
Salas, E., Burke, C.S., & Cannon-Bowers, J.A. (2000). Teamwork: Emerging principles. International Journal of Management reviews, 2(4), 339-356.
Saunders, W.M., Goldenberg, C.N., & Gallimore, R. (2009). Increasing achievement by focusing grade-level teams on improving classroom learning: A prospective, quasi-experimental study of title I schools. Am Educational Research Journal, 46(4). doi: 10.3102/0002831209333185
Scribner, J.P., Hager, D.R. & Warne, T.R. (2002). The paradox of professional community: Tales form two high school. Educational Administration Quarterly, 38(45). doi:10.1177/0013161X02381003.
Scribner, J.P., Sawyer, R.K., Watson, S.T., & Myers, V.L. (2007). Teacher teams and distributed leadership: A study of group discourse and collaboration. Educational Administration Quarterly, 43(1), 67-100. doi:10.1177/0013161X06293631
Slavit, D., Kennedy, A., Lean, Z., Holmlund Nelson, T., & Deuel, A. (2011). Support for professional collaboration in middle school mathematics: a complex web. Teacher Education Quarterly, 38(3), 113-131. Retrieved from
Smetser, F. (2007). Samenwerken in teams, een vanzelfsprekendheid? Een onderzoek naar condities die het samenwerken van professionals in teams beïnvloeden (doctoraatsproefschrift). Retrieved from
Somech, A. (2005). Teachers’ personal and team empowerment and their relations to organizational outcomes: contradictory or compatible constructs? Educational Administration Quarterly, 41(2), 237-266. doi: 10.1177/0013161X04269592
Somech, A. (2008). Managing conflict in school teams: the impact of task and goal interdependence on conflict management and team effectiveness. Educational Administration Quarterly, 44. doi: 10.1177/0013161X08318957
Somech, A., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2007). Schools as Team-Based Organizations: A structure-process-outcomes approach. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 11(4), 305-320. doi:10.1037/1089-2699.11.4.305
Supovitz, J.A. (2002). Developing communities of instructional practice. Teachers College Record, 104(8), 1591-1626. Retrieved from
Tonso, K.L., Jung, M.L. & M. Colombo (2006). “It’s hard answering your calling”: Teacher teams in a restructuring urban middle school. Research in Middle Level Education, 30(1), 1-22. Retrieved from
Visscher, A.J., & Witziers, B. (2004). Subject departments as professional communities? British Educational Research Journal, 30(6), 785-800. doi:10.1080/0141192042000279503
Voelkel, R.H. (2011). A case study of the relationship
between collective efficacy and professional learning communities (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of California: San Diego, California State University: San Marcos.
Watson, S. T. (2005). Teacher collaboration and school reform: Distributing leadership through the use of professional learning teams (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Westheimer, J. (2008). Chapter 41: Learning among colleagues: Teacher community and the shared enterprise of education. In M. Cochran-Smith, S. Feiman-Nemser, & J. McIntyre (eds.). Handbook of Research on Teacher Education. Reston, VA: Assocation of Teacher Educators; Lanham, MD: Rowman
Wigglesworth, M. (2011). The effects of teacher collaboration on students’ understanding of high school earth science concepts (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from
Williams, M.L. (2010). Teacher collaboration as professional development in a large, suburban high school (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Yisrael, S.B. (2008). A qualitative case study: the positive impact interdisciplinary teaming has on teacher morale (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from